Having issues with some homework, C programming stuff - c

So the problem is to add 3 numbers together(2's complement) in C. Normally should be very simple, but the hard part of this problem is that you can only use the ops ! ~ & ^ | << >>, no kind of loops, or function calls, or anything fancy. Just those ops. He gives us a function that adds 2 words together. The return of the function I'm writing (sum3) is return sum(word1, word2). My responsibility is to determine what to set word1 and word2 to in order for the call to the sum function to give me the proper answer. Oh, and also I can only use 16 total of those ops up there.
I tried setting word1 to x ^ y, and word2 to (x & y) << 1 to see if I at least got the right answer from that for the first 2 numbers, and it always ends up correct. However, I have no idea how to throw z into the mix without messing everything up. I think this is is the biggest problem...somebody please help, I messed up and didn't realize this was due in 5 hours from now, so I'm freaking out. At least a good hint...something, anything.

Just a hint: a + b == (a ^ b) + ((a & b) << 1). Here a & b is the expression for carry.
As you can see, by this transformation you reduce an add on N bits to some logical operations and an add on N-1 bits. If the N is given, you could manually unroll the loop and the whole result will contain only XOR, AND and SHL(1).


How do you use bitwise operators, masks, to find if a number is a multiple of another number?

So I have been told that this can be done and that bitwise operations and masks can be very useful but I must be missing something in how they work.
I am trying to calculate whether a number, say x, is a multiple of y. If x is a multiple of y great end of story, otherwise I want to increase x to reach the closest multiple of y that is greater than x (so that all of x fits in the result). I have just started learning C and am having difficulty understanding some of these tasks.
Here is what I have tried but when I input numbers such as 5, 9, or 24 I get the following respectively: 0, 4, 4.
if(x&(y-1)){ //if not 0 then multiple of y
x = x&~(y-1) + y;
Any explanations, examples of the math that is occurring behind the scenes, are greatly appreciated.
EDIT: So to clarify, I somewhat understand the shifting of bits to get whether an item is a multiple. (As was explained in a reply 10100 is a multiple of 101 as it is just shifted over). If I have the number 16, which is 10000, its complement is 01111. How would I use this complement to see if an item is a multiple of 16? Also can someone give a numerical explanation of the code given above? Showing this may help me understand why it does not work. Once I understand why it does not work I will be able to problem solve on my own I believe.
Why would you even think about using bit-wise operations for this? They certainly have their place but this isn't it.
A better method is to simply use something like:
unsigned multGreaterOrEqual(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
if ((x % y) == 0)
return x;
return (x / y + 1) * y;
In the trivial cases, every number that is an even multiple of a power of 2 is just shifted to the left (this doesn't apply when possibly altering the sign bit)
For example
is 4 times
is 2 time
As for other multiples, they would have to be found by combining the outputs of two shifts. You might want to look up some primitive means of computer division, where division looks roughly like
x = a / b
implemented like
buffer = a
while a is bigger than b; do
yes: subtract a from b
add 1 to x
faster routines try to figure out higher level place values first, skipping lots of subtractions. All of these routine can be done bitwise; but it is a big pain. In the ALU these routines are done bitwise. Might want to look up a digital logic design book for more ideas.
Ok, so I have discovered what the error was in my code and since the majority say that it is impossible to calculate whether a number is a multiple of another number using masks I figured I would share what I have learned.
It is possible! - if you are using the correct data types that is.
The code given above works if y is declared as a constant unsigned long as x which was being passed in was also an unsigned long. The key point is not the long or constant part but that the number is unsigned. This sign bit causes miscalculation as the first place in the number indicates sign and when performing bitwise operations signs can get muddled.
So here is my code if we are looking for multiples of 16:
const unsigned long y = 16; //declared globally in my case
Then an unsigned long is passed to the function which runs the following code:
if(x&(y-1)){ //if not 0 then multiple of y
x = x&~(y-1) + y;
x will now be the size of the nearest multiple of 16.

How to use bit manipulation to find 5th bit, and to return number of 1 bits in an integer

Assume Z is an unsigned integer. Using ~, <<, >>, &, | , +, and - provide statements which return the desired result.
I am allowed to introduce new binary values if needed.
I have these problems:
1.Extract the 5th bit from the left Z.
For this I was thinking about doing something like
x x x x x x x x
& 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Does this make sense for extracting the fifth bit? I am not totally sure how I would make this work by using just Z when I do not know its values. (I am relatively new to all of this). Would this type of idea work though?
2.Return the number of 1 bits in Z
Here I kind of have no idea how to work this out. What I really need to know is how to work on just Z with the operators, but I m not sure exactly how to.
Like I said I am new to this, so any help is appreciated.
Problem 1
You’re right on the money. I’d do an & and a >> so that you get either a nice 0 or 1.
result = (z & 0x08) >> 3;
However, this may not be strictly necessary. For example, if you’re trying to check whether the bit is set as part of an if conditional, you can exploit C’s definition of anything nonzero as true.
if (z & 0x08)
Problem 2
There are a whole variety of ways to do this. According to that page, the following methodology dates from 1960, though it wasn’t published in C until 1988.
for (result = 0; z; result++)
z &= z - 1;
Exactly why this works might not be obvious at first, but if you work through a few examples, you’ll quickly see why it does.
It’s worth noting that this operation – determining the number of 1 bits in a number – is sufficiently important to have a name (population count or Hamming weight) and, on recent Intel and AMD processors, a dedicated instruction. If you’re using GCC, you can use the __builtin_popcount intrinsic.
Problem 1 looks right, except you should finish it by shifting the result right by 4 to get that bit after the mask.
To implement the mask, you need to know what integer is represented by a single 5th bit. That number is incidentally 2^5 = 32. So you can just AND z with 32 and shift it right by 4.
Problem 2:
int answer = 0;
while (z != 0){ //stop when there are no more 1 bits in z
//the following masks the lowest bit in z and adds it into answer
//if z ends with a 0, nothing is added, otherwise 1 is added
answer += (z & 1);
//this shifts z right by 1 to get the next higher bit
z >>= 1;
return answer;
To find out the value of the fifth bit, you don't care about the bottom bits so you can get rid of them:
unsigned int answer = z >> 4;
The fifth bit becomes the bottom bit, so you can strip it off with a bitwise-AND:
answer = answer & 1;
To find the number of 1-bits in a number you can apply stakSmashr's solution. You could optimise this further if you know you need to count the number of bits in a lot of integers - precompute the number of bits in every possible 8-bit number and store it in a table. There will only be 256 entries in the table so it won't use much memory. Then, you can loop over your data one byte at a time and find the answer from the table. This lookup will be quicker than looping again over each bit.

What is '^' operator used in C other than to check if two numbers are equal?

What are the purposes of ^ operator used in C other than to check if two numbers are equal? Also, why is it used for equality in stead of == in the first place?
The ^ operator is the bitwise XOR operator. Although I have never seen it's use for checking equaltity.
x ^ y will evaluate to 0 exatly when x == y.
The XOR operator is used in cryptography (en- and decrypting text using a pseudo-random bit stream), random number generators (like the Mersenne Twister) and in inline-swap and other bit twiddling hacks:
int a = ...;
int b = ...;
// swap a and b
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;
(useful if you don't have space for another variable like on CPUs with few registers).
^ is the Bitwise XOR.
A bitwise operation operates on one or more bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. It is a fast, primitive action directly supported by the processor, and is used to manipulate values for comparisons and calculations. (source: Bitwise Operation)
The XOR Operator has two operands and it returns 1 if only one of the operands is set to 1.
So a Bitwise XOR Operation of two numbers is the resulting of these bit by bit operations.
For exemple:
00000110 // A = 6
00001010 // B = 10
00001100 // A ^ B = 12
^ is a bit-wise XOR operator in C. It can be used in bits toggling and to swap two numbers;
x^=y, y^=x, x^=y;
and can be used to find max of two numbers;
int max(int x, int y)
return x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y));
It can be used to selectively flip bits. (e.g. to toggle the value of bit #3 in an integer, you can say x = x ^ (1<<3) or, more compactly, x = x^0x08 or even x^=8. (although now that I look at it, the last form looks like some sort of obscene emoticon and should probably be avoided. :)
It should never be used in a test for equality (in C), except in tricky code meant to test undergrads' understanding of the ^ operator. (In assembly, there may be speed advantages on some architectures.)
It it's the exclusive or operator. It will do bitwise exclusive or on the two arguments. If the numbers are equal, this will result in 0, while if they're not equal, the bits that differed between the two arguments will be set.
You generally wouldn't use it inserted of ==, you would use it only when you need to know which bits are different.
Two real usage examples from an embedded system I worked on:
In a status message generating function, where one of the words was supposed to be a passthrough of an external device's status word. There was an disconnect between the device behavior and the message spec - one thought bit0 meant 'error' while the other thought it meant 'OK'.
statuswords[3] = devicestatus ^ 1; //invert B0
The 16-bit target processor was terribly slow to branch, so in an inner loop if (sign(A)!=sign(B) B=0; was coded as:
which took 4 cycles rather than 8, and does the same thing: sets B to 0 iff the sign bits are different.
in many general cases we might use '^' as a replacement for'==' but that doesn't exactly give the result for being equal or not.Instead - it checks the given variables bit by bit and sets a result for each bit individually and finally displays a result summed up with the resulting bits as a bulk.

Bitwise operations, confused with expression used in "The C programming Language"(book)

In the book I am reading to learn C "The C programming language" in chapter 2.
The book is explaining Bitwise operations and it has a function that shows how many bits are in an integer.
The following is the function...
int Bitcount(unsigned x){
int b;
for(b = 0; x != 0; x >>=1){
if(x & 01){
return b;
Then an exercise is given to us stating exactly this.
"In a two's complement number system, x &= (x-1) deletes the rightmost 1-bit in x;
Explain why. Use this observation to write a faster version of Bitcount".
The problem is I really cannot understand how "x &= (x-1)" would work? can someone explain this to me? or send me to a resource that could better help me understand?
I have been trying to figure this out but I really can't.
Thank you for any help that you may give.
also if there is anything wrong with my question this is my first post so please help me make my questions better.
X and X-1 cannot both have their rightmost bit set to 1, because in the binary system numbers ending in 0 and 1 alternate - so X & (X-1) is guaranteed to be a number whose rightmost bit set to 0 as AND only evaluates to true if both terms are true. Maybe the confusion stems from what Andrew W said, here a bitwise AND is used (which ANDs each bit individually)?
EDIT: now, as Inspired points out, this is only part of the answer as the original problem specifies that the rightmost 1-bit will get reset. As Andrew W already answered the correct version in detail, I'm not going to repeat his explanation here but I refer to his answer.
It is equivalent to x = x & (x-1) Here, the & is a bitwise and, not a logical and.
So here's what happens:
1) The expression on the right will be evaluated first, and that value will be stored in x.
2) Suppose x = 01001011 in binary (this isn't the case, since more than 8 bits will be used to represent x, but pretend it is for this example). Then x-1 = 01001010.
3) compute the bitwise and:
01001011 &
01001010 =
which deleted the rightmost one bit.
now suppose number didn't end with a 1 bit:
Say: x = 01001100, the (x-1) = 01001011
compute the bitwise and:
01001100 &
01001011 =
again removing the rightmost 1.
Good book by the way. I hope you enjoy it!
Let's take a closer look at the rightmost 1 bit in x: suppose x = AAAAAA10000..0, where AAAAAA are arbitrary bits. Then x-1 = AAAAAA01111..1. Bitwise AND of these two expressions gives AAAAAA00000..0. This is how it resets the rightmost non-zero bit.
The problem is I really cannot understand how "x &= (x-1)" would work?
Binary number is positional the same way as decimal number. When we increase the number we carry a bit to the left, when we decrease we borrow from the left the same way we do with decimals. So in case x-01 we borrow the first 1-bit from the right while others being set to 1-bit:
- 00000001
which is inversion of those bits till the first 1-bit. And as stated before by others ~y & y = 0 that is why this method can be used to count 1-bits as proposed by the book to make the method faster comparing to bits shifting.

Extracting bits with a single multiplication

I saw an interesting technique used in an answer to another question, and would like to understand it a little better.
We're given an unsigned 64-bit integer, and we are interested in the following bits:
Specifically, we'd like to move them to the top eight positions, like so:
We don't care about the value of the bits indicated by ., and they don't have to be preserved.
The solution was to mask out the unwanted bits, and multiply the result by 0x2040810204081. This, as it turns out, does the trick.
How general is this method? Can this technique be used to extract any subset of bits? If not, how does one figure out whether or not the method works for a particular set of bits?
Finally, how would one go about finding the (a?) correct multiplier to extract the given bits?
Very interesting question, and clever trick.
Let's look at a simple example of getting a single byte manipulated. Using unsigned 8 bit for simplicity. Imagine your number is xxaxxbxx and you want ab000000.
The solution consisted of two steps: a bit masking, followed by multiplication. The bit mask is a simple AND operation that turns uninteresting bits to zeros. In the above case, your mask would be 00100100 and the result 00a00b00.
Now the hard part: turning that into ab.......
A multiplication is a bunch of shift-and-add operations. The key is to allow overflow to "shift away" the bits we don't need and put the ones we want in the right place.
Multiplication by 4 (00000100) would shift everything left by 2 and get you to a00b0000 . To get the b to move up we need to multiply by 1 (to keep the a in the right place) + 4 (to move the b up). This sum is 5, and combined with the earlier 4 we get a magic number of 20, or 00010100. The original was 00a00b00 after masking; the multiplication gives:
00000000a00b0000 +
From this approach you can extend to larger numbers and more bits.
One of the questions you asked was "can this be done with any number of bits?" I think the answer is "no", unless you allow several masking operations, or several multiplications. The problem is the issue of "collisions" - for example, the "stray b" in the problem above. Imagine we need to do this to a number like xaxxbxxcx. Following the earlier approach, you would think we need {x 2, x {1 + 4 + 16}} = x 42 (oooh - the answer to everything!). Result:
As you can see, it still works, but "only just". They key here is that there is "enough space" between the bits we want that we can squeeze everything up. I could not add a fourth bit d right after c, because I would get instances where I get c+d, bits might carry, ...
So without formal proof, I would answer the more interesting parts of your question as follows: "No, this will not work for any number of bits. To extract N bits, you need (N-1) spaces between the bits you want to extract, or have additional mask-multiply steps."
The only exception I can think of for the "must have (N-1) zeros between bits" rule is this: if you want to extract two bits that are adjacent to each other in the original, AND you want to keep them in the same order, then you can still do it. And for the purpose of the (N-1) rule they count as two bits.
There is another insight - inspired by the answer of #Ternary below (see my comment there). For each interesting bit, you only need as many zeros to the right of it as you need space for bits that need to go there. But also, it needs as many bits to the left as it has result-bits to the left. So if a bit b ends up in position m of n, then it needs to have m-1 zeros to its left, and n-m zeros to its right. Especially when the bits are not in the same order in the original number as they will be after the re-ordering, this is an important improvement to the original criteria. This means, for example, that a 16 bit word
Can be shifted into
even though there is only one space between e and b, two between d and c, three between the others. Whatever happened to N-1?? In this case, a...e becomes "one block" - they are multiplied by 1 to end up in the right place, and so "we got e for free". The same is true for b and d (b needs three spaces to the right, d needs the same three to its left). So when we compute the magic number, we find there are duplicates:
a: << 0 ( x 1 )
b: << 5 ( x 32 )
c: << 11 ( x 2048 )
d: << 5 ( x 32 ) !! duplicate
e: << 0 ( x 1 ) !! duplicate
Clearly, if you wanted these numbers in a different order, you would have to space them further. We can reformulate the (N-1) rule: "It will always work if there are at least (N-1) spaces between bits; or, if the order of bits in the final result is known, then if a bit b ends up in position m of n, it needs to have m-1 zeros to its left, and n-m zeros to its right."
#Ternary pointed out that this rule doesn't quite work, as there can be a carry from bits adding "just to the right of the target area" - namely, when the bits we're looking for are all ones. Continuing the example I gave above with the five tightly packed bits in a 16 bit word: if we start with
For simplicity, I will name the bit positions ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
The math we were going to do was
00c0000000000000 +
Until now, we thought anything below abcde (positions ABCDE) would not matter, but in fact, as #Ternary pointed out, if b=1, c=1, d=1 then (b+c) in position G will cause a bit to carry to position F, which means that (d+1) in position F will carry a bit into E - and our result is spoilt. Note that space to the right of the least significant bit of interest (c in this example) doesn't matter, since the multiplication will cause padding with zeros from beyone the least significant bit.
So we need to modify our (m-1)/(n-m) rule. If there is more than one bit that has "exactly (n-m) unused bits to the right (not counting the last bit in the pattern - "c" in the example above), then we need to strengthen the rule - and we have to do so iteratively!
We have to look not only at the number of bits that meet the (n-m) criterion, but also the ones that are at (n-m+1), etc. Let's call their number Q0 (exactly n-m to next bit), Q1 (n-m+1), up to Q(N-1) (n-1). Then we risk carry if
Q0 > 1
Q0 == 1 && Q1 >= 2
Q0 == 0 && Q1 >= 4
Q0 == 1 && Q1 > 1 && Q2 >=2
If you look at this, you can see that if you write a simple mathematical expression
W = N * Q0 + (N - 1) * Q1 + ... + Q(N-1)
and the result is W > 2 * N, then you need to increase the RHS criterion by one bit to (n-m+1). At this point, the operation is safe as long as W < 4; if that doesn't work, increase the criterion one more, etc.
I think that following the above will get you a long way to your answer...
Very interesting question indeed. I'm chiming in with my two cents, which is that, if you can manage to state problems like this in terms of first-order logic over the bitvector theory, then theorem provers are your friend, and can potentially provide you with very fast answers to your questions. Let's re-state the problem being asked as a theorem:
"There exists some 64-bit constants 'mask' and 'multiplicand' such that, for all 64-bit bitvectors x, in the expression y = (x & mask) * multiplicand, we have that y.63 == x.63, y.62 == x.55, y.61 == x.47, etc."
If this sentence is in fact a theorem, then it is true that some values of the constants 'mask' and 'multiplicand' satisfy this property. So let's phrase this in terms of something that a theorem prover can understand, namely SMT-LIB 2 input:
(set-logic BV)
(declare-const mask (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-const multiplicand (_ BitVec 64))
(forall ((x (_ BitVec 64)))
(let ((y (bvmul (bvand mask x) multiplicand)))
(= ((_ extract 63 63) x) ((_ extract 63 63) y))
(= ((_ extract 55 55) x) ((_ extract 62 62) y))
(= ((_ extract 47 47) x) ((_ extract 61 61) y))
(= ((_ extract 39 39) x) ((_ extract 60 60) y))
(= ((_ extract 31 31) x) ((_ extract 59 59) y))
(= ((_ extract 23 23) x) ((_ extract 58 58) y))
(= ((_ extract 15 15) x) ((_ extract 57 57) y))
(= ((_ extract 7 7) x) ((_ extract 56 56) y))
And now let's ask the theorem prover Z3 whether this is a theorem:
z3.exe /m /smt2 ExtractBitsThroughAndWithMultiplication.smt2
The result is:
(define-fun mask () (_ BitVec 64)
(define-fun multiplicand () (_ BitVec 64)
Bingo! It reproduces the result given in the original post in 0.06 seconds.
Looking at this from a more general perspective, we can view this as being an instance of a first-order program synthesis problem, which is a nascent area of research about which few papers have been published. A search for "program synthesis" filetype:pdf should get you started.
Every 1-bit in the multiplier is used to copy one of the bits into its correct position:
1 is already in the correct position, so multiply by 0x0000000000000001.
2 must be shifted 7 bit positions to the left, so we multiply by 0x0000000000000080 (bit 7 is set).
3 must be shifted 14 bit positions to the left, so we multiply by 0x0000000000000400 (bit 14 is set).
and so on until
8 must be shifted 49 bit positions to the left, so we multiply by 0x0002000000000000 (bit 49 is set).
The multiplier is the sum of the multipliers for the individual bits.
This only works because the bits to be collected are not too close together, so that the multiplication of bits which do not belong together in our scheme either fall beyond the 64 bit or in the lower don't-care part.
Note that the other bits in the original number must be 0. This can be achieved by masking them with an AND operation.
(I'd never seen it before. This trick is great!)
I'll expand a bit on Floris's assertion that when extracting n bits you need n-1 space between any non-consecutive bits:
My initial thought (we'll see in a minute how this doesn't quite work) was that you could do better: If you want to extract n bits, you'll have a collision when extracting/shifting bit i if you have anyone (non-consecutive with bit i) in the i-1 bits preceding or n-i bits subsequent.
I'll give a few examples to illustrate:
...a..b...c... Works (nobody in the 2 bits after a, the bit before and the bit after b, and nobody is in the 2 bits before c):
+ 0b000c00
+ 00c00000
= abc.....
...a.b....c... Fails because b is in the 2 bits after a (and gets pulled into someone else's spot when we shift a):
+ 0b0000c0
+ 00c00000
= abX.....
...a...b.c... Fails because b is in the 2 bits preceding c (and gets pushed into someone else's spot when we shift c):
+ 0b0c0000
+ b0c00000
= Xbc.....
...a...bc...d... Works because consecutive bits shift together:
+ 0bc000d000
+ 000d000000
= abcd000000
But we have a problem. If we use n-i instead of n-1 we could have the following scenario: what if we have a collision outside of the part that we care about, something we would mask away at the end, but whose carry bits end up interfering in the important un-masked range? (and note: the n-1 requirement makes sure this doesn't happen by making sure the i-1 bits after our un-masked range are clear when we shift the the ith bit)
...a...b..c...d... Potential failure on carry-bits, c is in n-1 after b, but satisfies n-i criteria:
+ 0b00c000d000
+ 00c000d00000
+ 000d00000000
= abcdX.......
So why don't we just go back to that "n-1 bits of space" requirement?
Because we can do better:
...a....b..c...d.. Fails the "n-1 bits of space" test, but works for our bit-extracting trick:
+ a0000b00c000d00
+ 0b00c000d000000
+ 00c000d00000000
+ 000d00000000000
= abcd...0X......
I can't come up with a good way to characterize these fields that don't have n-1 space between important bits, but still would work for our operation. However, since we know ahead of time which bits we're interested in we can check our filter to make sure we don't experience carry-bit collisions:
Compare (-1 AND mask) * shift against the expected all-ones result, -1 << (64-n) (for 64-bit unsigned)
The magic shift/multiply to extract our bits works if and only if the two are equal.
In addition to the already excellent answers to this very interesting question, it might be useful to know that this bitwise multiplication trick has been known in the computer chess community since 2007, where it goes under the name of Magic BitBoards.
Many computer chess engines use several 64-bit integers (called bitboards) to represent the various piece sets (1 bit per occupied square). Suppose a sliding piece (rook, bishop, queen) on a certain origin square can move to at most K squares if no blocking pieces were present. Using bitwise-and of those scattered K bits with the bitboard of occupied squares gives a specific K-bit word embedded within a 64-bit integer.
Magic multiplication can be used to map these scattered K bits to the lower K bits of a 64-bit integer. These lower K bits can then be used to index a table of pre-computed bitboards that representst the allowed squares that the piece on its origin square can actually move to (taking care of blocking pieces etc.)
A typical chess engine using this approach has 2 tables (one for rooks, one for bishops, queens using the combination of both) of 64 entries (one per origin square) that contain such pre-computed results. Both the highest rated closed source (Houdini) and open source chess engine (Stockfish) currently use this approach for its very high performance.
Finding these magic multipliers is done either using an exhaustive search (optimized with early cutoffs) or with trial and erorr (e.g. trying lots of random 64-bit integers). There have been no bit patterns used during move generation for which no magic constant could be found. However, bitwise carry effects are typically necessary when the to-be-mapped bits have (almost) adjacent indices.
AFAIK, the very general SAT-solver approachy by #Syzygy has not been used in computer chess, and neither does there appear to be any formal theory regarding existence and uniqueness of such magic constants.
