Sync LINQ-to-SQL DBML schema with SQL Server database - sql-server

After creating a SQL Server 2008 database, I made a Linq-to-SQL schema in Visual Studio. Next, in the .dbml visual editor (in Visual Studio 2010), I added PK-to-FK and PK-to-PK associations to the schema.
How do I copy those associations that I created in Visual Studio over to the database? In other words, how do I sync with the DB?

Linq-to-SQL is a great tool, but never ever rely on it to update the schema. Always apply schema changes through upgrade SQL scripts that use DDL CREATE/ALTER/DROP statements to change the deployed schema from the on-disk version to the current version. This way you keep all you schema changes under version control as source text files, you can upgrade from any past version to the current application version and you can easily test all your upgrade paths, including upgrading deployments with very large tables.
The far worse alternative is to use SQL compare tools that can diff your desired schema from your deployed schema, like vsdbcmd. This may work on trivial deployments, but copying and renaming tables of millions of records will quickly show it's ugly downside.
What you absolutely cannot do is rely on the .dbml file as the 'master' copy of your schema. This is a little detail usually omitted by the Linq-to-SQL advocates, one that you discover usually when you attempt to deliver v2 of your application and realize you have no upgrade tool set.


What are advantages of using SQL Server Database Project in VS 2013?

What are advantages of using SQL Server Database Project in VS 2013?
Currently I dont use this on my project, I am generate script from SQL Server Management.
Should I move to Database Project? How complicated is?
There are many advantage of sql project.
1.Easily deployable in any conditions.
2.You can view history of db objects
3.You can maitain all db objects under on roof.
Effectively, a database project converts all of the objects in your database (table designs, stored procedures) into text files -- text files that can be searched, modified and stored in source control just like your code files. A database project also includes designers for working with these files. Visual Studio cross-references those files to give you a higher level of IntelliSense support for working with stored procedures than you'll ever get in SQL Server Management Studio.
You also get a staging database where you can make your changes before updating your production or development database and a schema comparison tool for determining, after the fact, what changes you've made. Effectively, you get an isolated database environment for trying out database changes.

Moving Stored Procedures from SSMS into TFS 2012

I am needing to move all of my stored procedures into TFS 2012. I was wondering what the best/fastest way to accomplish this is. I am using SQL Server 2012.
Our suggestion would be to use the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and create a database schema change management project in Visual Studio that you can then check-in to Team Foundation Server. It has quite a few benefits like being able to "compile" the schema and has tools that can be used in generating automatic change scripts for target servers (whether they are empty, test, or even production servers).
SSDT is definitely the way to go, It's a component of Visual Studio. There is an SSDT for database projects, and SSDT-BI for reports etc.
Create a database project in Visual Studio and add your database objects (stored procedures, views, functions, tables, schemas etc) into the project. It allows for all database objects to be stored in there (even database roles/users, certificates, keys etc).
Alternatively, you can use Visual Studio to import a database from a server. It will read your database and populate the project with all the objects from that database. It's very cool.
You can check in to TFS as you would with any other project which allows you to do versioning (with comments), attach that work to TFS tickets (if you manage your workload that way) and perform branching and merging and you can also compare different versions of the project or the project against already deployed versions.
Once you're happy with your database you can 'publish' your project up to a server of your choosing. This is a very useful method for creating code that can be deployed to multiple environments (i.e. different dev/test environments). You can also compare your project against a deployed version to see changes. For example, you could compare your project against a test environment to see what the differences are and generate a script to update the test environment to match source (or vice-versa).
SSDT is great for deployments because it calculates how to apply your database project (rather than just dropping the database and creating a new one). You can also use pre & post deployment scripts to work with data or add permissions onto your objects for example.
You can publish to a database/server, script or DACPAC (which is the format for copying your entire project/database schema and allows you to perform deployments/drift reports etc from outside of Visual Studio)

Does SSDT bulid script for only changed objects?

I'm currently in the process of redesigning our department's source control strategy using Team Foundation Server (TFS) in regard to database objects. Essentially, we store nothing in TFS at this time. I have discovered SSDT and really enjoy their integration within Visual Studio and think it will make our transition into TFS much easier.
So, Does SSDT have the capability of generating scripts based on the delta's of my SSDT project verses what is in our server? It seems from what I have researched, I will only be able to generate an entire database script.
Requirements (Mind you, our developers do not have ddl access to production):
I cannot drop a database to re-create it
I cannot drop ALL objects like all stored procs to re-create them but only what I need
Tables will need to be altered not dropped and only what has changed
Dacpac's are out of the question
Our best option based on our environment at this time is to use scripts for updates
Our database environment is currently SQL Server 2008 R2. My SSDT version is the latest 2013 that was published in June.
Yes, if you do a publish from the project you will pretty much meet all of these requirements, though dacpacs are built as part of the process. The schema compare and pre/post deploy scripts are stored in the dacpac and the publish reads what "should" be present against what is currently in the database. It then generates a change script of all necessary changes to bring the database in line with the project.
Make sure you use the Refactor/Rename when renaming objects - that will cut down on the table drop/recreate operations. You may want to be careful with the "Drop objects not in the project" options. If you haven't been careful with making sure all objects created in your production server are in your project, you could accidentally drop something important just because someone didn't get it checked in.
There are command lines to the SQLPackage command that can generate change detail reports and scripts that you can use. The scripts need to be run through SQLCMD or in SQLCMD mode, but you can definitely produce scripts pretty easily.

Will Visual Studio 2010 Deploy SQL DB Schema Updates?

I have, admittedly, done very little searching on my own, so feel free to insult and/or harass me.
I have two databases that I use, one for development and one for production. In Visual Studio 2010, I have simple overrides that change the connection string based on whether I'm building for Debug or for Release.
Right now, I manually change the database schemas when needed. I've thought about creating scripts, but I'm wondering if there is a better way? Can I create a DB in Visual Studio on my local computer, migrate those changes to the development SQL and then, finally, migrate up to Production so that the schema version matches the release?
Thanks in advance!
.NET 4 | Visual Studio 2010 | MS SQL Server 2008
Are you familiar with Visual Studio Database Edition? It's reason for being is to help you with what you just described. Not only does it allow you to version control your database schema, it allows you to build deployment T-SQL scripts to update a database from one version to another. It has built in schema compare and data compare. I highly recommend it. We use it to version control our database schema and to do deployments. I would never attempt to update database schemas by creating manual scripts anymore.
This used to be a pain in the ass for me. Then I bought this:
Which, providing your're using a compatible Source-Control solution (such as SVN), you can make changes in one database, commit them, and then update other databases with the same structure.
As Randy mentions, the Database Edition of VS.NET will do this.
I use SQL Delta. It's a third party tool and very well priced for what it does. I've used it for a number of years on extremely large projects (that is the database has hundreds of tables and thousands of stored procedures) and it has never failed us in what it does.
The way I used it is this.
I get it ot produce a blank database
schema as per the development
Move this database over to
the production server
Sync the production database with this database
You can also produce scripts and run the scripts and all of this can be automated.

DB Designer in Visual Studio 2010

I need to create an entirely new Sql Server 2008 database and want to use a Database Project in Visual Studio 2010 (Ultimate). I've created the project and added a table under the dbo schema.
The table .sql is shown only as plain text, though with colors. It has no designer, no Add Column, and no autocomplete. Existing column's properties are grayed out.
Usually, I use DB Project for nothing more than storing .sql files for source control purposes, but I'm assuming it can help me with designing the DB. Currently, it offers no such help and I think it's because I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps I need to deploy the DB to server first, or something of the such. I've looked for a Getting Started guide, but all guides I found start from importing an existing database.
Please help my understand what a DB Project can do for me and how.
The whole idea of the VSTS DB is to get you set on the right path, ie. store database object definitions as .sql files, not as some fancy diagram. Any modification you do to the objects you do it by modifying the SQL definition. This way you get to do any modification to the objects, as permitted by the DDL syntax, as opposed to whatever the visual-designer-du-jour thinks you can and can't do. Not to mention the plethora of SQL code generation bugs associated with all designers out there.
The closes to a visual view is the Schema View, which shows tables, columns, indexes etc in a tree view and you can see the properties from there.
By focusing the development process and the Visual Studio project on the .sql source files, teams can cooperate on the database design using tried and tested source control methods (check-out/check-in, lock file, conflict detection and merge integration, branching etc).
the deliverable of a VSTS DB project is a the .dbschema file, which can be deployed on any server via the vsdbcmd tool. This is an intelligent deployment that does a a schema synchronization (merge of new object, modifies existing ones) and can detect and prevent data loss during deployment. By contrast, the 'classical' way of doing it (from VS Server eExplorer, or from SSMS) the deliverable was the MDF file itself, the database. This poses huge problems at deployment. The deployment of v1 is really smooth (just copy the MDF, done), but as soon as you want to release v1.1 you're stuck: you have a new MDF, but the production is running on its own MDF and does not want to replace it with yours, since it means data loss. Now you turn around and wish you have some sort of database schema version deployment story, and this is what VSTS DB does for you from day 0.
You might be better off downloading the SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2008 Express -
Using this tool you can create your database using the visual tools provided by that software. You can run your .sql script to build up the database and then visually adjust columns settings, table relationships, etc.
Once you have your database designed open up Visual Studio and open a connection to this database using the Server Explorer.
Visual Studio is ok for simple tweaks and changes to an existing database structure but for anything serious like making the database from scratch I would recommend using the Management Studio. It's free and built for that exact purpose :)
