PlaneProjection is not working well in silverlight - silverlight

in silverlight project using name attribute in planeprojection gives Error 1 The type or namespace name 'PlaneProjection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
code i used for that
<Image Name="blabla.jpg" Height="200" Width="200" >
<PlaneProjection Name="pp" />

It is a strange error in that it appears to be complaining about the PlaneProjection itself but that could be a red-herring.
The xaml is not correct because the PlaneProjection does not have a Name property. However you should be able to x:Name. My guess is you are trying to ensure you have a field called pp that you can manipulator in code. You can now use pp as a field in code or find the PlaneProjection using FindName on the control.
This is what I think your Xaml should look like:-
<Image x:Name="MyImage" Source="blabla.jpg" Height="200" Width="200" >
<PlaneProjection x:Name="pp" />
TBH, I would simply access the projection as MyImage.Projection rather than add an x:Name to it.


RibbonSplitButton cannot locate resource

I have a RibbonSplitButton that contains a SmallImageSource like so:
<UserControl x:Class="myProgram/toolbars/MainToolbar">
<RibbonSplitButton SmallImageSource="/Images/Undo.png"/>
<!-- more buttons-->
I try to use this in another file (main):
<UserControl x:Class="myProgram/main"
I get the error message in main:
Cannot locate resource 'images/undo.png'
However, when I switch to a normal button:
<Image Style="{StaticResource buttonstyle}">
<BitmapImage DecodePixelWidth="40" UriSource="/Images/Undo.png"/>
the error is gone. I have tried using Pack URIs, changing the Build Action to Resource and Embedded Resource, as well as Clean Soultion, Rebuild Solution, Restarting Visual Studios (rinse and repeat). I image this has something to do with the RibbonSplitButton's image source, but I have no idea. The program runs fine (the Undo.png image shows and works perfectly), it's just annoying to have the error in my developer. Anyone have suggests on how to get rid of the error? (Note, this is a simplified folder structure, for example purposes).
For anyone who ends up here at some point in the future, I found that this answer worked.

Path.Data styling works only on first instance of styled object

A have a ListBox of items, every ListBoxItem contains an icon in the form of a Path object, like so:
<Grid ...>
<Path Margin="4" Style="{StaticResource ErrorIconPath}"
Stretch="Uniform" Width="26" Height="26"
RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
The Path's style is contained in Appl.xaml (Application.Resources section) and is the following:
<Style x:Key="ErrorIconPath" TargetType="Path">
<Setter Property="Data" Value="F1M874.094,289.369L854.3,254.63C854.028,254.151 853.515,253.856 852.958,253.856 852.403,253.856 851.89,254.151 851.617,254.63L831.824,289.369C831.555,289.84 831.559,290.416 831.835,290.883 832.111,291.348 832.618,291.634 833.165,291.634L872.752,291.634C873.299,291.634 873.805,291.348 874.081,290.883 874.357,290.416 874.361,289.84 874.094,289.369 M855.653,287.189L850.264,287.189 850.264,282.745 855.653,282.745 855.653,287.189z M855.653,279.41L850.264,279.41 850.264,266.077 855.653,266.077 855.653,279.41z" />
The trouble is that only the first item in the ListBox binds the Data property as expected, the other ones don't bind it at all (hence they appear as blank space, but match the size of the Path). Also when I use the style anywhere else (i.e. outside the ListBox), only the first instance that occurs will bind.
The weird thing is that if I define for example the Fill property in the Style instead of inline, it works just fine and doesn't exibit the same problems as the Path property.
My guess is that is has something to do with Data not being a primitive type, but I haven't found any fixes.
EDIT: Interestingly, when I bind the Data property directly to System.String resource, it works. I would still like to be able to define this property via a Style though.
EDIT 2: I've just came across the same issue in WPF, when setting Path to a Content of a Button via a Style that is used across more buttons. The path shows up in just one buttons, the others are blank.
Path.Fill is a DependencyProperty, while Path.Data isn't. Instead do:
<Grid ...>
<ContentPresenter Content="{StaticResource MyPath}"/>
ContentPresenter.Content is a DependencyProperty so this should work:
<Path x:Key="MyPath" Margin="4" Style="{StaticResource ErrorIconPath}"
Stretch="Uniform" Width="26" Height="26" VerticalAlignment="Center"
RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1"
UseLayoutRounding="False" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Data="F1M874.094,289.369L854.3,254.63C854.028,254.151 853.515,253.856 852.958,253.856 852.403,253.856 851.89,254.151 851.617,254.63L831.824,289.369C831.555,289.84 831.559,290.416 831.835,290.883 832.111,291.348 832.618,291.634 833.165,291.634L872.752,291.634C873.299,291.634 873.805,291.348 874.081,290.883 874.357,290.416 874.361,289.84 874.094,289.369 M855.653,287.189L850.264,287.189 850.264,282.745 855.653,282.745 855.653,287.189z M855.653,279.41L850.264,279.41 850.264,266.077 855.653,266.077 855.653,279.41z"/>
I am guessing that Geometry cannot be shared. Have you tried setting the x:Shared= "false" to:
<Style x:Key="ErrorIconPath" TargetType="Path">
I've experienced the same behavior in Silverlight and asked a similar question here on
(, but as I'm writing this, it's been 1 month and I've yet to get even a single answer.
However, as you mentioned in your first edit, I too was able to perform a workaround by creating a resource with my geometry data as a string and then binding the Data property of the Path objects to the string resource resource.
I also had to create two instances of the Path objects that were identical other than each one using a different resource (i.e. two different icons) and then binding the visibility of each to a property in my ViewModel to display the appropriate one.
I am very sure that you did not forgot the stroke here in Path style
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Red"/>
I have tested you code on my machine , it worked fine if above line added in style
My first tought was your Path would be broken or not valid. But then I saw you are using the Syncfusion Metro Studio. I tried it with exactly the same code you have and it worked very well. In a Data Template of 5 Items or as a single Path Item.
Have you tried to set the Fill statically to Red or something?
Also maybe try this for the Style definition
<Style x:Key="ErrorIconPath" TargetType="{x:Type Path}">
Third suggestion would be to move the style definition from the App to your Page or even to your Control itself.
To be sure there will be no default styles applied, try
Hope this helps :)

Can not locate x:Shared in wpf

Please look into this question.
Issue with MVVM view first approach
But I'm unable to find "x:Shared" attribute.
here is the msdn link. it works in 3.5 also see below.
From the Book WPF Unleased:
Assuming the Conventional x Namespace Prefix.
x:Shared --> Attribute on any element in a ResourceDictionary, but only works if XAML is compiled!
<ResourceDictionary xmlns:x=">
<Image x:Shared="False" x:Key="zoom" Height="21" Source="zoom.png" />

XamlParseException when databinding a ComboBox to a statically-defined array in XAML

I've been trying to solve this problem for over an hour now, and can't figure it out. Hopefully someone can see what I'm doing wrong.
I have two separate projects, both of which populate a combobox with an array of Doubles in the UserControl.Resources section, then databind to it in the GUI. What I'm doing is essentially just this, which works fine in kaxaml and in one of my two projects.
<x:Array x:Key="Increments" Type="sys:Double">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{StaticResource Increments}" />
The other project gives me the following error:
Cannot convert the value in attribute
'ItemsSource' to object of type
is not a valid value for property
'ItemsSource'. Error at object
'System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox' in
markup file ...
I cannot figure out why this is happening. I've tried looking at the schemas referenced in both XAML files, but they are the same... I don't have any errors or messages in the Output window. I got desperate and ran it through FxCop to see if it would catch something related, and although it has caught several valid errors, none of them were related.
I had to wrap this in an ObjectDataProvider to get it to work, and replace the StaticResource with a binding to the StaticResource:
<!-- Resources -->
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="Incs2">
<x:Array Type="sys:Double">
<!-- Page content -->
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource Incs2}}" />
EDIT: I've also found that if I move the x:Array resource to the top of my Resources section, before any other resource declaration, I can use your original ItemsSource="{StaticResource ...}" and I no longer get the exception (or need the ObjectDataProvider). This would seem to be a bug in WPF.

Silverlight: "The name already exists in the tree"

this is a problem that regularly arises when I write Silverlight XAML. In this case, I've made a usercontrol VerticalTabStop (code attached) that has a ToolTip attached. I instanciate a couple of my usercontrols, and then I get the debugging window and the following error:
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application
Code: 2028
Category: ParserError
Message: The name already exists in the tree: AltLabel.
Line: 0
Position: 0
I get an awful lot of these messages as I hover my mouse over the buttons. Any suggestions to what I'm doing wrong here?
d:DesignWidth="20" d:DesignHeight="27">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<Canvas x:Name="TabStopCanvas" Height="27" Width="20">
<TextBlock x:Name="AltLabel" Text="Substitute me"/>
<Image x:Name="IconImg" Canvas.Left="7" Canvas.Top="9" Width="26" Height="26" Source="Contact.png" Canvas.ZIndex="5" Margin="0,-9,0,0" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.85" ScaleY="0.85"/>
<TranslateTransform X="0"/>
<Image Source="stop.png" Margin="3,0,0,0"/>
There is very similar bug even in Silverlight 4.
If you create custom usercontrol, usually:
<UserControl xmlns:MyNameSpace="clr-namespace:MyNameSpace" x:Class="MyNameSpace.MyClass"
x:Name="userControl" ... />
Then, if you add 2 controls without names to the xaml code (with preview):
<MyNameSpace:MyClass ... />
<MyNameSpace:MyClass ... />
There will be exception "The name already exists in the tree: userControl". It occurs because Silverlight can't find the name (unnamed [MyClass]) and looks to the UserControl where it finds "userControl" twice.
One of the solution is to give some names to the controls:
<MyNameSpace:MyClass x:Name = "MyControl1" ... />
Or initialize this control from code:
MyClass control = new MyClass();
This is a bug in Silvelight. The way to work around it is to remove the Name attribute on the TextBlock in the Tooltip.
I presume that you have the name there for a reason, and that not being able to refer to this element from code is going to be a problem for you. As a work around for that, try replacing the tooltip xaml with this:
<ToolTip x:Name="AltLabel" Content="Substitute me" />
Now you can get to the text by doing AltLabel.Content.
If this does not solve your problem, please let me know.
I was struggling with the same message yesterday...
ParserError - The name already exists in the tree: blah
In my case the problem was that somehow a reference was added... to itself. (The DLL of the project in the projects own bin/debug folder). Removing this reference sorted out the problem.
Seems that this error message is too vague.
Try to remove any name like ' x:Name="TabStopCanvas" ' in stack panel, it worked for me.
