How do I convert date in Netezza to yyyymmdd from timestamp format? - netezza

How do I convert date in Netezza to yyyymmdd from timestamp format?

Use the below queries to convert to date format.
select TO_CHAR( DATE '2009-12-23 23:45:58','YYYY-MM-DD')
select TO_CHAR(TO_DATE( '2009-12-23 23:45:58','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'YYYY-MM-DD')
select TO_CHAR(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD')

Netezza has built-in function for this by simply using:
This will return just the date portion of the timetamp and much more useful than casting it to a string with "TO_CHAR()" because it will work in GROUP BY, HAVING, and with other netezza date functions. (Where as the TO_CHAR method will not)
Also, the DATE_TRUNC() function will pull a specific value out of Timestamp ('Day', 'Month, 'Year', etc..) but not more than one of these without multiple functions and concatenate.
DATE() is the perfect and simple answer to this and I am surprised to see so many misleading answers to this question on Stack. I see TO_DATE a lot, which is Oracle's function for this but will not work on Netezza.


SQL Server - Select between 2 dates of type DD/MM/YYYY

I want to query a datetime field using a range of dates provided in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
I know that to convert datetime to a DD/MM/YYYY format that I can use:
And this works fine when querying a single date, eg:
WHERE CONVERT(CARCHAR(10), ORDERDATE,103) = '19/10/2017'
Returns: 2017-10-19, 19/10/2017
However it does not work on a range of dates, eg:
WHERE CONVERT(CARCHAR(10), ORDERDATE,103) BETWEEN '17/10/2017' AND '19/10/2017'
I know there are hundreds of threads about SQL dates, but they all seem to be regarding reformatting the output and not preparing the input. Do I need to reformat my DD/MM/YYYY inputs?
To query a range of dates, use the DATE-datatype instead of VARCHAR.
If datatype of column ORDERDATE is DATETIME:
CONVERT(DATE, '17/10/2017', 103) AND CONVERT(DATE, '19/10/2017', 103)
The conversion of ORDERDATE is only necessary if the start and end date are the same. (in this case, when no conversion is done, only dates with a time value of '00:00:00.000' will be returned)
To omit the conversion of ORDERDATE you can add the time to the dates and convert them to DATETIME instead of DATE, like this:
CONVERT(DATETIME, '19/10/2017 00:00:00') AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '19/10/2017 23:59:59.999');
Or even simpler, like suggested in #Used_By_Already's answer:
WHERE ORDERDATE >= '20171017' AND ORDERDATE < '20171020' --Note the end date is here +1 day
SQL Server date information should NOT be stored "in a format". If if they are literally stored in that format then they are NOT dates as far as the database is concerned (they are "strings" that look like dates) and you will have a nightmare to deal with if they are DD/MM/YYYY because they simply will not behave like dates should.
There are several specific data types in SQL Server for date/time information (datetime, datetime2, smalldatetime, date, time) but ALL of these do not store data in a human readable format at all. Instead they stored as groups of numbers, which will be displayed in a human readable manner, and in your case - by default - you are seeing then in DD/MM/YYYY format. A user in China might prefer to see a date in YYYY.MM.DD or in the USA as MM/DD/YYYY. This is possible because a human format is applied on top of the numbers that are stored before they get displayed.
So. In SQL Server there is a "safe" date literal in the form of 'YYYYMMDD' and this may be used without the need to CONVERT or CAST:
IF your [ORDERDATE] column is a date (or smalldatetime/datetime/datetime2) then this will work:
WHERE ORDERDATE BETWEEN '20171017' AND '20171019'
OR, you may explicitly convert a string to but you need a "style number" to be present to make these fully reliable. Style 103 for example is for DD/MM/YYYY
WHERE ORDERDATE BETWEEN CONVERT(date, '17/10/2017',103) AND CONVERT(date, '19/10/2017',103)
Although "between" has been used in the discussion above a far more reliable method of forming date ranges is to NOT use "between", instead do it this way:
WHERE ORDERDATE >= '20171017' AND ORDERDATE < '20171020'
With this pattern (note the second day is now +1) it does not matter which date precision is stored in the column. For example, see Bad habits to kick : mis-handling date / range queries

How to convert varchar into usable date in SQL Server?

I am having an issue converting an nvarchar into a date.
The column title is DOS and the dates are formatted like 05-03-2012.
I am trying to convert to a date so I can filter in the where clause.
I have seen explanations using CONVERT(datetime, DOS, 101) but I am not sure where this would go? In the select? In the where clause? Is this the best method to convert varchar into date?
,avg(contributionmargin) AS ContributionMargin
FROM Summary
WHERE DOS > '06-30-2016'
GROUP BY bedsize
HAVING avg(contributionmargin) > 10000
ORDER BY contributionmargin DESC
In this example the where clause is just looking at the '06' in the date and selecting values that are greater than 06, so the results include:
The problem is that the years are ignored.
Option 1:
Add a new datetime column (let's suppose DOSDate) in the table and then run this query
update mytable set DOSDate = STR_TO_DATE(DOS,'%m-%d-%Y')
But future inserts in mytable will also needs to be converted and stored in DOSDate` column.
Option 2:
If you cannot add a new column, use this in where clause
select * from mytable where STR_TO_DATE(DOS,'%m-%d-%Y') > p_mydate
Since you have not provided a query, the above is a sample query to illustrate the point.
Initially you marked your question related to MySQL. For SQL Server you may use CAST or CONVERT instead of STR_To_DATE
I was able to use the convert function for SQL Server.
This code works:
,avg(contributionmargin) AS ContributionMargin
FROM Summary
WHERE Convert(DATE, DOS, 101) > '06-30-2016'
GROUP BY bedsize
HAVING avg(contributionmargin) > 10000
ORDER BY contributionmargin DESC

FUnctions on Datekey

I want MonthName and MonthNumber from Datekey variable EX:20141217. I need output as
Month Name: December MonthNumber: 12
I tried to convert Datekey into DateTime variable using expression
and top of it I used Month function to get MonthNumber.
and this following expression for MonthName
I want to know are there any other functions in sql that I can use other than this complicated expressions? I want to simplify those expressions. Using above expressions my sql query is taking very very long time to execute.
Do you have a date dimension table in you database? It would add a join but would eliminate function calls and clean up complicated expressions. You could store the format you want as a column in this table for each date and join on date key. They are also very useful for aggregating data by various time slices. I used this to start mine: but there are other ones out there as well
You could use SUBSTRING to get the 5th and 6th characters of the Datekey string.
You can use 112 conversion for full date name
datename(month, convert(date, convert(nvarchar(10),InvoiceCreateDateKey), 112))
Also you can use datepart for getting month number
datepart(M,convert(date, convert(nvarchar(10),InvoiceCreateDateKey), 112))

Converting String to Int in SQL Server

I have column Terms in my table and it contains data like this:
30D, 40D, etc.
D represents days.
My question: how can I sum date in Terms column? How can I convert string to int?
Thank you in advance.
Just use REPLACE to ditch the D and CONVERT to convert the varchar to a number....
SELECT SUM(CONVERT(int, REPLACE(Terms,'D',''))) FROM TableName
Edit: Commentor is right, CAST would work too.
And I dont get all the down votes. The guy's just asking a SQL question.
Jeez... Tough crowd.
OK, based on comments, it seems like you would like to get a "due date" from the terms (say, TODAY + 30D or "today + 30 days"). To do that, we'd need a DATE column. OR, we can just use today's date (GETDATE())
Assume your table has a date column called ... dt
The SQL to pull dt+'30D' would require us to add 30 "days" to dt.
DATEADD will add days, and the aforementioned CONVERT+REPLACE combo will convert '30D' to just plain '30' ...
So, you end up with the following SQL:
SELECT DATEADD(day, CONVERT(int, REPLACE(Terms,'D','')), dt) FROM TableName
The 'day' tells DATEADD to add days (that seems really obvious ... now),
the CONVERT+REPLACE tells it how many days to add
AND - dt is our column name.
SO - how about just adding "30D" to TODAY? Easy. We just swap out dt with GETDATE() ...

Select condition on date for datetime field

I want to impose date condition on a date time field in SQL Server.
The datetime field is like this 2011-01-19 17:57:18.350 and when I execute below query it yields no results.
select top 1000 *
from [dbo].[RouteState]
where convert (date, logtime, 101) = '12-01-2015'
Can someone help me what's going wrong here?
There is no need to convert the datetime column to anything. Use a closed-open interval instead and change the format of your string literal to yyyymmmdd to make sure that SQL Server will interpret the date value in the same way regardless of regional and date format settings.
select top 1000 *
from [dbo].[RouteState]
where logtime >= '20150112' and
logtime < '20150113';
For more info on casting a column to date you can have a look at Cast to date is sargable but is it a good idea?
