Container Format - file-format

What is the difference between File Formats and Container Formats?
Thank You,

A container format is a file format, but one that concerns itself with how data is stored in the file and not what the data is. Typical examples of this are video container formats such as avi or quicktime. These specify how blocks of video and audio data are stored in the file and how meta data describing the data and it's codecs are stored in the file, but they don't describe anything about the actual format of the video and audio data.


Can we extract thumbnails embedded in TIFF files with metadata-extractor?

I'm able to use ExifTool to extract an embedded thumbnail jpeg from within a TIFF. Is there a way that I can do this with drew noakes' metadata-extractor?
The source file is here:
The extracted thumbnail/preview image is .
I see the 5225 byte count in a metadata item (0x0202) with metadata-extractor, but I'm not able to get the bytes.
Thank you!

is base-64 just for jpeg or gif? how about a tiff? how can I convert string (which is part of XML and belong to a tiff file) to byte[]?

I wrote this in my application for displaying a TIFF Image :
byte[] b = convert.frombase64("ADFsf/s1ugdGHREHR/+/235gjhjhfcg/+kdhjgvkhfv/gcngcxsfdzsdf......=")
but It doesn't work. I received this message on loading the tiff :
run-time error '31037'
system error &H800401C2 (-2147221054)
I don't know exactly why?
When I save this tiff Image in this way :
I can open it , It means, It saved correctly.
now my problem is, I can`t display it in my application and image loading has got some problems.
Base-64 is certainly not only for JPEG or GIF. It can be used to represent any string of binary data (including plain text.) The base-64-encoded data you gave is malformed (as can be seen by writing the bytestream to a .tiff file), though.
My issue was done!
byte[] b = convert.frombase64("ADFsf/s1ugdGHREHR/+/235gjhjhfcg/+kdhjgvkhfv/gcngcxsfdzsdf......=")
method: convert.frombase64 -> can be used for any string of binary data
My problem was about loading a tiff file.
Firstly I must identify the pages in tiff image.
I split my tiff image to single pages by frame dimension method.

JPEG (JPG) file format - Want to store data. Is it possible?

The interesting question here is:
I want to store in a JPEG file some data (from 1kilo to 1mega). Is that possible without damaging the picture?
A practical example: I have an image in which I want to store 500 kb of text without the jpg file to lose it's property of being an image.
I hope you understand my question.

How to create file format with metadata

I am trying to make a new file format for music. It needs to be a file that actually stores multiple audio files, for example a zip file. I am looking for a way to turn the zip file into this new file format. However, I still want to use id3 tags with these new files. I was wondering how I can make this new file format which is one file that holds multiple audio files, but still contains overall id3 tags for that one file, so that I can load it into my mobile applications.
Any help/recommendations would be appreciated.
The problem with creating your own new file format is that only you can use it. Until you convince lots of other people that it is a useful new format, no one else will have the tools to be able to do anything with the files you create.
For existing music player programs to be able to handle a new file format, you must write a CODEC for your file format in that player's plug-in style. Probably more than one plug-in as your file format is both a container of music and a catalog as well.
One alternative to creating a new file format is to put the MP3 files you have into a new MP3 file with each old file a new TRACK in the new file. Be sure to set each new tracks start time to be after the sum of all previous tracks play duration, so they don't step on each other. Merge the metadata about each file into the metadata of the new file. This might work OK for collections with lots of common metadata (like same artist), but might not work very well if the metadata is extremely varied.
Another alternative is to convert them to CDA format and put then into an Audio-CD image file, just as if you had burned them to a CD.
A third alternative is to put your files into an SQLite database file. Your metadata from each MP3 file fill in records, and you have your choice of leaving the MP3 file external and just linking to it, or storing the blob of your MP3 file in the DB as well. If you do store the blobs, then the SQLite database file is a single file that contains everything you put in it.
Don't create new formats unless you really really have a very good reason to do so.
Its sounds like Matroska can do anything you need. But in contrast to your own format you and other developers will have a bunch of ready to use tools to work with the format. This includes editors, players,... Additionally it you can leave making initial engineering errors to other people.
If you really really want to create your own format: Either just put your audio files that support id3 tags into your zip file, or create a meta file, for example in XML format, into your zip files as well, that contains the meta information that you want to be included.

Bing Static Map Image type

May I know how to determine the output of Bing map static image? Previously it used to be in png but now it is in jpeg. May I know how to revert back to png format?
Example: Display the image with the link below:,seattle?mapLayer=TrafficFlow&mapVersion=v1&key=BingKey
The image is in jpeg. How to make it to png? Thanks.
I know it's a while you posted this question, but as there is no answer yet, and I got here via Google I'll supply an answer anyway.
You can use the format / fmt parameter.
One of the following image format values:
gif: Use GIF image format.
jpeg: Use JPEG image format. JPEG format is the default for Road, Aerial and AerialWithLabels imagery.
png: Use PNG image format. PNG is the default format for CollinsBart and OrdnanceSurvey imagery.
I don't think you can request the image in a different format.
From :
This URL returns an image in one of
the following formats:
PNG (image/png)
JPEG (image/jpeg)
GIF (image/gif)
You cannot specify the output format
for the map image. The image type is
chosen based on parameters such as
If you really want a PNG, you could make the request from a server-side script and then construct a PNG file programmatically before serving that back to the client (using PHP's imagepng function, for example)
