Office ribbon for WPF 4.0 - wpf

It is rumoured that WPF 4.0 would deliver us an out-of-the-box Office Ribbon.
A new WPF Ribbon Control will be
available for download shortly after
the release of WPF 4. [1]
Now my internet and MSDN search turned out to be fruitless, and as far as I know, it would be release after the .NET 4.0 framework would launch. My search lead me to the Office plugin ribbon controls and the CTP prereleased before the release of .net 4.0 with a limited featureset.
So my question is: does anyone know if and when Microsoft will release this Office Ribbon with the framework? Or if they don't a nice press note saying that they ditched the project.
Also if anyone has experience with the Ribbon I'm talking about, will this Ribbon work in a partial trusted environment?
My thanks will be ever lasting! ;)

This may be old news to you now but there wasn't a selected answer so here you go:
You can download the source, examples, and assemblies for including a ribbon. The documentation can be found on MSDN at
Simple example from a project that includes the 4.0 version of the RibbonControlsLibrary.dll
<Window x:Class="WpfRibbonApplication1.MainWindow"
Width="640" Height="480">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<ribbon:Ribbon x:Name="Ribbon" Title="Ribbon Title">
<ribbon:RibbonButton SmallImageSource="Icon.ico" />
<ribbon:RibbonQuickAccessToolBar >
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="QATButton1"
SmallImageSource="Icon.ico" />
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="QATButton2"
SmallImageSource="Icon.ico" />
<ribbon:RibbonApplicationMenu SmallImageSource="Icon.ico">
<ribbon:RibbonApplicationMenuItem Header="Hello _Ribbon"
<ribbon:RibbonTab x:Name="HomeTab"
<ribbon:RibbonGroup x:Name="Group1"
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="Button1"
Label="Button1" />
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="Button2"
Label="Button2" />
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="Button3"
Label="Button3" />
<ribbon:RibbonButton x:Name="Button4"
Label="Button4" />
Produces something that looks like this:

Have you seen the WPF 3.5 ribbon?

It should work in partial trust unless they make a huge mistake :). Things not allowed in partial trust are:
Connecting directly to SQL
a few other things
Shouldn't be doing that sort of thing in a UserControl (even if it is a bit fancy...)


WPF borderless form using WindowGlows to create a dropshadow

So I found this while I was searching for ways to get borderless wpf forms to drop a shadow. It creates a drop shadow like that of visual studio or microsoft office. After downloading from the mentioned site, I've referenced the WindowGlows.dll file in my project and copied this code from the example on the sight.
<Window xmlns=""
<WindowChrome GlassFrameThickness="0"
ResizeBorderThickness="0" />
<Border BorderThickness="1"
BorderBrush="{Binding Path=(WindowGlows:GlowManager.ActiveGlowBrush),RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType=Window}}">
<RowDefinition Height="36" />
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition Height="24" />
<Rectangle Fill="{Binding Path=(WindowGlows:GlowManager.ActiveGlowBrush),RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType=Window}}"
ClipToBounds="True" />
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding Title, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}, Mode=FindAncestor}}"
Foreground="{Binding Path=(WindowGlows:GlowManager.InactiveGlowBrush),RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType=Window}}"
Margin="0,11,0,0" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="2"
Fill="{Binding Path=(WindowGlows:GlowManager.ActiveGlowBrush),RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType=Window}}"
ClipToBounds="True" />
When I click start, the form drops a fantastic shadow and I can put this to great use but I can't get rid of the errors, which tell me
Error 1 The name "GlowManager" does not exist in the namespace
I get 6 more errors about glow manager but nothing else, how do I correct the namespace?
After reading this link I copied the entire project straight into the root of my C drive and opened it from there, it works absolutely fine now. Looks like it's a visual studio bug if anything.
That namespace doesn't look right to me.
Assuming you have availed reference in your project to the doll, the easiest way to get these right is to use blend, from assets tab drop in a object from that DSL and it will do the rest. visual studio is a little less helpful.
Without seeing exactly what you've got, the best I can offer is change the namespace tag to something of this form...
Xmlns:windowchrome="clr-namespace:<namespace of targeted objects>,assembly=<assembly name as seen in references folder>"
msdn includes some more details,

WPF XAML editor error in Design time, But the application works fine in run time

In my daily work, I faced an issue regarding WPF XAML editor. For example, I will use Dynamic Data Display in my project. Firstly, I will add the DynamicDataDisplay.DLL to my project. And then I will add a specific xmlns for this DLL. But I found there is no IntelliSense for the added DLL, I need typed the namespace manually. Here is the code.
<Window x:Class="WPFMonitor.MainWindow"
Title="Monitor Window" Height="350" Width="525">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="CPU Usage" Margin="20,10,0,0"
FontSize="15" FontWeight="Bold"/>
<TextBlock x:Name="cpuUsageText" Margin="10,10,0,0"
<d3:ChartPlotter x:Name="plotter" Margin="10,10,20,10" Grid.Row="1">
<d3:VerticalIntegerAxis />
<d3:HorizontalIntegerAxis />
<d3:Header Content="CPU Performance History"/>
<d3:VerticalAxisTitle Content="Percentage"/>
As you can see, I have referenced the DLL in my XAML Code, but the editor give me the error about
The type 'd3:ChartPlotter' was not found. Verify that you are not
missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have
been built.
When I clicked the reloaded the designer. I tested this issue on VS 2010 SP1/VS 2013 Update2. But if I build this application. No errors, and it runs OK.
I am not an English speaker. if you cannot understand my question. please feel free to let me know. I will clarify it.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank You very much! :)
I had a similar problem. A possible solution is get the source code if you can, and compile the .dll file yourself, then add it as a reference.
Worked for me in Visual Studio 15 when the .dll file I was using previously, was compiled in Visual Studio 13.
Hope it helps Someone :)

How can I center the title of a WPF RibbonWindow?

I want to center the title of my RibbonWindow, and not have it aligned on the side.
This thread said it had an answer:
Center WPF RibbonWindow Title via XAML Code
but it didn't work.
Bellow is an image and the corresponding code.
<RibbonWindow x:Class="Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Width="{Binding ElementName=Window, Path=ActualWidth}">ApplicationTitle
<DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="0" Color="MintCream " BlurRadius="10" />
I am using VS 2012, with .NET 4.5 and the included System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon assembly.
Had a bad experience with using RibbonControlsLibrary for WPF. It has issues not only around title centering. It also breaks window rounding corners at the top, icon and title goes out of the screen when maximized, and personally I haven't found any chance to program ribbon group dialog. All of this lead me to searching for an alternative, and I have found a Fluent Ribbon Controls Suite
Download source code and build it for .NET 4.5 (I did it with absolutely no issues).
The ElementName in the binding (Width="{Binding ElementName=Window, Path=ActualWidth}") needs to match the name of the RibbonWindow. So, in this case you need "Window" for the name:
<RibbonWindow x:Class="Window1" x:Name="Window"
... />

How to set up Avalon docking manager to resize like VS?

I am using Avalon in my WPF app. I want a window similar to that of Visual Studio, Tools on the left, then the documents in the middle and the Properties on the right. I managed to do that with this code:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="600" Width="800">
<ad:DockingManager x:Name="dockManager" RenderTransformOrigin="0,0">
<ad:ResizingPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<ad:ResizingPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
<ad:DockableContent Title="Toolbox" Width="100">
<TextBox />
<ad:DocumentPane x:Name="documentsHost" OverridesDefaultStyle="True">
<ad:DocumentContent Title="File1.doc">
</ad:DocumentContent >
<ad:DocumentContent Title="File2.doc">
</ad:DocumentContent >
<ad:DockableContent Title="Project Explorer">
<TextBox />
<ad:DockableContent Title="Output">
<TextBox />
The problem is that when I resize any of them, they all resize to keep their proportion. This is not what I want, I want it to be like VS where just the document window in the middle resizes with.
I would appreciate any help since I have been fighting with this for a few days now :(
Funny, because I started with the Avalon Tutorial from there and replaced the contents for the window with your XAML (very similar by the way). And the problem you describe does not happen.
Then I realized that the tutorial uses AvalonDock 1.1.1692, while the latest release is 1.1.2691 and has the behaviour you describe.
A look at the source code shows an attached property defined by ResizingPanel called ResizeWidth, which is 1* by default => the auto resize.
If you change the first DockablePane like this:
<ad:DockablePane ad:ResizingPanel.ResizeWidth="100" >
You get the behaviour you wanted.
It's never great to use hard-coded widths, so I changed it to
<ad:DockablePane ad:ResizingPanel.ResizeWidth="{Binding ElementName=dc, Path=Width}" >
after naming the inner DockableContent dc

Error about UserControl not supported in WPF in Expression Blend 2

I've created a test Silverlight 2 app in Visual Studio, just copying the Tim Heuer video, but when I go to open it in Blend I get this error
UserControl is not supported in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) project
This is the XAML code
<UserControl x:Class="MyFirstApp.Page"
Width="400" Height="300">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBox x:Name="myTextBox" FontSize="60" />
<Button Content="Click Me" FontSize="60" Click="Button_Click" />
Am I missing a reference or something?
You need to install Expression Blend 2.0 SP1.
Please take a look at this thread:
