Booking logic and architecture, database sync: Hotels, tennis courts reservation system - database

Imagine that you want to design a tennis booking system.
You have 5 tennis clubs as partners with no online api allowing you to check on their side if a court is booked or not: You have to build this part as well.
Every time a booking is done on their side you want it to be known by our system. Probably using a POST request form tennis partner to our server.
Every time a booking is done on our website, we want to push the booking to their system. The difficulty is that their system need to be online and accessible from outside. Ip may change, we have to use a dns updater.
In case their system is not available we still accept the booking and fallback to an async email with 'i confirm booking/reject booking' link sent to the club.
I find the whole process quite complex and was wondering about the way online hotel booking system and hotel were working. Do they all have their data open and online ?
The good thing is that the data will grow large and fits nicely to some no SQL ;) like couch db

There are several questions here, let me try and address each one...
Since this appears to be an internet application with federated servers, using the implied HTTP Protocol makes a lot of sense. This could be done via Form POSTs, GET, or even REST-ful submission of some custom data structure. In the end, the exact approach to use will need to come down to the size and complexity of the information being communicated. Many architectures employ these approaches and often combine them with encrypted, signed, and/or encoded payloads for security. One short-fall to consider with these approaches is that they will require you to clearly communicate all request / response message formats, field ranges, and variations since these mechanisms are not really self-describing. On the other hand, these patterns use very common protocols, are easily understood, easy to implemented, and are typically lean on-the-wire.
In constrast, architectures with very complex structures often chose to use WSDL-based web services. Also driven by common standards, these tend to be self-describing, inherently versionable, although they can take more time and energy to implement. There are a lot of advantanges to web services which are driven by many WS-* standards which may be worth investigating further in your case.
As for the reservation process... many similar architectures will employ an orchestration model such as the following:
Find open booking spaces
Make a reservation for a booking space. This places an expiring lock on a space while the requestor fills in all required booking information. This mitigates against race conditions that could lead to multiple bookings for the same space
Once all required booking information is received and validated the booking is confirmed and permamently locked from use by other requestors
As for the SQL-style DB comment, I can't really say given the amount of information supplied. With that said, my instincts tell me a SQL-style DB is completely reasonable for this problem set. I have databases with many pedabytes and have very high SLA's. You implied a need for high availability and SQL-based databases have a few decades of proven support behind them in this area.
Hope this helps.

I think you will find most on-line hotel reservation systems aren't really on-line. My experience is that those companies (not the hotels themselves) offering on-line booking systems also insist that the hotel itself also books their rooms on-line using the same system.
Everything works fine as long as connectivity is not an issue - and in small motels scenario it normally will. Of course the bigger hotels use the same system the airlines do and they have dedicated communications links for the purpose. The reservations are of course maintained on one central computer with appropriate backup links etc etc etc.
It is very easy for individual tennis clubs to offer their own real-time online booking systems using their own database/website with programs like MyCourts offers however once you want to link more than one clubs facilities then you really don't have much option other than to have a centralized server that both the user and the club both have to use to reserve facilities.


How to use Blockchain to store government records and secure transactions between government and users and also between 2 users?

I would like to implement a simple prototype of this for my local government which has a lot of corrupt and lazy government officials. I feel it would really speed things up and make sure there are no scams in records, of which there are many atm. I have seen many big cities implementing blockchain.
I'm a computer science student and an android and web programmer and I've bought a few technical books on blockchain. But I'm not sure how to go about doing something like this.
Is something like this really going to be feasible and secure from hackers? I don't wanna make things worse.
As I understood you are planning to use a blockchain as a database to keep the records regarding lands, vehicles, government services etc. to avoid making illegal changes by the government officials themselves or some other third party.
To get the advantage of having a distributed database, in an application like yours especially, the blockchain should be a public one. (Rather than few government institutes running full nodes ). In that case as per your need of only protecting records it might probably be a separate blockchain for the particular purpose. And probably there should be an advantage for the participants for them to participate in mining consuming their resources. I think then you have to come up with a economic model as well. (although if this is not the exact way you are gonna do there have to be reason for ppl to participate somehow)
And regarding how secure the system will be; that depends on your model. If it's going to be a blockchain with few nodes or even let's say public with a large no of nodes and if it's still worth the money to spend on attacking the network and acquiring one or two lands there can be situations that the network may under go 51% attack or a selfish mining attack.
So what I can suggest is to study more on blockchain, consensus algorithms used, how existing blockchains achieve the data security etc. and think about a model (may be an economic model) that the miners get an advantage by running the node, and the cost to attack the system outweigh the advantages that can be gained by attacking etc.

Secure database and webpage against modification

My website provides extremely sensible information (think of bank account numbers) publicly available through webpages and webservices. The customers may modify these information when authentified with a username and a password.
Any hacking intrusion that would successfully modify the entries of the database, or modify the information displayed on the webpage, would be disastrous, as account numbers might then be incorrect and money could be directed to a malicious bank account.
Do you have any general advices about the architecture that would make such a service as robust as possible? I would not be responsible in case of a weak password, so my main concern is about attacks that would simply bypass the authentication process and modify the database without triggering any alert on my side; it could also be the html code of the webpage that is directly modified to show different information...
Thank you
In this case i would make sure to harden the system itself as good as possible. This includes a very broad spectrum reaching from Security Roles over transaction based usage of the database, logging as well as the prevention of all sorts of attacks like SQL injection, cross site scripting in general and maybe if its a that sensible system use certificates and general IP checks (like have a white list of IPs that are allowed to populate requests to the system that do not instantly get refused). Not to mention your Host architecture has to be protected regardless of the implemented security features inside your system (key words: firewalls, user privileges etc.). During the development process there should always be auto code checking software (like Sonar) running to detect logical errors and stuff.
Then it could also be a good idear to have a second system just to monitor your primary systems status. This system should log and notify you on:
changes made to the system itself (like if someone has access to your business logic and for examply removes authentication logic)
changes made to the database that are not consistent with your primary systems state.
detect suspicious actions: Banks for example have rules that apply on your account. Like if you used to make payments within europe for the last time and then out of nothing make a huge payment to lets say china you would recive a notification to commit this payment. The payment then would not be triggered unless that second commitment of the customer.
In the end you already pointed out correctly that you just can harden it as good as possible but generally not make it "100%" safe (at least in theory) so to have a good level of security part of the total system would include beeing able to detect unwanted changes, identify the exact changes already beeing made and have information on the overall status of your system to allow a rollback or manual correction of a corruptet state in case it already happened.
Even after having implemented mentioned techniques you would have to continously check for security bugs in used frameworks, librarys and the system as a full (like using security penetration frameworks that auto try to corrupt your system).
What i want to show you with my answer is what the comments already suggest: It is a very broad and complex topic with multiple layers of security concernes you will have to either study yourself or have framework solutions that "ensure" you to take care of the topic (like Webframeworks often include basic XSS prevention).
Without wanting to sound harsh, but if you have to ask this question on Stack Overflow, you're not really qualified to work on this project.
The financial value of your data sounds like it's enough for an attacker to expend significant resources breaching your defenses - and the consequences of such a breach would be disastrous for your organization and its customers; it could lead to the organization having to close down. You really don't want to be learning about security from strangers on the internet in this case.
One place to start learning in is with the established standards for managing financial information, often referred to as "PCI standards"; these provide guidelines for hardware, software and processes for organizations that deal with payment details.
There are numerous books on IT security; I like the "Hacking Exposed" series, and "Security Engineering".
You might also bring in specialized IT security consultants; I've worked with a number of these guys, and many of them are very good at helping you engineer security into your solution.

How can I get product information intoa database without having to populate it manually?

I am looking for a method of dynamically linking product information based on the name of the product.
For example: User types in "Playstation 3", the site would then go out and grab any information it can, such as picture, retail price, etc. Ideally, it would let you choose the correct item (returns both ps3 controller and ps3 console, user can choose which). It would then use this information in a product listing.
The easiest way I can think to implement this is to use the existing API of a major retailer such as Amazon. I have a couple completely different ideas for sites, one of which would involve selling from amazon (which I would assume they would be ok with) and another which would only be data mining the information. I am concerned they would not take it very kindly if I was just stealing their images and descriptions.
Is there another way, maybe less "sneaky" way to accomplish this that wouldn't be in legally frowned upon ?
Many web-commerce companies use a data stream known as an API - EBay, Etsy, and Amazon all have API feeds for their products. If you can convince the company to allow you access to their API (usually they will give you a key/password), then you can directly access their back-end database, typically at the read-only level. Depending on the company, you can just write them directly for access.
You are correct when you say that most companies wouldn't take kindly to someone web-scraping their product directory and re-using it. That is unethical, and could lead to big trouble with larger companies with a significant legal presence.
On the other hand, there is nothing to prevent you from cobbling together several API feeds into a Mash-Up - try Yahoo Pipes! to learn the basics of API/Mash-Up integration:
Yahoo Pipes:
Here is the link to Amazon's Product Advertising API program:
Good luck, and happy development!
Many online retailers provide a product feed - either well-publicized (William M-B has listed some examples), or sorta-kinda hidden, for the purposes of affiliate marketing. They usually have terms of use around those product feeds, describing in detail what you're allowed to do with them, and exactly how many of your limbs are at risk if you don't play by their rules.
However, the mechanism you're describing sounds remarkably similar to a search engine; there's a well-established precedent for search engines indexing sites, and using their content to reason about the underlying site. Get a lawyer to validate this, but there's a good chance that your intended purpose falls under "fair use".
I'm representative of
We are building service, that do the following:
search product by name. For example: galaxy s3, galaxy s 3 or galaxy sIII
return technical specifications (CPU, RAM etc) and product images (thumbnails and high-res images)
provide API
deal with legal issues, provide licenses & etc.

How to share data across an organization

What are some good ways for an organization to share key data across many deparments and applications?
To give an example, let's say there is one primary application and database to manage customer data. There are ten other applications and databases in the organization that read that data and relate it to their own data. Currently this data sharing is done through a mixture of database (DB) links, materialized views, triggers, staging tables, re-keying information, web services, etc.
Are there any other good approaches for sharing data? And, how do your approaches compare to the ones above with respect to concerns like:
duplicate data
error prone data synchronization processes
tight vs. loose coupling (reducing dependencies/fragility/test coordination)
architectural simplification
well-defined interfaces
other relevant concerns?
Keep in mind that the shared customer data is used in many ways, from simple, single record queries to complex, multi-predicate, multi-sort, joins with other organization data stored in different databases.
Thanks for your suggestions and advice...
I'm sure you saw this coming, "It Depends".
It depends on everything. And the solution to sharing Customer data for department A may be completely different for sharing Customer data with department B.
My favorite concept that has risen up over the years is the concept of "Eventual Consistency". The term came from Amazon talking about distributed systems.
The premise is that while the state of data across a distributed enterprise may not be perfectly consistent now, it "eventually" will be.
For example, when a customer record gets updated on system A, system B's customer data is now stale and not matching. But, "eventually", the record from A will be sent to B through some process. So, eventually, the two instances will match.
When you work with a single system, you don't have "EC", rather you have instant updates, a single "source of truth", and, typically, a locking mechanism to handle race conditions and conflicts.
The more able your operations are able to work with "EC" data, the easier it is to separate these systems. A simple example is a Data Warehouse used by sales. They use the DW to run their daily reports, but they don't run their reports until the early morning, and they always look at "yesterdays" (or earlier) data. So there's no real time need for the DW to be perfectly consistent with the daily operations system. It's perfectly acceptable for a process to run at, say, close of business and move over the days transactions and activities en masse in a large, single update operation.
You can see how this requirement can solve a lot of issues. There's no contention for the transactional data, no worries that some reports data is going to change in the middle of accumulating the statistic because the report made two separate queries to the live database. No need to for the high detail chatter to suck up network and cpu processing, etc. during the day.
Now, that's an extreme, simplified, and very coarse example of EC.
But consider a large system like Google. As a consumer of Search, we have no idea when or how long it takes for a search result that Google harvests to how up on a search page. 1ms? 1s? 10s? 10hrs? It's easy to imaging how if you're hitting Googles West Coast servers, you may very well get a different search result than if you hit their East Coast servers. At no point are these two instances completely consistent. But by large measure, they are mostly consistent. And for their use case, their consumers aren't really affected by the lag and delay.
Consider email. A wants to send message to B, but in the process the message is routed through system C, D, and E. Each system accepts the message, assume complete responsibility for it, and then hands it off to another. The sender sees the email go on its way. The receiver doesn't really miss it because they don't necessarily know its coming. So, there is a big window of time that it can take for that message to move through the system without anyone concerned knowing or caring about how fast it is.
On the other hand, A could have been on the phone with B. "I just sent it, did you get it yet? Now? Now? Get it now?"
Thus, there is some kind of underlying, implied level of performance and response. In the end, "eventually", A's outbox matches B inbox.
These delays, the acceptance of stale data, whether its a day old or 1-5s old, are what control the ultimate coupling of your systems. The looser this requirement, the looser the coupling, and the more flexibility you have at your disposal in terms of design.
This is true down to the cores in your CPU. Modern, multi core, multi-threaded applications running on the same system, can have different views of the "same" data, only microseconds out of date. If your code can work correctly with data potentially inconsistent with each other, then happy day, it zips along. If not you need to pay special attention to ensure your data is completely consistent, using techniques like volatile memory qualifies, or locking constructs, etc. All of which, in their way, cost performance.
So, this is the base consideration. All of the other decisions start here. Answering this can tell you how to partition applications across machines, what resources are shared, and how they are shared. What protocols and techniques are available to move the data, and how much it will cost in terms of processing to perform the transfer. Replication, load balancing, data shares, etc. etc. All based on this concept.
Edit, in response to first comment.
Correct, exactly. The game here, for example, if B can't change customer data, then what is the harm with changed customer data? Can you "risk" it being out of date for a short time? Perhaps your customer data comes in slowly enough that you can replicate it from A to B immediately. Say the change is put on a queue that, because of low volume, gets picked up readily (< 1s), but even still it would be "out of transaction" with the original change, and so there's a small window where A would have data that B does not.
Now the mind really starts spinning. What happens during that 1s of "lag", whats the worst possible scenario. And can you engineer around it? If you can engineer around a 1s lag, you may be able to engineer around a 5s, 1m, or even longer lag. How much of the customer data do you actually use on B? Maybe B is a system designed to facilitate order picking from inventory. Hard to imagine anything more being necessary than simply a Customer ID and perhaps a name. Just something to grossly identify who the order is for while it's being assembled.
The picking system doesn't necessarily need to print out all of the customer information until the very end of the picking process, and by then the order may have moved on to another system that perhaps is more current with, especially, shipping information, so in the end the picking system doesn't need hardly any customer data at all. In fact, you could EMBED and denormalize the customer information within the picking order, so there's no need or expectation of synchronizing later. As long as the Customer ID is correct (which will never change anyway) and the name (which changes so rarely it's not worth discussing), that's the only real reference you need, and all of your pick slips are perfectly accurate at the time of creation.
The trick is the mindset, of breaking the systems up and focusing on the essential data that's necessary for the task. Data you don't need doesn't need to be replicated or synchronized. Folks chafe at things like denormalization and data reduction, especially when they're from the relational data modeling world. And with good reason, it should be considered with caution. But once you go distributed, you have implicitly denormalized. Heck, you're copying it wholesale now. So, you may as well be smarter about it.
All this can mitigated through solid procedures and thorough understanding of workflow. Identify the risks and work up policy and procedures to handle them.
But the hard part is breaking the chain to the central DB at the beginning, and instructing folks that they can't "have it all" like they may expect when you have a single, central, perfect store of information.
This is definitely not a comprehensive reply. Sorry, for my long post and I hope it adds to thoughts that would be presented here.
I have a few observations on some of the aspect that you mentioned.
duplicate data
It has been my experience that this is usually a side effect of departmentalization or specialization. A department pioneers collection of certain data that is seen as useful by other specialized groups. Since they don't have unique access to this data as it is intermingled with other data collection, in order to utilize it, they too start collecting / storing the data, inherently making it duplicate. This issue never goes away and just like there is a continuos effort in refactoring code and removing duplication, there is a need to continuously bring duplicate data for centralized access, storage and modification.
well-defined interfaces
Most interfaces are defined with good intention keeping other constraints in mind. However, we simply have a habit of growing out of the constraints placed by previously defined interfaces. Again a case for continuos refactoring.
tight coupling vs loose coupling
If any thing, most software is plagued by this issue. The tight coupling is usually a result of expedient solution given the constraint of time we face. Loose coupling incurs a certain degree of complexity which we dislike when we want to get things done. The web services mantra has been going rounds for a number of years and I am yet to see a good example of solution that completely alleviates the point
architectural simplification
To me this is the key to fighting all the issues you have mentioned in your question. SIP vs H.323 VoIP story comes into my mind. SIP is very simplified, easy to build while H.323 like a typical telecom standard tried to envisage every issue on the planet about VoIP and provide a solution for it. End result, SIP grew much more quickly. It is a pain to be H.323 compliant solution. In fact, H.323 compliance is a mega buck industry.
On a few architectural fads that I have grown up to.
Over years, I have started to like REST architecture for it's simplicity. It provides a simple unique access to data and easy to build applications around it. I have seen enterprise solution suffer more from duplication, isolation and access of data than any other issue like performance etc. REST to me provides a panacea to some of those ills.
To solve a number of those issues, I like the concept of central "Data Hubs". A Data Hub represents a "single source of truth" for a particular entity, but only stores IDs, no information like names etc. In fact, it only stores ID maps - for example, these map the Customer ID in system A, to the Client Number from system B, and to the Customer Number in system C. Interfaces between the systems use the hub to know how to relate information in one system to the other.
It's like a central translation; instead of having to write specific code for mapping from A->B, A->C, and B->C, with its attendance exponential increase as you add more systems, you only need to convert to/from the hub: A->Hub, B->Hub, C->Hub, D->Hub, etc.

Open Source Address Scrubber?

I have set of names and addresses that have been entered into and excel spreadsheet, but the problem is that the many people that entered the addresses entered them in many different non-standard formats. I want to scrub the addresses before transferring all of of them to my database. Looking around, all I really found in the way of address scrubbers(parsers or formatters) is the one that is put out by Semaphore. For my purposes, I don't really need all of that and I don't want to pay for the licensing fees for the software. Is there anything out there that is Free and/or Open Source that will do the scrubbing for me?
Since I work in the mailing business ...
A mailable address is not geo-coding. One allows the USPS to deliver mail to and the other tells you where on earth that point is. The USPS does not geo-code their mailable addresses. It's useful for marking areas/regions of people for targeting.
You're not buying a license to the software, you're buying the data. The post office has lots of rules especially if you're doing this commercially and trying to get a better rate than first class. See USPS Domestic Mail Manual for the complete list of rules. The USPS moves zips and households between zips all the time. The company (I work for) pays the USPS for its updated mailing list so we can keep our DBs updated. Weekly.
Back to your question. Do you want to change the data into a common format (street -> st) or are you looking for duplicates and want to only store real mailable addresses ?
for common format; you can break the address into pieces, clean up the white space and apply a dictionary of terms/translations. Then apply some sql to find the duplicates. Keep in mind households (1 main st) are different from persons (john doe, 1 main st).
for the mailable addresses, well some of you (the readers) won't like this answer, but you want information and that isn't free. Someone spends time or money to acquire and maintain these lists. So, find a business model to acquire funds for the list or go to someone who will do it for you. Data and mail management
Realistically, Semaphore is pretty cheap, just keep in mind that the address db will have to be updated quarterly and $19/quarter is pretty cheap.
Another Address Scrubbing product. SAP PostalSoft. I don't know what the data will cost though.
I actually work in the address verification industry... Jim's answer is a smart accept. Unfortunately for those of us with low budgets, official USPS data is pricey and the systems are complicated. (I know by experience, since the company I work for, SmartyStreets, provides address verification at lower rates than most.)
The best I can do here to help is recommend a low-cost/free alternative (depending on your volume) such as LiveAddress, where for a list of addresses there's no minimum purchase, and the API is super-cheap and super-easy, comparatively.
A .NET wrapper for the USPS APIs
Most of the software that I've worked with to do this is very expensive (or to put it another way, marketing departments are naive and have huge budgets).
This sort of work is a precursor to Geo-coding. This linked Wiki article includes a list of Geocoding software, some of which is free. If you're lucky, some of the free ones may include address standardizing routines.
If you find a good one, let me know.
We use Accuzip. It's a lot cheaper than most solutions (~$700/year) and comes with bi-monthly updates. It uses the USPS address standardization API, for which I've written a .NET wrapper. This allows me to run it in real-time (Accuzip, by default, comes only with a batch mode).
