Silverlight canvas scrollbars - silverlight

I have read that placing a canvas inside a scrollviewer won't work because the canvas does not report its size. I have been experimenting with different containers (borders, grids, canvases and scrollviewers) and could really do with a simple explanation of how scrollviewers behave within nested containers. e.g. If I have a container hierarchy of UserControl>Grid1>Canvas1>ScrollViewer>Grid2>Canvas2 should scrollbars appear around Grid2 when Canvas2 becomes wider than Canvas1? (or indeed wider than UserControl) If not, how should I organise my containers so I can add loads of uielements to Canvas2 and have scrollbars appear as necessary. (My usercontrol width and height are set to 100%)

Canvas will work with a ScrollViewer if you explicitly give it a size. The problem comes from the fact that if you don't supply a Height and Width for any control it will try and determine it's available area based off it's parent container. A ScrollViewer however has infinite available area.
Take a Grid for example. If I define a Grid that has 2 Star Width columns and 2 Star Height rows. How does the Grid know how wide each of those columns should be? The star says they should be half of the available area, but inside a ScrollViewer the available area is infinity.
What controls are you adding to Canvas2? If you are adding them with fixed positions than the ScrollViewer will expand to house all elements. If you aren't giving them fixed positions than all the controls will stack on top of each other, because that is the arrange behavior of a Canvas


WPF ScrollViewer set ScrollableHeight

I have a user control which paints content in OnRender. The Height of that control grows by and by.
I added this control to a ScrollViewer. The control does only repaint the currently visible area (viewport) (+/- a view lines for smoother scrolling).
Everything works fine so far...
But since the control usualy grows up to a few hundred thousands of pixels I want to keep the Height of my control as small as possible and provide a different Height value to bind to the ScrollableHeight of the ScrollViewer (same goes for VerticalOffset). But there is no setter for ScrollableHeight. It binds automatically to the Height of my Control. Neither can I override Height.
How can I customize my ScrollViewer (or VerticalScrollbar) to keep the real Height of my control small?
I did something like this in the past. What you need to do is to write your own layout Panel and implement the IScrollInfo in it. The interface looks big, but most of it is just calling one of the main set methods. The layouter needs to set some of the IScrollInfo properties, like ExtentHeight, Offset etc. and these are your way to customize how the ScrollViewer will calculate the scroll position and the scrollable area for your "virtual" canvas size. For implementing the IScrollInfo i used this tutorial as a guidance.

ScrollViewer's Viewport Height VS Actual Height [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
WPF DataGrid : CanContentScroll property causing odd behavior
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Both are quite general terms but I'm curious to know when these height will be different apart from the case we're using Virtualization?
One more question:
I read on MSDN:
If CanContentScroll is true, the values of the ExtentHeight, ScrollableHeight, ViewportHeight, and VerticalOffset properties are number of items. If CanContentScroll is false, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels.
However I'm facing an issue with ViewPort Height: I've 2 listbox in application:
1. Which have Virtualization Enabled and CanContentScroll = True.
2. Which have no virtualization and CanContentScroll = True.
In ListBox 1 while drag-drop Viewport Height comes to 4/5 (Number of elements currently visible). However in ListBox 2 i get Viewport Height equal to Actual Height of Listbox.
Why this difference?
Few more findings:
1. Scrollable Height is number of items not visible in scrollviewer
2. Viewport Height is number of items visible in scrollviewer.
Thus Viewport Height + ScrollableHeight = Extent Height
Can someone please explain what's the difference between two listboxes? I need ViewPort hieght in case of Listbox 1
the ActualHeight is the actual height of the ScrollViewer. The Viewport is what is visible from the ScrollViewers Content. So to answer your question: ViewportHeight differs from ActualHeight if the horizontal Scrollbar is visible by the Height of the Scrollbar.
so, to sum this up:
ActualHeight = ViewportHeight + HorizontalScrollbarHeight
Finally This was the root cause:
Quoting from
You are encountering the differences between physical scrolling and
logical scrolling.
As you have discovered, each has its tradeoffs.
Physical scrolling
Physical scrolling (CanContentScroll=false) just goes by pixels, so:
The viewport always represents exactly the same portion of your scroll
extent, giving you a smooth scrolling experience, and but
The entire contents of the DataGrid must have all templates fully
applied and be measured and arranged to determine the size of the
scrollbar, leading to long delays during loading and high RAM usage,
and It doesn't really scroll items so it doesn't understand
ScrollIntoView very well Logical scrolling
Logical scrolling (CanContentScroll=true) calculates its scroll viewport and extent by items instead of pixels, so:
The viewport may show a different number of items at different times,
meaning the number of items in the viewport as compared to the number
of items in the extent varies, causing the scrollbar length to change,
Scrolling moves from one item to the next and never in between,
leading to "jerky" scrolling
As long as you're using VirtualizingStackPanel under the hood, it only
needs to apply templates and measure and arrange the items that are
actually visible at the moment, and
ScrollIntoView is much simpler since it just needs to get the right
item index into view
Choosing between them
These are the only two kinds of scrolling provided by WPF. You must
choose between them based on the above tradeoffs. Generally logical
scrolling is best for medium to large datasets, and physical scrolling
is best for small ones.
A trick to speed loading during physical scrolling is to make the
physical scrolling better is to wrap your items in a custom Decorator
that has a fixed size and sets its child's Visibility to Hidden when
it is not visible. This prevents the ApplyTemplate, Measure and
Arrange from occuring on the descendant controls of that item until
you're ready for it to happen.
A trick to make physical scrolling's ScrollIntoView more reliable is
to call it twice: Once immediately and once in a dispatcher callback
of DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle.
Making logical scroll scrollbar more stable
If all your items are the same height, the number of items visible in
the viewport at any time will stay the same, causing the scroll thumb
size to stay the same (because the ratio with total number if items
doesn't change).
It is also possible to modify the behavior of the ScrollBar itself so
the thumb is always calculated to be a fixed size. To do this without
any hacky code-behind:
Subclass Track to replace the calculation of Thumb position and size in MeasureOverride with your own
Change the ScrollBar template used for the logical-scrolling ScrollBar to use your subclassed Track instead of the regular
Change the ScrollViewer template to explicitly set your custom ScrollBar template on the logical-scrolling ScrollBar
(instead of using the default template)
Change the ListBox template to use explicitly set your custom ScrollViewer template on the ScrollViewer it creates
This means copying a lot of template code fom the built-in WPF
templates, so it is not a very elegant solution. But the alternative
to this is to use hacky code-behind to wait until all the templates
are expanded, then find the ScrollBar and just replace the ScrollBar
template with the one that uses your custom Track. This code saves two
large templates (ListBox, ScrollViewer) at the cost of some very
tricky code.
Using a different Panel would be a much larger amount of work:
VirtualizingStackPanel is the only Panel that virtualizes, and only it
and StackPanel to logical scrolling. Since you are taking advantage of
VirtualizingStackPanel's virtualization abilities you would have to
re-implement all of these plus all IScrollInfo info function plus your
regular Panel functions. I could do something like that but I would
allocate several, perhaps many, days to get it right. I recommend you
not try it.
They can differ from the point of (specified) Height being evaluated to any given time during the (ongoing) rendering process.
From MSDN:
There is a difference between the
properties of Height and Width and
ActualHeight and ActualWidth. For
example, the ActualHeight property is
a calculated value based on other
height inputs and the layout system.
The value is set by the layout system
itself, based on an actual rendering
pass, and may therefore lag slightly
behind the set value of properties,
such as Height, that are the basis of
the input change.
Because ActualHeight
is a calculated value, you should be
aware that there could be multiple or
incremental reported changes to it as
a result of various operations by the
layout system. The layout system may
be calculating required measure space
for child elements, constraints by the
parent element, and so on.

Silverlight 4/WPF - Nested ScrollViewer panel that scales with available screen size

In the Windows Forms world you can take a panel and set it's dock property to fill and so on with nested panels, when the user resizes the window the panels and nested panels automatically resize too. I want to achive something similar with Silverlight, here is my current structure.
ScrollViewer // for body
Scrollviewer // this is where my problem is
The problem is I can set a size for the nested scroll viewer that looks good for 1024 resolution, but I also want to account for users that have larger resolution. If I leave it auto the content just stretches below the visible bottom line and defers to the top level ScrollViewer.
If I could achieve something analogous to how Windows Forms handles this with docking I think my problem would be solved. I must have a ScrollViewer for the nested panel and I want it to fill all visible space left. How Can I achieve this with SL4 or WPF?
Here is an illustration of what i'm after.
The top-level ScrollViewer allows its content to be as large as it needs to be, and adds scrollbars if that means they don't fit in the window. Its children no longer know or care how tall the window is; they just know that they've got as much space as they want.
So what is it that you want from your nested ScrollViewer? It's got all the space it needs, so it will grow to show all of its content -- there's nothing to restrict it to the height of the window. In fact, you added a top-level ScrollViewer, which specifically told it "don't restrict it to the height of the window".
If you want your inner ScrollViewer to be restricted to the window height, then take out the top-level ScrollViewer.

Silverlight: how to use a scroll viewer to wrap a list view without specifying height?

I have a control that has a list that varies in length greatly. This control appears in various places meaning that i cannot calculate its position and desired height easily.
Moreover all I want is for the scrollviewer to simply size itself according to its parent. currently it insists on sizing itself according to the content.
currently when i have a list that exceeds the height of the screen the whole control extends off the bottom and the scrollviewer shows no bar (because it has stretched to the heigth of the contents and so thinks it is not required).
I've not included code as the object graph is fairly deep.
What i am looking for is a set of conditions that would cause the scrollviewer to resize itself according to its content rather than its parent.
I have it working in a similar situation involving grids and datagrids, the unique part of this control is that there is a list containing controls.
Any ideas? I would prefer solutions that don't require use of code behind - but im really not in a position to be choosey.
Here are common reasons that come to mind that would allow a scroll viewer to size to its contents rather than to its "parent":-
It's placed on a Canvas or a StackPanel
It's assigned to a Grid row/column with it's Horizontal or Vertical alignment not set to Stretch and its content size is less than the size of the row or column.
Its ultimately upto the containing panel how it chooses to size a child element so its not really possible to dictate this completely from code inside the child.

Panel with percentage coordinates

I would like use a panel whose children have coordinates specified as percentage of total panel's width/height. Moreover, I should be able to animate the coordinate property, for example to make a button move from 10% to 50% panel's width.
I've made 2 attempts:
Use a Grid and specify size as stars - this was not enough, because AFAIK by default WPF cannot animate distance properties specified by stars. I've found somewhere a custom class that enabled me to do so, it even worked, hovewer I consider that solution overly complicated an I am looking for something simpler.
Use a Canvas with fixed width and height and put it inside a Viewbox - this is a simple solution, but when resizing the Viewbox the whole content of Canvas is resized too. I want the content to have fixed size.
Is there a simple solution or should I implement my own panel (or maybe extend one of the existing ones, i.e. Canvas)?
I would:
subclass Canvas, perhaps calling it RelativeCanvas or RatioCanvas
add two attached properties: XRatio and YRatio
override ArrangeOverride and loop over all children. For each child, use their XRatio and YRatio along with the ActualWidth and ActualHeight of the RelativeCanvas to calculate and apply values for their Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top attached properties
You would use it as follows:
<!-- the top-left of this button will be center of panel -->
<Button local:RelativeCanvas.XRatio="50" local:RelativeCanvas.YRatio="50"/>
One thing you might like to add after you get that working is control over alignment. For example, I might to align the center of a control to the specified ratio, not its top-left corner.
There's one here: WPF Proportional Panel
