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Closed 7 years ago.
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Let's say I create a CMS that uses ExtJS.
I want to avoid the license fee, so I open-source the CMS on github.
Now let's imagine that I make your friend Dave a website that uses my CMS. I spend three hundred hours designing a logo and layout. Can I charge a fee for this, and would I be obliged to open-source Dave's website too or is it enough to just open-source the CMS?
I find this LPGL license a little confusing. Say hi to Dave for me.
Only ExtJS code prior to 2.1 is under LGPL. It currently uses GPLv3. That means if you distribute it, "the entire work, as a whole" must be licensed under GPLv3. The entire work may include code directly connected to ExJS. But "separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work" (which probably includes server code) don't have to be GPLv3. So the way I interpret it, only code (e.g. client JS you develop) that tightly extends Ext would have to be released. See also this FAQ.
Regardless, you can charge as much as you want for services and/or the CMS itself.
ExtJS GPL Licence means that if you are using ExtJS under GPL Licence, and not modifying ExtJS itself, then you are Free to use ExtJS in whatever manner on any Website. But if you take ExtJS and start modifying ExtJS itself ( to make some better 'Super-Duper-ExtJS' Library ), then you have to share that with everyone, because if you start selling 'Super-Duper-ExtJS' to your Clients, then whats going to happen is that 'ExtJS-Company' finds itself Competing with Itself. I dont think you need to share your 'Website's Source-code' in any case. If you need to share your 'Websites source-code' ifself with other People while using ExtJS-GPL, then only the ExtJS-GPL Licence would start looking absurd, and you need to start looking at jQueryUI or DOJO ! But I dont think that 'ExtJS-Company' means to share your Websites-source just for the reason that you used their ExtJS Library ! What say .......
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Closed 9 years ago.
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i have an Educational website and i create always pdf files from my learning and ad them for download
but there is many learchers that download my files and reupload them somewhere else
i used google dmca but is there any way to Prevent from re-uploading my files?
One way is to use your .htaccess to prevent hotlinking, but even if you do that, you'll again have the problem that when someone views the document via an in-browser extension (e.g. Adobe Reader, Foxit PDF Reader), they can save it and you've lost control over what they can do with it. Or, depending on how you've set up your site, they can simply directly download it, leaving you again back at square one.
Hence, the solution is to bypass direct access to the document. And, there are a number of ways to do that, which varies based on technique and web software (platform) used.
However, since you didn't mention a particular platform or technology: you can use web controllers (MVC type controllers) to broker the dynamic viewing and displaying of the documents in tandem with a client-side tool / plugin to do the displaying for you (much like Scribd).
However, Scribd uses a proprietary Flash PDF viewer called iPaper, and while it isn't available for use, you can find many other alternatives on the web. One that comes highly recommended (there's even a tag on SO for it) is FlexPaper, an open source plugin that implements a client-side web-based PDF viewer - which I think will suit your needs perfectly (from here):
This project provides a light weight document viewer component
enabling PDF files to be viewed without having any PDF reader software
installed. This project provides both Flex library and stand-alone web
Here are some demos of it in action:
Sorry, by mistake posted partial comment. Anyway...
Why do you afraid of reuploading of your files ? Put links to original site into the PDF and get profit of this. More copies, more downloads, more popularity for your resource. If you indeed would like to make PDFs available from your site only, you have to hide files from users and provide some functionality to read them from your web site only (you can use existing sites of this type). That makes duplicating of your resources to be harder task, but be ready that many users reject to read it this way.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I will built an applications using Sencha Ext JS.
I tried a little application in order to lean it. But I was wonder what are the difference between the GPL and the commercial license?
I noticed that the code is exactly the same, and the way on programming also.
So what are the advantages to buy the commercial license?
Thank you
The GPL license is for open source applications. If you are creating an open source application and are compatible with the GNU General Public License (providing source code etc.) you don't have to buy a commercial license.
If you are releasing an application for commercial purposes and do not plan on sharing the source code... you would have to buy a commercial license. The advantages? Staying legal, rewarding Sencha for their great framework and supporting future updates to the framework to name a few!
NOTE: I am not a Sencha representative and/or lawyer. Contact Sencha to find out exactly what is required for your particular situation.
You can make money if you decide to use the GPL version. However you have to make your application source available moreover any one who is using your app as a library for his application should do too.
If you plan to open source your app then look at this thread: Which license should I use for my open source project
If not then go with the commercial one. Sencha touch provide a good FAQ regarding licensing:
Good luck with your choose.
I think this will help:
Also i think you require a commercial license if you are going to distribute(sell) your product and wants only you to have the permission to change the source code on the product and customers to only use them, open source license you need if you develop your application for your own purpose and whosever use it do have the permission to make any change in it(source code).
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I just started a project with the newly release Sencha Designer Beta, and I was researching the free commercial license. Someone pointed out on a blog post comment that the 11. Support and Updates section of the license agreement is very restrictive and deceptive. After reading this section, I cannot fully understand it, as I have little experience in interpreting software license agreements.
Can anyone decode this for me in terms of what it really means about receiving updates to the Sencha Touch framework and what is means for someone who is creating an end-user mobile app?
You are not entitled to any support for the Software under this
Agreement. All support must be purchased separately and will be
subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Sencha support
agreement. You are entitled to receive minor version updates to the
Software (i.e. versions identified as follows (X.Y, X.Y+1). You are
not entitled to receive major version updates (i.e. X.Y, X+1.Y) or bug
fix updates to the Software (X.Y.Z, X.Y.Z+1). Major version updates
and bug fix updates to the Software are available separately for
I'm fully clear on the fact that you have to pay for support, but not about the availability of updates. When they release updated versions of the framework, how does this prevent someone from just updating their packages? What are the hidden pitfalls here? As long as we aren't directly requesting bug fixes and support, what in this text would prevent me from just downloading and updating my local framework to the latest release?
Here is a link to the blog post which contains the comment that caused me confusion on the matter:
Please note that I do not endorse the view taken by this blog comment. I am only linking for the reason that it brought my questions to the surface.
As the person who wrote much of that text - originally for our Ext JS license - I can tell you that the intent was not to be deceptive, but some of the text doesn't make sense when it's applied to a free license like the Sencha Touch developer license (and legalese can be read with the wrong tone)
Here's what it means.
You've just downloaded version 1.0 of the software, good for you
You're entitled to get version 1.1, and 1.2, and 1.3 as well if and when we ship them
You're not entitled to get version 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 (if and when we ship them) - that's a benefit just for our technical support subscribers
You're not entitled to file technical support tickets either.
Does that make sense?
(Incidentally, I am a little upset by the implications of the comment in the post you linked and will reply to it now. Our support subscribers allow us to pay for developers to develop patches, which then we make available only to our support subscribers. All patches are rolled into the next minor release.)
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Are there any tools out there which uses Image Recognition(searching, comparing, validating images) as base for automating and testing GUI software.I know ranorex supports it. Are there any better tools?Are there any gotchas in using Image Recognition to drive test automation?
Ok, first of all, I DO understand the previous answers: testing apps using image recognition isn't the best way to test GUIs. But, at the same time, I don't understand why you aren't answering the question in first place. He's asking for tools that work that way, I'd think he's smart enough to understand where he's going into.
Ok, now the main subject, my choice would includes:
Sikuli, a MIT project under the GNU-like MIT license. It uses Python over Jython. Free.
TestPlant eggPlant, a tool that works through a VNC server, so you can test apps in any VNC compatible platform (including smartphones). It has some nice features like OCR, test schedule and so on. It uses SenseTalk. Not free, you could request a trial.
Routine Bot, I've never used it but it seems pretty useful.
I would also discourage using Image Recognition with SendKeys and Click at Coordinates or (Button Images) to do UI testing. I have been recently using UI Automation to automate the testing of a WPF application with success. By placing small breadcrumbs (Automation.AutomationID="OkButton") throughout our application's XAML I have been able to write some C# Unit Tests that exercise different aspects of the application. Even without the breadcrumbs UI Automation is still capable of exercising an application, but it is slightly more difficult when trying to identify the controls on the UI.
A decent article on Code Project is available as a starting point.
You will also need UI Spy, a free tool from Microsoft, which helps you find controls and manually exercise the controls through UI Automation as guidance for writing the scripts. The tool is buried in the Windows Vista SDK, after installation search for UISpy.exe. The UI Spy tool can still run on a Windows XP machine by just copying the EXE to the target machine.
Consider AutoItScript for driving Windows-based GUIs in test scenarios - AND scraping off the UIs. Consider tesseract open source optical character recognition. Also OpenCV for machine vision.
Free AutoItScript works at the API level in that you can read states of various Widgets and Windows sections, send actions to these UI components too, wait for state changes etc. It's possible to produce highly robust automation code that will ensure focusing on Windows and resolution independence.
Let me suggestion another solution.
It's not a complete UI automation framework, but rather a specific tool just for the Image validation.
It will allow you to ignore the unstable part of your images as well (random data, etc.)
It will integrate with any other UI testing framework you choose:Selenium, Sikuli, etc.
thanks for your comment! please Take a look at RoutineBot – interface testing software based clicking on certain image patterns and see for yourself how this idea is implemented in an
automation tool!
Old question, but perhaps this answer may prove useful to someone. I currently am using two products,
Testing Anywhere, by Automation Anywhere (
and Quick Test Professional, by HP (
Both of them do the job well enough, and both support the use of image recognition. I am not entirely convinced that image recognition is in itself a bad thing. As with all things, you have to tailor your approach to your particular needs and use the right tool for the job.
Just thought I'd add another entry to this thread. Things may have changed, not sure, but when I last saw the demo, this product offered Sikuli-like IDE/interface/capabilities while being a commercial product and supported actual devices beyond simulator. Don't know if the tool has improved to detect objects by identifiers beyond images now or not.
SeeTest from
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Closed 6 years ago.
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At company I'm working, new project will be started soon. I'd like to use Silverlight 2.0 but I need to convince my CEO and Photoshop/AfterEffects guy for using Silverligt for upcoming project. These persons are - let's say - rather Flash / Apple oriented, but for me as a .NET developer Silverlight seems to be proper solution :-)
I have a list of advantages from developer's point of view but I need to show for these non-technical persons any working demos .
These applications could be business applications, but the most important features are:
fancy graphics - not a developer manufacture,
comfortable and interesting UI,
functionalities which are difficult to implement in Flash
I find that folks really like Quince:
One of my favorites is Centre des Usages:
Telerik have a couple of nice looking demos of their controls
This silverlight showcase will probably have something you can use
There are some killer visual effects in SL3:
That demo is pretty awesome. Be sure to mention out of browser support, which you can't do in flash (though I understand other adobe technologies support OOB). Other posts on stack overflow have pointed to there being more 3rd party controls for SL than Flash but I don't have any stats to back it up.
Surely you don't need Demo's of fancy graphics or comfortable and interesting UI's. Since this would be by design and would be implementable in Flash or Silverlight.
Surely things like the fact that existing programmer knowledge can be extended into the rich UI because you can reuse your .Net skills would be the key thing. Being able to deliver functionality rather that just "flash"....
The showcase above is quite good, but the argument is still going to come back from the people who are used to using flash by saying "Yea, but we could do that in flash".
You need to show them what additional functionality Silverlight would allow for which you are battling to implement using flash. The down side is that if you can not do that, and you have a company with resources that is already trained in building things in Flash, you may be better off staying with Flash.
Becoming more familier with Silverlight yourself would help you to explain the strengths of SilverLight and all the good things. Time for that Hello World Silverlight app to be created.
Most of the things that you can do in Flash/Air can be done in Silverlight and vice versa. even if they are some things you can do in one but not the other, they might not be applicable to your scenario. picking the tool is one task. Assuming you have picked Silverlight then comes the difficult task do you use Code Behind, MVP, MVC, MVVM, Prism, Caliburn, SLExtensions. and once you pick the pattern you use, you will soon find there are n-variations of each with no definitive guidance
I would say if dev's are familiar with .net go with Silverlight
I met the CEO of this company on Tuesday, so I have no prior affiliation or vested interest. (But, he was a nice enough guy, so I'll give him this free plug.) Both the apps you see on this page are pretty cool, and the first is a Silverlight app.