silverlight dataform control unavailable - silverlight

I have RIA services installed and also have silverlight 3.0 but there is no . On account of this, I am unable to use dataform control . WHat should I do?I have also tried to download the same but unable to find it.

DataForm is not currently in the SDK. Its found in the Toolkit. Download and install the Nov09 Silverlight Toolkit for Silverlight 3.
You need to add the System.Windows.Controls.Data.DataForm.Toolkit reference to your project. Then the DataForm will be available in the System.Windows.Controls namespace.


Is it possible to add Windows Forms to .NET Core console application?

Just like how we right click on the project and would be able to add Windows Form in the .NET Framework console application, is it possible to add Windows Form in .NET Core console application?
Create a .net core winform project, compile, manually reference System.Windows.Forms.dll and System.Drawing.Common.dll into the project, then use [STAThread] for the Main function, it works for me.
NuGet manager, Install-Package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager

Silverlight Applications to Access SharePoint 2010 Data is not loading

I am trying to load Silverlight DataGrid Control in my SharePoint 2010, I have followed this code example linl.
I have just replaced this codelines(in MainPage() method):
List Projects = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Calendar");
string camlQueryXml ="asd"+ ""+ "";
Output Error:Could not download the Silverlight application or the Silverlight Plugin did not load.
Check this link
The silverlight version selected while creating the application should match with the version of plugin installed.

communication between silverlight plugin and mvc project without using WCF

I just need a help regarding the communication between the silverlight plugin which uses webcam and gives response to the mvc application.I just need the breakpoints to be hitted on the silverlight project run mode that are not hitting for the moment.
Any help will be highly appreciated..
On Solution Explorer of Visual Studio right click on your web project and select Properties. Go to the Web tab. In the bottom under Debuggers check Silverlight checkbox. After that you can debug your Silverlight application.

Debug Silverlight component from MVC application Visual Studio 2010

In my solution I have a MVC project. Then I added a Silverlight project. When I added the Silverlight project, I set to include it in the existing web application (MVC project).
It added an .aspx page that contains the Silverlight component. The problem is that I cannot debug into the Silverlight code when I start the ASP.NET MVC application. I set a breakpoint in the Application_Startup function in the Silverlight code, but it never stops there. On the breakpoint I have a tooltip:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document
How do I fix this problem?
Which browser are you using? I've had mixed results with debugging Silverlight with anything besides Internet Explorer, so I'm making sure to use Internet Explorer when developing Silverlight applications.
If you're using Internet Explorer, then Evan's solution should work (at least that's what has stopped me some time - Silverlight debugging disabled in the web project).
Also check that your Silverlight application is present in the list located under Web project properties > Silverlight Applications.
I found the problem. The browser was caching the Silverlight application. I solved that with the following code when initializing the Silverlight component:
param name="source" value="ClientBin/form.xap?<%= DateTime.Now.Ticks %>"

Adding Models to the silverlight wcf ria services enabled application

I have started using the MVVm light2 framework for the wcf ria enabled silverlight 4.0 application.
I was able to add a folder named "Models" to ASP .Net application that hosts the silverlight application, I added a class to this folder, and i am able to set the properties and all for this in my silverlight application, but once i started to add more such classes into my Models folders, they aren't getting accessible anywhere in my silverlight application.
Also in my MainViewModel.cs the intellisense is not showing the newly added class/classes , i made sure the application is build before i accessed them in my silvelight application, also the namespaces are correct.
Am I missing to set a property or something?
Someone on my team faced a similar problem. As I recall it had something to do with the physical location on the .cs files, which may imply that the namespace had changed.
