Does C language support inheritance? - c

Does C language support inheritence. If so is is it using structures as classes are not defined in C.

Yes, it does. See . See Axel-Tobias Schreiner's book Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI C. There's an English translation of it available.
Also, see Object-orientation in C and How can Inheritance be modelled using C? .

No it doesnt. C is not an Object Oriented language. Inheritance is a property of OO languages.
You should try C++. It's OO and supports much more than inheritance

No, it doesn't.

There is no Compiler-level support for inheritance in C. Nevertheless, as others have already pointed out, Object Oriented coding does not REQUIRE such support. However, its a lot easier to write OO code in C++.

C inherits from ALGOL C Programming Language

C is not an Object Oriented language. Inheritance is a property of Object Oriented languages. There is no Compiler-level support for inheritance in C. Object Oriented coding does not REQUIRE such support.

well, c is NOT OBJECT ORIENTED language so,it is not available in C

No it doesn't support inheritance because C language is not oops

No it doesn't. C is not an Object Oriented language. You can try C++ or Java for inheritance functionality.

C is not an object oriented language as inheritance is supported only in object oriented programming language C doesn't support inheritance


Does C have 32 or 44 keywords?

ISO/IEC 9899:2017 C N2176 document link:
There are plenty of sources on world wide web, which say that there are 32 keywords in C langauge, But this document (I think it's a draft version, but there's no much changes as compared to the previous version, right?) has 44 words that are defined to the keywords of C language.
Please explain this.
Link to the sources which say that there are 32 keywords in C language:
Note: Some of these sites are useful for beginners to learn basic concepts and terminalogies of C.
The claims of there being "32" keywords in C refer to the original ANSI-specified version of C from 1989, aka C89.
Because this is the Internet, and because the real C specifications are behind ISO's ridiculous paywall most people so-inclined probably can't fact-check the claim.
And it's not a claim worth fact-checking: the number of keywords in a language is utter trivia of no consequence.
The ISO/IEC 9899 specification you linked to refers to C17 (the proposed updated C specification in 2017) which postdates C89 by 28 years.
It should come as no surprise that a future updated revision of a programming language introduces new keywords.
Historically, when C was introduced, people were impressed by its minimalist syntax and how the language's design effectively reified everything by implementing functionality as library features instead of language features which is what keeps C simple and helps mitigate every language's designer's fears about feature creep.
In comparison, C's early contemporaries like COBOL, opted to implement functionality into their own languages as first-class features, which is why COBOL has over 300 keywords; so I'll admit that using the stark difference in keyword-count does serve as a proxy for language-complexity and by extension: a way to almost quantify good design. But using it as the basis for comparing languages today in 2021 is of limited-utility as the most relevant programming languages today1 are already either inspired by C or derived from it somehow, and they all share C's decision to do things in the library instead of the language, so all those languages similarly have a low keyword count compared to COBOL, SQL, and others, and so that's why C's keyword count just isn't interesting anymore.
1: C-inspired or C-derived languages in use today: C++, Objective-C, Java, Groovy, Swift, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, PHP, Perl. Other popular languages that aren't modelled on C (like Haskell, OCaml, etc) do share C's library-first philosophy, but I can't say if C originated it or not - but I feel that languages opting for library-first designs is inevitable: the cost to implement language-features is easily ten-fold that of implementing library features.

How is C not object oriented? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you write object oriented code in C?
Object oriented programming in C
So, as I get it, "objects" are basically just wrappers for values and methods. Can't you have the same functionality in C, with structs? A struct seems just like a simple class, but, of course, it doesn't have any methods. Here we get to the heart of my problem: I don't understand why methods are needed at all. Wouldn't it be simpler and more memory-efficient if we had an outside function, which just accepted a pointer to an instance of a struct? Or even have the structs have pointers to these functions, but this seems purely aesthetic...
Being object-oriented means being object-oriented out of the box. Sure you can simulate object orientation with C (and with many other non-OO languages), but if the language (and/or its standard library) does not help you with that in any way (special syntax, standard objects, etc) and does not encourage to write in OO style by default, it will not be called object-oriented.
Using c-style function pointers as struct members, you can indeed make C object oriented.
I like the concept of having a class with its attributes and methods all defined together. Its easier to see what the related entities are, as opposed to having separate functions that take pointers to the struct like you mention.
Here are 2 related SO questions:
Is there a simple way to code the strategy (or other) design pattern in ANSI C that would fit on the screen of an 11" MacBook Air?
How do function pointers in C work?
What you suggest is already used to implement OO features in C. But many people find easier to use dedicated languages where OO features are included.
This is the same trend as why people switched to C from assembly.
Object is real-world entity and it has state, behavior. In class(c++/java) we can define state as member variables and functions as behavior. In case of C: in struct, you may have state but not behavior. Therefore C is not object oriented. This is just a small e.g. Also C does not support OOPS principals like inheritance, function overloading, polymorphism etc.

Do dictionaries exist in C?

In C, can you create a dictionary? I come from a Objective-C background so I would like to know if there is anything similar to NSDictionary.
You can create anything you want in C. You just won't have native language support for most of it.
You can create a dictionary in C, but there is no dictionary built in to the standard C library.
A quick search on Google code shows that there are open-source (and generously licensed) C dictionary implementations here and here.
Posix does have a limited hash table -- see hcreate(), hsearch() and hdestroy() that can be used by a C program.
A discussion of the limitations appears in this stackoverflow question.
Without OOP and templates, it would be hard to implement a hash table or a balanced tree that is truly general, easy to use and performant, and therefore worthy to be in the run-time library that comes with the language.
That being said, you can always implement your own, or just use C++ (see unordered_map or map).

Is the C programming language object-oriented?

I was talking with a co-worker about C and C++ and he claimed that C is object-oriented, but I claimed that it was not. I know that you can do object-oriented-like things in C, but C++ is a true object-oriented language.
What are your thoughts?
Also, it triggered discussion on who decides what it means to be object-oriented and that it's tough to say what object-oriented really officially means. What are you thoughts on this?
If by "is C object oriented?" you mean "is C designed with facilities specifically to support object oriented programming?" then, no, C is clearly not object oriented.
You can program in an object-orientated style in more or less any language. (I think runtime polymorphism -- i.e. virtual methods -- requires a language that supports function pointers.)
Here are a couple of examples:
A short summary of object-orientated style in C:
A comparison between the same program written in C and C++:
C isn't object oriented. That was the entire purpose behind the ++
As far as a definition of what it takes to be object oriented: check wikipedia.
Personally, if it supports inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism then your good to go. Another key here is having nice keywords like class and object tend to help...
Examples of real object oriented languages (not conclusive) are: Smalltalk, Java, c#, Python, Ruby, C++..
Also, it's possible to have extensions to provide OO features like PHP, Perl, VB (not .Net), ...
Real programmers can write object-oriented code in ANY language.
But no, C is not an 'object-oriented' language. It has no concept of classes, objects, polymorphism, inheritance.
Answer can be yes or no, depending on:
if you ask "is C an object oriented language?", the answer is "no" because it do not have object oriented constructors, keywords, semantic etc...
if you intend "can I realize OOP in C?", the answer is yes, because OOP is not only a requirement of a language, but also a way of "thinking", an approach to programming, before to touch some language or another. However the implementation of OOP in C (or any other language not natively designed to be OOP) will be surely "forced" and much hard to manage then any other OOP language, so also some limitation shall be expected.
C is not an O-O language under any definition of "O-O" and "language".
It is quite easy to use C as the implementation language for a component that gives an O-O API to its clients. The X Windows system is essentially a single-inheritance O-O system when viewed from its API, but a whole mess of C when viewing its implementation.
The confusion may be that C can be used to implement object oriented concepts like polymorphism, encapsulation, etc. which may lead your friend to believe that C is object oriented. The problem is that to be considered an object oriented programming language, these features would need to be built into the language. Which they are not.
Unless your friend was talking about Objective C (an OO superset of C) then no, C isn't an OO language. You can implement OO concepts using C (that's what the old cfront C++ compiler did, it translated C++ into C) but that doesn't make C an OO language as it doesn't specifically offer support for standard OO techniques like polymorphism or encapsulation.
Yes, you can write software OO style in C, especially with liberal (ab-)use of macros but as someone who has seen the results of some of those attempts, I'd strongly suggest to use a better suited language.
C is not object oriented in strict sense since it doesn't have a built-in syntax supported object oriented capability like class, inheritance and so on.
But if you know the trick you can easily add object oriented capability to it simply using struct, function pointer, & self-pointer. DirectFB is such a C library written in an object oriented way. The bad thing it is more error prone since it is not governed by syntax and compile type checking. It is based on coding convention instead.
IDirectFB/*a typedef of a struct*/ *dfb = NULL;
IDirectFBSurface/*another typedef of a struct*/ *primary = NULL;
DirectFBCreate (&dfb); /*factory method to create a struct (e.g. dfb) with
pointers to function and data. This struct is
like an object/instance of a class in a language with build-in
syntax support for object oriented capability */
dfb->SetCooperativeLevel/*function pointer*/
(dfb/*self pointer to the object dfb*/,
dsc.flags = DSDESC_CAPS;
dfb->CreateSurface/*function pointer, also a factory method
to create another object/instance */
( dfb/*self pointer to the object dfb*/,
&primary/*another struct work as object of another class created*/ );
primary->GetSize/*function pointer*/
(primary/*self pointer to the object primary*/,
2 . C++ is object oriented since it has built-in support for object oriented capability like class and inheritance. But there is argument that it is not a full or pure object oriented language since it does allow C syntax (structural programming syntax) in it. I also remember that C++ lack a few object oriented capabilities but not remember each one exactly.
C is not object oriented language.
C is a general-purpose, imperative language, supporting structured programming.
Because C isn't object oriented therefore C++ came into existence in order to have OOPs feature and OOP is a programming language model organized around objects.
A language in order to have OOPs feature needs to implement certain principles of OOPs.Few of them are Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction , Encapsulation.
C is a object based language, it does not support many features of object oriented languages such as inheritance, polymorphism etc.
Real programmers can write object-oriented code in ANY language.
I have seen Object Oriented Cobol. Cobol that calls Cobol. Do you want to call these programmers "Real"?
C is not Object Oriented.
C does not orient to objects.
C++ does.
Though C itself was bulit as procedural language (it "thinks" in terms of procedure: You first execute function A then you pass the output to function B etc. it supports "out of the box" only functional program flow),
It's possible to implement OOP over C (in OOP, the story is driven by Objects and their responsibilities rather than functions and their calling order).
In fact, some early C++ implementations were translating the code to some C code and then building it.
However, sometimes you must use C (for Embedded devices / GPU languages that don't support C++ etc). And you want OOP. I'd suggest you to check out COOP - my C OOP lightweight yet powerful framework for C object-oriented programming.
C is not object oriented. C++ is not object oriented. Let me explain:
Object Oriented is an extension to Simula's old fashion event driven subset. Real Object Oriented are functional and reflective because Object Oriented is really a group of paradigms (event driven, functional, reflective). Only four language are really object oriented and these are Lisp,Smalltalk,Ruby and Ocaml. Perl lags between because its not functional. Scala is not reflective so also lags behind. C++ is only event driven with some Simula like facilities but its completely structured programming language and its not declarative or even matchs real world. Object Oriented matchs real world with Functional (Maths), Event Driven (Conversations) and Reflectiveness (Evolution). C++ only has conversations. C++ is not declarative like maths or doesnt evolve like life. C++ only converses like people. C++ is like an idiot that doesnt know how maths work or how life evolves.
No, it is not, your friend is wrong.

Object Oriented pattern in C? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How would one write object-oriented code in C? [closed]
(32 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you write object oriented code in C?
I am writing a large application in C and have heard that prior to the advent of C++ programmers used to implement the "Object Oriented" pattern in C. My question is what is the usual form this pattern takes? and how would I go about implementing such an OOP pattern in a modern C application?
Here are a few helpful links to guides on Object Oriented C:
Object Oriented Programming with C - A very thorough treatment of the subject.
Phil's guide to object-oriented C - This is a rather simplistic approach to the subject, imo.
GObject Reference Manual - GObject is used heavily throughout Gnome and GTK+ applications (mostly on Linux) and therefore provides a thorough example of Object Oriented C in the real world.
Where a C++ object has methods, object-style 'C' takes a struct full of function pointers. The functions corresponding to a member function have an explicit data argument that takes the place of the implied 'this' pointer.
Subclasses use function-pointer structs of the same type, with different function pointers to indicate overridded methods.
I used to simply adopt naming conventions for a structure and associated "methods".
Each method would begin with e.g. CANDIDATE_ for a candidate object, and be associated with a typedef CANDIDATE { ... }, and be in a file Candidate.c
An additional link from someone who wrote several OO frameworks for C.
