WinForms Control position in Simplified Chinese - winforms

We have a WinForms application that includes controls such as picture boxes that are positioned on a form. The base application is in English.
We've translated this application to a number of different languages (French, Spanish, Danish, Greek, etc.) and most recently to Simplified Chinese. The translated application works perfectly on our operation systems (English).
One of our customers installed the application on their operation system, Windows XP in Simplified Chinese. The layout of our application is broken. Simply put, the elements are pushed to the bottom right by a factor that is proportional to the distance between the element and the top left corner. For example, an element at the top right corner in design view is pushed off screen to the right whereas the items at the bottom of the page are pushed downwards and to the right.
The application supports switching languages while in use. When the locale is en-US, there are no layout issues. When switching to Simplified Chinese, the issue appears, but only on the Simplified Chinese operating system. The screen resolution and DPI are the same.
Do you have any ideas? I'm sure it must be a simple configuration setting somewhere, but I have been unable to solve this issue.

The size of the system base font matters as well. Which is indeed something you can change on XP. This will invoke the form's auto-scaling logic, designed to ensure that the controls grow larger to fit the larger font size.
This is by design, controlled by the form's AutoScaleMode property. Don't change it, rescaling is important. Just make sure the form layout still looks good, use properties like Anchor and Dock, controls like TableLayoutPanel, FlowLayoutPanel. Or the Resize event for tricky ones.
Paste this into your form to test this logic without having to change system settings:
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
this.Font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, this.Font.SizeInPoints * 125 / 96);


How to fix the order of items within a ToolStripContainer

I have a ToolStripContainer with a MenuStrip and a ToolStrip inside, both at the top. They're arranged as usual on Windows with the menu bar above the toolbar. Now, Windows Forms and DPI scaling support has always been a bit iffy. While everything looks fine at 100 %, I'm currently using 110 % DPI scaling and the menu bar and toolbar switch positions in the ToolStripContainer (I'd suspect it's the same with higher scaling factors, though):
My guess as to why this happens is that the designer places both controls at specific locations, even though they are arranged by the container, and with DPI scaling the ToolStripContainer gets locations for its children that would be consistent with placing the toolbar above the menu bar, as if someone dragged the bars around and reordered them (which is possible interactively, after all).
Short of replacing the MenuStrip with a MainMenu, is there a simple(ish) way of ensuring that regardless of DPI scaling the order of both remains consistent? I've got about 50 different windows to change in pretty much the same manner and would also rather avoid putting extra code into the codebehind file¹.
Things I've tried so far:
All changes in the designer have been applied at 100 % scale.
Change the z-order of the toolbar and menu bar in an attempt to control their order. This works with panels and docking, but doesn't apply to ToolStripContainer, apparently.
Docking the MenuStrip at the top. Doesn't work; the designer just removes Dock = None from the code and displays Top as the default value, but with scaling applied, it's back to Dock = None in the designer (and even without touching the Form in the designer, the result at runtime is the same).
¹ These are demo applications for a control library and the main point here is to keep the code clean and still providing a good experience out of the box. So a designer-only solution where the code is hidden away in already-awful code that no one reads would be preferable.
They are very frustrating components to work with. Because they can be dragged and moved it looks like the Location is the key, even though they behave a bit like they're docked. In OnLoad or OnShown have you simply tried resetting the desired location?
menuStrip.Location = new Point();
toolStrip.Location = new Point(0, toolStrip.Height);

WinForms ToolStrip change font size automatically

I have a ToolStrip control docked to the top of a Windows Form. Throughout the program, I have the font sizes on controls not specified so that they inherit from the base form. That way I can set the font size larger when the user selects "Large Font Mode" and it automatically changes throughout. The ToolStrip seems completely unaffected by this and sticks to the default size.
Is there a way have the ToolStrip inherit the base font size? Or do I need to write something to go through and find all the ToolStrips and update their .Font property?
Picture for reference:
Little update - what led me down this road is that sales people got touch-capable 1080p 10" tablets running Win8. Before making any adjustments to the display settings, the ToolStrip was an impressive 3mm tall, very difficult for anyone with large hands to hit with any accuracy. The rest of the form was difficult to interact with too. Apple has suggested 7mm for touch targets, and even Microsoft suggests 9mm. Changing the settings in Control Panel > Display up to 160% resulted in touch targets of about 6.5mm, good enough to hit without making the rest of the form too big.

How do I remove the border of a WPF window in the Design view/tab?

I am trying to remove the border of my WPF window in the design view/tab in Visual Studio. Please don't mistake this as a request to create a border less WPF window. I did that and it is working fine. What bothers me is that even if you have set WindowStyle = None, ResizeMode = NoResize, the design view/tab still shows a border around your window in the preview.
Is there a way to remove said border and have a 1:1 preview of the border less window as in Windows Forms?
Every question I have found in regards to this only asks how to remove the border of the actual application. I would like to remove it in the preview.
Any help would be very much appreciated :)
here is a screenshot of my problem:
This cannot be done as this is just how Visual Studio renders a window in design view (I think the frame is probably there so that you can distinguish when you are editing a Window rather than a UserControl).
Rather than try and find a solution to this I would ask myself if this is something I need to be spending time figuring out - after all you say that your program works correctly when being run. I think your time will be better spent writing code for your program rather than trying to play with the design time environment.
Update: In response to you comment, consider that the window frame will be different on every users machine depending on their operating system version (XP vs. Win7) or the theme the user has installed.
My computer has XP installed so the side borders are a lot thinner than those shown in design time so any content will be smaller (but only my a few pixels - 4 in my case; does your user interface design really depend on 4 pixels?).
When using a technology such as WPF you should not be designing your UI to fit to exact pixel sizes; you should be designing with min / max values or using layout containers that adjust to the size of the window as set by the user. Any regions in your UI (E.G. sidebar and main content) should be expressed as a ratio or percentage of one another; instead of saying "The side bar is 150 pixels wide and the main content area is 350 pixels wide" you should be saying "The side bar takes up a third of the window width and the main content takes two thirds".
Although the question is very old and have already been answered (kind of), I just realized: if you set WindowStyle="None", your undesired border is gone.

How can I re-size controls based on resolution?

Inside a WinForms application what is the best way to handle re-sizing controls to match based on screen resolution and maximizing and re-sizing the window. I have 3 columns that are set like this. LABEL TEXTBOX in each column. You could count that as 6 columns. I have tried anchoring to the right but the problem there is the textbox in column 1will overlap the next 2 columns. I have also tried docking but that does not seem to do the trick. Is there any easy way of doing this?
TL;DR: You can't without manually coding resizing logic. As a side note, you probably shouldn't be trying to do this.
In traditional WinForms there is no automatic way to my knowledge without rolling your own solution. Sean87 suggested the AutoScaleMode property, but while it is then automatic it doesn't support auto-sizing by resolution. It gives an option for scaling based on Font size settings in Windows or the DPI setting. Neither of these are directly changed when simply changing the screen resolution and, honestly, most typical users (and even probably power users) probably never modify the DPI or font size settings.
Besides, the whole point, from a basic user perspective, of increasing screen resolution is to give more virtual desktop "space" to place application windows in. True, most monitors are LCD-based now and thus have native resolutions that make changing this around mostly a thing of the CRT past. But still, the act of buying a new, larger monitor would let a typical user increase this virtual screen space so that they could see more windows on the screen simultaneously. An application that always maintains the same relative size to the screen resolution would be quite uncommon I think and goes against the expectations of most users, including even us advanced developer users.
Typically, you are to code your application to adjust its contents intelligently and usefully if the window is resized, but generally you defer to the user for managing that as it is their machine and their preference (think of it as the "my house, my rules" principle). This is also why most (all?) applications don't change window positions except when directly manipulated by the user (via dragging the window frame and such). In fact, all of this likely explains why Microsoft chose not to include any automatic sizing rule based on resolution.
You don't define what you mean by "column". Generally, you should use a TableLayoutPanel and inside each "cell", set the anchors of the controls.
you can change AutoScaleMode of the form and also auto size property of each control. And you might use splitcontainer or panels to form your columns.

Windows Forms resolution problem

I have developed a 1024 *780 resolution screen in Windows Forms, but some say that it does not fit properly at higher resolutions. Is there any way to handle this?
Is there a way to make Windows Forms applications look the same at ALL resolutions?
My recommendation is not so much to "make it look the same" on all screens, but rather to design the GUI so it scales up and down more gracefully. Layout managers, docking, and anchors are your friends in Winforms. The TableLayoutPanel is quite useful for this sort of thing. Splitters also help...
Finally, this is one of those problems that WPF sets out to solve. WPF makes extensive use of layout managers. It feels much more like Java or GTK than Winforms or even VB (old school VB).
This is the sort of thing that makes you say "there's got to be a better way."
My solution for this one time was to declare a global ScalingFactor variable that was tied to the current screen resolution. Then, the sizes of every visual element were multiplied by that factor.
So, if I designed my form for resolution A, and resolution B is 1.2x larger, the width of window A will be with * 1.2, the fonts will be fontSize * 1.2, the textbox dimensions will be dimensions * 1.2.
Not fun.
There may be 3rd party tools that you can buy and will perform this scaling.
One other thing to check before you run down any of these roads is whether it is actually the screen resolution or the dpi settings that are causing it to look bad. Usually a higher resolution will only make it look smaller, but an atypical dpi, such as when the user selects "large fonts" will wreak havoc.
You can use anchor property of item, and autoScaleMode property of form set it equals 'None'.
