Alternative to Google Appspot - google-app-engine

I'm in a different country other than US.. but would like to use google appspot.. though i do not have a compatible phone. Is there any alternative that i could install on my own VPS?

You could use appspot by using a google voice number, or asking someone to do it for you. There is nothing quite like appspot, but it's basically a very broad framework. There are a number of python frameworks, one that comes to mind is django.


How to implement Authorization for Admin Application in react

I know normally I have to ask questions about specific code problems. But I need advice to get started at all. I was thinking about making a webapplication with react the application is a admin controll pannel things like, employee costs, orders and so on for a family business. For the authentication part I wanted to keep it simple and do it with google but before doing that, I wanted to ask the experienced developers here if that makes any sense or if I should use Jhipster/Keycloak.
Benefits of google would be I think it is easier to implement and the security part would be handled by google but what could be possible problems? I hope someone could give me a good advice.
with regards
Using Keycloak/JHipster would probably be overkill for a simple family business application.
I would rather use simpler authentication types offered by JHipster that do not require external applications like session. An alternative would be to use provided Okta integration, this way you get a ready-to-go solution.
If you want to use Google, then you'll have to use spring-security-oauth2-client and build your own solution on top of Spring Boot or adapt JHipster generated app if you still want to use JHipster.
Also, do you have decided of where you want to deploy your app? Your cloud provider could offer a good integrated solution for authentication.

Google App Engine Calendar

Does anyone have a link or can provide the code for a Java Google App Engine project which simply interacts with Google Calendar. Say get an event from your calendar.
The Google Sample calendar-appengine-sample does not compile once checkout out from HG and I have tried searching for tutorials and creating my own with only small bits of luck in places.
I have already set up an API Access project to get the client-secrets.json.
So as much as some think this is a poor question it demonstrates that there is not much out there in terms of help with the combination of Java, App Engine and OAuth. I have an ex Google employee at my company and he did agree that it is not as straightforward as it should be.
Based on the reply to my post on the Google Group I decided to use Python where the OAuth2Decorator makes the task trivial.
This was a very useful tutorial:
If you HAVE to use Java these I apologise for this not really helping you, but if you are willing to give Python a go then I recommend the above link and using PyDev with Eclipse.

What can google app engine build in to?

I've been looking at this for the past hour and can't find a direct answer. Does this build into a website and anyone who can access a browser have access to it and that's it?
I was curious if it can build for mobile devices like Apple, Android, Windows Phones and also have a web page for it. Pretty much looking for an engine that can build for web/pc + android, apple, windows phones, kindle etc .
Any advice is greatly appreciated, sorry for the newbie question. Thank you in advance.
You can use it to build anything that are served from an URL (e.g.
That includes web pages, the "backend" for any application that GET/POST something to an http:// - which means any mobile Apps. And anything else you can imagine that make use of http:// to communicate between a client and a server
And a very important requirement, you need to have some programming knowledge in order to use this. Otherwise you should be looking for more general web hosting service. url shows up in google search results instead of custom domain name

I have set up and it's hosted on Google App Engine. Everything works fine. You can visit the custom domain without problems. For some reason when I do a search on Google for "football verdict", the results show and There is no in sight for the main site! It's been at least two months since I hooked up the custom domain. The blog sub-domain does show up in the search results, but that's because it's not hosted on Google App Engine.
Does anyone know how to get the custom domain into the search results and remove the sub-domain?
The easiest way to handle this is to have your app detect if it's being requested on, and if it is, send a 301 to your canonical domain. Search engines will pick up on this and start listing your canonical site instead.
The answer? Canonical URLs.
Google Webmaster Tools has a great little blurb about it here, and Yoast has another one here.
I hope this gets you pointed in a good direction.
Best of Luck! ~Isaac
Are you using google webmaster? I think this might help.
It will still take some time for the updates to get into google tho(up to 180 days).

How to deploy into app engine

I am trying to use openid/hybrid in app engine, but so far, no luck.
No success with openid4java (because it creates socket etc), and no luck with dyuproject either.
How do it deploy dyuproject into my java appengine?
I just could not understand the different structure of the code in
It is just so different than the default new google web application.
Many thanks..
I have been struggling the whole week
Better late than never. I'm working on SixFixMix and implemented a popup OpenID consumer. Check out its Wiki page that gives a quick overview of my usage of OpenId.
