Using SQL Server Management Studio Express to Backup DB - sql-server

I am wanting to backup a SQl Server 2005 db at a remote site (ie. to ultimately have a backup file of the db here locally on my machine).
Can this be done using SQL Server Management Studio Express ? I have this installed and running.. but cannot seem to find a way of backing up using it.
If this isn't possible, how do I create a backup of my remote db some other way ?
Thank you,

It should be possible, right click on the database, select Tasks->Backup.
The other good option is the bcp command line utility. If your backup needs to be done regularly it's a better option since you can use it in a bacth file or script and create a scehduler task for it.

I'm not sure, however if you have remote access to the system concerned you should be able to run a SQLCMD and issue the backup from the command line.
1) create a script called say backup.sql
USE [master]
BACKUP DATABASE [somedatabase]
TO DISK = N'C:\somedatabase.bak'
NAME = N'Full Database Backup of somedatabase',
2) issue:
sqlcmd -U username -P password -i backup.sql
Then copy the file over.

Unfortunately, I can't answer your specific question regarding SSMS Express - I've not used the tool extensively. However, I do know that you can open a New Query window and issue a BACKUP DATABASE command. An example of this would be:
backup database <dbname,,> to disk='c:\mydbbackup.bak';
You could then use standard methods (such as FTP) to get the file copied locally. Hope that helps!

This works in SSMS 2008 Express:
Right-click the database name in object explorer > Tasks > Backupā€¦
Select "Full" (should already be default), enter a name, and at the bottom click "Add" and create the file to which you want to back up.
Run the backup.
Copy the file to your local machine.
Connected to the local machine, select the "Databases" node in Object Explorer > Restore Databaseā€¦
Now name the new database, select "from device" and choose the backup file from which to create the new database, and go.


ftrows_FTP...ndf file preventing a restore

I am trying to restore a db with a backup, but it fails each time because of a file in use. The file is ftrow_FTC{xxxxxxx}.ndf
Does anyone know what this file is and what its for? Do I need it? If not, how can I get rid of it? Thank you.
I should add, this is SQL 2012 server on a Server 2008 R2.
the ftrow_FTC{xxxxxxx}.ndf if a Full-Text Catalog file. You're probably using SQL Server Management Studio wizard to restore that database. However, you can also use a t-sql command to do the restore.
In the latter case you could tell SQL Server to restore your full text catalog file under different name/path with the RESTORE ... WITH MOVE command:
RESTORE DATABASE DBNAME from disk = N'd:\path\to\your\backup.bak'
WITH MOVE 'ftrow_FTC{xxxxxxx}.ndf' TO 'd:\path\to\new\FT_location\ftrow_FTC{xxxxxxx}.ndf'
replace the DBNAME with your real DB name and the ftrow file name with real file name.
UPDATE: you can also easily restore your DB with full text catalog under different file name using SQL Server Management Studio dialog. During restore simply locate your ftrow file record in the DB files list and assign it to different path. That way you will not get conflict with the ftrow file used by your live DB.

How to get a copy of a SQL Server database

I am very new to database and programming.
I have created database on one PC. Now I need to get a copy of same DB and have it on my PC(including the tables and its data).
I have SQL Server 2005.
When I try to export the database it will ask for another machine.
Please provide me guidance or beginners level example link
There are plenty of ways to do this, but I'm a huge proponent of BACKUP and RESTORE.
Create a folder called c:\temp\ and give EVERYONE full control. Open a query window in SSMS.
BACKUP DATABASE database_name
TO DISK = 'C:\temp\database_name.BAK' WITH INIT;
Also run the following to determine the logical filenames:
USE database_name;
EXEC sp_helpfile;
Now copy the file to the other machine (in a folder also called c:\temp). And in a query window on that instance:
RESTORE DATABASE database_name
FROM DISK = 'C:\temp\database_name.BAK'
MOVE 'data file name' TO '...path...\database.mdf',
MOVE 'log file name' TO '...path...\database.ldf';
You'll need to replace some variables there but hopefully that provides the gist.
You can backup and restore the database.
Another method is to go to SQL Server Management studio and script out all objects in the database.
On the advanced tab, you can choose to have it script out the data in tables too.
To get to the wizard, right click on the database, choose "Generate Scripts", and follow the instructions in the wizard.
Then, you can save it out as a file. Or, you can just paste it into a SSMS window connected to the other database and run it.
You would not do this for a database that has any significant amount of data.
Best way to do this is to Backup and Restore like Aaron already suggested but here is another thing you can try.
Stop SQL Server services. (Go to SQL Server Configuration manager -> SQL Server Services -> Right click SQL Server service and click stop)
Go to SQL Server data folder (Right click on the database -> Properties -> Files)
Copy MDF and LDF files to another computer
Start the SQL Server services again from the SQL Server Configuration Manager
On target machine open SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the Databases folder and click Attach and select MDF and LDF files you copied.
this will help u...
go to your database,select database which you want to use on other pc,right click on it go to task->select detach,then it will show database name then click OK.
After this its .log and .mdf file goes to c:/program files/Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA .here you will find your database name 2 files ,from this you copy it and past it where you want can get database on another pc .

Restoring database - Cannot access file because it is in use by another process

I have a backup of a database from another SQL Server 2005 machine. I'm attempting to restore it to my SQL Server 2008 instance.
I have created a new database for the restore to go in to, but when attempting the restore with the following (generated by ssms):
FROM DISK = N'D:\wanda20130503.bak'
MOVE N'Wendy' TO N'D:\databases\\WendyUAT.mdf',
MOVE N'Wendy_log' TO N'D:\databases\\WendyUAT.ldf',
MOVE N'sysft_WendyFti' TO N'D:\databases\\WendyUAT.WendyFti',
I get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'D:\databases\WendyUAT.mdf'.
As far as I can tell (using Process Explorer etc) nothing else is using the file. I've disabled real-time protection in windows defender. I just cannot understand why SQL Server thinks the file is in use as windows explorer lets me delete it with no problems so Windows doesn't seem to think it's in use.
Any help would be gratefully received.
How are you connecting to your SQL Server in your application before running this backup? What database are you connecting to?
You cannot connect to the WendyUAT database and use it when you want to restore it - you'll have to explicitly use some other database, e.g. master, before running your SMO restore code
All my T-SQL restore scripts will always include:
USE [master]
So if you run this backup from your app, make sure you explicitly connect to e.g. master before running this T-SQL restore script
Is this something you did on purpose, or might it just be a typo??
MOVE N'Wendy' TO N'D:\databases\\WendyUAT.mdf',
* **
* *
* * two backslashes here -why???
* only one backslash here...
Does it work if you use single backslashes only??
FROM DISK = N'D:\wanda20130503.bak'
MOVE N'Wendy' TO N'D:\databases\WendyUAT.mdf',
MOVE N'Wendy_log' TO N'D:\databases\WendyUAT.ldf',
MOVE N'sysft_WendyFti' TO N'D:\databases\WendyUAT.WendyFti',
Try following script before restore
alter database DB_NAME set offline with rollback immediate;
and this script after restore to enable multi user
alter database DB_NAME set online with rollback immediate;
In my case I had installed two instances of SQL Server (2008 R2 and 2012). I had to stop one SQL Server service (2008 R2) from my two available SQL instances. This helped me to resolve this issue and I could restore my database.
I have the same issue.
What I did is that I just rename the Destination database to different name, then the restoration executed successfully. After the restoration, I just rename it to my desired database name.

copy a database within SQL Server Express?

I would like to make a copy of a database I have but keep it on the same server as a test database. However, everything I have found is to use the copy database wizard (I am using MS SQL Server Express).
The instructions always say: In SQL Server Management Studio, in Object Explorer, expand Databases, right-click a database, point to Tasks, and then click Copy Database.
I don't have the Copy Database option. I am running as an admin, so no clue why it is missing for me - is it something I have to install separately? I can't do the Detach/Attach since it is copying to the same server. I tried detaching, copying the MDF/LDF, renaming, attaching but as you can imagine that messed a ton up :) I am not great with SQL to do it all programatically. Is there a tool out there I could use?
In SSMS 2008 you can do this:
Create a backup of the database you want to copy
In SSMS, right-click 'Databases' and select 'Restore Database'
Select the database you wish to copy from the 'From database' drop-down list in the 'Source for restore' section
Enter the name of the new database in the 'To database' field in the 'Destination for Restore' section - this cannot be the name of an existing database.
Click OK
You're done! :)
In SQL Server Express 2012 you can do following steps:
Create a backup of the database you want to copy
right-click "Databases" and select "Restore Files and Filegroups"
Enter the name of the new database in the "To database" field.
Select "From device" and then select the file that you backuped in the first step
click "OK"
this will "clone" the Database with the correct table settings such as the "default value" and "auto increase" etc.
SQL Express database has an export button, I just exported the database to a new database on the same server, it is copying the database. Just right-click on the database name.
Take these steps to make a copy of the database in SQL Express
Stop SQL
Copy the mdf, ldf and any other file for the db to a NEW location (make sure you get the log file)
Change the name of each copied file
Start SQL
Right-click Database in SSMQ and select attach
Make sure you change the name in the column "Attach As"
Update the file location in the lower pane of "Database Details" to the location of your copied files (especially that log file)
I was able to copy a database on my SQL Express system with this method
I had a problem creating a copy of my database as well using SQL Express 2012.
I have solved it by the backup and restore method.
After making the backup I used: restore -> files and file groups
Next step was to write a new name for the new database and set the source:
Pointing the source file
and finally, a overwrite the existing database with replace must be selected
and set names for new files with extension mdf and ldf that are different from the existing where is: Restore as
This method worked for me
Just be aware if you are using SQL Server Express 2012 of going to the option Files and make sure that the destination files (Restore As column) are different from the original files *.mdf and *.log
( I tried to put an image but need 10 reputation :p)
I do not believe the Express version of the manager will have the copy database feature. Have you considered copying via the backup and restore method?
I found the problem! Click on Databases, restore, then do the following:
After choosing from where to restore, and writing destination db name, go to files [annotation 1 on picture] and change the very right column files names to different than original [annotation 2 on picture] then it works :)
I just thought of a really nifty way to get around this :) So I thought I should post my idea. Note that this is 'untested' but I think it will work.
Do a "Back Up..." database (theoretically this is on your
production server, but it doesn't have to be)
Copy the backup file (from your prod server) onto your development machine
Assuming you're using SSMS Developer Edition on your development
machine, you can then do a "Restore" onto your development machine,
then do a "Copy Database" afterwards also on your development
machine (to create a new copy of the DB)
Now do a "Back Up..." on the new DB you just created, copy the backup file (to your production server) and do a "Restore" on the sql server express server :)
Hope this helps out a few people :)
The solution is definitely to create a backup and restore it, but ensure that you're restored copy is pointing to different .mdf and .ldf files.
Here's how to check that using SSMS 2014 and a SQL Server 12 installation: assuming you're creating and restoring backups on your local disk.
Create a backup of your existing database
Right click the database, and choose "back up..." under "tasks."
(If you leave the location as the default, you don't have to hunt for the back up in the next step when you restore.)
Restore your backup to a NEW database:
Right click on databases, choose "restore database"
Select "device"
Click the ellipsis button ("...") to open the "Selct Backup devices" dialog.
Choose "File" as the backup media type and click the "add" button
Select the backup you just made, click ok (twice)
Now, back in the "restore database" dialog, type a new name for your destination database
Click "files" under "select a page" and make sure that "restore as" is pointing to .mdf and .ldf file names that do not already exist
Click ok!
I think you could try import data to a new database.
Create an empty database in your local sql server
Right click on the new database -> tasks -> import data
In the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, select product env's servername as data source. And select your new database as the destination data.
As for the first part of your question (why do you not see this Copy Database Wizard option under Tasks for your dbs), the answer is indeed in the fact that you are running SQL Server Express. SQL Server Express doesn't support the SQL Server Agent feature, which this Copy DB feature relies upon, so the Copy DB feature is not shown (but many online resources fail to make that observation).
Fortunately, most everyone else has addressed the second part of your question (how to achieve the task otherwise), and nearly all point out using the existing backup and restore options (which DO exist in Express), or the export/import (which also exists in Express, I can confirm).
Try making a backup of your database, and restoring it into a brand new database.
Create new DB.
Make a full backup of your original.
Right click on your new DB, hit restore.
Navigate to your .BAK, and ensure the .mdf and .ldf match the new.

Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

I have a file with .bak extension.
How can I import this date to a database in SQL Server?
On SQL Server Management Studio
Right click Databases on left pane (Object Explorer)
Click Restore Database...
Choose Device, click ..., and add your .bak file
Click OK, then OK again
This will show you a list of database files contained in DB.bak:
FROM DISK = 'D:\3.0 Databases\DB.bak'
You will need the logical names from that list for the MOVE operation in the second step:
FROM DISK = 'D:\3.0 Databases\DB.bak'
and you have to move appropriate mdf,ndf & ldf files using
With Move 'primarydatafilename' To 'D:\DB\data.mdf',
Move 'secondarydatafile' To 'D:\DB\data1.ndf',
Move 'logfilename' To 'D:\DB\log.ldf'
You can simply restore these database backup files using native SQL Server methods, or you can use ApexSQL Restore tool to quickly virtually attach the files and access them as fully restored databases.
Disclaimer: I work as a Product Support Engineer at ApexSQL
Instead of choosing Restore Database..., select Restore Files and Filegroups...
Then enter a database name, select your .bak file path as the source, check the restore checkbox, and click Ok. If the .bak file is valid, it will work.
(The SQL Server restore option names are not intuitive for what should a very simple task.)
On Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2019:
On Restore Database window:
Choose Device
Choose Add and pick target file
OK to confirm
OK to confirm restore
Connect to a server you want to store your DB
Right-click Database
Click Restore
Choose the Device radio button under the source section
Click Add.
Navigate to the path where your .bak file is stored, select it and click OK
Enter the destination of your DB
Enter the name by which you want to store your DB
Click OK
Although it is much easier to restore database using SSMS as stated in many answers.
You can also restore Database using .bak with SQL server query, for example
RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'
In above Query you need to keep in mind about .mdf/.ldf file location.
You might get error
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Directory lookup for the file "C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks.MDF" failed with the operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.). (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)
So you need to run Query as below
FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'
Once you will run above Query you will get location of mdf/ldf use it Restore database using query
FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'
MOVE 'DBASE' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.DBASE\MSSQL\DATA\DBASE.MDF',
MOVE 'DBASE_LOG' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.DBASE\MSSQL\DATA\DBASE_1.LDF',
Source:Restore database from .bak file in SQL server (With & without scripts)
Simply use
sp_restoredb 'Your Database Name' ,'Location From you want to restore'
Example: sp_restoredb 'omDB','D:\abc.bak'
You can use node package, if you often need to restore databases in development process.
npm install -g sql-bak-restore
sql-bak-restore <bakPath> <dbName> <oldDbName> <owner>
bakpath, relative or absolute path to file
dbName, to which database to restore (!! database with this name will be deleted if exists !!)
oldDbName, database name (if you don't know, specify something and run, you will see available databases after run.)
owner, userName to make and give him db_owner privileges (password "1")
!! sqlcmd command line utility should be in your PATH variable.
