Store large image - database

I'm looking for a way to store a very large image (e.g. 100.000x100.000 pixels) on a webserver. I must be able to retrieve parts of that image and write parts into it. The cherry on top would be a way to get parts of that image, resized to a specific resolution (for example, i want alle pixels from 0,0 to 10.000,10.000 resized to 1000x1000 pixels).
Anybody know a kind of DB, or a data-structure or any other way or service or programm that can handle something like that?
thx, tux

How about Tiles?
Just like what popular mapping application (Google Maps / Bing Maps ) does. Divide and pre-process your image in to tiles for various sizes (zoom levels). Display them on a webpage with zero margin, zero border.
While retrieving, calculate positioning of tiles (which tiles should be retrieved as whole and which ones as partial) and then return as single image.
(image ack:

Search for "map servers": there are a bunch of them already available. I'm sure they at least contain components that might be of interest for you.


How can I determine the colorspace (RGB) profile of my data?

I have a standard jpeg image, which I use within some commercial software to colorize other data (by mapping the image's color onto the data). Then I export the colored data from this software to an XYRGB ascii file, i.e. I store the data information in the first two columns of each row and then the three RGB colors in the last three columns.
Since I need to convert the color to CIELab or CIELuv, it seems I need to know which exact colorspace (RGB, sRGB, gamma, whitepoint - you name it) my RGB values are in. But the question is: How can I find out? Or could I just assume a certain profile being a good approximation?
(Remark: The company of the commercial software I used was not able to tell me any specifics...)
If you don't know the provenance of the image, there's not anything you can do to determine the color space from the RGB data alone. It's a little like having a blueprint without a scale. You could guess and check with an application like Photoshop that can assign a profile to an image but even then it's not always obvious which is correct unless the image contains colors you can recognize as correct.
For many images sRGB is good guess. Most image on the web are sRGB and many non-color managed apps assume sRGB. But just understand that it is still a guess. If color accuracy is critical, you need the profile.

Image resolution and size in mobile apps

I use monogame. Currently, I have a problem that prevents me to advance. this problem is concerning the image resolution and size to use.
What I want to know is Can I use the same images or I must use different images (Background images whish fill all the screen) for each device according to the resolution and/or the size of the screen.
Thank you in advance.
You can use just one image and scale it to fit the desired resolution. The simplest way to do a background image is to use the SpriteBatch.Draw overload that takes a destination rectangle like so:
var width = _graphicsDeviceManager.PreferredBackBufferWidth;
var height = _graphicsDeviceManager.PreferredBackBufferHeight;
var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_spriteBatch.Draw(_backgroundTexture, destinationRectangle, null, Color.White);
// draw other sprites here
Keep in mind that your images are going to look better if you are scaling them down rather than up, so make them fairly large so they look good on tablets as well as phones. I tend to use 1600x960 because it's twice the size of a common phone resolution 800x480.
The other thing to consider is that the image may with stretch into a different aspect ratio on some screens. In my opinion, this is okay most of the time, but you may want to implement a more sophisticated scaling system. Some people like to use Pillarboxing, Letterboxing or simply cut off the sides in a non-widescreen (not sure what this is called).
Alternately, you could use different images for different resolutions for a higher quality result. Although, I haven't seen this approach used much in games but I think it's pretty common in apps.
you must use diffrent image for each resolution, and put images of the same resolution in one folder to order your code.

Get WPF single path data from . png file

I would like to convert png file(transparent icon) to WPF "path data".
Any idea how to get single wpf path data from .png icon.?
There is no direct way to do it. A PNG file is a raster format (i.e. it stores the colour of each pixel in the image). WPF Path Data is a vector format (i.e. it stores the image as geometric drawing instructions). If you are unsure what this means, see here for more info.
Vector can be converted to raster (at a set size), but raster cannot be obviously converted to vector (which is what you want).
The only way to try and convert raster to vector, with varying results, is to "trace" the raster image to guess what the equivalent geometric vector instructions might possibly be. The ability to trace a raster image accurately is directly proportional to its pixel dimensions and complexity of graphics. So tracing a [presumably] small icon might not be possible at all.
If I were faced with your problem, I would get as high a quality PNG image as possible, import it into Adobe Illustrator, use the Illustrator tracing tools to trace the image, and finally export the result of the trace to XAML (using something like
If you are looking for runtime tracing, this is something I have not come across. Given the massively varying tracing parameters which are required for different styles of raster images, I don't suppose it would even be realistically possible.
Good luck.

Efficiently display multiple markers on WPF image

I need to display many markers on a WPF image. The markers can be lines, circles, squares, etc. and there can be several hundreds of them.
Both the image source and the markers data are updated every few seconds. The markers are associated with specific pixels on the image and their size should be absolute in relation to the screen (i.e. when I move the image the markers should move along with it, but if i zoom in, they should take the same space of the screen as before).
Currently, I've implemented this using the AdornerLayer. This solution has several problems but the most significant one is that the UI doesn't fare well under the load even for 120 such markers.
I wanted to ask what would be the best way to go about implementing this? I thought of two solutions:
Inherit from Canvas and make sure it is invalidated not for every
added marker but for a range of markers at once
Create a control that holds an image and change its OnDraw to draw all the markers
I would appreciate some pointers from someone with experience with a similar problem.
Your use case looks quite specialized, so a specialized solution seems in order. I'd try a variant of your second option — extend Image, overriding its OnRender method.

KML + Google Earth: Fill a quadrilateral with a bitmap?

I'm building a KML file to use as a map layer in Google Earth and whatever else handles KML/KMZ files.
What I want to do is this: Display a number of bitmap images such that each is stretched to fit into a specified quadrilateral, where the first vertex of the quadrilateral specified would, for example, be the top-left corner of the bitmap, the next vertex would be where the top-right corner fits, and so on. Is there a (relatively) simple way to do this? If distorting/stretching the image isn't possible in any simple way, just displaying it at a specified location, scaling and rotation would be acceptable.
Update: To clarify: Given a set of four geospatial coordinates that form a quadrilateral, I'd like to take a rectangular bitmap (either via a specified URL or included in a KMZ file) and lay it onto the map such that its four corners line up with the four corners of the aforementioned quadrilateral. If it's not possible to distort an image to fit any quadrilateral, it would be sufficient to just specify position, rotation and size. Hopefully that's a little clearer.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Figured it out; you use a LatLonQuad:
<name>Example Image Overlay</name>
