Which dll has 'BusyIndicator' for silverlight? - silverlight

I have installed Nov '09 silverlight 3 toolkit. Referenced System.Windows.Control from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0 Libraries\Client\System.Windows.Controls.dll
but when I compile my code I am getting
"Error 6 The type or namespace name 'BusyIndicator' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Controls' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"
I opened the dll in object browser and I could not find the busyindicator either. Could some one please tell me which dll has the Busy Indicator?
I found the following link regarding the same issue but did not say which dll has this class.

It's the System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit assembly.
Direkt link to the source code.
Generally, I'd strongly recommend to switch to 4.0 though.


WPF compile started failing for Interactions and Interactivity

Today I stopped being able to compile my WPF project. I started getting a host of errors such as "The attachable property 'Behaviors' was not found in type 'Interaction' in the (xxx xaml file)."
I haven't changed any references (I have both the "Microsoft.Expression.Interactions" and "System.Windows.Interactivity" dll's referenced still in my project).
The errors I am getting are similar to this one:
"Error 15 The type 'i:EventTrigger' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. (Xaml Filename here)"
i: is defined as: "xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity""
When recompiling it is now getting these errors. As mentioned above I still have those same DLL references in the project. I don't know what could have changed.
This code had been running fine for hundreds of ongoing compiles over a year and a half.
The only real change recently that I can think of is that yesterday I did a complete uninstall of Visual Studio 2013 RC. I don't know how this could make a difference though, and the referenced Dll's still exist.
The 2 namespace references involved are:
xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" xmlns:ei="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactions"
All elements referencing both i: and ie: are now failing to compile with errors similar to below:
"The type 'i:EventTrigger' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built."
"The type 'ei:FluidMoveSetTagBehavior' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built."
HOWEVER, I found that when I change the namespace for i: above to: "clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity", the errors for i: go away.
However I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax to change the ei="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactions" reference to the Microsoft.Expression.Interactions Assembly. I don't know why it makes a difference and I may be going down the wrong path, but it's my next step. Any help on that one?
After more digging I discovered that the uninstall I mentioned for VS 2013 RC must have also uninstalled the Expression Blend SDK for .Net 4.
Oddly enough the Dll's that I had referenced were leftover from the 3.5 SDK but the namespace was for the .Net 4 SDK and had always been working. (Until that SDK was uninstalled). A clue for me was when I went to enter another namespace and the "//schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" selection was no longer in the intellisense list.
I reinstalled the Blend SDK for .Net 4 and all is well again. Thanks for the attempts to help. A reminder to me to always focus on the question "what has changed" even though it may not be where you suspect...

The type 'System.Windows.Input.ICommand' exists in both 'PresentationCore.dll' and 'System.dll'

I've got this error that I just can't figure out.
I'm using VS 2012 (VS11) on Windows 8 with .net4.5 and I get this error when compiling a project that worked with VS 2010 and .net4.0.
This is the full error:
The type System.Windows.Input.ICommand exists in both 'c:\Program
Files (x86)\Reference
and 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.dll'
If anybody could provide some insight on what is causing it and/or how to fix it I'd be grateful.
The message is accurate, ICommand indeed exists in both assemblies for .NET 4.5. The problem is your reference to System.dll, your project is using the wrong one. The assemblies in the Microsoft.NET directory are no longer suitable to act as reference assemblies, like they were in versions of .NET prior to .NET 4.0. They should no longer be there but unfortunately are required to get C++/CLI projects built.
Your reference to PresentationCore.dll is correct, it uses the c:\program files\reference assembly subdirectory. The proper home for reference assemblies in .NET 4.0 and up. These assemblies are special, they contain only metadata and are not a copy of the runtime assemblies.
You'll need to fix your project. System.dll is probably not the only assembly that has this problem. Open the References node of your project and verify them one by one. Remove bad ones that point to Microsoft.NET and replace them with good ones by using Project + Add Reference. Best to just replace them all to be sure.
I had a similar problem with fxcopcmd V12.
I was able to solve it by explicitly adding
/reference:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\WindowsBase.dll"
See: FxCop engine exception on WPF assembly
Take a look at this similar post, How can I resolve this? The unit type exists in two dll files, it suggests that you are referencing two assemblies with the same type, so you would need to give the type you want to use the fully quantified name.
We had the same problem with our libraries after moving to a new build server.
The solution was to specify the path of the .net framework to build against:
/p:FrameworkPathOverride="C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"
If the .net 4.0 framework (Multi-Targeting Pack) is not installed on the build server (as it was with us), you can just copy the "v4.0" folder with all its assemblies to the build server ;)

Can't find what assembly contains BusyIndicator

I had my project written in Silverlight 4. Recently I've reinstalled my system and installed Silverlight 5. But when I re-installed "everything" I got the problem with BusyIndicator. It does look like this control was removed from System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit and attempts to compile my project (targeted still to Silverlight 4) fails with error:
The type 'ToolkitControls:BusyIndicator' was not found.
The namespace is defined as follow:
I saw a lot of other topics on StackOverflow and see people use this control widely. That sounds like I don't have some toolbox installed or miss any assembly.
I do have the following components installed:
MS VS 2010 SP1
Tools for Visual Studio® 2010 SP1 ( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=28358)
Silverlight 5 Toolkit - December 2011 ( http://silverlight.codeplex.com/releases/view/78435)
Do I need something else?
Probably I need to add some reference to my project to have already installed toolboxes linked to my project?
Please advise, any help is very much appreciated!
P.S. Recently found similar problem and solution for WPF ( The type toolkit:BusyIndicator was not found). But in my case I don't know with which assembly to start... I've looked through the GAC and "Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight": can't find any assemblies in that looks like related to Silverlight control toolbox...
I just added the same Tools and Silverlight 5 ToolKit to my Visual Studio installation. I was able to find the BusyIndicator by going to the ToolBox right clicking and then selectin ChooseItems I found it there not enabled.
Namespace = System.Windows.Controls
Assembly Name = System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit
Directory = C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v5.0\Toolkit\dec11\Bin
Heh, the answer was easy though not really obvious:
I should install toolkit for the 4th Silverlight (http://silverlight.codeplex.com/releases/view/43528)! :)
I instaled nuget package and now working right.
PM> Install-Package SilverlightToolkit-All

VS2010 i am missing a reference

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlStudio.Explorer;
unable to find this pls assist
found the dll's in this folders
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\ (in the windows explorer just search for the missing reference and add the .dll)
Ok my bad i changed the target framework to .Net 4 client profile but have to change to .Net4 framework and the build suceeded
so was unable to resolve this what else i need to do?
This is the ultimate error haunting me
What you wrote is a namespace, not an assembly. You're probably looking for the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SDK.SqlStudio assembly.
Note that not all assemblies are listed in this dialog. This can for instance be found in the (Program Files) Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\ directory, you can use the Browse functionality to add a reference.
You might find this blog entry useful:

WPF Design Time Error w/ Local Namespace Reference

I'm having an issue with the WPF Designer. At some point I did something that broke all of my controls that reference the local assembly. The application builds and runs just fine, but the VS Designer throws errors every time that a local resource is referenced via a clr-namespace.
For instance, I have the following reference:
Note that I left off the assembly=MyAssembly because its the local/current.
Then when I reference it in a resources block:
<Converters:IsNotNullConverter x:Key="isNotNull"/>
This was all working up until today. At some point I did something which broke all of the references with the following error:
Undefined CLR Namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'MyAssembly.Converters' that is not included in the assembly.
I've tried cleaning, rebuilding, restarting VS, closing the designer panes, and all combinations of these 4. It's most likely some other minor issue that is causing the whole thing to blow up (as happens too often in WPF). My problem is that I have no idea how to begin to break this problem down.
Does anyone have any insights or techniques for finding the real issue with this design-time problem? Right now I'm basically going file by file and hoping I can find the needle in the haystack.
"I just solved this by changing the target from x64 to x86. Apparently Visual Studio is 32bit process and it's unable to load 64bit assemblies, and if your assembly is targeting x64 platform and you adding some custom control visual studio is unable to load it and throws this message. "
From: The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace that is not included in the assembly
I had it set to x64 because of a 3rd party DLL requirement...gonna be tricky. Oh well. Thanks!
