How To pass two parameter in controller action in cake php? - cakephp

Only pass the two parameter of controlle in action?
in controller:
function myAction($arg1,$arg2)

In the view create link.
echo $this->Html->link('',array('controller'=>'Vehicles','action'=>'deleteimage',$param1,$param2),array('confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete the image?'));
In the above link I have sent two parameters to deleteimage function of the Vehicles controller.
In controller access the parameters by public function deleteimage($id, $image)

You can use named parameters, like this:
In this canse you will find 'param1' and 'param2' in your controller in $this->passedArgs.
You can also define a custom route:
array('controller'=>'articles', 'action'=>'view'),
array('pass' => array('id'), 'id'=>'[\d]+')
In this case, the action view in ArticlesController will be called with 'id' as the argument (and the route will only be matched if id passes the check for only containing digits). You can then also access 'date' and 'article_name' in the variable $this->params.


Cakephp 2.5 Postlink hidding the model atribute name at the url

I am using a cakephp 2.5 postlink method inside a view file :
$tableRow['Model.modelatribute'] = $this->Form->postLink(
'action' => 'somemethod',
'Model.modelatribute' => base64_encode($data['Vehicle']['plate'])
array('confirm' => 'Look at vehicle '.$data['Vehicle']['plate'])
I would like not to show the model atribute name on the url bar. After clicking on the link and being redirected, the url shows :
Can i hide the model atribute name, using postlink method o cakephp 2.5 ?
ThankĀ“s in advance
If you simply want to pass the value of Model.modelatribute as a parameter, just leave off Model.modelatribute in your routing array. If you want to pass the value without occouring in the url you can use the data option of postLink.
echo $this->Form->postLink(
'action' => 'somemethod',
base64_encode($data['Vehicle']['plate']) // Routing array without modelname
'confirm' => 'Look at vehicle '.$data['Vehicle']['plate'],
'data' => array(
// Data option of postLink method
'Model.modelatribute' => base64_encode($data['Vehicle']['plate'])
Well, you put in there. If you don't want it to be there simply don't put it in the URL. You can alternatively put it into the body of the POST request.
If you're concerned that people can use the model name for something and you want to hide it for that reason, then it is a very bad approach called security through obscurity. Instead you want to ensure that you validate that only values you want are passed and processed. So check your incoming data, always, from everywhere.

how to do not to go directly index.ctp when only cakephp/Controller/ instant of cakephp/Controller/index.ctp

Controller Name : SaleController.php
action name : index.ctp
When I write localhost/cakephp/Sale/index is written in address bar,
index page of SaleController is shown.
When I write localhost/cakephp/Sale/ is written in address bar,
index page of SaleController is shown.
Now,problem is I don't want to go index file when localhost/cakephp/Sale/ is written.
My cakephp version is 2.5.7.
If know ways,help me plz.
there is a lot of solutions :
Select view in the controller
in your SaleController.php
function index(){
Routes :
array('controller' => 'Sale' , 'action'=>'youraction' ),
array('option' => 'matchingRegex')
Select an other action in index
function index(){
First of all, your controller name should be SalesController (plural s).
Second, action is a method within controller not a file (here index mehod).
Third, index.ctp is a view file.
Fourth, you can change view in action method with render function (e.g. $this->render('other.ctp'); )
Fifth you can have custom URLs with routes.
And last but not least! you've not grabbed a good understanding of the framework, It's better to restudy the documentation.

call action from action in one controller cakephp like controller/action/action

i have a controller called "Movies" so the link is "localhost/Movies" and have some actions in this controller like "localhost/Movies/view/[id]" , "localhost/Movies/view/category/[id]" if i want to make a path by the category name and sub category name like "localhost/Movies/English/new" .
how can i do something like this in cakephp 2. my project now like "localhost/English/new" but i want to put Movies in this path, to make it more fixable, if i want to make a new category just add a column in my database .
If i understand, maybe by creating a custom route for your action:
In app/config/routes.php:
Router::connect('/movies/:category/:subcategory', array('controller'=>'movies','action' => 'index'));
And you can retrieve the value in your controller with:
echo $this->params['category'];
echo $this->params['subcategory'];
You can also read about it in the cookbook
The default routing in CakePHP is as follows:
If you want to add filter options to an action, just add optional parameters to the action.
function index($category = null, $subcategory = null) {
//will execute if you pass both arguments
}else if(isset($category)){
//will execute if you pass one argument
//will execute if you pass no arguments
In this case, $category is param1, and $subcategory is param2. The overloaded function can receive either 1, 2, or no arguments. If this is in, for example, the ObjectsController, all these are valid URLs:
localhost/objects/index/ //$category==null, $subcategory==null
localhost/objects/index/foods/ //$category=='foods', $subcategory==null
localhost/objects/index/foods/green/ //$category=='foods', $subcategory=='green'
This allows you to control many options in the same action.

Accessing actions with prefixes in cakephp

im still noob with cakephp. I want to access an action with a prefix but im being redirected to my current view. how can i do this? Example:
ihave a function like below:
function admin_getID()
some codes here...
in my link. i accessed it using this html helper:
$this->Html->url(array('action'=>'getID', 'admin'=>true))
note that currently i dont have any prefix and i want to access the action with a prefix.
the url will be used in jQuery.ajax's URL so in the jquery,
url:"Html->url(array("action"=>"getID", "admin"=>true))?>",
Thank you!
Since in your file core.php you are using the same prefix, for example:
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
You should use:
echo $this->Html->link('link', array('action' => 'getID', 'admin' => true));
This will generate the link /admin/{your_controller}/getID.
For the same Controller, but if you want to display to another controller, you must include the controller parameter in the array.
If you're not using the directive Routing.prefixes as I said above, simply add the admin_getID parameter in action value.
I think you are talking about routing. So for example, if you want to define actions for admin like:
adn have them accessible by
This is called routing in CakePHP. You can see how this is done here:
You can just do this:
<?php echo $this->Html->link('link', array('controller' => '{CONTROLLER_NAME}', 'action' => 'getID', 'admin' => 'true')); ?>
You are not echoing your URL. You need to do this:
jQuery.ajax({ ... url:"<?php echo $this->Html->url(array("action"=>"getID", "admin"=>true)); ?>", ... });
If you are not using PHP to render your jQuery, you cannot use cake to generate your URL, you will have to do it manually:
jQuery.ajax({ ... url:"/admin/CONTROLLER/getID", ... });

How to pass data in url using cakephp?

I wanted to now if there is a way to pass a simple string inside url and cakephp some how put it inside one of the inputs of my form without any code writing on view side?
I tried calling this->set("bla","bla"); the field name is bla
but nothing changed in view
As I understood the question you want to have something like this:
in the url you have something like:
and you want to put this "string" in the search field, right?
Then let's imagine that your field's name is data[search_field]. (I am skipping the model, because for my example it's not needed, but it's possible the name to be data[Model][search_field]).
Then in your controller's action you have to do following:
$this->data['search_string'] = $this->params['url']['search'];
You can pass values in the url by using html helper. Try:
echo $this->Html->link('View Some Page', array(
'controller' => 'yourController',
'action' => 'view',
1, // id
'?' => array('yourField' => 'valueToPass'))
