Using sys/socket.h functions on windows - c

I'm attempting to utilize the socket.h functions within Windows. Essentially, I'm currently looking at the sample code at I understand that socket.h is a Unix function -- is there anyway I can easily emulate that environment while compiling this sample code? Does a different IDE / compiler change anything?
Otherwise, I imagine that I need to utilize a virtualized Linux environment, which may be best anyways as the code will most likely be running in a UNIX environment.

You have two options:
Use Cygwin (Unix emulation library).
Port to Winsock (Windows standard library).
Cygwin: lets you compile your Unix sources mostly untouched, but ties you to the Cygwin emulation library. This have two implications: general performance -no only network- will probably be less than optimal; and the target environment must have (at run time) the Cygwin DLL installed.
Winsock: this requires you to replace sys/socket.h (BSD sockets library, UNIX standard for the TCP/IP stack) with winsock2.h, and rewrite some parts of the code - not much, but some.
Some related questions with valuable info:
Differences between winsock and BSD socket implementations
Some Issues About Cygwin[Linux in Windows] (socket,thread,other programming and shell issues)
Examples for Winsock?

I think you are looking for Winsock library.

Writing cross platform network applications is not easy with what the BSD standard provides you. Sure it will work but you'll have to make some replacements like replacing ioctl (if needed) with ioctlsocket (on windows). More differences here.
My advice is to use a library that hides these ugly differences and provides a unified way of communicating. I personally use ACE. You have plenty of examples that show you how to create a server and a client. Copy from the samples and see how they do it there. Their mailing lists are of great help also (don't forget to use the PRF - see the source tree for the Problem-Report-Form). You can borrow the books for more information. Important note: by using ace you can use ACE wrapper functions like socket, setsockopt, ioctl etc. without worry that they will not work. Unfortunately this adds a library dependency which is not always an option. But ACE has more powerfull features which I'm sure you'll like once you discover them. Hints: Reactor, Proactor.


C cross-platform RPC that requires minimal boilerplate?

I have an existing library in C, which I want to be able to allow remote access to (either from Linux or Windows).
I looked at the usual RPC suspects like Thrift and Protobuf, but neither of these deal cleanly with C-style function calls (things like pass-by-ref, char* instead of string, * instead of List<> etc).
In short, to use either of these it looks like I would need to write a complete IDL from scratch, and add a lot of boilerplate code to transfer C-style function calls into these environments.
Are there any RPC libraries around that
can deal directly with C header files (or have tools to auto
generate the initial IDL from C definitions)?
are cross-platform Linux/Windows compatible?
require the absolute minimum of boilerplate code?
support sockets
are relatively high performance (XML-RPC i'm looking at you)?
Well, there's protobuf-c, an implementation of protobuf in C.
And then there's the classical XDR, found on most/(all?) unix-like systems, versions exist for windows as well. See also the Linux xdr(3) man page which contains an overview of the API.
Note that both protobuf and XDR are serialization libraries, they don't provide RPC. The "companion RPC library" to XDR is called, well, RPC, but I don't think anyone writes new code with that, and AFAICS it's unix-specific (portmap doesn't run on windows, does it? And it's generally a bad idea anyway.). Then there's protobuf-c-rpc which is the C version of the protobuf RPC library; probably a better bet than classic RPC.

Coding in C in Linux vs Windows. Any adequate debugging oriented C-centric IDE?

I've run into an issue with writing some code in c. My basic problem is that I am pressed for time and the code I am dealing with has lots of bugs which I have to "erradicate" before tomorrow evening.
The bigger part of the problem is that there is no adequate IDE that can do real time debugging, especially when using threads or spawning processes with fork(). I tried Mono, Eclipse, and finally NetBeans, and have concluded that those are very good but not for coding in C. More over the learning curve to utilize the command line debugger properly is quite steep. (Like I mentioned earlier... I am pressed on time.)
So, since I am a C# developer by profession I was wondering whether I can pull this off in VS2003/VS2005/VS2008/VS2010. If I abstain from using system calls, can I do this?
Of particular interest are FILE* descriptor and fread(), fclose(), fseek() methods. I know they are part of the standard C library, however are they tied to the platform itself? Are the headers the same in Linux vs Windows? What about fork() or shared memory?
Maybe if I use VS2010 to build parts of the component at a time (by mocking inputs and stuff), debug those, and then migrate the working code in the overall Linux project would prove most useful?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
The bigger part of the problem is that there is no adequate IDE that can do real time debugging, especially when using threads or spawning processes with fork().
The Eclipse CDT would probably have the best overall support for C/C++ development and integrated debugging.
Note that multithreaded and multiprocess debugging can be difficult at the best of times. Investing in a good logging framework would be advisable at this point, and probably more useful than relying on a debugger. There are many to choose from - have a look at Log4C++ and so on. Even printf in a pinch can be invaluable.
So, since I am a C# developer by profession I was wondering whether I can pull this off in VS2003/VS2005/VS2008/VS2010. If I abstain from using system calls, can I do this?
If you take care to only use portable calls and not Win32-specific APIs, you should be ok. Also, there are many libraries (for C++ libraries such as Boost++ that provide a rich set of functionality which work the same on Windows, Linux and others.
Of particular interest are FILE* descriptor and fread(), fclose(), fseek() methods. I know they are part of the standard C library, however are they tied to the platform itself? Are the headers the same in Linux vs Windows? What about fork() or shared memory?
Yes, the file I/O functions you mention are in <stdio.h> and part of the portable standard C library. They work essentially the same on both Windows and Linux, and are not tied to a particular platform.
However, fork() and the shared memory functions shmget() are POSIX functions, available on *nix platforms but not natively on Windows. The Cygwin project provides implementations of these functions in a library for ease of porting.
If you are using C++, Boost++ will give you portable versions of all these system-level calls.
Maybe if I use VS2010 to build parts of the component at a time (by mocking inputs and stuff), debug those, and then migrate the working code in the overall Linux project would prove most useful?
You could certainly do that. Just be mindful that Visual Studio has a tendency to lead you down the Win32 path, and you must be vigilant to not start using non-portable functions. Fortunately the library reference on MSDN gives you the compatibility information. In general, using standard C or POSIX calls will be portable. In my experience, it is actually easier to write on *nix and port to Windows, but YMMV.
Looks like I am the first to recommend Emacs here. Here is how Emacs works. When you install it, it is simply a text editor with a lot of extensions(debugger and C font-locking are included by default). As you start using it and install the extensions you miss, it becomes more than just an editor. It grows to become an IDE very soon and easily, then on to something that can eschew the OS under one frame.
Emacs might take long to learn, in the mean time, you could use Visual Slick Edit if you are not pressed on the cost part. I have used it on both platforms and seen it work good with version control, tags, etc.
Perhaps Code::Blocks? I love it and while it says it's for C++ it is, of course, very good for plain C as well.

Porting a large C project from Unix to Windows

So, I have a large C project that was built entirely on Unix (SPARC Solaris). me and several others have begun to revisit it because their was some interest in a windows build.
none of us have done this with a project of such size, so for starters, has anyone ported something from unix to windows and could maybe give me some pointers or how they did it.
our first step on our plan was to decide on a compiler/dev environment.
it seems that our options are MS Visual Studio, Cygwin, mingw/gcc, and Windows Services for UNIX (SFU).
we are on a fairly short timetable so we want to rewrite as little code as possible.
so, Deciding on a compiler.
Another issue is that the code does use POSIX thread commands (pthread, etc)
we would prefer to compile natively, not using some sort of layer between the executable and the OS. unfortunatly with the pthread calls in our code, this may not be possible.
I believe both Cygwin and SFU do just that. Cygwin has a .dll that must be included in compiled code to work. I am not sure about SFU, any information about that would be greatly appreciated. It seems like it would be a good option but was developed to allow for UNIX compiled software to run on a windows machine with SFU, not any old windows box.
mingw does have the ability to create native exes, but lacks the POSIX support.
So, can anyone give me any more information, suggestions, knowledge on any of these compilers in this context. or any experience they have with this sort of thing, it is greatly appreciated.
Short timetable? CygWin, plain and simple.
Despite your preference to not use a layer, that's going to provide the fastest path and you don't seem to indicate that the timeframe requirement is flexible.
We've ported both command-line and X-based UNIX programs to Windows using CygWin with minimal hassle.
Cygwin is likely the fastest path to a working executable. However it will leave you with some interesting distribution choices. Most obviously, cygwin.dll becomes a dependency. Its licensed GPL, unless you pay money to buy commercial use rights.
Cygwin is not particularly friendly to an ordinary Windows user. Its goal is to provide a full POSIX experience on Windows, supplying a shell, all the familiar *nix utilities, and even a port of X. However, it also remaps the Windows disk drive naming into a POSIX-like file system. I've never attempted to distribute an application built for Cygwin to machines that don't already have a full Cygwin installation. I will note that to my knowledge none of the big well-known open-source applications with Windows ports are based on Cygwin.
If the only hard POSIX dependency you have is pthreads, then that is solvable. There is a pthreads port built on native Windows threads that works well with MinGW. IIRC, it is even distributed along with MinGW, or at least is one of their core supported packages.
If the rest of your handling of file names is largely as opaque strings, you may not even need to care about changing / to \. The Windows API is generally happy to treat either character as a path separator, even mixed in the same name. It is the CMD.EXE and early DOS convention of using / for command line options that prevents the use of / for pathnames at the command prompt, not the underlying Windows API.
For tools that might make porting your build process easier, check out the MSYS component of MinGW. It provides a lightweigh fork from the Cygwin environment in which enough *nix utilities are available to generally run ./configure and similar processes.
In addition, the GnuWin32 project has ports of a large number of utilities and libraries that are all built to run as native Windows applications without unusual dependencies.
If the code is (at least mostly) portable and the only major issue is the use of pthreads, you might want to use the Pthreads Win32 library. While incomplete, it's sufficiently complete and accurate to deal with most pthreads code I've tried it with. While normally built as a DLL, this can also be built as a static library to avoid creating an extra dependencies in your executable.
That, of course, leaves everything else to port -- but you haven't said enough to even guess whether porting the rest within your timeframe is at all reasonable.

Implementing C file streams (FILE *, fopen, fread, etc.) on embedded platform

I've been tasked with adding streams support (C89/C90) to the libraries for my company's legacy embedded C compiler. Our target hardware typically has 1MB or less of code space and does not have an operating system.
We have a lot of stream-like implementations throughout the codebase that I can use as a starting point. For example, a console that works over a TCP sockets or serial port, a web server that reads from FAT on SD card or in-memory file, and even a firmware updater that reads from many sources.
Before I go and re-invent the wheel, I'm wondering if there are existing implementations that I could either port or use as a starting point for my work. Even though we provide full source code to our customers, GPL-licensed code isn't an option since our customers don't want to release source code to their products.
Can anyone recommend a book (annotated Unix source, CompSci text) or public domain/BSD-licensed source? I'd prefer to look at an older OS targeted to a single device, as current operating systems contain a tangle of macros and layers of typedefs that make following even a simple struct definition difficult.
Take a look at P.J. Plauger's book The Standard C Library, which describes in detail one possible implementation of the complete C89 standard library.
You should be able to pull most of what you need from the source code for the GNU C standard library. It is licensed with the Lesser GPL, which means you can link to the library without affecting the license of your software (or forcing your customers to release their code). Porting this to your platform (thus keeping the LGPL-ed code in its own library) may be easier than implementing your own from scratch.
Several different projects have taken GNU GLIBC and optimized it for embedded systems. You may want to look at:
Embedded GLIBC (LGPL)
Newlib (multiple free licenses)
In particular, EGLIBC and uLIBC were designed to run properly on embedded systems that lack a MMU.
You can also have a look at BSD's implementation of libc
Alternatively there is STLSoft, who provides several libraries (including the C standard lib) under a BSD license. I can't attest to their quality since I haven't used their code myself, but it might be worth looking at if you can't work LGPL-ed code into your project.
Wouldn't *BSD (Net|Open|Free)'s libc be suitable? At least as a starting point.
Try looking at
Check your development tools. Some development tools come with their on source for their software libraries.
I took the source for the Compiler's printf and adapted for a debug port on an embedded system. There is less work when you have a foundation to build from.

Writing cross-platform apps in C

What things should be kept most in mind when writing cross-platform applications in C? Targeted platforms: 32-bit Intel based PC, Mac, and Linux. I'm especially looking for the type of versatility that Jungle Disk has in their USB desktop edition ( )
What are tips and "gotchas" for this type of development?
I maintained for a number of years an ANSI C networking library that was ported to close to 30 different OS's and compilers. The library didn't have any GUI components, which made it easier. We ended up abstracting out into dedicated source files any routine that was not consistent across platforms, and used #defines where appropriate in those source files. This kept the code that was adjusted per platform isolated away from the main business logic of the library. We also made extensive use of typedefs and our own dedicated types so that we could easily change them per platform if needed. This made the port to 64-bit platforms fairly easy.
If you are looking to have GUI components, I would suggest looking at GUI toolkits such as WxWindows or Qt (which are both C++ libraries).
Try to avoid platform-dependent #ifdefs, as they tend to grow exponentially when you add new platforms. Instead, try to organize your source files as a tree with platform-independent code at the root, and platform-dependent code on the "leaves". There is a nice book on the subject, Multi-Platform Code Management. Sample code in it may look obsolete, but ideas described in the book are still brilliantly vital.
Further to Kyle's answer, I would strongly recommend against trying to use the Posix subsystem in Windows. It's implemented to an absolute bare minimum level such that Microsoft can claim "Posix support" on a feature sheet tick box. Perhaps somebody out there actually uses it, but I've never encountered it in real life.
One can certainly write cross-platform C code, you just have to be aware of the differences between platforms, and test, test, test. Unit tests and a CI (continuous integration) solution will go a long way toward making sure your program works across all your target platforms.
A good approach is to isolate the system-dependent stuff in one or a few modules at most. Provide a system-independent interface from that module. Then build everything else on top of that module, so it doesn't depend on the system you're compiling for.
XVT have a cross platform GUI C API which is mature 15+ years and sits on top of the native windowing toollkits. See WWW.XVT.COM.
They support at least LINUX, Windows, and MAC.
Try to write as much as you can with POSIX. Mac and Linux support POSIX natively and Windows has a system that can run it (as far as I know - I've never actually used it). If your app is graphical, both Mac and Linux support X11 libraries (Linux natively, Mac through and there are numerous ways of getting X11 apps to run on Windows.
However, if you're looking for true multi-platform deployment, you should probably switch to a language like Java or Python that's capable of running the same program on multiple systems with little or no change.
Edit: I just downloaded the application and looked at the files. It does appear to have binaries for all 3 platforms in one directory. If your concern is in how to write apps that can be moved from machine to machine without losing settings, you should probably write all your configuration to a file in the same directory as the executable and not touch the Windows registry or create any dot directories in the home folder of the user that's running the program on Linux or Mac. And as far as creating a cross-distribution Linux binary, 32-bit POSIX/X11 would probably be the safest bet. I'm not sure what JungleDisk uses as I'm currently on a Mac.
There do exist quite few portable libraries just examples I've worked within the past
1) glib and gtk+
2) libcurl
3) libapr
Those cover nearly every platform and so they are extremly useful tool.
Posix is fine on Unices but well I doubt it's that great on windows, besides we do not have any stuff for portable GUIs there.
I also second the recommendation to separate code for different platforms into different modules/trees instead of ifdefs.
Also I recommend to check beforehand what are the differences in you platforms and how you could abstract them. E.g. this is some OS related stuff (e.g. the annoying CR,CRLF,LF in text files), or hardware stuff. E.g. the previous mentioned posix compability doesnt stop you from
int c;
fread(&c, sizeof(int), 1, file);
But on different hardware platforms the internal memory layout can be complete different (endianess), forcing you to use conversion functions on some of the target platforms.
You can use NAppGUI for both console and desktop apps. The SDK uses ANSI-C and your code will work on Windows/macOS/Linux.
It's free and OpenSource.
