Which DB Server should I use? - database

I have to develop a new (desktop) app for a small business. This business currently has an Access database with millions of records. The file size is about 1.5 GB. The boss told me that searching on this DB is very slow. The DB consists of a single table with about 20 fields.
I also think the overall DB design isn't great. I thought to use another DB server with a new design to improve both performance and efficiency.
Considering this is a relatively small business, I don't want to spend much for a DB license, so I want to ask you what would you do.
Continue to use Access, maybe improving and optimizing the DB in some way
Buy a DB server license (in this case, which one?)
? (any idea?)

Things like SQL Server Express, MySQL and PostgreSQL are available for free, no license purchase necessary.
For improving search speeds, you will probably also want to look at things like what indexes are defined for the table, what exactly searches are doing, et cetera.

2nd the recommendation for Firebird. We've been using it for about 5 years and never had an issue. Cross platform, embedded & server deployments... brilliant. Oh, and Free as in Beer. Mozilla Public LIcense.

Put me down as another recommendation for Firebird. We use it with our commercial Point of Sale product. We have it installed at over 1,000 sites, with databases as large as 40+ Gigabytes. It's fast, stable, simple, easy to deploy, and requires no management.

Your could replace the Access Database with a SQL Server database that will scale well moving forward. You can use SQL Server Express which is free and supports databases up to 4Gb I beleive.

SQL Server Express. Free for database size up to 10 GB.

SQL Server Express is a perfect fit for this. http://www.microsoft.com/express/database/

I warmly recommend MySQL. Its sometimes free and is easy to install on both Windows and linux.
There are also a lots of great free tools to manage its content like tables, users, indexes etc...

I would look into if the big table needs to be broken up into smaller ones(rarely needed, but still) and also what indexes are on it. And for Database software I would recommend PostgreSQL. It is free, easy to use(and I consider it easy to setup, though others beg to differ), and it is fast enough for enterprise applications.

You can take a look at Firebird
Firebird is one of the best database for desktop application and will allways be free.
Some tools exist to convert database from access to firebird.

I also recommend Firebird.
Its key advantages for your scenario are (from top of my head):
embedded version. You can ship it with your application - no separate installation kit needed, no .NET dependencies etc.
later on you can scale seamlessly to the full client-server model. No code changes required.
very small footprint
the entire database is stored in a single file. Much easier to deploy compared with other solutions.
you can have your server on any platform you want: Windows, Linux, MacOSX etc. Of course, you can have your client also on the same platforms but since you mentioned Access, I suppose that you have a Windows application.
no need for server administration. It just works.

I recommend PostgreSQL as well (especially as an alternative to MySQL)

No-one ever seems to mention it, but Oracle also do a free-as-in-free-beer version of their database: Oracle Express Edition (aka XE). It is limited to 1 CPU, 1GB RAM and 4GB of user data but that sounds plenty big enough for your application.
As for your database design, just one table sounds more like a spreadsheet than a database application. Probably you have lots of denormalised data. Splitting those out into smaller de-duplicated tables might well speed up certain queries. However if you only have twenty columns there may not be a lot of scope for tuning.
As for recommendation, the question is, which products do you know? If you have a familiarity with Access then I suggest you try to optimize your existing database. I have worked with Access databases which store several million rows and they performed well enough. After all, there is no guarantee that moving the same design to a different product will automatically make things run x times faster. Another advantage of Access as a tool is that it comes with a built-in front-end tool. If you move from Access you may need to think about re-building your application.

Wow, folks have a lot of platform recommendations for you.
Let me just say this.
If you feel like there are design issues as well as platform issues, why not try the design changes first? These are changes you are likely to make anyway.
If they make no performance difference in Access, you are no worse off, since these changes improve maintainability on any platform.
Then you can try other platforms with the knowledge that you have a solid design, and that you have not wasted any time.

SQLite can also be a candidate.

I would recommand not going with express anything - yep your small but what if the busness takes off and need much higher loads in the future - surely thats the way you want it to go ?? do not want to have to switch db layers / run 2 ..
I would look at MySQL or Firebird (used to borland interbase) both very high quality.


Is SQLite a good choice for a large, read only database for research?

I have a large number of records (say around 10 to 100 million), which I want to be able to query.
This is a research project, the database is going to be mostly read only, and I only need one connection at a time. I would like the queries to be reasonably fast.
Is SQLite a reasonable choice for this purpose?
My experience with SQLite is that it may be quite slow on large recordsets, depending on how you structure your queries. If your data is de-normalized and you can get by querying a single table against its primary key then it's acceptably fast, but if your data is fully normalized and your queries involve several joins then it can be much slower than a client-server database.
SQLite's principal advantage is its small size and single file nature that make it easy to distribute embedded in an app. As that doesn't seem to be a requirement for you though, I think you'd be better off going with something else. SQL Server Express is good if you're using Windows, MySQL or Postgres otherwise would be a good choice.
As pointed out in the previous posts, SQLite is a great SQL library, but it can run out of gas when the data set gets very large. Berkeley DB recently introduced a SQL API which is completely SQLite compatible. It was added to Berkeley DB in order to provide the best of both worlds to SQLite users -- the ubiquity, simplicity and ease of use of SQLite with the concurrency, scalability and reliability of Berkeley DB.
The Berkeley DB SQL API was designed to be a drop-in replacement for SQLite applications, especially those that specifically need the Berkeley DB features and scalability that isn't available in native SQLite. You can read more about it in the Berkeley DB SQL API documentation.
Disclaimer: I'm one of the Product Managers for Berkeley DB, so I'm a little biased. But your use case is one of the reasons that we worked with Dr. Hipp and the SQLite developers in order to combine the SQLite API with the Berkeley DB storage manager. It allows SQLite application developers to take their applications into new areas with added capabilities, while remaining compatible with their existing implementation.
Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything that we can do to help. You can find an active community of Berkeley DB developers on the OTN Forums.
Best of luck with your project.
SQLite is not particularly fast when getting into the millions of entries. Results will vary according to what you put in there, schema, number of columns, indexes.
The advantage (especially in your case) of SQLite is that it is so light that trying it with some data would probably be worth the time and effort. It's very much straightforward and its ideal use case is indeed for single user access.
I'd say try and build it up with a representative amount of data (you can do an import from a CSV file from the command line, or use one of the many wrappers available out there). If the speed is not satisfactory, you might have to switch to something with more power, but admittedly a bit more setup too, like MySQL.

Database connectivity Delphi

I'm using delphi for years, but never for database stuff, but recently started researching and testing.
I must say, i'm impressed, most of things happens automatically, i'm used to write by hand in php and python.
i'm going to develop a commercial system for a friend, (2 layers) 5 user computers, 1 database server.
Database server will be a decent machine with (raid-1) 2 hard drives running (MySql5.1 or Postgre or Firebird, open to suggestions).
Easy to use
Easy deployment (only mysqlconnector installer)
The slower?
Need to ship 4 files [dbxconnections.ini, dbxdrivers.ini, mysqldll, driverdll]
The more complex (harder to use)
ClientDataSet add complexity, but looks really useful
No free Postgre driver?
Easy deployment (1 dll)
Easy to use
As you can see the desired features are:
easy to use
easy to deploy
I can't test all in a real scenario (clients, server), so i hope that you guys with experience can help me out in which one to choose and why.
EDIT: Thanks everyone, i think i will go with ADO (probably) or Zeos
Thanks in advance
#arthurprs, for you scenario
(2 layers) 5 user computers, 1 > database server.
alt text http://www.techsolusa.com/images/firebird-logo-64.gif The Firebird RDBMS is a very good option , because is very stable, fast, runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms and meet with you requirements.
alt text http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/12858579/homepage/name/homepage.jpg Respect to the components for connection i go for ZEOS.
I have used this combination in many small and medium projects, with excellent results.
I have worked on many commercial high volume systems using ADO without any problems. Deployment is relatively simple since its included in the OS. Since it has such a wide audience, most of the major issues have been identified and corrected. Getting help with ADO connectivity is very easy. The database support is very deep (connectionstrings.com) which make supporting additional database engines almost trivial (you may need to still install the client drivers, but that would be the same for almost any solution).
Performance isn't much of an issue, it really will come down to database architecture and engine selection.
id have to say im rather happy with NexusDB but the cost for the client/server versions might not be worth it.
it works client/server or fully embedded, simple enough you can have both in your app and switch between them, depending on your clients needs
the embedded DB is free,
client/server "Priced per developer" is AU$ 500
No cost per install.
Oh yeh and its written in delphi ;)
I'd say to go with Firebird - is the most used database engine in the Delphi land (see here). For connectivity perhaps is better to go with Zeos (free) or DBX (if you can afford the Architect version - the only one who has the Firebird driver in it).
About ADO: Mature connectivity layer but it will be (forever - most probably) tied to Windows while Delphi will go cross-platform. Also, yes, it tend to be the slower one because of many reasons, including the ODBC drivers which are used in certain situations. But in your case, of course, as skamradt says, I don't think that it will matter so much.
Although I have read people not liking the idea of mixing the two, I have had good results using ADO Datasets as a "provider layer" which then feeds the data into TClientDataSets - so there's no reason you can't use ClientDataSets if you go down the ADO route if you find you need them (and they are useful).
Otherwise, I would echo the comment that ADO is a tried, trusted mechanism that isn't going anywhere. I've always found it more than fast enough. And configuration using UDL files is nice and easy.
dbGo (ADO) is more simple to manage, more universal, more slow
dbExpress is more fast, more complex to manage, supports less DBMS's
ZeosDBO is simple to manage, universal like dbExp, slow like dbGo, cross-platform, has few additional components, all sources are accessible
There are few other libraries, resolving all above doubts, although all of them are commercial products. But there I am biased :)
We have used postgreSQL using Devart pg components with great success in medium sized database apps.
We did some limited benchmarking with this combination and found it 2-3 x the speed of using ADO etc.
-- Data access components
I too favour the combination of TClientDataset and ADO. Had worked with it in past and I can say it's trustful. The flexibility of TClientDataset is a big gain. DBExpress is good too.
Actually, I use clientdatasets with pretty much any data access layer that have an TDataset descendant...
-- Server
Firebird. Free and easily usable from OLEDB (I used with ODBC) and DBExpress (D2010+ have native DBX driver) - don't know ZEOS, but I believe that it also connect to FB.
Scale well to many connections and big databases. There are databases on Firebird with 500Gb and many users reported.

Looking for a local database for D2009+ [closed]

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I'm trying to update a legacy app that does all its data storage in a hacked-together system of BDE Paradox files. The program works pretty well, under certain narrow conditions, but it has serious performance issues.
I'd like to try and improve things by updating to a better database system. What I need is a local database, preferably one where I can store the whole thing in one file instead of the current "one or more files per table" system. It has to support foreign-key relationships and table indexing, and it has to be able to return a result quickly from a query of a table with hundreds of thousands of elements.
This last one is important. The current system is indexed, but that doesn't seem to matter much. All the queries seem to run in O(N) time where N is the total size of the table, and it gets horrifically slow when the tables start to get large. I'm not really sure why, but that has to go away.
And it has to work under D2009 and later. Can anyone provide some recommendations?
Another vote here for embedded Firebird (and Firebird in general)!
I've just had an awesome experience porting an Interbase 6.0 app to embedded Firebird 1.5; after a short while reading the docs, the actual conversion took literally 20 minutes and now my app runs happily in Vista and Windows 7. If you don't need multi-user support then I'd seriously look at embedded Firebird (and if you do need multi-user support then why not look at regular Firebird anyway).
It's a single file for the db and a couple of small DLLs for the engine, and it's easy to deploy, maintain and backup. There are any number of tools to help during development and the technical support in the Delphi community for IB and Firebird is second-to-none.
The SQL support is excellent with constraints, triggers and stored procedures (we also have UDFs to help augment the language - DLLs which can be written in Delphi and used as in-line functions etc in your database. Very fast, very flexible).
Your final point about performance - well Interbase was always pretty snappy anyway, and my experience with embedded Firebird thus far is that it 'screams' - really, really impressed.
I've used this SQLite Wrapper with good success under D2009. I had it up and running in a matter of minutes. It has indexing and very low overhead. (This one is free and you don't need anything else besides the SQLite Dll)
There is also a commercial SQLite wrapper from Delphi Inspiration and the site says that they have a free for non-commercial and educational use license as well. I haven't used that one.
I've also used the Firebird embedded, but you then also need to have connectivity components to talk to it. I have IBObjects and that's what I use for both the server and embedded versions. I have tried other free Firebird database components but haven't really found any that I like or that I felt confident in.
Since the majority of people are suggesting Firebird, here are some connectivity components for Firebird that I've tried in the past or that I've heard of:
Mercury Database Objects - Free/Opensource
IBObjects - Commercial (I've bought this one myself)
FIBPlus - Commercial
Firebirds ODBC Driver - Free/Opensource
ZeosLib - Free/Opensource
There's some good information available in this question - SQLite3 and Firebird Embedded seem to be good options.
I used SQLite in one (non-Delphi) project and was very happy with it.
Otherwise, I think the embedded single-file DBMS of choice for Delphi seems to be Firebird.
Try Advantage Database, offered by Sybase (purchased from Extended Systems)
It's free if you don't need client/server or internet functionality.
The downside is it's not 100% VCL, so the VCL included statically links to DLLs.
If the app ever needs to scale, you won't have to change databases again.
I would recommend using Postgresql as database, we use it in all projects that we work and tested it with over 4 million records in one table and worked pretty well.
Another option would be to use ADO and a microsoft access database. The only disadvantage is that the user has to have the Jet engine and MDAC installed... which most machines do. The advantage to this is that it makes upsizing to MSSQL easy. Just change the connection string to point to the SQL Server database, and make a few minor query changes.
I've used NexusDB for years and it's a small, reliable, flexible database. It's written in Delphi, comes with full source and can be compiled completely into your application (no DLLs to distribute) or run as a client server system.
It's hard to know whether it will meet your performance requirements but I haven't had a problem with my SQL query performance provided I was indexing the right fields. It's a one file per table product but don't let that stop you taking a look.
It's a commercial product but they offer a DCU only version that can only be used in single user/embedded applications for free.
I'm working at finishing up a conversion of a large application that has used BDE/Paradox for a local database and Oracle 8i for a remote db.
I'm using UniDAC from DevArt. That allows me a single component set (completely free from the old BDE) that can hit MSSQLServer as a local db and continue to hit Oracle as my remote. I have the prospect of being able to switch databases at either end much more easily now, just by changing providers.
I like this approach, and the components seem to be quite well done.
Postgresql is very good but it is a heavy machinery it is closer to oracle so you can do very heavy apps but a bit of a pain to maintain
Firebird is fantastic embedded or not
for connectivity in 2009 you can use FIB plus from devrace.com they have a trial version which just show a nag screen so if it not a commercial app it is ok.
else if it is a commercial app you can spend the 300 $ and buy it, I used also devart components for interbase/firebird and they are very good too
if you want free uses zeos but you get what you pay for http://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/
SQL lite is not a single file and if it is multi user it sucks

Which embedded database to use in a Delphi application?

I am creating a desktop app in Delphi and plan to use an embedded database. I've started the project using SQlite3 with the DISQLite3 library. It works but documentation seems a bit light. I recently found Firebird (yes I've been out of Windows for a while) and it seems to have some compelling features and support.
What are some pros and cons of each embedded db? Size is important as well as support and resources. What have you used and why?
I'm using Firebird 2.1 Embedded and I'm quite happy with it.I like the fact that the database size is practically unlimited (tested with > 4 GB databases and it works) and that the database file is compatible with the Firebird Server so I can use standard tools for database management and inspection. Distribution consists of dropping few files in your exe folder.
Simultaneous access from multiple programs is not supported but simultaneous access from multiple threads is (as long as you ensure that only one 'connect' operation is in progress at any given moment).
I have used SQlite3 for a lot of projects (but from C/C++ and Objective-C). It's extremely small -- no dependencies whatsoever -- database is in a single file.
It's the db of choice for Mac developers because it's directly supported by CoreData and on the iPhone -- so there is a big user base (not to mention all of the other users).
I've been using SQLite (via DISQLite3) in FeedDemon for several months, and I highly recommend it - it has been extremely fast and stable. As Javier said, the docs for the library may be thin, but the docs for SQLite itself are very good.
I've used DBISAM on a number of projects. It is completely embedded without even a need for an external DLL. Unlike the others you listed it is commercial. A lot of great features though and very well documented and supported. The have a successor to it that I haven't tried yet though.
Let's see, quick comparison:
dynamic typing in the database
cross-platform files
runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.
public domain
supports transactions
relies on file system security, does not include own security
Firebird embedded:
strong typing in the database
not all SQL datatypes are supported
cross-platform files
Firebird embedded only runs on Windows
Files from Firebird embedded are in the same format as the full server version
Files from Firebird embedded can be copied to a non-Windows server for use
available under a modified MPL ("what's ours is ours and must remain free, what's yours is yours and you don't have to release it")
supports transactions, triggers, etc.
MySQL embedded:
support for SQL features depends on file format
(IIRC) cross-platform files
GPL unless you pay royalties
runs on Windows, Linux, Mac
incredibly popular with the open source crowd
Even embedded databases have their strengths and weaknesses. You'll need to weigh those strengths and weaknesses against what you're doing to decide.
Firebird embedded is our #1 choice because with no code changes, a single user Delphi app with embedded database can be migrated to a multi-user server based deployment without sacrificing any of the high end features (such as stored procedures, triggers, views, etc.). And its a TRUE free database and doesn't GPL your code in the process.
Strongly recommend to use AnyDAC when working with Databases and Delphi - then you can choose to target FB or SQLite seamlessingly.
My preference would be for FB for embedded apps.
I use Sybase's Advantage Database Server, but I'm also the R&D Manager, so this post is biased. :)
We have native Delphi TTable and TQuery components for both WIN32 VCL and VCL.NET. Direct table access in addition to SQL support makes Advantage unique among many of the other Delphi offerings. Advantage supports large tables (only limited by the number of records, 2 billion) and has a free local engine, which is nice for development PCs and for small customer sites that don't require client/server functionality. Switch to client/server with a single connection property, no other changes.
We have a ton of clients so accessing the data outside of Delphi is also very easy (.NET data provider, ODBC, OLE DB, PHP, Perl, JDBC, etc).
Main Product Web Site: http://www.advantagedatabase.com
Developer's Web Site: http://devzone.advantagedatabase.com
It really depends what you need. For single-user applications, Firebird Embedded or SQLite are probably best choices (and price is right). On the other end, if you need support for large number of multiple users, you should probably use regular Firebird instead of Embedded version (server is simple to install so you won't have much problems here).
And if you need something in between, for a moderate multi-user application, one of flat databases would be better. I found that ComponentAce's Absolute Database better choice for my needs than DBISAM, NexusDB or VistaDB.
It leaves relatively small footprint (no DLLs), it's a single-file db (a must for me), supports Unicode, BLOB compression, crypting, and technical limits seem impressing for a flat database. Moreover, support was good in few occasions when I needed it.
For cons, I have noticed it doesn't support nested transactions, but other than that, I had no problems.
As for size, nothing beats SQLite.
when you refer about lack of documentation, i guess it's doc for DISQLite3. The SQLite docs are quite complete
Take a look at NexusDB. Have used very successfully in the past.
The problem with (embedded) firebird is, that the database cannot reside on a network drive. Also, it is difficult to have a database on a read only drive (CD/DVD).
For some hacks around these limitations see the Delphi Wiki:
NexusDB offers the full range from embedded, to full client/server / remote. Also SQL2003 compliant, I believe. I'm using it on a few projects, and am very pleased so far, and the fact that it can work in such a wide range of "scales" is a big plus (not having to learn another DB for scaled-up apps, etc).
Look at this embedded database comparison: http://sql-db.cz.cc/, it can be helpful. Most of abovementioned products are presented there: Advantage, DBISAM, Firebird, MS SQL Server, and much more: Accuracer, Apollo, ElevateDB, NexusDB, TurboDB.
I am partial to Component Ace's Absolute DB. Although a commercial product ($), it is solid, easy to use, small footprint and well documented. If you are looking for a huge multi-user application, this is not the way to go, but if your multi-user needs are light (or non-existent) this is a solid option.
I'm using SQL Server Express and the ADO components. Works great. You can run the SQL Server Express install with commandline to hide the complexities from the users. You can also distribute a database that you load by filename. There are millions of SQL server users so solutions to any problems are easily found in the intertubes :-)
I did a websearch to find a fast database package for my Delphi Application. I wanted it to be completely contained in the executable with no external DLLs or libraries required. I originally found Accuracer by AidAim. They had posted how fast their database was and even gave comparisons with other similar packages to “prove” their point.
I wanted to believe their claims but I thought I’d search the web a bit more to find timings of other packages. I was very surprised to find a post at the Delphi discussion forums where a person asked what database to use, and there were 14 different suggestions. One of the responders had done his own timing comparisons and had found Accuracer to be quite slow compared to several others, which Accuracer had (conveniently) left out of their own comparison page.
The post, plus additional followup web research by me, led me to lean toward DISQLite3, a product based on the Open Source SQLite program, but with enhancements to work in Delphi very quickly, with very small overhead, and with command-based calls - which I like. It is actively under development and will soon have an official Delphi 2009 version, although apparently the current version will work under D2009.
Addenum: DISQLite3 Version 2.0.0, released Nov 17, supports D2009.
I know MS access is a comparatively crap db (and expect to be shot down in flames here), but if only small data is needed it may have advantages if ms office is used anyway. For me it was a way to store program data with more flexibility than csv files which is a common approach for scientific code.
You can create an access db from delphi code without having ms office installed using ado & odbc driver (might be necesary to have an initial .accdb file without tables to copy from then populate, I can't remember this detail. not sure licensing situation doing this.
The .accdb extension can be changed to something else & the file password protected (to a limited degree) so its not immediately obvious to users its access if that's desired.
I know a few commercial developers do this method & copied it myself. Found it easier to setup than sqlite, but maybe because I'd already used ado & access in the past.
I have used ScimoreDB. It has its quirks as they give it royalty free and it has its quirks in data types and with some installation issues. This was on a C# project.
If embedded is an absolute must, look at DBISAM.
kbMemTable is a good candidate. Runs in memory, fast, multi-threadding. Used to be free.
I have used DBISAM and kbMemTable on different occasions.
What I like about DBISAM is that it has great features, and is usually very reliable. I have used it in large databases, full-text search, read-only mode, CGIs and many other situations.
It is fairly large compared to kbMemTable or SQLite based components, though. And you can't have a single file per database (or even table) - depending on the situation, that is a major disadvantage.
kbMemTable is tiny and it's great for small amounts of data. Since it runs in memory, it has to be a small amount of data, of course.
One other option I've taken on a couple of my desktop apps is dumping the data directly from/to my object hierarchy using TWriter/TReader. This is by far that smallest option, and is absurdly fast compared to using a database. The data files are tiny, too.
It has all kinds of drawbacks, though - you have to code versioning in if you might want to ever add/change fields, unless it's in-memory it is even more complicated, no multi-user support at all, etc.
Firebird embedded is our #1 choice as well. And the suite Unified Interbase v2.0 with it. A great and stable solution!
I have a database that I have to record 5 field data for every 20 sec for 10 days.. 3 field are integer , 1 field is double ( time ) and 1 field is string[5].
I am still using Delphi6 srv2 because of my components. Newer delphi versions are terrible at components that I have to spend thousands of dollars of money to rebuild my component library. Therefor delphi 6 is still best for real commertial applications that never version of delphis give many problems. At many points such as USB or comport readings so on... they release newer ones before previous versions never sit on market.
I have setup a code with Delphi6 what appends 43200 records at a table for test because I will deploy the table in application while it has 43200 records. I will shown all the data on DBChart.
Test result is below databases filled the tables by insert command with 43200 records
Dbisam = 34 sec,
ElevateDb = 11 sec,
AbsoluteDB = 45 sec,
SQLlite = 32 Minute,
Firebird = 12 min,
MSSQL12 localDB = 28 Minute,
Easy table = 8 minute,
BDE = Blocked ,
I havent tested oracle , blackfish , sysbase, nexsusDb etc.. but it seems they will also very slow. I have connected with DBChart and only elevateDb and absoluteDB has loaded 43200 records on DBchart in exceptable time such as 7~10 secs. Other all taken minutes. So slower databases always needs coding tricks to succeed in some real jobs..
I have tested their search speed as well by locate command that unfortunatly the server based databases are always slower in.
MSSQL and SQLLite3 are extremely difficult to manage in to delphi that they made me very tired.
These are my test results
At the end I decided to use AbsoluteDB, Dbisam and Elevate. I have thrown the rest off the PC .
Elevate software doesnt support recno function that requires extra codes at runtime to manage. This makes the database slower Other bug is with Elevate software is autoinc fields. There is no way to reset it . Therefore I have not chosen the Elevat software even it is the fastest database. They say many good functions but how many of them we use it in fact . They just left the most important functions not supported but fixed many many unnecessary functions. and it seems since 8 years there is no any advantage either.
If you want to see with your own eye pls just try and see..
I am thinking between two now absolute DB or DBisam4
Firebird all the way. Does pretty well everything and so far version 2.1 is very solid.
FireBird offers the opportunity to scale up to multi-users sometime down the line, or if you need concurrency (if your application goes multi-threaded).
SQLite is quite unrivaled if you only need single-user access, no other database comes close to it on any aspect, be it performance, convenience, SQL support or stability.
Firebird is really awsome and has a small footprint so you can use embedded
and it can be scaled upward for many users
and does unicode faily well
I use devart components with delphi 2009
and FIB plus for delphi 6/7 (their version for 2009 and unicode is not ready yet too bad)
Hmmm, no one has recommended the BDE - I wonder why that is ;-)
BlackFishSQL is another possibility, although I haven't tested in depth as yet.
when it comes to embedded databases the first question is : is it multiuser ?
Actually,who needs a database that does not allow multiple connections (read&write) to it ?
I have tried (intensly) all mentioned databases and found only one that actually functions the way it should. And that is Accuracer.
The only pity with accuracer is that its a three man band and chronic lack of proper support. It also is mainly static in development as we have seen no real features in years.Not surprising since only one person actually develops it. It seems they are living on old fame. Users praise reflect that (usually 10 years old comments).
For a single user experience I would recommend Absolute Database.
As for major players I would recommend SQL Server from Microsoft. Oracle has become a bloatware and is slowly dying out.
what is nice in accuracer is that their embedded database functions just like full blown server. It locks only current record if its in use while the rest functions normally. Nice database. Pity only it is stagnant.

File database suggestion with support for multiple concurrent users

I need a database that could be stored network drive and would allow multiple users (up to 20) to use it without any server software.
I'm considering MS Access or Berkeley DB.
Can you share your experience with file databases?
Which one did you use, did you have any problems with it?
I really don't think that file-based databases can scale past half a dozen users. The last time I had an Access database (admittedly this was quite a while ago) I had to work really hard to get it to work for 8-9 people.
It is really much easier to install Ubuntu on an old junk computer with PostgreSQL or MySQL. That's what I had to do even when I kept my Access front-end.
I would suggest SQLite because the entire database is stored in a single file, and it quite safely handles multiple users accessing it at the same time. There are several different libraries that you can use for your client application and there is no server software needed.
One of the strengths is that it mimics SQL servers so closely that if you need to convert from using a database file to a full-fledged SQL Server, most of your queries in your client won't need to change. You'll just need to migrate the data over to the new server database (which I wouldn't be surprised if there are programs to convert SQLite databases to MySQL databases, for example.)
Beware of any file based database, they are all likely to have the same problems. Your situation really calls for a Client/Server solution.
From SQLite FAQ
A good rule of thumb is that you
should avoid using SQLite in
situations where the same database
will be accessed simultaneously from
many computers over a network
Access can be a bitch. Ive been in the position where i had to go around and tell 20-50 people to close access so I could go to "design mode" to change the design of the forms and maybe a column. No fun at all. (Old access, and it might just be a bad setup)
Ayende was recently trying to make a similar decision, and tried a bunch of so-called embedded databases. Hopefully his observations can help you.
I have been using Access for some time and in a variety of situations, including on-line. I have found that Access works well if it is properly set up according to the guidelines. One advantage of Access is that it includes everything in one package: Forms, Query Building, Reports, Database Management, and VBA. In addition, it works well with all other Office applications. The Access 2007 runtime can be obtained free from here, which makes distribution less expensive. Access is certainly unsuitable for large operations, but it should be quite suitable for twenty users. EDIT: Microsoft puts the number of concurrent users at 255.
Can Access be set up to support 10-20 users? Yes. It, as well as all file-based databases use the file system for locking and concurrency control, however. And, Access data files are more susceptible to database corruption than are database servers. And, while you can set it up for this, you MUST, as David Fenton mentions above, follow best practices, if you want to end up with a reliable system.
Personally, I find that, given the hoops that you need to jump through to ensure that an Access solution is reasonably trouble-free, it is much less trouble to implement an instance of MSDE/SQL Server Express, or postgreSql.
Berkeley DB supports a high degree of concurrency (far more then 20), but it does so primarily by utilizing shared memory and mutexes (possibly even replication) - facilities that do not work well when BDB is deployed as a file stored on a network drive.
In order to take advantage of DBD concurrency capabilities you will have to build an application around it.
The original question makes no sense to me, in that the options don't belong together. BerkeleyDB is a database engine only, while Access is an application development tool that ships with a default file-based (i.e., non-server) database engine (Jet). By virtue of putting Access with Berkeley, it seems obvious that what is needed is only a database engine, and no application at all, but how end users use Berkeley DB without a front end, I don't know (I've only used it from the command line).
Those who cannot run a Jet MDB with 20 simultaneous users are simply not competent to be giving advice on using Jet as a data store. It is completely doable as long as best practices are followed. I would recommend in addition to Microsoft's Best Practices web page, Tony Toews's Best Practices, and Tony's Corruption FAQ (i.e., things you want to avoid doing in order to have a stable application).
I strongly doubt that the original questioner is building no front end application, but since he doesn't indicate what kind of front end is involved, it's hard to recommend a back end that will go with it. Access has the advantage of giving you both parts of the equation, and when used properly, is perfectly reliable for multiple users.
