Which DBMS is most suitable for a MMORPG game server? - database

Which DBMS is most suitable for a MMORPG game server?

If you plan on having many players online, I would say you should pick one that can swallow writes as fast as possible.
If you think about it, you probably don't want to keep loading data from the database on every little action, so you probably need to keep everything you need in memory. Memory will thus always be consistent, and you just need to persist actions to ensure people don't lose their progress, etc.
Of course, you need to load data into memory when things change a lot (raid zoning into raid instance, or whatever), but after that you probably don't want to keep accessing a database.
This might be the reason why many servers have split up their game world into separate instances so that they can place all the players in one instance together on one server, but another instance is on another server.
Mind you, I don't have any experience designing MMORPG games, so it's just plain guesswork.

The MMO Eve-Online, which is one of the largest "single instance" game worlds uses MS SQL Server & some funky hardware.
If you poke about in the Dev Blogs section there are some articles relating to their architecture.

I doubt the choice of DB will itself be a deal breaker - although you'll want to pick something that has a solid pedigree (MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL perhaps).
Of greater importance will be the data architecture; how you partition the data, etc.

mySql is free software and it havs enough power to make your game run on it.


NoSql/Raven DB implementation best practices

I'm investigating a new project which will be a social networking style site. I'm reading up on RavenDb and I like the look of a lot of its features. I've not read up on nosql all that much but I'm wondering if there's a niche it fits best with and old school sql is still the best choice for other stuff.
I'm thinking that the permissions plug in would be ideal for a social net style site - but will it really perform in an environment where the database will be getting hammered - or is it optimised for a more reporting style system where it's possible to keep throwing new data structures at the database and report on those structures.
I'm eager to use the right tool for the job - I'll be using MVC3, Windsor + either Nhibernate+Sql server or RavenDb.
Should I stick with the old school sql or go with the new kid on the block: ravendb?
This question can get very close to being subjective (even though it's really not), you're talking about NoSQL as if it is just one thing, and that is not the case.
You have
graph databases (Neo4j etc),
map/reduce style document databases (Couch,Raven),
document databases which attempt to feel like ordinary databases (Mongo),
Key/value stores (Cassandra etc)
moar goes here.
Each of them attempts to solve a different problem via different means, and whether you'd use one of them over a traditional relational store is
A matter of suitability
A matter of personal preference
At the end of the day, for the primary data-storage for a single system, a document database or relational store is probably what you want, although for different parts of your system you may well end up utilising a graph database (For calculating neighbours etc), or a key/value store (like Facebook does/did for inbox messages).
The main benefit of choosing a document store as your primary store over that of a relational one, is that you haven't got to worry about trying to map your objects into a collection of tables, and there is less configuration overhead involved in doing so.
The other downside/upside would be that you have to learn something new and make mistakes along the way.
So my answer if I am going to be direct?
RavenDB would be suitable
SQL would be suitable
Which do you prefer to use? These days I'd probably just go for Raven, knowing I can dump data into a relational store for reporting purposes and probably do likewise for other parts of my system, and getting free-text search and fastish-writes/fast-reads without going through the effort of defining separate read/write stores is an overall win.
But that's me, and I am biased.

Should we start with multiple small-grained databases for an app that may scale massively

We're developing a new eCommerce website and are using NHibernate for the first time. At present we are splitting our data into multiple SQL Server databases, divided per area of functionality. So we have one for UserInfo, one for Orders, one for ProductCatalogue and so on...
Our justification for this decision is twofold really:
the website has the potential to be HUGE (it is a new website for one of the largest online brands in the UK) and we feel that by partitioning our data along functional lines we will be able to move the databases onto their own servers which would give us an easy scaling route should we need it;
my team has always worked this way - partly as a consequence of following the MS Commerce Server pattern from previous projects.
However, reading up on this decision on the internet, we find that the normal response to this sort of model is extremely scathing. "Creating more work for the devs now in order to create more work for the devs later" is one sample comment from Stack Overflow!
In addition, NHibernate is much easier to use with only one database (just one SessionFactory needed). And knowing that Stack Overflow ran off just one box for a long time makes me think that maybe we should not try to be so clever.
So, my question is, "are we correct in thinking that using fine-grained databases might increase our ability to scale or should we sacrifice this for easier development"?
Why don't you just design your database properly and put the files on appropriate disk? Use a cluster if necessary. Creating multiple databases is not an inherently scaling solution. Also - cross database referential integrity? Good luck.
What's your definition of "HUGE"? SQL Server can handle massive databases, but one thing I've learnt is that people often have no idea what constitutes a lot of data.
I've never worked in a project like this. I'm used to databases with several hundred tables, which had never been a problem.
Therefore I can't say if your idea is a good idea, I never tried it. The "my team has always worked this way"-argument is a major driver for many decisions, and I can't even say that it is always wrong.
With NHibernate you organize your data in classes. They can be in different namespaces and assemblies. You usually don't work much with the database directly, you don't need this kind of structure there.
About the scalability argument: I'm not sure if it is really scaling well when you need to access several databases every time. I mean: you always need users and orders and probably more. Then you need to get all this data from several databases.
Agree fully with starskythehutch - keep your related tables together in the same DB. BUT, you may want to consider having separate databases for things that are not related or non-critical to your main product; but that are a part of the app.
For eg: if you decide to log every visit/hit to the site in a DB, you should probably keep that in a separate DB.
The reason you should consider:
1. huge number of transactions - say hundreds of thousands / sec. Having non-critical un-related stuff in a separate DB will ensure that tlog contentions because of this are avoided.
Restore, DBCC CHECKDB, backup times. If you stuff your non-related non-critical stuff in your main DB, you are essentially increasing the size of your DB and it will affect these operations. Having it in separate DB will help you improve performance of these operations.

how to gain a high performance with a very big database

I alway wondered how could a very big site like facebook to be faster than any other sites ,though the very big large amount of data which stored everyday ..
what they are using to store information and if I use sql server to store e.g news feed is that ok or what (the news feed will be stored in a separate table which called News) .
in the other hand what could happen if I joined many huge tables with each other - it should be slow (maybe) or it doesn't matter how big the table is !?
thanx :)
When you talk about scaling at the size of Facebook, is a whole different ball park. Latest estimates put Facebook datacenter at about 60000 servers (sixty thousand). Only the cache is estimated to be at about 30 TB (terabytes) ina a masive Memcached cluster. Although their back end is stil MySQL, is used as a pure key-value store, according to publicly available information:
Facebook uses MySQL, but
primarily as a key-value persistent
storage, moving joins and logic onto
the web servers since optimizations
are easier to perform there (on the
“other side” of the Memcached layer).
There are various other technologies in use there:
HipHop to compile PHP into native code
Haystack for media (photo) storage
BigPipe for HTTP delivery
Cassandra for Inbox search
You can also watch this year SIGMOD 2010 key address Building Facebook: Performance at big scale. They even present their basic internal API:
cache_get ($ids,
So if you connect the dots you'll see that at such scale you no longer talk about a 'big database'. You talk about huge clusters of services, key-value storage partitioned across thousands of servers, many technologies used together and so on and so forth.
As a side note, you can also see a pretty good presentation of MySpace internals. Although the technology stack is completely different (Microsoft .Net and SQL Server based, with a huge emphasis on message passing via Service Broker) there are similar points in how they approach storage. To sum up: application layer partitioning.
It depends, Facebook is very fast because they have a server farm, so queries are optimised and each single query hits many servers.
In regards to huge tables, they can be fast as long as you have enough physical memory to index whatever you need to search on. Having correct index's can improve database performance hugely (When it comes to retrieving data).
As long as it makes sense to join many huge tables together into one then yes, but if they're separate, and not related then no. If you provide more details on what kind of tables you would be looking to merge, we might be able to help you more.
According to link text and other pages Facebook uses a technique called Sharding.
It simply uses a bunch of databases with a small portion of the site on each database. A simple algorithm for deciding which database to use could be using the first letter in the username as an index for the database. One database for 'a', one for 'b', etc. I'm sure Facebook has a more advanced scheme than that, but the principle is the same.
The result is many small independent databases that are small enough to handle the load. Facebook and all other major sites has all sorts of similar tricks to make the sites fast and responsive.
They continuously monitor the sites for performance and other metrics and come up with solutions to the issues the find.
I think the monitoring part is more important to the performance success than the actual techniques used to gain the performance. You can not make a fast site by blindly throw some "good performance spells" at it. You have to know where and why you have bottlenecks before you can remove them.
Depends what the performance bottleneck is. One problem is often using the wrong technology for the problem, eg using a relational DB when an object DB or document store would be better, or vice versa of course.
Some people try and use the same DB for everything which is not always the answer. Sometimes it is useful to have multiple denormalizations of the same data for different purposes.
Thinking about the nature of the data and how it is written, read, queried etc is important. You can put all write-once data in one DB and optimize that db for that. Other data that is written frequently could be stored on a db optimized for that.
Distribution techniques can also assist with upscaling.

What arguments to use to explain why SQL Server is far better than a flat file

The higher-ups in my company were told by good friends that flat files are the way to go, and we should switch from SQL Server to them for everything we do. We have over 300 servers and hundreds of different databases. From just the few I'm involved with we have > 10 billion records in quite a few of them with upwards of 100k new records a day and who knows how many updates... Me and a couple others need to come up with a response saying why we shouldn't do this. Most of our stuff is ASP.NET with some legacy ASP. We thought that making a simple console app that tests/times the same interactions between a flat file (stored on the network) and SQL over the network doing large inserts, searches, updates etc along with things like network disconnects randomly. This would show them how bad flat files can be, especially when you are dealing with millions of records.
What things should I use in my response? What should I do with my demo code to illustrate this?
My sort list so far:
Concurrent access
Performance with large amounts of data
Amount of time to do such a massive rewrite/switch and huge $ cost
Lack of transactions
PITA to map relational data to flat files
NTFS doesn't support tons of files in a directory well
Lack of Adhoc data searching/manipulation
Enforcing data integrity
Recovery from network outage
Client delay while waiting for other clients changes to commit
Most everybody stopped using flat files for this type of storage long ago for good reason
Load balancing/replication
I fear that this will be a great post on the Daily WTF someday if I can't stop it now.
Does anyone know if anything about HIPPA could be used in this fight? Many of our records are patient records...
Data integrity. First, you can enforce it in a database and cannot in a flat file. Second, you can ensure you have referential integrity between different entities to prevent orphaning rows.
Efficiency in storage depending on the nature of the data. If the data is naturally broken into entities, then a database will be more efficient than lots of flat files from the standpoint of the additional code that will need to be written in the case of flat files in order to join data.
Native query capabilities. You can query against a database natively whereas you cannot with a flat file. With a flat file you have to load the file into some other environment (e.g. a C# application) and use its capabilities to query against it.
Format integrity. The database format is more rigid which means more consistent. A flat file can easily change in a way that the code that reads the flat file(s) will break. The difference is related to #3. In a database, if the schema changes, you can still query against it using native tools. If the flat file format changes, you have to effectively do a search because the code that reads it will likely be broken.
"Universal" language. SQL is somewhat ubiquitous where as the structure of the flat file is far more malleable.
I'd also mention data corruption. Most modern SQL databases can have the power killed on the server, or have the server instance crash and you won't (shouldn't) loose data. Flat files aren't really that way.
Also I'd mention search times. Perhaps even write a simple flat file database with 1mil entries and show search times vs MS SQL. With indexes you should be able to search a SQL database thousands of times faster.
I'd also be careful how quickly you write off flat files. Id go so far as saying "it's a good idea for many cases, but in our case....". This way you won't sound like you're not listening to the other views. Tact in situations like this is a major thing to consider. They may be horribly wrong, but you have to convince your boss of that.
What do they gain from using flat files? The conversion process will be hundreds of hours - hours they pay for. How quickly can flat files generate a positive return on that investment? Provide a rough cost estimate. Translate the technical considerations into money (costs), and it puts the problem in their perspective.
On top of just the data conversion, add in the hidden costs for duplicating a database's capabilities...
Transaction processing
Access control
Databases allow you to easily index your data to be able to particular records or groups of records by searching any number of different columns.
With flat files you have to write your own indexing mechanisms. There is no need to do all that work again when the database does it for you already.
If you use "text files", you'll need to build an interface on top of it which Microsoft has already done for you and called it SQL Server.
Ask your managers if it makes sense to your company to spend all these resources building a home-made database system (because really that's what it is), or would these resources be better spent focusing on the business.
Performance: SQL Server is built for storing conveniently searchable data. It has optimized data structures in memory built with searching/inserting/deleting in mind. Usage of the disk is lowered, as data regularly queried is kept in memory.
Business partners: if you ever plan to do B2B with 3rd party companies, SQL Server has built-in functionality for it called Linked Servers. If you have only a bunch of files, your business partner will give up on you as no data interconnection is possible. Unless you want to re-invent the wheel again, and build an interface for each business partner you have.
Clustering: you can easily cluster servers in SQL Server for high availability and speed, a lot more than what's possible with text based solution.
You have a nice start to your list. The items I would add include:
Data integrity - SQL engines provide built-in mechanisms (relationships, constraints, triggers, etc.) that make it very simple to reduce the amount of "bad" data in your system. You would need to hand code all data constraint separately if you use flat files.
Add-Hoc data retrieval - SQL engines, through the use of SELECT statements, provide a means of filtering and summarizing your data with very little code. If you are using flat files, considerably more code is needed to get the same results.
These items can be replicated if you want to take the time to build a data engine, but what would be the point? SQL engines already provide these benefits.
I don't think I can even start to list the reasons. I think my head is going to explode. I'll take the risk though to try to help you...
Simulate a network outage and show what happens to one of the files at that point
Demo the horrors of a half-committed transaction because text files don't pass the ACID test
If it's a multi-user application, show how long a client has to wait when 500 connections are all trying to update the same text file
Try to politely explain why the best approach to making business decisions is to listen to the professionals who you are paying money and who know the domain (in this case, IT) and not your buddy who doesn't have a clue (maybe leave out that last bit)
Mention the fact that 99% (made up number) of the business world uses relational databases for their important data, not text files and there's probably a reason for that
Show what happens to your application when someone goes into the text file and types in "haha!" for a column that's supposed to be an integer
If you are a public company, the shareholders would be well served to know this is being seriously contemplated. "We" all know this is a ridiculous suggestion given the size and scope of your operation. Patient records must be protected, not only from security breaches but from irresponsible exposure to loss - lives may depend up the data. If the Executives care at all about the patients, THIS should be their highest concern.
I worked with IBM 370 mainframes from '74 onwards and the day that DB2 took over from plain old flat files, VSAM and ISAM was a milestone day. Haven't looked back to flat-file storage, except for streaming data, in my 25 years with RDBMSs of 4 flavors.
If I owned stock in "you", dumping it in a hurry the moment the project took off would seem appropriate...
Your list is a great start of reasons for sticking with a database.
However, I would recommend that if you're talking to a technical person, to shy away from technical reasons in a recommendation because they might come across as biased.
Here are my 2 points against flat file data storage:
1) Security - HIPPA audits require that patient data remain in a secure environment. The common database systems (Oracle, Microsoft SQL, MySQL) have methods for implementing HIPPA compliant security access. Doing so on a flat-file would be difficult, at best.
Side note: I've also seen medical practices that encrypt the patient name in the database to add extra layers of protection & compliance to ensure even if their DB is compromised that the patient records are not at risk.
2) Reporting - Reporting from any structured database system is simple and common. There are hundreds of thousands of developers that can perform this task. Reporting from flat-files will require an above-average developer. And, because there is no generally accepted method for doing reporting off of a flat-file database, one developer might do things different than another. This could impact the talent pool able to work on a home-grown flat-file system, and ultimately drive costs up by having to support that type of a system.
I hope that helps.
How do you create a relational model with plain text files?
Or are you planning to use a different file for each entity?
Pro file system:
Stable (less lines of code = less bugs, easier to understand, more reliable)
Faster with huge data blobs
Searching/sorting is somewhat slow (but sort can be faster than SQL's order by)
So you'd chose a filesystem to create log files, for example. Logging into a DB is useless unless you need to do complex analysis of the data.
Pro DB:
Transactions (which includes concurrent access)
It can search through huge amounts of records (but not through huge blobs of data)
Chopping the data in all kinds of ways with queries is easy (well, if you know your SQL and the special "oddities" of your DB)
So if you need to add data rarely but search it often, select parts of it by certain criteria or aggregate values, a DB is for you.
NTFS does not support mass amounts of .txt files well. Depending on how a flat file system is developed, the health of a harddrive can become an issue. A lot of older file systems use mass amount of small .txt files to store data. It's bad design, but tends to happen as a flat file system gets older.
Fragmentation becomes an issue, and you lose a text file here and there, causing you to lose small amounts of data. Health of a hard drive should not be an issue when it comes to database design.
This is indeed, on the part of your employer, a MAJOR WTF if he's seriously proposing flat files for everything...
You already know the reasons (oh - add Replication / Load Balancing to your list) - what you need to do now is to convince him of them. My approach on this would two fold.
First of all, I would write a script in whatever tool you currently use to perform a basic operation using SQL, and have it timed. I would then write another script in which you sincerely try to get a flat text solution working, and then highlight the difference in performance. Give him both sets of code so he knows you aren't cheating.
Point out that technology evolves, and that just because someone was successful 20 years ago, this does not automatically entitle them to a credible opinion now.
You might also want to mention the scope for errors in decoding / encoding information in text files, that it would be trivial for someone to steal them, and the costs (justify your estimate) in adapting the current code base to use text files.
I would then ask serious questions of management - foremost amongst them, and I would ask this DIRECTLY, is "Why are you prepared to overrule your technical staff on technical matters" based on one other individual's opinion - especially when said individual is not as familiar with our set up as we are...
I'd also then use the phrase "I do not mean to belittle you, but I seriously feel I have to intervene at this point for the good of the company..."
Another approach - turn the tables - have Mr. Wonderful supply arguments as to why text files are the way forward. You'll then either a) Learn something (not likely), or b) Be in a position to utterly destroy his arguments.
Good luck with this - I feel your pain...
I suggest you get your retalliation in first, post on Daily WTF now.
As to your question: a business reason would be why does your boss want to rewrite all your systems. From scratch as you would, effectively, have to write your own database system.
For a development reason, you would lose access to the SQL server ecosystem, all the libraries, tools, utilities.
Perhaps the guy that suggested this is actually thinking of going into competition with your company.
Simplest way to refute this argument - name a fortune 500 company that processes data on this scale using flat files?
Now name a fortune 500 company that doesn't use a relational database...
Case closed.
Something is really fishy here. For someone to get the terminology right ( "flat file" ) but not know how overwhelmingly stupid an idea that is, it just doesn't add up. I would be willing to be your manager is non-technical, but the person your manager is talking to is. This sounds more like a lost in translation problem.
Are you sure they don't mean no-SQL, as if you are in a document centric environment, moving away from a relational database actually does make sense in some regards, while still having many of the positives of a tradition RDBMS.
So, instead of justifying why SQL is better than flat files, I would invert the problem and ask what problems flat files are meant to solve. I would put odds on money that this is a communication problem.
If its not and your company is actually considering replacing its DB with a home grown flat file system off the recommendation of "a friend", convincing your manager why he is wrong is the least of your worries. Instead, dust off and start circulating your resume.
•Amount of time to do such a massive
rewrite/switch and huge $ cost
It's not just amount of time it is the introduction of new bugs. A re-write of these proportions would cause things that currenty work to break.
I'd suggest a giving him a cost estimate of the hours to do such a rewrite for just one system and then the number of systems that would need to change. Once they have a cost estimate, they will run from this as fast as they can.
Managers like numbers, so do a formal written decision analysis. Compare the two proposals by benefits and risks, side by side with numeric values. When you get to cost 0 to maintain and 100,000,000 to convert they will get the point.
The people that doesn't distinguish between flat files and sql, doesnt understand all arguments that you say before.
The explanation must simple as possible, something like this:
SQL is a some kind of search/concurrency wrapper around the flat files.
All the problems that exist currently, will stay even the company going to write the wrapper from zero.
Also you must to give some other way to resolve the current problems, use smart words like advanced BLL or install/uninstall scripting environment. :)
You have to speak executive. Without saying it, make them realize they're in way over their heads here. Here's some ammunition:
Database theory is hardcore computer science. We're talking about building a scalable system that can handle millions of records and tolerate disasters without putting everyone out of business.
This is the work of PhD-level specialists. They've been refining the field for a good 20 years now, and the great thing about that is this: it allows us to specialize in building business systems.
If you have to, come right out and say that this just isn't done in the enterprise. It would be costly and the result would be inferior. It's exactly the kind of wheel that developers love to reinvent, and in my opinion the only time you should is if the result is going to be a product or service that you can sell. And it won't be.

What are the advantages of using a single database for EACH client?

In a database-centric application that is designed for multiple clients, I've always thought it was "better" to use a single database for ALL clients - associating records with proper indexes and keys. In listening to the Stack Overflow podcast, I heard Joel mention that FogBugz uses one database per client (so if there were 1000 clients, there would be 1000 databases). What are the advantages of using this architecture?
I understand that for some projects, clients need direct access to all of their data - in such an application, it's obvious that each client needs their own database. However, for projects where a client does not need to access the database directly, are there any advantages to using one database per client? It seems that in terms of flexibility, it's much simpler to use a single database with a single copy of the tables. It's easier to add new features, it's easier to create reports, and it's just easier to manage.
I was pretty confident in the "one database for all clients" method until I heard Joel (an experienced developer) mention that his software uses a different approach -- and I'm a little confused with his decision...
I've heard people cite that databases slow down with a large number of records, but any relational database with some merit isn't going to have that problem - especially if proper indexes and keys are used.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
Assume there's no scaling penalty for storing all the clients in one database; for most people, and well configured databases/queries, this will be fairly true these days. If you're not one of these people, well, then the benefit of a single database is obvious.
In this situation, benefits come from the encapsulation of each client. From the code perspective, each client exists in isolation - there is no possible situation in which a database update might overwrite, corrupt, retrieve or alter data belonging to another client. This also simplifies the model, as you don't need to ever consider the fact that records might belong to another client.
You also get benefits of separability - it's trivial to pull out the data associated with a given client ,and move them to a different server. Or restore a backup of that client when the call up to say "We've deleted some key data!", using the builtin database mechanisms.
You get easy and free server mobility - if you outscale one database server, you can just host new clients on another server. If they were all in one database, you'd need to either get beefier hardware, or run the database over multiple machines.
You get easy versioning - if one client wants to stay on software version 1.0, and another wants 2.0, where 1.0 and 2.0 use different database schemas, there's no problem - you can migrate one without having to pull them out of one database.
I can think of a few dozen more, I guess. But all in all, the key concept is "simplicity". The product manages one client, and thus one database. There is never any complexity from the "But the database also contains other clients" issue. It fits the mental model of the user, where they exist alone. Advantages like being able to doing easy reporting on all clients at once, are minimal - how often do you want a report on the whole world, rather than just one client?
Here's one approach that I've seen before:
Each customer has a unique connection string stored in a master customer database.
The database is designed so that everything is segmented by CustomerID, even if there is a single customer on a database.
Scripts are created to migrate all customer data to a new database if needed, and then only that customer's connection string needs to be updated to point to the new location.
This allows for using a single database at first, and then easily segmenting later on once you've got a large number of clients, or more commonly when you have a couple of customers that overuse the system.
I've found that restoring specific customer data is really tough when all the data is in the same database, but managing upgrades is much simpler.
When using a single database per customer, you run into a huge problem of keeping all customers running at the same schema version, and that doesn't even consider backup jobs on a whole bunch of customer-specific databases. Naturally restoring data is easier, but if you make sure not to permanently delete records (just mark with a deleted flag or move to an archive table), then you have less need for database restore in the first place.
To keep it simple. You can be sure that your client is only seeing their data. The client with fewer records doesn't have to pay the penalty of having to compete with hundreds of thousands of records that may be in the database but not theirs. I don't care how well everything is indexed and optimized there will be queries that determine that they have to scan every record.
Well, what if one of your clients tells you to restore to an earlier version of their data due to some botched import job or similar? Imagine how your clients would feel if you told them "you can't do that, since your data is shared between all our clients" or "Sorry, but your changes were lost because client X demanded a restore of the database".
As for the pain of upgrading 1000 database servers at once, some fairly simple automation should take care of that. As long as each database maintains an identical schema, then it won't really be an issue. We also use the database per client approach, and it works well for us.
Here is an article on this exact topic (yes, it is MSDN, but it is a technology independent article): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479086.aspx.
Another discussion of multi-tenancy as it relates to your data model here: http://www.ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/08/07/Multi-Tenancy--The-Physical-Data-Model.aspx
Scalability. Security. Our company uses 1 DB per customer approach as well. It also makes code a bit easier to maintain as well.
In regulated industries such as health care it may be a requirement of one database per customer, possibly even a separate database server.
The simple answer to updating multiple databases when you upgrade is to do the upgrade as a transaction, and take a snapshot before upgrading if necessary. If you are running your operations well then you should be able to apply the upgrade to any number of databases.
Clustering is not really a solution to the problem of indices and full table scans. If you move to a cluster, very little changes. If you have have many smaller databases to distribute over multiple machines you can do this more cheaply without a cluster. Reliability and availability are considerations but can be dealt with in other ways (some people will still need a cluster but majority probably don't).
I'd be interested in hearing a little more context from you on this because clustering is not a simple topic and is expensive to implement in the RDBMS world. There is a lot of talk/bravado about clustering in the non-relational world Google Bigtable etc. but they are solving a different set of problems, and lose some of the useful features from an RDBMS.
There are a couple of meanings of "database"
the hardware box
the running software (e.g. "the oracle")
the particular set of data files
the particular login or schema
It's likely Joel means one of the lower layers. In this case, it's just a matter of software configuration management... you don't have to patch 1000 software servers to fix a security bug, for example.
I think it's a good idea, so that a software bug doesn't leak information across clients. Imagine the case with an errant where clause that showed me your customer data as well as my own.
