I try to add the link :
to links list on moss 2007 and i've got an error :
"Illegal url address "
What is wrong ?
What to do ?
Ish .
The error is right, that is not a valid URL address, in particular the "mhtml:file://" part.
However, a file URL like this should work: file://\\ipaddress\merging\Human%20resources\file.mht
(Or, if the target PC is using IIS web services, then http://ipaddress/merging/Human%20resources/file.mht might work too.)
I am using Vtiger CRM on localhost and for single machine only,
This time when i tried to connect Vtiger on other computer through http://ipaddress_of_1st_machine:8888 then getting "Illegal Request Error".
When i am clicking on "GO BACK" option which is coming at bottom of Illegal Request Error Box, then it is rendering me on home-page but again after clicking on every module or activity same Illegal Request is getting. Means not able to access 1st machine's database
Kindly help me out or tell me what to do to access that, I tried my best.
From vtiger 6 onwards, there is a security check added to enforce that the value of the $site_URL variable under config.inc.php is same as the url you are trying to access.
Since you have installed it from localhost, i am guessing it is set as http://localhost/[something] and you are trying to access http://[server-ip]/[something] which is why you are getting the error.
To resolve, you just need to change the localhost to the [server-ip] in the $site_URL variable in the config.inc.php
This question may be a dublicate, but no recent post leads to a working answer for my case.
I have a Sharepoint 2013 running on a Windows Server 2012. Following issue appeared:
I made a new Site-Collection as wiki. Everything (links,...) works fine on the server but when I want to access the wiki from outside (not localhost) the server runs in a 404 Not found error.
http://localhost/sites/wiki/Pages/Home.aspx - works fine(localhost) - doesn't work.
I checked the IIS settings, all servers are up and running. The log file has no errors in it.
Does anyone know, how to solve this problem?
The most common cause for this is that you don't have the IIS host header configured correctly. The 404 will appear because you are hitting a different IIS web site and not the one you intended to.
If you go into IIS Manager and click on "Sites" in the right hand pane there will be a column called bindings and a column called ID.
IIS will check in the order of ID for the first site that matches. Make sure the default site is stopped. If you see bindings that look like the following:
ID 1: Bindings: *:80
ID 2: Bindings: www.yoursite.com:80
www.othersite.com will match ID 1. Any other site that doesn't specify a port or https: will be directed to ID 2. You need to ensure that the site you are trying to access matches your bindings. The "www.yoursite.com" is added to the site via "New Web Application" in SharePoint. There is a field called Host: in Central Administration. This should match what you are typing from inside and outside the server. If you need the site to respond to multiple names, you need to extend the web application.
Assuming you used the default of claims authentication, here are the instructions for that:
I am not sure if this is still required in Server 2012, but disabling the loopback check might also help, although this usually results in a 401, and repeated attempts to log in. Here are the instructions for that.
Сheck the alternate access mapping in SharePoint administrator.
It should be something like this:
http://yourservername default internet
http:// so on ..
I have a site who needs to be pointed to: inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\
If I point the "Default Web Site" to that directoy, my web application works perfectly.
Now, as I want to add more sites to that same computer, I am pointing the "Default Web Site" to inetpub\wwwroot\ and the concrete folder for my web application (cakephp) to the previous path inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\.
When I do this I have noticed it doesn't even execute the index.php file located inside inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\ contrary as it should. It only does it when accessing directly to the root of the site.
To clarify it:
www.myweb.com/cakephp/ executes inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\index.php
www.myweb.com/cakephp/actionName/ does NOT executes inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\index.php
Why is this happening? Why it doesn't recognize the given path when I add any parameter to the URL?
It tries to list the folder content instead...
Have you tried this:
For example:
if that is working, then 'URL rewriting' isn't working.
URL Rewriting doesn't work out-of-the-box on IIS, but can be configured with the instructions in the documentation:
However, your setup may need to be slightly different than the documentation because you've installed your website in a subdirectory
i am using Cakephp1.3 on ubuntu 11.10
i create a table name users . i cake bake the application. and user_controller , views and models all are present.
Now when i am trying to acess http://localhost/yps/users/ it gives following error
Not Found
The requested URL /yps/users/ was not found on this server
Anybody have idea about this
Please follow the name convention, like #Joseph said
I encounter the same issue, it's caused by mod_rewrite, like #dhofstet said. Fix it, then everything works well. And how to fix it dependes on your web server's configuration. (http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/getting-started.html#a-note-on-mod-rewrite)
I hosted one DotNetNUke Application to my production server, and locally it works perfectly. But, when browsing it redirects to the error page.
How do I set the default.aspx as my application default page? I am getting the error as below:
DotNetNuke Error
Windows Vista
Return to Site
Can anyone can help me, please? Will be appreciated.
Hi, I changed the Path in the PortalAlias table to the server url and default.aspx as the starting page, but it displays the error.aspx as default page.
Please help me resolve this problem..
So, the application works perfectly locally, but not when you put it on the server. Is that correct?
Make sure that your portal alias is valid. If the site is hosted at
then www.mysite.com needs to be listed in the PortalAlias table
If you open that table in SQL Mgmt Studio, you'll probably see an entry attaching the portal to your local DotNetNuke folder (ie. localhost). Just add a new entry that points to the same PortalID, but with the correct URL for your production server.
Assuming your DNN installation is at "mysite.com", if you navigate to
do you still get the error page? If so is any error listed?
I was able to fix the issue (for me) by taking the web.config file from a working site with the same version of DotNetNuke and modifying it to have to correct machine key and connection strings. This is my last resort something is really strange procedure.