What are some free SQL Server Management Studio on a Mac - sql-server

What are some SQL Server Management Studio tools (preferably free) for the Mac that can be used to do development work on SQL Server?

Azure Data Studio
Microsoft is providing cross platform database tool for it's own Cloud/On-Prem Database platforms. I am using it on MacOS High Sierra. It is free to use and offers almost all features from Windows based SSMS.
Source Code Repo

I prefer the official Microsoft tool: Azure Data Studio. It can perform all regular database tasks.

I Use RazorSQL on my Mac and it's pretty solid. It doesn't fully compare to SMS, but it's good none the less --- about as good as the comparison between "Mono Develop" and "Visual Studio".
It's not "free" but at $70 it's a steal.


which embedded db supports TSQL?

I have a spring batch application which reads data from SQL server. I would like to write an integration test against an embedded db which supports TSQL.
Exp: My main application has some queries which uses "for json path"
I am looking for an embedded db where I can test in memory.
PS: I tried H2 and looks like it does not support TSQL.
Please download this
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 is a free, embedded database that software developers can use for building ASP.NET websites and Windows desktop applications. SQL Server Compact 4.0 has a small footprint and supports private deployment of its binaries within the application folder, easy application development in Visual Studio and WebMatrix, and seamless migration of schema and data to SQL Server.
Looks like Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver does not support connecting to SQL
Server Compact.
How to use SQL Server Compact Edition (CE) from Java?
Perhaps you can use SQL Server Express LocalDB.
I do not know about its technical details, however. I have personally not (yet) used it in a development project. Perhaps it cannot be considered to be an embedded database like SQL Server Compact Edition is. But a quick search on Internet does indicate that it could be accessed from/with Java.
Regarding managing LocalDB databases with SQL Server Management Studio... Contrary to what is stated in the official documentation, I did succeed to connect to LocalDB using SSMS (version 18.9.1). I only needed to enter (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB as the server name in the connection dialog and use Windows Authentication.

Redgate Extension for Visual Studio

I want to know if there is a Redgate Extension for Oracle databases in Visual Studio similar to "ReadyRoll SQL Server Database Project" which supports SQL Server databases only ??
Thank you all.
Here at Redgate we have the Deployment Suite for Oracle. It is IDE agnostic, meaning it doesn't matter where you make your database changes, Visual Studio, SQL Developer, Toad etc. The tool words by detecting differences between your dev instance and what's in version control and prompts you to check in the differences.
If you want a ReadyRoll-like experience, in other words, you'd prefer migrations-based deployments over state-based deployments, the best we can offer today is a preview of an integration with Flyway, which is a highly popular and easy-to-use migrations-runner. See the Migration Script Support section of our roadmap for more details on how to try it out.

SQL Server Management Studio Version Controlling

As I know if I need to use some kind of version control I need to use 3rd party softwares.
Is there any built in version controlling option in the SQL Server management studio ?
No there is not any version control. You should to use 3rd party tools.
If you are looking to version control the database schema, you could use SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) along with the version control system of your choice. Although not technically part of SSMS, SSDT is based on the same Visual Studio shell as SSMS so the interface is similar.
SSDT is included with the latest version of Visual Studio 2015, including the free Community Edition. For a vendor database, you could start by reverse engineering the existing database using the SSDT schema compare tool.

How does the SQL Server that comes with Visual Studio differ from the full one?

How does the SQL Server that comes with Visual Studio differ from the full one?
And will I be able to use it to create a simple database for collecting metrics from a tool that I'm writing?
What's the easiest way of getting a console up where I can type insert/select/create etc?
SQL Express, which comes with Visual Studio, only supports up to 4GB of data, 1GB of RAM, and 1 CPU. It also doesn't include Analysis Services or Integration Services.
However, you can download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), which is the "console" you asked for, as a free add-on for SQL Express. You can also download Reporting Services, if you need it.
Otherwise, the relational engine itself is basically identical to the one used in SQL Standard (there are a few additional minor differences). SQL Express is not throttled from a performance perspective.
You'll find the details here at Microsoft SQL Server Editions. The version shipped with Visual Studio is Express under the Free Editions.

What tool do you use for developing and administrating your database?

I have always used TOAD by Quest to do my development and administration work in Oracle and MS SQL Server. However, I am trying not to be myopic in my choices. Are there other tools that you would recommend that will allow me to connect to the database(s) and perform my development and administrative duties?
For Oracle (and MySQL it appears) you can use Oracle's free "SQL Developer", which being Java also runs on Mac OS X and Linux.
For PostgreSQL there is phpPgAdmin for an online solution, and the equivalent for MySQL. There are stand-alone applications like PgAdmin3 as well, but I haven't used them for a long time, having preferred the psql command line interface.
I personally like MS SQL Server Management Studio to SQL Sever. SSMS 2008 is a very good improvement over SSMS 2005.
SqlManager.net have a range of tools for a cross section of databases. Also have a look at Altova's Database Spy
I've used TOAD before and wasn't very impressed. What I like using is Oracle tools for Visual Studio .Net . Their tools work within the server explorer within Visual Studio.
See this question on the subject.
For me, among Oracle's dedicated tools, Toad beats every alternative.
Surprisingly, phpMyAdmin. Not the fanciest tool around, but never failed me and it's already installed almost everywhere. I wish it supported more database engines than it's name implies.
