How do I link (dependency) properties in my ViewModel? - wpf

Simplified example:
I have an object that models a user. Users have a first name and a last name. The UserViewModel has a dependency property for my Models.User object. In the declaration of the UserView's xaml, I want to bind a couple of TextBlocks to the first and last name properties.
What is the correct way to do this? Should I have readonly DependencyProperties for the name fields, and when the dependency property User is set, update them? Can the name fields be regular C# properties instead? Or, should I bind like this:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding User.FirstName}" />

You typically will never use Dependency Properties in your ViewModel or Model classes. You'll want to have your ViewModel implement INotifyPropertyChanged instead.
If you do that, you can bind using the syntax above. (Though, if you want two-way binding to work appropriately, your "User" object will also need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged - otherwise, changes made in code to the user will not automatically reflect in the UI.)


How to apply Metadata from a ViewModel to the View in WPF with MVVM

I have a viewModel with properties like the following and a set of specific attributes used throughout the viewmodels.
public class MyViewModel : BaseModel
[StringLength(50), Required]
public string FirstName { get ... set ... }
public bool IsInNewMode { get; }
Now I want to apply such metaData in a view in a consistent way. Like... If bound, set TextBox maxlength from the MaxLengthAttribute. If SetLockedForExistingEntitiesAttribute is set, disable the control in case viewModel is not in some 'New' Mode etc..
Is that doable/a good idea to do with a custom MarkupExtension that replaces "Binding" for VM Bindings? Or would it be better to use a Behavior (applied via attached property) which tries to apply anything it can from the bound ViewModel property to the control it is attached to?
Usage would be like
(A) Attached dependencyproperty that reads the binding from TextBox.Text and applies behaviors
<TextBox Text="{Binding Model.FirstName, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" "bb:MyBindingHelper.ApplyViewModelBehaviors="True" />
(B) Custom MarkupExtension that does all in one
<TextBox Text="{BindingWithModelBasedBehaviors Model.FirstName}" />
You could write a markup extension that gets the property from the datacontext and reads attributes.
That would be kind of complicated but you can get the property name of properties where the source changed event was raised.
That looks rather like validation to me.
You could implement inotifydataerrorinfo in a base viewmodel and write code there that validates properties using attributes.
That's how the code in this works:
That works by the view telling the viewmodel which property's value just passed to the viewmodel.
You can extend the method you use for raising property changed to pass the property name to the validation.
Or you could even do the check from a method called in the property setter before you set the value on a property and not set the value if the new one fails validation.
As a specific property fails validation in a particular way you could run an action.
The production code version of that app I linked also has a dictionary of predicates used as well as attributes. They could have code in them references and sets other viewmodel properties.

Can I have a MVVM model inherited from an other model?

I have a ProductViewModel class which contains different properties.
Then I have a ProductDetailsViewModel class which inherit from ProducViewModel class. The reason I am doing it this way is in order to get correct binding environement and avoid duplication of properties from previous view.
I am allowed to do this or each ViewModel should be clearly isolated?
Through code I can acess the properties of the ProductViewModel class from ProductDetailsViewModel view but when I set the datacontext of my ProductDetailView to ProducDetailsViewModel class and bind properties URI for instance which is define inside the inherited class, binding seems not occurs.
Any idea ?
You can do this too, but i think maybe better would be to separate them and use Dependency Injection.
You create and interface for your ProductViewModel and implement it and then you inject this into your ProductDetailsViewModel.
Yes this is fine, and I do this all the time in my WPF projects so it should just work. Some suggestions:
Can you check your output window when debugging the application. Are there any binding errors suggesting a mis-typed xaml binding?
Are you using any DataTemplates in xaml which bind to a specific type, e.g. ProductViewModel not ProductDetailsViewModel?
Does the base type (ProductViewModel) implement INotifyPropertyChanged?
Are all the properties in ProductViewModel and ProductSetailsViewModel raising the PropertyChanged event with directly typed string property name?
Best regards,

How to create a dependency property in Silverlight using MVVM?

let say there is a textbox and i want to control the visibility of this control using MVVM, is there a sample on how to do this? First create a dependency property then get it hooked up in the ViewModel. Thanks.
Typically, you wouldn't need to use a dependency property in this case. Dependency properties really only need to be implemented for things like controls themselves, not for determining behavior. Behavior, such as the visibility of an element, can be handled directly via data binding.
Your ViewModel would just have some property, and you'd bind the TextBox.Visibility property directly to the ViewModel property.
The one "sticky point" is that you often will want to have some type of IValueConverter that will convert from your property type to a Visibility enum.

WPF: Proper configuration for Window with a child UserControl (MVVM)

I am trying to properly accomplish the following. I have a UserControl (ProgramView). It has a viewmodel (ProgramViewViewModel). ProgramView is consumed as a child control within a Window (ProgramWindow). ProgramWindow has a public property ProgramId, so the consumer of the window can specify the desired Program (data entity) to show. ProgramView has a property ProgramId, as it's primary job is to display this data. ProgramWindow is little more than a wrapper window for this user control.
ProgramViewViewModel also has a property ProgramId. Changes to this property drive out the operation of the view model, which are surfaced out of the view model using other properties, which ProgramView can bind to.
I am trying to hide the operation of the view model from the consumer of the ProgramView and ProgramWindow.
This ProgramId should be bound through all of these layers. Changes to ProgramWindow.ProgramId should flow to ProgramView.ProgramId and then to ProgramViewViewModel.ProgramId. I cannot figure out how to properly implement this.
My current approach is to surface ProgramId in all three classes as a DP. Within the Window, I would imagine ProgramView being instantiated thusly:
<local:ProgramView ProgramId="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type local:ProgramWindow}}, Path=ProgramId}" />
This appears to actually work. Within ProgramView, I do obtain changed events for the property, and they do appear to have the correct value. FindAncestor seems to operate properly.
How then should I synchronize the ProgramViewViewModel.ProgramId property? I see two ways. One way would be to set a Binding on the ProgramViewViewModel instance itself, to also use FindAncestor, and find the ProgramId on the ProgramViewViewModel This has two downsides. It requires ProgramViewViewModel to surface ProgramId as a dependency property. I'd rather like to avoid this, but it might be acceptable. Either way, I cannot accomplish it in XAML.
ProgramId="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type local:ProgramView}}, Path=ProgramId}" />
This does not work. It appears that I cannot introduce a binding expression within the instantiation of the instance. FindAncestor reports that it cannot find ProgramView. My theory here is that the instance is outside of the logical tree, and thus cannot traverse to it's parent.
The second option, which makes more sense, is to bind the ProgramView.ProgramId property to "ProgramId" (in the DataContext). I cannot accomplish this because I cannot figure out how to specify a binding expression on a property defined in the code-behind. is required in the XAML, but the type ProgramId exists on is actually . I cannot figure out how to specify this property.
If I manually (in code-behind of ProgramView) create a Binding instance and call SetBinding(ProgramIdProperty, binding), the value no longer flows into the View itself. I believe this is because I just replaced the binding on ProgramView.ProgramId, which was previously set by ProgramWindow. One binding per-property?
My remaining ideas are to provide TWO ProgramId properties in ProgramView. One bound to the DataContext, the other publicly available to be bound by the consumer (ProgramWindow), and then write OnValueChanged handlers that synchronize the two. This feels like a hack. The other is to manually watch for changes on ProgramView.ProgramId and ProgramView.DataContext within the code-behind of ProgramView, and propagate the value myself. Neither of these ideas feel ideal.
I'm looking for other suggestions.
Your description seems detailed but I'm having trouble understanding why you need to implement this design. I can't help but think DRY.
If you need to expose a dependency property in two such-related view models, I would suggest that you make the child view model (for the user control view) a property of the first (for the program window view). Something like:
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ProgramViewModel ChildViewModel { get; private set; }
public class ProgramViewModel : ViewModelBase
private int _ProgramId;
public int ProgramId
get { return _ProgramId; }
if (value != _ProgramId)
// set and raise propery changed notification
The MainView can get the property using ChildViewModel.ProgramId (data context set to MainViewModel). The ProgramView accesses it by ProgramId (data context set to MainViewModel.ChildViewModel).

Binding an Element to a Control Property (string)

so, i've found a way to bind a label to a property on current Control
i give it a name:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfGridtest.GridControl" x:Name="GridControlControl1">
and than bind to property of this control:
<Label Content="{Binding ElementName=GridControlControl1, Path=Filter}"></Label>
I can see the default value i put in that property.
I am guessing that this isn't working because i am binding to String property which doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged??
is there some other type i should be using for this property instead of String auto notify my label of changes, or am i going about this the wrong way?
The INotifyPropertyChanged interface should be implemented by the class that contains the property - in this case, by your WpfGridtest.GridControl.
Also, if you want to use your properties for UI, consider using a DependencyProperty as a storage instead of a private field.
in addition, it is also likely that the default binding mode is one time, so you may have to change it in your {Binding}
