Database schema publishing with SQL Server 2005/2008 - sql-server

I've a question for you. We have built a software that has a single database for each customer. These databases are managed by SQL Server 2008. Now the problem is that when we build our software we, sometimes, need to change something on the schema (like adding table, modifying existing ones etc) and migrate these updates on all the customers' databases.
Now this task is accomplished by hand: we generate update scripts and then, using T-SQL, we update each database. This is ok for a small set of customer, but we are now becoming bigger and bigger and we really don't know how to face it. We found Wizardby and it seems interesting, but quite difficult for us to learn in this exact moment.
Do you have any other trick?
Thanks a lot,

Try Redgate Sql Compare


SQL Server version control integration with git?

I have an ERP system which I maintain with a team of people. However lately we seem to be loosing track of who's changing what and we need a solution to be able to control these changes. We are looking into the enterprise version of GIT as all our software development and web development would work perfectly with it. Not to mention I have some experience with GIT already.
The problem is we need the version control to extend to our SQL Server which we use SQL Server Management Studio to maintain. We have thousands of tables in 6 main databases which have a lot of stored procedures which are being changed.
It's not so much we want to control the source as in, permissions and refuse changes by people. It's more, we need a way of tracking changes and attaching explanations to help our future selves.
Does anyone know any solid solutions which would fit our purpose?
Assume the cost isn't a main factor.
I was using RedGate tool. It can integrate with Git.
RedGate SQL Source Control
I have been asking myself this question once. So I've found following solution which I can suggest you to use.
It is a SQL Server Data Tools that solves the problem.
The tools include SQL server database project for visual studio. This project will store your database structure. You can just add it to you solution. Then run a schema comparison with your database to take a snapshot of your current database state. You can choose what objects to compare. Since this moment your have all your changes being tracked by your VCS. Every change is documented now.
You can make changes in DB project and when you are done just run schema comparison, get the update script and apply those changes to your SQL server database. It is really not that hard to work with your schema from DB project as it provides intellisense, syntax validation. Also it is possible to write and execute SQL queries against you database.

Software to migrate database changes using SQL "patch" files?

I have 2 MSSQL databases in 2 servers and I need to replicate amendments in schema and in particular tables. Most preferably I need SQL commands to do so. The system should be able to take a snapsnot of initial state of the database and later generate an SQL that would display the changes.
I need to record only particular tables changes in data and I also need to detect changes in table format (alterations of schema). It is desirable that manual adjustment of replication SQL would be possible (so only necessary changes are reflected, in case automated rules allow some unnecessary queries to end up in the patch.
Thanks !
Have a look at RedGate SQL Developer bundle. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any good open source tool for MS SQL Server.
I think that especially SQL Compare could be helpfull for you. If you are using Visual Studio Team Edition, you can have a look at the VS Database projects. I've heard that some teams are successfully using it for their database change management, but I never tried it myself.

How to compare two databases?

I have two databases that are similar, but not the same. DB 1 is the old one and DB2 is the updated one with lots of new tables, columns, procs, constraint etc.
I need to write an update script in order to update DB1 database. These databases have lots of tables and stored procedures. Is there any way to get the differences in two database other than manually.
Buy red-gate's SQL Compare. You wil never regret spending the money.
There are a number of software tools (e.g. Red Gate) that enable you to compare databases easily.
Also, try this script; it's free and it should also work.
To pile on to everyone suggesting Red Gate's tool, it should be noted that this tool can generate scripts to update the second database.
The awesome thing about red gate (besides the fact that they're an SO sponsor...) is that if you have the SQL Toolbelt with an active subscription, you will automatically get any new tools added. They recently released SQL Source Control, and I got it included as part of my SQL Toolbelt subscription.

SQL Server diff tool

Working on a team where people are prone to amending dev SQL Server tables and forgetting about it, or preparing a change for deployment and having to wait for that deployment. This leaves our dev and live tables inconsistent, causing problems when SPROCs are pushed live.
Is there a tool whereby I can enter a SPROC name and have it check all tables referenced in it in the dev and live DBs, and notify of any differences?
I know two excellent tools for diffing SQL database structures - they don't specifically look inside stored procedures at their text, but they'll show you structural differences in your databases:
RedGate SQL Compare
ApexSQL's SQL Diff
Redgate also has a SQL Dependency Tracker which visualizes object dependencies and could be quite useful here.
For SQL Server 2005/2008, Open DBDiff works pretty well. The great part about this is that it's free. Also note that I am writing this answer for version 0.9 which currently works for SQL 2005/2008.
It'll show you the differences between the database schema between a source database you specify and the destination database you specify. There are also buttons you can click that can update or create the table that is in question.
I would recommend SQL compare and SQL Data Compare from Redgate Software. I worked with these tools for several projects and they did a great job. Documenting changes is also a good thing to do, but some changes are to complex to write your own SQL code for (including juggling data around between tables).
The redgate tools create scripts in a matter of seconds and those scripts are almost always correct (some older versions had a hard time with table dependencies in big databases, but when playing around with the statements (in a begin transaction / rollback) I was able to quickly fix those problems).
Another strong point in the redgate suites is that you can save your comparison project. This is especially useful when you don't want to convert a certain table (or data), you can exclude them. When loading the project the next time the software will automatically ignore those tables.
One disadvantage is the cost of the software (smaller companies I worked with did not want to buy the software). SQL compare and SQL data compare together will cost you about 800 dollars, but if you look at the time you will save when releasing you will save a lot of money. There is also a trial you can play around with (30 days I believe).
SQLDBDiff is a nice and user-friendly and lite tool.
SQLDBDiff supports SQL Server 2000 to 2016 and also SQL Azure.
SQLDBDiff available with both free with limited use and full with a trial.
More Screen
Try Microsoft Visual Studio Database Edition aka Data Dude (formerly for Database Professionals). It'll do a complete schema comparison and generate the necessary scripts to upgrade the target schema.
Of course, this shouldn't replace a proper build process ;-)
If you need a quick schema comparison tool for SQL Server, you should take a look at dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server.
I've made a MssqlMerge utility that allows to compare (and merge) MSSQL database data and programming objects. It also allows to search for particular word or phrase across table definitions and programming objects.

How to keep code base and database schema in synch?

So recently on a project I'm working on, we've been struggling to keep a solution's code base and the associated database schema in synch (Database = SQL Server 2008).
Database changes occur fairly regularly (adding columns, constraints, relationships, etc) and as a result it's not uncommon for people to do a 'Get Latest' from source control and
find that they also need to rebuild the database as well (and sometimes they forget to do the latter).
We're not using VSTS: Database Edition (DataDude) but the standard Visual Studio database project with a script (batch file) which tears down and recreates the database from T-SQL scripts. The solution is a .Net & solution with LINQ to SQL underlying as the ORM.
Anyone have ideas on an approach to take (automated or not) which would keep everyone up to date with the latest database schema?
Continuous integration with MSBuild is an option, but only helps pick up any breaking changes committed, it doesn't really help in the scenario I highlighted above.
We are using Team Foundation Server, if that helps..
We try to work forward from the creation scripts.
i.e a change to the database is not authorised unless the script has been tested and checked into source control.
But this assumes that the database team is integrated with your app team which is usually not the case in a large project...
(I was tempted to answer this "with great difficulty")
EDIT: Tools won't help you if your process isn't right.
Ok although its not the entire solution, you should include an assertion in the Application code that links up to the database to assert the correct schema is being used, that way at least it becomes obvious, and you avoid silent bugs and people complaining that stuff went crazy all of the sudden.
As for the schema version, you could use some database specific functionality if available, but i personally prefer to declare a schema version table and keep the version number in there, that way its portable and can be checked with a simple select statement
have a look at DB Ghost - you can create a dbp using the scripter in seconds and then manage all your database code with the change manager.
This is exactly what DB Ghost was designed to handle.
We basically do things the way you are, with the generation script checked into source control as well. I'm the designated database master so all changes to the script itself are done through me. People send me scripts of the changes they have made, I update my master copy of the schema, run a generate scripts (SSMS) to produce the new DB script, and then check it in. I keep my copy of the code current with any changes that are being made elsewhere. We're a small shop so this works pretty well for us. I realize that it probably doesn't scale.
If you are not using Visual Studio Database Professional Edition, then you will need another tool that can break the database down into its elemental pieces so that they are managable and changeable in an easier manner.
I'd recommend seriously considering Redgate's SQL tools if you want to maintain sanity over all your database changes and updates.
SQL Packager
SQL Multi Script
SQL Refactor
Use a tool like RedGate SQL Compare to generate the change schema between any given version of the database. You can then check that file into source code control
Have a look at this question: dynamic patching of databases. I think it's similar enough to your problem to be helpful.
My solution to this problem is simple. Define everything as XML, and make sure that both the database, the ORM and the UI are generated from this XML, no exceptions. That way, you can use code generation tools to quickly regenerate the database creation script, which will alter your schema while (hopefully) preserving some data. It takes some effort to do, but the net result is well worth it.
