Custom Message Box Advice - wpf

Well I'm using a Window as my custom message box with a couple of controls which are displayed/populated with text depending on which constructor is called.
I have a defined event, which is subscribed to via the original class, this fires once the button has been clicked.
However I can't see how to use this effectively, preferably I'd like to return a bool whether Yes or No was clicked, however obviously my code will carry on executing, hence the method which is subscibed to the button click. Below is some example code to make the issue clearer.
Message Box Window
public partial class CustomMessageBox : Window
public delegate void MessageBoxHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event MessageBoxHandler MessageBoxEvent;
public CustomMessageBox()
public CustomMessageBox(string message)
this.txtdescription.Text = message;
public CustomMessageBox(string message, string title, string firstBtnText)
this.lbltitle.Content = title;
this.txtdescription.Text = message;
this.btnstart.Content = firstBtnText;
public static class MessageBoxButtonClick
public static bool Yes { get; set; }
public static bool No { get; set; }
public static bool Cancel { get; set; }
Window Which Instantiates the MessageBox Window
private void StartProcess_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (var result in results)
_validResults.Add(new ToBeProcessed(result.Uri, result.Links));
_msgbox = new CustomMessageBox("Each Uri's backlinks will now be collected from Yahoo and filtered, finally each link will be visited and parsed. The operation is undertaken in this manner to avoid temporary IP Blocks from Yahoo's servers.", "Just a FYI", "OK");
_msgbox.MessageBoxEvent += (MessageBoxHandler);
if (_msgBoxProceed)
Yahoo yahoo = new Yahoo();
yahoo.Status.Sending += (StatusChange);
//What I'd like to happen here is the code simply stop, like it does when calling a messagebox is winforms
// if(ProceedClicked == true)
// do stuff
// yahoo.ScrapeYahoo(_validResults[Cycle].Uri, _validResults[Cycle].LinkNumber);
private void MessageBoxHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageBoxButtonClick.Yes)
ProceedClicked = true;
ProceedClicked = false;
Hopefully that makes it clear enough, I can't put any execution code ie call a certain method due to using it multiple times throughout my application.

Very hard to understand what the problem exactly is. Also the code you wrote here, doesn't seemt to have any calls, that would actually show the CustomMessageBoxWindow.
But I'll take a stab at this...
First of all, am I right in guessing that in your main Window you want your code to wait at if(_msgBoxProceed) until the user actually presses a button in your CustomMessageBoxWindow (currently it just shows the message box and continues executing the next statements)?
If so then I'm guessing you are showing your message box window with the Show() method. Use ShowDialog() instead. That will cause code execution to stop, until the message box gets closed.
If you don't want to use a modal dialog then there are two options. Either use thread syncrhonization objects (eg AutoResetEvent) or set up a new event for when the message box closes and continue your code execution in the closed event handler (in StartProcess_Click the last line would be a call to _msgBox.Show() and everything from if(_msgBoxProceed) would be in the closed event handler).


WPF Winforms Interop eating keystroke

I create a winform project with a single form with 4 textboxes and a button.
On button click, I perform the following:
Window1 w = new Window1();
Where window 1 is a Wpf window. Window1 has a single button on it and when that button is clicked the following occurs:
When you run the application the WinForm Form pops ups. If you hit tab it cycles through the 4 textboxes no problem. Then Click the button to open the WPF window. Click that button and popup the messagebox. Leave them open and then go back to the WinForm form you can no longer tab through the fields but you can type other characters. It appears as though the textboxes get the keystrokes but the form doesn't get them. I also get a system beep as though the model was getting the keystroke.
EDIT 9/9/2014 3:44PM
Hans responded in the comments and was correct. I tried describing a simpler case that would be easier for other people to reproduce that gave use the same symptoms. Our actual problem is that we have created a window base class that supports modal to parent capabilities. Here is the relevant code for our BaseWindow
public class BaseWindow: Window
static extern bool EnableWindow(IntPtr hWnd, bool bEnable);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
public void ShowModalToParent(Window frmParent, Action<bool?> callback = null)
IntPtr myHandle = (new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(this)).Handle;
this.Closing += Window_Closing;
ShowInTaskbar = false;
Owner = frmParent; // Keep on top of parent
ClosedCallBack += callback ?? (p => { _modalDialogResult = p; });
var parentHandle = (new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(frmParent)).Handle;
EnableWindow(parentHandle, false); // Prevent events for parent
new ShowAndWaitHelper(this).ShowAndWait();
internal class ShowAndWaitHelper
private readonly Window _window;
private DispatcherFrame _dispatcherFrame;
internal ShowAndWaitHelper(Window window)
if (window == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("panel");
this._window = window;
internal void ShowAndWait()
if (this._dispatcherFrame != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call ShowAndWait while waiting for a previous call to ShowAndWait to return.");
this._window.Closed += new EventHandler(this.OnPanelClosed);
this._dispatcherFrame = new DispatcherFrame();
private void OnPanelClosed(object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
if (this._dispatcherFrame == null)
this._window.Closed -= new EventHandler(this.OnPanelClosed);
this._dispatcherFrame.Continue = false;
this._dispatcherFrame = null;
I'm sure this code was taken from a Blog/Forum post of some sort but am unable to find any reference to it in code. We want to keep the modal to parent but some how address the odd key press issue. To reproduce the issue replace the button_click in Window1 to call ShowModalToParent on a window that uses this as a base class.

How to properly canalize multithreaded message flow in a single threaded service?

In a WPF application, I have a 3rd party library that is publishing messages.
The messages are like :
public class DialectMessage
public string PathAndQuery { get; private set; }
public byte[] Body { get; private set; }
public DialectMessage(string pathAndQuery, byte[] body)
this.PathAndQuery = pathAndQuery;
this.Body = body;
And I setup the external message source from my app.cs file :
public partial class App : Application
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
//handle message
These messages can be publishing from multiple thread at a time, making possible to call the event handler multiple times at once.
I have a service object that have to parse the incoming messages. This service implements the following interface :
internal interface IDialectService
void Parse(Message message);
And I have a default static instance in my app.cs file :
private readonly static IDialectService g_DialectService = new DialectService();
In order to simplify the code of the parser, I would like to ensure only one message at a time is parsed.
I also want to avoid locking in my event handler, as I don't want to block the 3rd party object.
Because of this requirements, I cannot directly call g_DialectService.Parse from my message event handler
What is the correct way to ensure this single threaded execution?
My first though is to wrap my parsing operations in a Produce/Consumer pattern. In order to reach this goal, I've try the following :
Declare a BlockingCollection in my app.cs :
private readonly static BlockingCollection<Message> g_ParseOperations = new BlockingCollection<Message>();
Change the body of my event handler to add an operation :
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
Create a new thread that pump the collection from my app constructor :
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Message message;
while (g_ParseOperations.TryTake(out message))
However, this code does not seems to work. The service Parse method is never called.
Moreover, I'm not sure if this pattern will allow me to properly shutdown the application.
What have I to change in my code to ensure everything is working?
PS: I'm targeting .Net 4.5
[Edit] After some search, and the answer of ken2k, i can see that I was wrongly calling trytake in place of take.
My updated code is now :
private readonly static CancellationTokenSource g_ShutdownToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
g_ParseOperations.Add(message, g_ShutdownToken.Token);
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (!g_ShutdownToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var message = g_ParseOperations.Take(g_ShutdownToken.Token);
protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e)
This code acts as expected. Messages are processed in the correct order. However, as soon I exit the application, I get a "CancelledException" on the Take method, even if I just test the IsCancellationRequested right before.
The documentation says about BlockingCollection.TryTake(out T item):
If the collection is empty, this method immediately returns false.
So basically your loop exits immediately. What you may want is to call the TryTake method with a timeout parameter instead, and exit your loop when a mustStop variable becomes true:
bool mustStop = false; // Must be set to true on somewhere else when you exit your program
while (!mustStop)
Message yourMessage;
// Waits 500ms if there's nothing in the collection. Avoid to consume 100% CPU
// for nothing in the while loop when the collection is empty.
if (yourCollection.TryTake(out yourMessage, 500))
// Parses yourMessage here
For your edited question: if you mean you received a OperationCanceledException, that's OK, it's exactly how methods that take a CancellationToken object as parameter must behave :) Just catch the exception and exit gracefully.

Dynamic Threading with Start, Pause and Stop event handling

I have created sample application and implemented threading. basically aim to craete this application is i would like to
If any process(s) are runnig then User Interface should Notify
Handle dynamically created thread with ProgressBar [DONE]
Provide addition functionality to Start, Pause and Stop thread from
available progress list. [NEED YOUR HELP]
Note:- I don't have much knowledge about Threading and Delegates, so please let me know best solution for existing code.
Files and Controls are used:-
Basically three files are used in this demo application
ProgressForm.cs (Window Form)
which conatains Button for creating new progress and Container whic will hold all the created progressbars
Which contains Dynamic Threading and Delegates to Notify UI without locking or hanging user interface
ProgressControl.cs (User Control)
Which contains
Progressbar (to display process done)
Precent Label (display percentage of completed progress)
Start/Pause button (for play/pause a thread)
Stop button (stop running thread and remove progress from list)
StartTime Label (display process started time)
EndTime label (display time of process completed)
MaxValue Lable (generate random number between 25 to 100)
1. ProgressForm .cs
public partial class ProgressForm : Form
Random randomMaxValue = new Random();
public ProgressForm()
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProgressClass m_clsProcess;
ProgressControl progress = new ProgressControl();
progress.StartedAt = DateTime.Now;
progress.MinValue = 0;
progress.CurrentValue = 0;
progress.MaxValue = randomMaxValue.Next(25, 100);
m_clsProcess = new ProgressClass(progress, this, new ProgressClass.NotifyProgress(DelegateProgress));
private void DelegateProgress(int CurrentValue, ProgressControl Progress)
ProgressBar p = (ProgressBar)Progress.Controls.Find("pgbPercent", false)[0];
p.Minimum = Progress.MinValue;
p.Value = CurrentValue;
p.Maximum = Progress.MaxValue;
Label percent = (Label)Progress.Controls.Find("lblPercent", false)[0];
percent.Text = string.Format("{0:#00} %", Convert.ToInt16((CurrentValue * 100) / Progress.MaxValue));
Label start = (Label)Progress.Controls.Find("lblStart", false)[0];
start.Text = string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", Progress.StartedAt);
if (CurrentValue == Progress.MaxValue)
Label complete = (Label)Progress.Controls.Find("lblComplete", false)[0];
complete.Text = string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now);
Progress.Status = ProgressControl.ProgressStatus.Completed;
Label max = (Label)Progress.Controls.Find("lblMaxValue", false)[0];
max.Text = string.Format("{0:#00}", Progress.MaxValue);
Button btnstartstop = (Button)Progress.Controls.Find("btnStartStop", false)[0];
btnstartstop.Click += new EventHandler(ProgressStartStop);
private void AddControl(Control ctl)
tableLayoutPnl.RowCount += 1;
tableLayoutPnl.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle());
ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
tableLayoutPnl.Controls.Add(ctl, 0, tableLayoutPnl.RowCount - 1);
void ProgressStartStop(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btn = sender as Button;
//Here i would like to write a code for START / PAUSE thread and update Image acording too.
2. ProgressControl.cs
public partial class ProgressControl : UserControl
public enum ProgressStatus
public DateTime StartedAt { get; set; }
public DateTime CompletedAt { get; set; }
public int MinValue { get; set; }
public int CurrentValue { get; set; }
public int MaxValue { get; set; }
public ProgressStatus Status { get; set; }
public ProgressControl()
this.Status = ProgressStatus.Initialize;
3. ProgressClass.cs
public class ProgressClass
private int ThreadWaitTime = 100;
private ProgressControl m_progress;
private NotifyProgress m_clsNotifyDelegate;
private System.Threading.Thread m_clsThread;
private System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke m_clsSynchronizingObject;
public delegate void NotifyProgress(int PercentComplete, ProgressControl Progress);
public ProgressClass(ProgressControl Progress, System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke SynchronizingObject, NotifyProgress NotifyDelegate)
m_progress = Progress;
m_clsSynchronizingObject = SynchronizingObject;
m_clsNotifyDelegate = NotifyDelegate;
public void Start()
m_clsThread = new System.Threading.Thread(DoProcess);
m_clsThread.Name = "Background Thread";
m_clsThread.IsBackground = true;
m_progress.Status = ProgressControl.ProgressStatus.Running;
private void DoProcess()
for (int i = m_progress.MinValue; i <= m_progress.MaxValue; i++)
private void NotifyUI(int Value)
object[] args = new object[2];
args[0] = Value;
args[1] = m_progress;
m_clsSynchronizingObject.Invoke(m_clsNotifyDelegate, args);
I am not asking for write whole code instead of provide hint.
I would like to start/pause relevent thread from list, os what should i do for that?
I would like hind in following function:
void ProgressStartStop(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btn = sender as Button;
//Here i would like to write a code for START / PAUSE thread and update Image acording too.
You will want to use a ManualResetEvent or ManualResetEventSlim to create the pause and resume behavior in the thread. The idea is to check the state of the event in the worker thread at safe points. This is done via the WaitOne or Wait methods. If the event is signaled then the calls will return immediately allowing the thread to proceed. If the event is unsignaled then the calls block until the event is signaled via the Set method. So to pause the thread you would call Reset to unsignal the event and to resume the thread you would call Set.
Just remember to place calls to WaitOne or Wait at safe points in the instruction sequence of the worker thread. In other words, do not call these methods inside a lock or something like that. At the beginning or end of a loop is often a good start.
Also, it looks like you use the Invoke method for updating the UI. That is all fine and good, but for simply updating the UI with progress information there is a better option. It is better to publish the progress information to a shared data structure and then have the UI thread pick it up via a timer. For those that monitor my answers I harp about this a lot, I know. But, this strategy has a lot of advantages.
It breaks the tight coupling between the UI and worker threads that Invoke imposes.
It puts the responsibility of updating the UI thread on the UI thread where it should belong anyway.
The UI thread gets to dictate when and how often the update should take place.
There is no risk of the UI message pump being overrun as would be the case with the marshaling techniques initiated by the worker thread.
The worker thread does not have to wait for an acknowledgement that the update was performed before proceeding with its next steps (ie. you get more throughput on both the UI and worker threads).
It avoids the subtle race conditions that can occur when trying to gracefully end the worker thread.
It is more efficient since Invoke is an expensive operation.
Here is the general idea regarding the changes that could be made to ProgressStartStop.
private Dictionary<int, ThreadInfo> threads = new Dictionary<int, ThreadInfo>();
void ProgressStartStop(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button button = sender as Button;
int index = GetThreadIndexFromButton(button);
if (!threads.ContainsKey(index))
// The thread has not been started yet so do it now.
var thread = new Thread(RunThread);
var mres = new ManualResetEventSlim(true);
var info = new ThreadInfo { Thread = thread, ProceedSignal = mres };
threads.Add(index, info);
// Change the button image here.
ThreadInfo info = threads[index];
if (info.ProceedSignal.Wait(0))
// The event is signaled which means the thread is running. Pause it.
// Change the button image here.
// The event is unsignaled which means the thread is paused. Resume it.
// Change the button image here.
private class ThreadInfo
Thread Thread { get; set; }
ManualResetEventSlim ProceedSignal { get; set; }
It is generally considered bad practice to Suspend threads (though it is possible). The right way to pause and terminate threads is through the cooperation with the job that the thread is doing. The job should check a variable in a loop, and pause or exit accordingly. The controlling program can set that variable, and if you need feedback the background thread can call a notification method before exiting or sleeping.

MainWindow.Closing event not always raised in Silverlight 4 OOB app

I've made a rather complex Silverlight 4 out-of-browser application. One of my main view models adds an event handler to the Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing event.
This works fine when the application is initially run. It is able to cancel the close operation.
However, sometimes after performing operations like showing and closing a ChildWindow, the MainWindow's Closing event is no longer calling my handler.
In the debugger, I added a watch to the MainWindow's underlying closing event delegate. It's not null before showing the ChildWindow. Then sometimes after the ChildWindow is closed the delegate is null. This is explains why my handler is not called any more. But why is this delegate getting nulled? And why is it only happening occasionally?
My application is not unbinding my event handler at any point.
This is the delegate I'm watching:
Other stuff: I'm using Caliburn Micro
I had the exact same problem. We have a large silverlight application running OOB.
For some reason the m_ClosingEvent was nulled after running for a while. I have not been able to find the cause of this issue but I think it may have something to do with us changing the root visual or all the child windows we show.
I´m using a class ApplicationWrapper.
public class ApplicationWrapper : IApplicationWrapper
public void Initialize()
private void HookCloseEvent(bool hook)
if (hook && IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing += OnClosing;
if (IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing -= OnClosing;
private void OnClosing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e)
... etc..
And the InvokeClosing method was never called. But when I changed it to
public class ApplicationWrapper : IApplicationWrapper
private Window _mainWindow;
public void Initialize()
_mainWindow = Application.Current.MainWindow;
private void HookCloseEvent(bool hook)
if (hook && IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
_mainWindow.Closing += OnClosing;
if (IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
_mainWindow.Closing -= OnClosing;
private void OnClosing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e)
... etc...
The m_ClosingEvent isn´t nulled.
So, try to just store the "initial" MainWindow in a field and check if that solves your problem.
Instead of hooking to the event, why not register a service instead? Create a class that implements IApplicationService and IApplicationLifetimeAware. The latter gives you an "onexiting" and "onexited" pair of events. You place the service in the application by pointing to it in a section called in your App.xaml. I've used this for many projects and never had an issue with the exiting methods not being called.
Ok, after pulling out my hair and many false starts I finally found the answer - it seems to be a known bug with the Closing event, OOB and ChildWindows open/closes...
The trick is to store a static reference to the Main Window:
public MainPage()
Loaded += MainPage_Loaded;
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
//you have to store this to work around the bug
_mainWindow = App.GetApp.MainWindow;
App.GetApp.MainWindow.Closing += (s, e1) =>
if (UIUtilities.ShowMessage("Would you like to exit AMT Mobile?", "Exit Application", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) != MessageBoxResult.OK)
e1.Cancel = true;

Winforms StatusStrip - why are there periods where it is blank when I'm updating it?

BACKGROUND: I have a WindowForms v3.5 application with a StatusStrip set to be used as a TooStripStatusLabel. I'm issues quite a lot of updates to it during a task that is running, however there are noticable periods where it is BLANK. There are no points when I am writing a blank to the status strip label either.
QUESTION: Any ideas why I would be seeing period where the status strip label is blank, when I don't expect it to be?
How I update it:
private void UpdateStatusStrip(string text)
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = text;
PS. Calling Application.DoEvents() after the this.Update() does not seem to help. I actually am calling this via the backgroundworker control, so:
(a) I start up the background worker:
private void Sync_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
(b) the background worker calls updates:
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(1, "Example string");
(c) The MyC business class uses it too, e.g.
public void SyncFiles(object sender)
BackgroundWorker bgw = (System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker) sender;
bgw.ReportProgress(1, "Starting sync...");
(d) This event picks it up:
private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
(e) And again the update status strip
private void UpdateStatusStrip(string text)
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = text;
Does this help?
The reason is possibly in the caller of this function. If you call it from another thread, use Control.BeginInvoke instead of direct call. If you call it from the main application thread during long processing, try Application.DoEvents after UpdateStatusStrip call.
