What is the best way of determining a loop invariant? - loops

When using formal aspects to create some code is there a generic method of determining a loop invariant or will it be completely different depending on the problem?

It has already been pointed out that one same loop can have several invariants, and that Calculability is against you. It doesn't mean that you cannot try.
You are, in fact, looking for an inductive invariant: the word invariant may also be used for a property that is true at each iteration but for which is it not enough to know that it hold at one iteration to deduce that it holds at the next. If I is an inductive invariant, then any consequence of I is an invariant, but may not be an inductive invariant.
You are probably trying to get an inductive invariant to prove a certain property (post-condition) of the loop in some defined circumstances (pre-conditions).
There are two heuristics that work quite well:
start with what you have (pre-conditions), and weaken until you have an inductive invariant. In order to get an intuition how to weaken, apply one or several forward loop iterations and see what ceases to be true in the formula you have.
start with what you want (post-conditions) and strengthen until you have an inductive invariant. To get the intuition how to strengthen, apply one or several loop iterations backwards and see what needs to be added so that the post-condition can be deduced.
If you want the computer to help you in your practice, I can recommend the Jessie deductive verification plug-in for C programs of Frama-C. There are others, especially for Java and JML annotations, but I am less familiar with them. Trying out the invariants you think of is much faster than working out if they work on paper. I should point out that verifying that a property is an inductive invariant is also undecidable, but modern automatic provers do great on many simple examples. If you decide to go that route, get as many as you can from the list: Alt-ergo, Simplify, Z3.
With the optional (and slightly difficult to install) library Apron, Jessie can also infer some simple invariants automatically.

It's actually trivial to generate loop invariants. true is a good one for instance. It fulfills all three properties you want:
It holds before loop entry
It holds after each iteration
It holds after loop termination
But what you're after is probably the strongest loop invariant. Finding the strongest loop invariant however, is sometimes even an undecidable task. See article Inadequacy of Computable Loop Invariants.

I don't think it's easy to automate this. From wiki:
Because of the fundamental similarity of loops and recursive programs, proving partial correctness of loops with invariants is very similar to proving correctness of recursive programs via induction. In fact, the loop invariant is often the inductive property one has to prove of a recursive program that is equivalent to a given loop.

I've written about writing loop invariants in my blog, see Verifying Loops Part 2. The invariants needed to prove a loop correct typically comprise 2 parts:
A generalisation of the state that is intended when the loop terminates.
Extra bits needed to ensure that the loop body is well-formed (e.g. array indices in bounds).
(2) is straightforward. To derive (1), start with a predicate expressing the desired state after termination. Chances are it contains a 'forall' or 'exists' over some range of data. Now change the bounds of the 'forall' or 'exists' so that (a) they depend on variables modified by the loop (e.g. loop counters), and (b) so that the invariant is trivially true when the loop is first entered (usually by making the range of the 'forall' or 'exists' empty).

There are a number of heuristics for finding loop invariants. One good book about this is "Programming in the 1990s" by Ed Cohen. It's about how to find a good invariant by manipulating the postcondition by hand. Examples are: replace a constant by a variable, strengthen invariant, ...


How expressive can we be with arrays in Z3(Py)? An example

My first question is whether I can express the following formula in Z3Py:
Exists i::Integer s.t. (0<=i<|arr|) & (avg(arr)+t<arr[i])
This means: whether there is a position i::0<i<|arr| in the array whose value a[i] is greater than the average of the array avg(arr) plus a given threshold t.
I know this kind of expressions can be queried in Dafny and (since Dafny uses Z3 below) I guess this can be done in Z3Py.
My second question is: how expressive is the decidable fragment involving arrays in Z3?
I read this paper on how the full theory of arrays is not decidable (http://theory.stanford.edu/~arbrad/papers/arrays.pdf), but only a concrete fragment, the array property fragment.
Is there any interesting paper/tutorial on what can and cannot be done with arrays+quantifiers+functions in Z3?
You found the best paper to read regarding reasoning with Array's, so I doubt there's a better resource or a tutorial out there for you.
I think the sequence logic (not yet officially supported by SMTLib, but z3 supports it), is the right logic to use for reasoning about these sorts of problems, see: https://microsoft.github.io/z3guide/docs/theories/Sequences/
Having said that, most properties about arrays/sequences of "arbitrary size" require inductive proofs. This is because most interesting functions on them are essentially recursive (or iterative), and induction is the only way to prove properties for such programs. While SMT solvers improved significantly regarding support for recursive definitions and induction, they still don't perform anywhere near well compared to a traditional theorem prover. (This is, of course, to be expected.)
I'd recommend looking at the sequence logic, and playing around with recursive definitions. You might get some mileage out of that, though don't expect proofs for anything that require induction, especially if the inductive-hypothesis needs some clever invariant to be specified.
Note that if you know the length of your array concretely (i.e., 10, 15, or some other hopefully not too large a number), then it's best to allocate the elements symbolically yourself, and not use arrays/sequences at all. (And you can repeat your proof for lenghts 0, 1, 2, .. upto some fixed number.) But if you want proofs that work for arbitrary lengths, your best bet is to use sequences in z3, not arrays; with all the caveats I mentioned above.

What is the logical difference between loops and recursive functions?

I came across this video which is discussing how most recursive functions can be written with for loops but when I thought about it, I couldn't see the logical difference between the two. I found this topic here but it only focuses on the practical difference as do many other similar topics on the web so what is the logical difference in the way a loop and a recursion are handled?
Bottom line up front -- recursion is more versatile but in practice is generally less efficient than looping.
A loop could in principle always be implemented as a recursion if you wished to do so. In practice the limits of stack resources put serious constraints on the size of the problems you can address. I can and have built loops that iterate a billion times, something I'd never try with recursion unless I was certain the compiler could and would convert the recursion into a loop. Because of the stack limits and efficiency, people often try to find a looping equivalent for recursions.
Tail recursions can always be converted to loops. However, there are recursions that can't be converted. As an example, I work with statistical design of experiments. Sometimes a large design is constructed by "crossing" several smaller sub-designs. Crossing is where you concatenate every row of a second design to each row of the first. For two sub-designs, all this needs is simple nested looping, but for three or more designs you need to increase the level of nesting, adding one level of nesting for each additional sub-design. So while this is nested looping in principle, in practice the amount of nesting is variable. If you tried to implement it with looping you'd have to revise your program to add/subtract nested loops every time you were dealing with a different number of sub-designs to be crossed, so you can't write an immutable loop-based version. This can easily be implemented with recursion. In this case, I'm happy to trade a slight amount of efficiency, because I wrote and debugged the code 6 years ago and haven't had to revise it since, despite creating lots of crossed designs of varying complexity since then.
One way to think through this is that the choice for recursion or iteration depends on how you think about the problem being solved. Certain "ways of thinking" lead more naturally to recursive solutions, and other ways of thinking lead to more iterative solutions. For any problem, you can in principle think in a way that gives you a recursive solution or a way that gives you an iterative solution. (Sometimes the iterative solution will just end up simulating a recursion stack, but there is no actual recursion there.)
Here's an example. You have an array of integers (positive or negative), and you want to find the maximum segment sum. A segment is a piece of the array that is contiguous. So in the array [3, -4, 2, 1, -2, 4], the maximum segment sum is 5, and you get that from the segment [2, 1, -2, 4]; its sum is 5.
OK - so how might we solve this problem? One thing you might do is reason like this: "if I knew the maximum segment sum in the left half, and the maximum segment sum in the right half, then maybe I could somehow jam those together and figure out the maximum segment sum overall". This idea would require you to find the maximum segment sum on the two subhalves, and this is a smaller instance of the original problem. This is recursion, and a direct translation of this idea into code would therefore be recursive.
But the maximum segment sum problem isn't "recursive" or "iterative" -- it can be both, depending on how you think about the solution. I gave a recursive thought process above. Here is an iterative process: "well, if I add up the elements in each of the segments that start at some index i and end at some index j, I can just take the maximum of these to solve the problem". And directly trying to code this approach would give you triply nested loops (and a bad mark on an assignment because it's horribly inefficient!).
So, the same problem, depending on how the problem is conceptualized, can lead to a recursive or iterative solution. Now, I happened to choose a problem where there are many ways of solving it, and where there are reasonable recursive and iterative solutions. Some problems, however, admit only one type of solution, and that solution may be most naturally implemented using recursion or iteration. For example, if I asked you to write a function that keeps asking the user to enter a letter until they enter y or n, you might start thinking: "keep repeating the prompt and asking for input..." and before you know it you have some iterative code. Perhaps you might instead think recursively: "if the user enters y or n, I am done; otherwise ask the user for y or n"... in which case you'd generate a recursive algorithm. But the recursion here doesn't give you much: it unnecessarily uses a stack and doesn't make the program any faster. (Recursion sometimes makes it easier to prove correctness, in which case you might present something recursively even though you could alternately give a reasonable iterative solution.)

What does "loops must be folded to ensure termination" mean?

I came across "loops must be folded to enusre termination" in a paper on formal methods (abstract interpretation to be precise). I am clear on what termination means, but I do not know what a folded loop is, nor how to perform folding on a loop.
Could someone please explain to me what a folded loop is please? And if it is not implicit in, or does not follow immediately for the definition of a folded loop, how this ensures termination?
Folding a loop is the opposite action from the better-known loop unfolding, which itself is better known as loop unrolling. Given a loop, to unfold it means to repeat the body several times, so that the loop test is executed less often. When the number of executions of the loop in advance, the loop can be completely unfolded, leaving a simple sequence of instructions. For example, this loop
for i := 1 to 4 do
can be unfolded to
See C++ loop unfolding, bounds for another example with partial unfolding.
The metaphor is that the program is folded on itself many times over; unfolding means removing some or all of these folds.
In some static analysis techniques, it is difficult to deal with loops, because finding a precondition for the entry point of the loop (i.e. finding a loop invariant) requires a fixpoint computation which is unsolvable in general. Therefore some analyses unfold loops; this requires having a reasonable bound on the number of iterations, which limits the scope of programs that can be analyzed.
In other static analysis techniques, finding a good invariant is a critical part of the analysis. It doesn't help to unfold the loop, in fact partially unfolding the loop would make the loop body larger and so would make it more difficult to determine a good invariant; and completely unfolding the loop would be impractical or impossible if the number of iterations was large or unbounded. Without seeing the paper, I find the statement a bit surprising, because the code could have been written with the unfolded form, but there can be programs that the analysis only works on in a more folded form.
I have no knowledge of abstract interpretation, so I'll take the functional programming approach to folding. :-)
In functional programming, a fold is an operation applied to a list to do something with each element, updating a value each iteration. For example, you can implement map this way (in Scheme):
(define (map1 func lst)
(fold-right (lambda (elem result)
(cons (func elem) result))
'() lst))
What that does is that it starts with an empty list (let's call that the result), and then for each element of the list, from the right-hand-side moving leftward, you call func on the element and cons its result onto the result list.
The key here, as far as termination goes, is that with a fold, the loop is guaranteed to terminate as long as the list is finite, since you're iterating to the next element of the list each time, and if the list is finite, then eventually there will be no next element.
Contrast this with a more C-style for loop, that doesn't operate on a list, but instead have the form for (init; test; update). The test is not guaranteed to ever return false, and so the loop is not guaranteed to complete.

curious about how "loop = loop" is evaluated in Haskell

I thought expressions like this would cause Haskell to evaluate forever. But the behaviors in both GHCi and the compiled program surprised me.
For example, in GHCi, these expressions blocked until I Control+C, but consumed no CPU. Looked like it was sleeping.
let loop = loop
let loop = 1 + loop
I tried compiling these programs with GHC:
main = print loop
where loop = 1 + loop
main = print loop
where loop = if True then loop else 1
What was printed was:
Main: <<loop>>
So my question is: Obviously these expressions are compiled to something different than loops or recursive calls in imperative languages. What are they compiled to? Is this a special rule to handle 0-arg functions that have themselves in the right hand side, or it's a special case of something more general that I don't know?
One more question: If this happens to be a special handling from the compiler, what is the reason behind doing this when it's impossible to check for all infinite loops? 'Familiar' languages don't care about cases like while (true); or int f() { return f();}, right?
Many thanks.
GHC implements Haskell as a graph reduction machine. Imagine your program as a graph with each value as a node, and lines from it to each value that value depends on. Except, we're lazy, so you really start with just one node -- and to evaluate that node, GHC has to "enter" it and open it up to a function with arguments. It then replaces the function call with the body of the function, and attempts to reduce it enough to get it into head normal form, etc.
The above being very handwavy and I'm sure eliding some necessary detail in the interest of brevity.
In any case, when GHC enters a value, it generally replaces it with a black hole while the node is being evaluated (or, depending on your terminology, while the closure is being reduced) This has a number of purposes. First, it plugs a potential space leak. If the node references a value which is used nowhere else, the black hole allows that value to be garbage-collected even while the node is being evaluated. Second, this prevents certain types of duplicate work, since in a multi-threaded environment, two threads may attempt to enter the same value. The black-hole will cause the second thread to block rather than evaluate the value already being evaluated. Finally, this happens to allow for a limited form of loop detection, since if a thread attempts to re-enter its own black hole, we can throw an exception.
Here's a bit of a more metaphorical explanation. If I have a series of instructions that moves a turtle (in logo) around the screen, there's no one way to tell what shape they will produce, or whether that shape terminates without running them. But if, while running them, I notice that the path of the turtle has crossed itself, I can indicate to the user "aha! the turtle has crossed its path!" So I know that the turtle has reached a spot it has been before -- if the path is a circuit through evaluating the nodes of a graph, then that tells us we're in a loop. However, the turtle can also go in, for example, an expanding spiral. And it will never terminate, but it will also never cross its prior path.
So, because of the use of black holes, for multiple reasons, we have some notion of a marked "path" that evaluation has followed. And if the path crosses itself, we can tell and throw an exception. However, there are a million ways for things to diverge that don't involve the path crossing itself. And in those cases, we can't tell, and don't throw an exception.
For super-geeky technical detail about the current implementation of black holes, see Simon Marlow's talk from the recent Haskell Implementors Workshop, "Scheduling Lazy Evaluation on Multicore" at the bottom of http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/HaskellImplementorsWorkshop/2010.
In some, limited cases, the compiler can determine such a loop exists as part of its other control flow analyses, and at that point replaces the looping term with code that throws an appropriate exception. This cannot be done in all cases, of course, but only in some of the more obvious cases, where it falls out naturally from other work the compiler is doing.
As for why Haskell finds this more often than other languages:
These cases do not occur in languages which are strict such as C. These loops specifically happen when a lazy variable's computation depends on its own value.
Languages such as C have very specific semantics in loops; ie, what order to do what in. As such, they are forced to actually execute the loop. Haskell, however defines a special value _|_ ("the bottom"), which is used to represent erroneous values. Values which are strict on themselves - ie, they depend on their own value to compute - are _|_. The result of pattern-matching on _|_ can either be an infinite loop or an exception; your compiler is choosing the latter here.
The Haskell compiler is very interested in performing strictness analysis - ie, proving that a certain expression depends on certain other expressions - in order to perform certain optimizations. This loop analysis falls out naturally as an edge case in the strictness analyzer which must be handled in one way or another.

Simple vs. Nested

Are simple loops as powerful as nested loops in terms of Turing completeness?
In terms of Turing completeness, yes they are.
Proof: It's possible to write a Brainf*** interpreter using a simple loop, for example here:
For loops with a fixed number of steps (LOOP, FOR and similar): Imagine the whole purpose of a loop is to count to n. Why should make it a difference if I loop i times in an outer loop and j times in an inner loop as opposed n = i * j in just a single loop?
Assume that no WHILE, GOTO or similar constructs are allowed in a program (just assignment, IF, and fixed loops). Then all these programs end after a finite number of steps.
The next step to more expressibility is to allow loops, where the number of iterations is e.g. determined by a condition, and it is not sure, whether this condition is ever satisfied (e.g. WHILE). Then is may happen, that a program won't halt. (This type of expressiveness is also known as Turing-completeness).
Corresponding to these two forms of programs are two kinds of functions, which were historically developed around the same time and which are called primitive recursive functions and μ-recursive functions.
The number of nestings doesn't play a role in this.
