We failed trying database per custom installation. Plan to recover? - database

There is a web application which is in production mode for 3 years or so by now. Historically, because of different reasons there was made a decision to use database-per customer installation.
Now we came across the fact that now deployments are very slow.
Should we ever consider moving all the databases back to single one to reduce environment complexity? Or is it too risky idea?
The problem I see now is that it's very hard to merge these databases with saving referential integrity(primary keys of different database' tables can not be obviously differentiated).
Databases are not that much big, so we don't have much benefits of reduced load by having multiple databases.

Your question is quite broad.
a) Ensure that merged databases don't suffer from degraded performance with things like JOIN statements when, say, 1000 databases are merged even though each is small. As for your referential integrity ... which I assume is auto_increment based ... you can replace these relationships by altering the schema and supplanting UUID or a similar unique, non-sequential value. Or even a surrogate key pair in addition to your auto increment PK.
b) Do benchmarking to ensure your application would respond within performance limits
c) Is there a direct ROI for doing this? What are the long term cost benefits vs the expense of migration? Is the decreased complexity worth increased (if any) cost?
d) How does this impact your backup and disaster recovery plans? Does it make them cheaper? Slower? More expensive?
Abstraction and management tools approach:
if it were me, depending on the situation, I would keep the scalability that comes with per-client sharding and create a set of management tools to abstractly create one virtual database. Using these tools you can acquire the simplified management without loosing technical flexibility. I suspect you want to simplify the cost of managing all these databases (based on your deployment statement). Creating a 'control panel' for your farm can be a good way to simplify a complex system (especially when deployments may use different schema versions).

For the migrated data... customer one database UUIDs can start with 10000000, Customer two database UUIDs can start with 20000000. Customer three database UUIDs can start with 30000000.....
In my opinion when you host the database for your customers, a single database that handles multiple customers is a better idea overall. Of course you need to add a "customers" table to record the customers, and a "customer_id" column on all top-level data that is within the table, and include checks in all your SQL to ensure the customer's view is limited to their own data.
I'd set up a new database with the additional columns, and then test it with a dummy customer or three for a while to ensure all bugs are wiped out. Then I'd migrate all the customers across, one by one, doing checks that the data will fit.


Architecting a high performing "inserting solution"

I am tasked with putting together a solution that can handle a high level of inserts into a database. There will be many AJAX type calls from web pages. It is not only one web site/page, but several different ones.
It will be dealing with tracking people's behavior on a web site, triggered by various javascript events, etc.
It is important for the solution to be able to handle the heavy database inserting load.
After it has been inserted, I don't mind migrating the data to an alternative/supplementary data store.
We are initial looking at using the MEAN stack with MongoDB and migrating some data to MySql for reporting purposes. I am also wondering about the use of some sort of queue-ing before insert into db or caching like memcached
I didn't manage to find much help on this elsewhere. I did see this post but it is now close to 5 years old, feels a bit outdated and don't quite ask the same questions.
Your thoughts and comments are most appreciated. Thanks.
Why do you need a stack at all? Are you looking for a web-application to do the inserting? Or do you already have an application?
It's doubtful any caching layer will outrun your NoSQL database for inserts, but you should probably confirm that you even need a NoSQL database. MySQL has pretty solid raw insert performance, as long as your load can be handled on a single box. Most NoSQL solutions scale better horizontally. This is probably worth a read. But realistically, if you already have MySQL in-house, and you separate your reporting from your insert instances, you will probably be fine with MySQL.
Some initial theory
To understand how you can optimize for the heavy insert workload, I suggest to understand the main overheads involved in inserting data in a database. Once the various overheads are understood, all kings of optimizations will come to you naturally. The bonus is that you will both have more confidence in the solution, you will know more about databases, and you can apply these optimizations to multiple engines (MySQL, PostgreSQl, Oracle, etc.).
I'm first making a non-exhaustive list of insertion overheads and then show simple solutions to avoid such overheads.
1. SQL query overhead: In order to communicate with a database you first need to create a network connection to the server, pass credentials, get the credentials verified, serialize the data and send it over the network, and so on.
And once the query is accepted, it needs to be parsed, its grammar validated, data types must be parsed and validated, the objects (tables, indexes, etc.) referenced by the query searched and access permissions are checked, etc. All of these steps (and I'm sure I forgot quite a few things here) represent significant overheads when inserting a single value. The overheads are so large that some databases, e.g. Oracle, have a SQL cache to avoid some of these overheads.
Solution: Reuse database connections, use prepared statements, and insert many values at every SQL query (1000s to 100000s).
2. Ensuring strong ACID guarantees: The ACID properties of a DB come at the cost of logging all logical and physical modification to the database ahead of time and require complex synchronization techniques (fine-grained locking and/or snapshot isolation). The actual time required to deal with the ACID guarantees can be several orders of magnitude higher than the time it takes to actually copy a 200B row in a database page.
Solution: Disable undo/redo logging when you import data in a table. Alternatively, you could also (1) drop the isolation level to trade off weaker ACID guarantees for lower overhead or (2) use asynchronous commit (a feature that allows the DB engine to complete an insert before the redo logs are properly hardened to disk).
3. Updating the physical design / database constraints: Inserting a value in a table usually requires updating multiple indexes, materialized views, and/or executing various triggers. These overheads can again easily dominate over the insertion time.
Solution: You can consider dropping all secondary data structures (indexes, materialized views, triggers) for the duration of the insert/import. Once the bulk of the inserts is done you can re-created them. For example, it is significantly faster to create an index from scratch rather than populate it through individual insertions.
In practice
Now let's see how we can apply these concepts to your particular design. The main issues I see in your case is that the insert requests are sent by many distributed clients so there is little chance for bulk processing of the inserts.
You could consider adding a caching layer in front of whatever database engine you end up having. I dont think memcached is good for implementing such a caching layer -- memcached is typically used to cache query results not new insertions. I have personal experience with VoltDB and I definitely recommend it (I have no connection with the company). VoltDB is an in-memory, scale-out, relational DB optimized for transactional workloads that should give you orders of magnitude higher insert performance than MongoDB or MySQL. It is open source but not all features are free so I'm not sure if you need to pay for a license or not. If you cannot use VoltDB you could look at the memory engine for MySQL or other similar in-memory engines.
Another optimization you can consider is to have a different database for doing the analytics. Most likely, a database with a high data ingest volume is quite bad at executing OLAP-style queries and the other way around. Coming back to my recommendation, VoltDB is no exception and is also suboptimal at executing long analytical queries. The idea would be to create a background process that reads all new data in the frontend DB (i.e. this would be a VoltDB cluster) and moves it in bulk to the backend DB for the analytics (MongoDB or maybe something more efficient). You can then apply all the optimizations above for the bulk data movement, create a rich set of additional index structures to speed up data access, then run your favourite analytical queries and save the result as a new set of tables/materialized for later access. The import/analysis process can be repeated continuously in the background.
Tables are usually designed with the implied assumption that queries will far outnumber DML of all sorts. So the table is optimized for queries with indexes and such. If you have a table where DML (particularly Inserts) will far outnumber queries, then you can go a long way just by eliminating any indexes, including a primary key. Keys and indexes can be added to the table(s) the data will be moved to and subsequently queried from.
Fronting your web application with a NoSQL table to handle the high insert rate then moving the data more or less at your leisure to a standard relational db for further processing is a good idea.

What are the problems with a join between two tables in two different databases?

I am interested in your thoughts about the the pitfalls of joining two or more tables from different databases. I'll try to give an example.
Suppose table Table1 is located in DatabaseA database and Table2 is located in DatabaseB .
Let's say i have a view, in DatabaseA that pulls out some data from Table1, and some other tables in DatabaseA'.
This view is used to push data to another database, let's call this one, unimaginatevely, DatabaseC.
If i need some data from Table2, my instinct is to join directly Table2 in this view, sort of like this table1 inner join DatabaseB..table2 on [some columns]
Doing this is pretty simple and quick, but i have a nagging voice in my head that keeps telling me not to do this. My worries are about not being able to track down all the objects depending on Table2, so if I change something there, I have to be very carefull and remember everywhere i use this table. So, sort of like breaking SRP for this view (and two databases), because this view can change from two different actions (performed on two different databases: Changing Table1 or changing Table2)
I am interested in your opinions. Is this a good or bad idea? What would be the problems with this approach (performance wise, maintainence wise and so on) and if you have a real world experience where this approach either was a big mistake or was a life saver for you.
P.S: I've searched this topic on google and SO, but could not find anything related to this. I will gladly take the minus votes, duplicate questions and other 'reprimands' from SO users just to have a different view on this problem.
P.P.S: I am using SQL Server 2005.
Thank you and hope i made myself clear:)
If they are on the same server, there is no real problem pulling from separate database. In fact, you may want to separate them for good reasons. For instance if you have a combination of transactional tables and lookup tables that are imported from files. The transactional data needs full recovery and frequent transactional log backups to be able to properly restore, the lookup data does not and can benefit from being in a database in simple recovery mode.
We have many different databases our applications use and we cross databases in queries all the time. As long as the indexing is done properly, there has been no noticable performance difference. The biggest potential issue is for data integrity as you can't set up foreign keys across databases. This can be handled in triggers if need be though.
Now when the databases are on different servers, there can be a performance problem and getting the data is more complicated.
Like everything else in SQL, it depends.
At my job, we do this a LOT. We have very large data sets, and separate DBs for header and detail level records, then additional DBs for reports or tables that we build off of other data, etc etc.
There's not really a performance issue from joining across DBs, and in some cases depending on your hardware setup it may be FASTER. If DatabaseA and DatabaseB are on separate physical drives with different controllers, it will likely be faster to run a query joining those than if they were in the same DB on the same volume.
Maintenance can be an issue but no more than for any other database/tables. It's not like you have different versions of the same tables, you just have those tables in different DBs.
The only major drawback is SQL Server does a poor job of showing intra-database dependencies, so you will need to keep track of these yourself. There are some scripts for this and also third party utilities, and I have heard that SQL Server Denali will add additional support for this but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
Your nagging voice is probably right.
Not least of the problems will be how to enforce declarative referential integrity since you cannot create foreign keys between databases, therefore sooner or later you will have to cope with inconsistent or mismatched or incomplete data.
But if you don't care about that, I don't see a problem :-)
Some general themes re cross-database joins:
Foreign keys
As others have pointed out, in the absence of foreign keys, you'll need to roll your own referential integrity. Not a problem in itself, but issues can surface when you're not in control of the data in one or more of the databases.
A related issue is the use of CASE tools. When reverse-engineering a schema, they will overlook links between tables where a FK->PK relationship doesn't exist.
If the database are on different servers then you're exposed to the vagaries of whatever else is running on those servers as well as the cost of running the join operation itself. Again, if the servers are all within your control, this is something you can monitor but this may may not be the case.
If your solution relies on other databases you have multiple points of failure. If a database goes down, this could cascade to one or more systems.
Data modification
Your solution may be coupled to what you believe to be static data in tables on another database. However, what if this were accidentally (or purposefully) amended, duplicated or deleted. Again, if the databases in question are out of your remit, other teams/departments may not be aware of how your system operates.
All this being, true, there are many cases where cross-database joins are the norm. A few examples I've seen:
Performant operations take place on the mart whilst the master data stash is kept on the repository. CRUD operations take place between the two on a frequent or infrequent basis (nightly update, real-time etc).
Legacy DB
You might expose a legacy database for data migration and or reporting/auditing purposes.
One or more of your databases may contain static lookup information which can be re-used.
So to answer your question - it depends on what exactly you're doing and whether the risk is acceptable. Other solutions exist such as replication but again, how feasible this is will depend on the structure of your department/company.
The answer to your questions is...it depends.
I have noticed that there is no serious degradation in performance when you keep the queries nice and simple (fewer join etc).
The more complex the queries, the more chance that the optimizer will produce a suboptimal execution plan.
The optimizer ultimately gets to decide how to execute the query. The more complex the query, the more opportunity for the optimizer to get the order of operations "wrong".
I recently experimented with this problem...
I ran a query with roughly 8 joins on a single database. I then put up a copy of that database on the same server with a different name, and then I modified the query so that it would join to a couple tables in the second copy of the database.
As a single database query, it ran in under 3 seconds; expected given the volume of data.
The cross database joined query run in just under 3 minutes.
enter code here

Database design: one huge table or separate tables?

Currently I am designing a database for use in our company. We are using SQL Server 2008. The database will hold data gathered from several customers. The goal of the database is to acquire aggregate benchmark numbers over several customers.
Recently, I have become worried with the fact that one table in particular will be getting very big. Each customer has approximately 20.000.000 rows of data, and there will soon be 30 customers in the database (if not more). A lot of queries will be done on this table. I am already noticing performance issues and users being temporarily locked out.
My question, will we be able to handle this table in the future, or is it better to split this table up into smaller tables for each customer?
Update: It has now been about half a year since we first created the tables. Following the advices below, I created a handful of huge tables. Since then, I have been experimenting with indexes and decided on a clustered index on the first two columns (Hospital code and Department code) on which we would have partitioned the table had we had Enterprise Edition. This setup worked fine until recently, as Galwegian predicted, performance issues are springing up. Rebuilding an index takes ages, users lock each other out, queries frequently take longer than they should, and for most queries it pays off to first copy the relevant part of the data into a temp table, create indices on the temp table and run the query. This is not how it should be. Therefore, we are considering to buy Enterprise Edition for use of partitioned tables. If the purchase cannot go through I plan to use a workaround to accomplish partitioning in Standard Edition.
Start out with one large table, and then apply 2008's table partitioning capabilities where appropriate, if performance becomes an issue.
Datawarehouses are supposed to be big (the clue is in the name). Twenty million rows is about medium by warehousing standards, although six hundred million can be considered large.
The thing to bear in mind is that such large tables have a different physics, like black holes. So tuning them takes a different set of techniques. The other thing is, users of a datawarehouse must understand that they are dealing with huge amounts of data, and so they must not expect sub-second response (or indeed sub-minute) for every query.
Partitioning can be useful, especially if you have clear demarcations such as, as in your case, CUSTOMER. You have to be aware that partitioning can degrade the performance of queries which cut across the grain of the partitioning key. So it is not a silver bullet.
Splitting tables for performance reasons is called sharding. Also, a database schema can be more or less normalized. A normalized schema has separate tables with relations between them, and data is not duplicated.
I am assuming you have your database properly normalized. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the data volume you refer to on a single table in SQL Server; what I think you need to do is review your indexes.
Since you've tagged your question as 'datawarehouse' as well I assume you know some things about the subject. Depending on your goals you could go for a star-schema (a multidemensional model with a fact and dimensiontables). Store all fastchanging data in 1 table (per subject) and the slowchaning data in another dimension/'snowflake' tables.
An other option is the DataVault method by Dan Lindstedt. Which is a bit more complex but provides you with full flexibility.
In a properly designed database, that is not a huge anmout of records and SQl server should handle with ease.
A partioned single table is usually the best way to go. Trying to maintain separate indivudal customer tables is very costly in termas of time and effort and far more probne to errors.
Also examine you current queries if you are experiencing performance issues. If you don't have proper indexing (did you for instance index the foreign key fields?) queries will be slow, if you don't have sargeable queries they will be slow if you used correlated subqueries or cursors, they will be slow. Are you returning more data than is striclty needed? If you have select * anywhere in your production code, get rid of it and only return the fields you need. If you used views that call views that call views or if you used EAV table, you willhave performance iisues at this level. If you allowed a framework to autogenerate SQl code, you may well have badly perforimng queries. Remember Profiler is your friend. Of course you could also have a hardware issue, you need a pretty good sized dedicated server for that number of records. It won't work to run this on your web server or a small box.
I suggest you need to hire a professional dba with performance tuning experience. It is quite complex stuff. Databases desigend by application programmers often are bad performers when they get a real number of users and records. Database MUST be designed with data integrity, performance and security in mind. If you didn't do that the changes of having them are slim indeed.
Partioning is definately something to look into. I had a database that had 2 tables sharded. Each table contained around 30-35million records. I have since merged this into one large table and assigned some good indexes. So far, I've not had to partition this table as it's working a treat, but I'm keep partitioning in mind. One thing that I have noticed, compared to when the data was sharded, and that's the data import. It is now slower, but I can live with that as the Import tool can be re-written ;o)
One table and use table partitioning.
I think the advice to use NOLOCK is unjustified based on the information given. NOLOCK means you will get inaccurate and unreliable results from your queries (dirty and phantom reads). Before using NOLOCK you need to be sure that's not going to be a problem for your customers.
Is this a single flat table (no particular model)? Typically in data warehouses, you either have a normalized data model (third normal form at least - usually in an entity-relationship-model) or you have dimensional data (Kimball method or variations - usually fact tables with associated dimension tables in a set of stars).
In both cases, indexes play a large part, and partitioning can also play a part in getting queries to perform (but partitioning is not usually about performance but about maintenance being able to add and drop partitions quickly) over very large data sets - but it really depends on the order of aggregation and the types of queries.
One table, then worry about performance. That is, assuming you are collecting the exact same information for each customer. That way, if you have to add/remove/modify a column, you are only doing it in one place.
If you're on MS SQL server and you want to keep the single table, table partitioning could be one solution.
Keep one table - 20M rows isn't huge, and customers aren't exactly the kind of table that you can easily 'archive off', and the aggrevation of searching multiple tables to find a customer isn't worth the effort (SQL is likely to be much more efficient at BTree searching than your own invention is)
You will need to look into the performance and locking issues however - this will prevent your db from scaling.
You can also create supplemental tables that hold already calculated details on historical information if there are common queries.

What should I keep in mind if I wish to merge many DBs into one DB?

I am working with a half dozen DBs. The DBs all have the same schemas, the same SPs, etc. Speaking to the person who originally designed the DBs, a big part of the motivation for using many DBs was efficiency; the alternative would be to add a column to pretty much every table and sp in the database indicating which set of data was being worked in, resulting in one giant (and thus slower) DB instead of several samll DBs. In place of having a column to indicate which set of data is being queried, the connection string is used to select which database is being hit.
The only reason I really dislike this organization is that it involves a lot of code duplication and thus hurts maintenance. For example, every time I wish to change a stored procedure, I need to run the alter statement on every database.
One solution I have considered is to combine all of the data into one big database, adding an extra column all over the place to indicate which database the data would be in if I had not combined it. Then, I could partition all of the tables by this column's value. In theory, the result of all of this is that the underlying representation of all of the data itself will be morally the same as it is now, but without the redundancies in the indexes, schemas, SPs, etc.
My questions are this:
Is this a good idea? Is there a better way to accomplish this?
Are there any gotchas in doing this?
Will this have any impact on performance?
Everyone will deal with this at some point. My own personal opinion is that multiple databases are a pain in the backside and are not faster. They are a pain because of the maintenance headaches. Adding an extra column in each table as necessary will not slow your process done that much, if indexing is set properly. And your maintenance will be much easier. Plus, doing transactions across multiple DB's can be a hassle and involve MTC.
BTW, using a single database is often called a multi-tenant database. You might want to research this a bit. But I would avoid multiple DB's like this if possible.
I'm of a different mind than Randy.
The multi-tenant model has its advantages.
For one, maintenance is not really much different whether you have 5 databases or 500. At some point you stop looking at maintenance of individual databases and look at the set. Yes you must serialize backups and you can't be performing index reorg/rebuild across all databases at once.
But for code changes across multiple more-or-less identical databases, there are easy ways to script a lot of things to be done to multiple databases without really lifting an extra finger. I use a tool called SQLFarms Combine (now sold by JNetDirect), but there are other offerings such as RedGate MultiScript that I haven't played with.
What I like most about the multi-tenant model is that when you grow and scale and suddenly need a new database server, it is very easy to move one of the tenants (say, the busiest or fastest growing) to the new server. If everybody is jammed into the same database, this extraction of only their data becomes quite difficult, especially if there is to be minimized downtime. In the multi-tenant model, you can set up mirroring for just their database, and then switch the primary when you're ready.
I'd be in favor of combining these databases. There are other facilities built into SQL Server to account for the potential performance downfalls of a very large database, like additional indexing on a second physical disk, partitioning, clustering, etc. The headache and overhead involved in deploying schema updates to that many different databases can be time consuming when it's easily handled in a single database. I think SQL Server scales really well in cases like this - let the database server do what it's designed to do and provide responsive access to your data. You can focus on application design and leave the storage model to SQL Server.
Also, though this isn't mentioned above, I'd suspect that there's some level of dynamic SQL involved in the applications that use this "many database" model because you've got to switch between databases based on something you know, so it can't be hard coded into the application or in a configuration file, meaning that either connection strings or actual SQL statements have to be generated on the fly, and that can be a really big security risk (read about "SQL Injection" if you're unfamiliar with the potential risks of dynamic SQL).

What's the best way to manage a large number of tables in MS SQL Server?

This question is related to another:
Will having multiple filegroups help speed up my database?
The software we're developing is an analytical tool that uses MS SQL Server 2005 to store relational data. Initial analysis can be slow (since we're processing millions or billions of rows of data), but there are performance requirements on recalling previous analyses quickly, so we "save" results of each analysis.
Our current approach is to save analysis results in a series of "run-specific" tables, and the analysis is complex enough that we might end up with as many as 100 tables per analysis. Usually these tables use up a couple hundred MB per analysis (which is small compared to our hundreds of GB, or sometimes multiple TB, of source data). But overall, disk space is not a problem for us. Each set of tables is specific to one analysis, and in many cases this provides us enormous performance improvements over referring back to the source data.
The approach starts to break down once we accumulate enough saved analysis results -- before we added more robust archive/cleanup capability, our testing database climbed to several million tables. But it's not a stretch for us to have more than 100,000 tables, even in production. Microsoft places a pretty enormous theoretical limit on the size of sysobjects (~2 billion), but once our database grows beyond 100,000 or so, simple queries like CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE can slow down dramatically.
We have some room to debate our approach, but I think that might be tough to do without more context, so instead I want to ask the question more generally: if we're forced to create so many tables, what's the best approach for managing them? Multiple filegroups? Multiple schemas/owners? Multiple databases?
Another note: I'm not thrilled about the idea of "simply throwing hardware at the problem" (i.e. adding RAM, CPU power, disk speed). But we won't rule it out either, especially if (for example) someone can tell us definitively what effect adding RAM or using multiple filegroups will have on managing a large system catalog.
Without first seeing the entire system, my first recommendation would be to save the historical runs in combined tables with a RunID as part of the key - a dimensional model may also be relevant here. This table can be partitioned for improvement, which will also allow you to spread the table into other filegroups.
Another possibility it to put each run in its own database and then detach them, only attaching them as needed (and in read-only form)
CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE are probably performing poorly because the master or model databases are not optimized for this kind of behavior.
I also recommend talking to Microsoft about your choice of database design.
Are the tables all different structures? If they are the same structure you might get away with a single partitioned table.
If they are different structures, but just subsets of the same set of dimension columns, you could still store them in partitions in the same table with nulls in the non-applicable columns.
If this is analytic (derivative pricing computations perhaps?) you could dump the results of a computation run to flat files and reuse your computations by loading from the flat files.
This seems to be a very interesting problem/application that you are working with. I would love to work on something like this. :)
You have a very large problem surface area, and that makes it hard to start helping. There are several solution parameters that are not evident in your post. For example, how long do you plan to keep the run analysis tables? There's a LOT other questions that need to be asked.
You are going to need a combination of serious data warehousing, and data/table partitioning. Depending on how much data you want to keep and archive you may need to start de-normalizing and flattening the tables.
This would be pretty good case where contacting Microsoft directly can be mutually beneficial. Microsoft gets a good case to show other customers, and you get help directly from the vendor.
We ended up splitting our database into multiple databases. So the main database contains a "databases" table that refers to one or more "run" databases, each of which contains distinct sets of analysis results. Then the main "run" table contains a database ID, and the code that retrieves a saved result includes the relevant database prefix on all queries.
This approach allows the system catalog of each database to be more reasonable, it provides better separation between the core/permanent tables and the dynamic/run tables, and it also makes backups and archiving more manageable. It also allows us to split our data across multiple physical disks, although using multiple filegroups would have done that too. Overall, it's working well for us now given our current requirements, and based on expected growth we think it will scale well for us too.
We've also noticed that SQL 2008 tends to handle large system catalogs better than SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 did. (We hadn't upgraded to 2008 when I posted this question.)
