Put an application window as wallpaper - silverlight

I'm looking to put an application window behind all other windows.
I was thinking of using .NET 4 and WPF or Silverlight.
I don't have any specific drawing code, I just want my application window as my desktop wallpaper while retaining the interactivity (no mucking around with screenshots etc).
Is this even possible and if so, how?
Edit: I'm using Windows 7 x64.
Edit 2: I know the desktop is drawn to a window with id 0 (or something like that). Can't I use interop calls to put my window as a child of window 0?

For Windows XP and previous versions, use Active Desktop ad set a web page that runs a Silverlight application.


How to host a WPF application inside a Win32 application on Windows 10

I need to embedd a window of a WPF application inside a Wind32 application. I use Microsoft Windows SetParent function. On Window 7 it works without any problems, but on Windows 10 the WPF window is invisible. I can see, using Spy++, that it is present on the Win32 form but do not rendered. MoveWindow or SetWindowPos are also do not help to solve the problem. What shell I do to solve this problem?
I have solved the problem using ShowWindow function. The windows repainted only when its minimized and then maximized.

Get thumbnail image of the main page of all the running process in window

In my app I want to enable the user to see a small thumbnail, of the main window, for all the running process (that has window).
My app is a regular window desktop application (written in wpf)
I don't want to bring the other processes to foreground before getting the thumbnails
It will be nice if most of the code will be written in .net with PInvoke (if needed) but native is o.k also
using DWM I managed to capture the main window for all running process. I've used two great examples (thank a lot for that).
ByBart De Smet For Windows Form:
For Wpf:

WPF Windowstyle None + Create DropShadow using Native Windows API

I want to create a borderless Window via Windowstyle=None, but still want the default OS DropShadow effect.
I do NOT want to draw the border myself because i do NOT want to set AllowTransparency=True (the application runs on low end systems where this causes very bad performance of the application).
I do also NOT want to use third party Dlls that generate a "Shell" for me.
So what is want is to call the OS native API to draw its default border for me. I tried out this answer here DropShadow for WPF Borderless Window but this didnt work for window 8.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Edit: Using .NET 4.0 and the solution should support Windows 7 and Windows 8
There is no native drop shadow in Windows 8. You can call the API but it won't do anything.
Metro flat design doesn't have drop shadow, unlike the glossy Vista and W7.
AFAIK without AllowsTransparency="True" you won't have that effect.

Possible to have Silverlight OOB App "Listen" for Keyboard Shortcut?

I'm building a Silverlight Out Of Browswer Application with Elevated Permissions and need the ability to basically have the application listen for a keyboard shortcut such as doing something like Ctrl + F10 will cause a window to take focus of the screen... Personally I am against stealing focus but feel that this is alright seeing as the user invokes it themselves.
So more background... if any of you are familiar with applications like XFire or Steam.. I'd like to the ability to do a keyboard shortcut and have a window open above all the other applications like Steam can with the in-game windows.
If Silverlight can't do this can someone point me towards a better language where I can create this sort of application?
If Silverlight can do this can someone point me in the direction of how to accomplish this?
Silverlight 4 can't do this and Silverlight is not a "Language". Any application developement platform (JAVA, Delphi, VB6, .NET) that has full access to the windows API could do it.
Silverlight 5 includes support for PInvoke so if your willing to wait for the RC to go to RTM then you may be able to hook the system level WinAPIs needed to watch for a hotkey.

WPF application on Citrix

I'm trying to use a WPF application on our Citrix server, and made a really simple window with a button and a textbox. When running the application, noting but the application name on top of the window is shown. Is it not possible to use WPF on Citrix, or is our Citrix server too old?
It should be possible to use WPF on Citrix starting with PS 4.5 Feature pack 1.
Is your version older than this?
