From and Image to an ImageSource - silverlight

I have an image (embedded resource) that i can get access to and form an Image object from. I actually can get the Image object or the Stream of bits the represent the image. However I want to sue that image programaticly to be a background image.
So how do I set the ImageSource on the ImageBrush to an AcutalImage (PNG)?

I think the MSDN documentation says it all:
You can either set the source as a URI in XAML, or use code behind to set it to an ImageSource object created from a stream or a Uri, e.g.
_imageBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(""));
Cheers, Alex
EDIT: If your image is a ressource, you can use the ressource url syntax:
For example:
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/MyApplication.Resources;component/Images/image1.png" />


HowTo Get Rendered Image from WPF Image Control

Each WPF Image Control has RenderTransform Property that sets Scale, Skew, Rotate and many more Transformation to Images. After Calling RenderTransform Property, How to get Rendered Image into the BitmapImage or RenderTargetBitmap Class or Any other class?
This is my Code:
Dim InImage As New BitmapImage(New Uri("My Image Path"))
Dim TG As New TransformGroup
TG.Children.Add(New RotateTransform(190))
Dim MyImg As New Image
MyImg.Source = InImage
MyImg.RenderTransform = TG
'Here i need get Transformed Image into a BitmapImage or RenderTargetBitmap Variable or Any other class variable.
It's a pity that TransformedBitmap does not support rotation with angle other than any multiple of 90 degs (that means we can only rotate 90, 180, 270, ...). Thinking about which objects we can put in a bitmap and apply some Transform? Well we have DrawingGroup, DrawingVisual, ImageBrush, UIElement and via DrawingContext.
Using DrawingGroup, we have to put in an ImageDrawing and apply the transform via the Transform property of the DrawingGroup. Then we have to use a DrawingImage, set the Drawing property to the DrawingGroup.
Using DrawingVisual, we have to open a DrawingContext, use the DrawImage method after pushing some transform. Then we may have to use RenderTargetBitmap by passing the DrawingVisual in the Render method.
Using UIElement (like your idea about using Image control as the medium), we have to render the image on the UIElement. So an Image control suits this best. Every UIElement has a Transform property allowing us to add whatever transform. At last we also have to use a RenderTargetBitmap by passing the UIElement in the Render method.
Using ImageBrush, we have to set the ImageSource property to a BitmapImage. Then we can use the Transform or RelativeTransform property to apply some transform. After that we have to use a DrawingImage. Create a simple GeometryDrawing using the ImageBrush as its Brush, and a RectangleGeometry as its Geometry. Finally we just need to set this GeometryDrawing to the Drawing property of the DrawingImage. The output is the DrawingImage. I would like to use this approach to write the code here:
Dim InImage As New BitmapImage(New Uri("My Image Path"))
Dim ImgBrush As New ImageBrush(InImage)
ImgBrush.Viewport = New Rect(0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8)
ImgBrush.ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox
Dim Rotating As New RotateTransform(190)
Rotating.CenterX = 0.5
Rotating.CenterY = 0.5
ImgBrush.RelativeTransform = Rotating
Dim ImgSize As New Rect(0,0,300,400)
Dim DrawImage As New DrawingImage()
DrawImage.Drawing = New GeometryDrawing(ImgBrush, null, ImgSize)
Note about the "My Image Path". I've found out that using a Relative image would not work if you don't have any Image folder at the same level with the built exe file. If you don't want to deploy some image folder together with your application, you can add your image as a Resource. To refer to an image added as a Resource in code behind, you have to use a special kind of path:
Note that to be sure your image is added as a Resource, try right clicking on the image (under the Projects treeview), select Properties in the popup menu, then look into the Build Action field, it should be Resource.
Also note about the ImgBrush.Viewport, setting it appropriately will prevent the image from being cut off (that's because the transformed image is rotated). It depends on the ImgSize and how much degree you rotate.

Using Image Control in Silverlight (4)

I'm trying to use the Image control is a very basic way, like here:
So I'm ending up with XAML like this:
<Image x:Name="imgSmall" Stretch="Fill" Source="../Img/Small/105.jpg" Margin="10,0,0,0"></Image>
Which isn't working. The Image is blank, and in the designer the URI is underlined with a message of " not part of the project or its build action is not set to 'Resource"
If I change the source to a property on my ViewModel, set like this:
new Uri(App.Current.Host.Source, "../Img/Small/105.jpg");
Then it works fine. I'd much prefer to use the simpler syntax and get the image directly. Is this possible?
(The images are one level up from ClientBin)
Setting all of my web sites images to build=Resource is not possible.
You have to create a converter that takes the relative image path and adds the "absolute" part. You can pass the relative Uri as binding value or as converterParameter.
class ImageConverter : IValueConverter
// method convert()
return new BitmapImage(new Uri(App.Current.Host.Source, ((string)parameter));
It id doesn't work because image is not added to your project.
Add image to project and in then you can set source from xaml.

WPF Image Formats and Binding

I have a project which requires be to convert an in memory System.Drawing.Bitmap into an in memory BitmapImage so I can bind the BitmapImage to an Image control via XAML. The problem I am running into is during the conversion the original bitmap gets shrunk and is very blurry.
This is very bad because the original bitmap is a bar code and I need this bar code to stay readable. Is there anything I can do to preserve the integrity of my bitmap? Or is it possible to bind a System.Drawing.Bitmap to an WPF Image control without first saving the bitmap and using a URI?
Also can anyone explain to me the difference between all these image formats? It seems as if there are a ton of them, they reside in numerous namespaces and it is a pain to convert between them.
public static BitmapImage GetBitmapImage(Bitmap bmp)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp);
BitmapImage bmpI = new BitmapImage();
bmpI.StreamSource = ms;
return bmpI;
Have you tried different bitmap scaling modes?
For example:
Image RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" ...
In my opinion, the easiest way to get rid of all those burdens is to create a user control, then put a
on to that control. After that you put a windows forms image to the host, and in the underlying code of the user control, you can create a dependency property to bind data and update changes to the image control.

How to set uri for local image in silverlight app?

In SL class library MyLib, I have a image say my.png. Then I want to use it in code behind I tried following way:
StreamResourceInfo resourceStream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("/MyLib;component/my.png", UriKind.Relative));
BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
this.MyIcon.Source = image;
But it's not woking. I think it's the Uri not set correctly. Help please.
This works:-
BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/MyLib;component/my.png", UriKind.Relative));
MyIcon.Source = image;
I can't see why you would want to use a Stream here. Having said that your Stream code should work. The build action on the png should be "Resource" and "MyLib" in your Uri should be the Assembly name of the library as found on the "Silverlight" tab of the project properties.
Do you have your image marked as "Resource" in the properties window, or "Content"?
You could always set a style as a resource in your application and then call it like:
Application.Current.Resources["myCoolStyle"] and apply that to the image.

Convert ImageSource to BitmapImage - WPF

I'm using a class library that generates a large ImageSource, > 3000x3750 pixels. I would like to convert this ImageSource to BitmapImage so that I can take advantage of DecodePixelWidth or DecodePixelHeight instead of resizing it everytime this image is generated.
I need to display this image for the user first, and most of the users have a screen resolution of 1024x768, I'm binding this ImageSource to an Image control for this, but it can be noticed how "heavy" it is.
How can I do this? Or what is the best solution for this case?
Try doing:
myBitmapImage = myImageSource as BitmapImage;
That works well.
The BitmapImage type inherits BitmapSource and ultimately ImageSource (both of which are abstract classes). You need to check what the actual type of your object is, i.e. check object.GetType().Name. If you're in luck, it may actually be returning a BitmapSource object and you will simply need to cast it to that type before being able to use it as such.
