Wireshark Dissector: How to Identify Missing UDP Frames? - c

How do you identify missing UDP frames in a custom Wireshark dissector?
I have written a custom dissector for the CQS feed (reference page). One of our servers gaps when receiving this feed. According to Wireshark, some UDP frames are never received. I know that the frames were sent because all of our other servers are gap-free.
A CQS frame consists of multiple messages, each having its own sequence number. My custom dissector provides the following data to Wireshark:
cqs.frame_gaps - the number of gaps within a UDP frame (always zero)
cqs.frame_first_seq - the first sequence number in a UDP frame
cqs.frame_expected_seq - the first sequence number expected in the next UDP frame
cqs.frame_msg_count - the number of messages in this UDP frame
And I am displaying each of these values in custom columns, as shown in this screenshot:
I tried adding code to my dissector that simply saves the last-processed sequence number (as a local static), and flags gaps when the dissector processes a frame where current_sequence != (previous_sequence + 1). This did not work because the dissector can be called in random-access order, depending on where you click in the GUI. So you could process frame 10, then frame 15, then frame 11, etc.
Is there any way for my dissector to know if the frame that came before it (or the frame that follows) is missing?
The dissector is written in C.
(See also a companion post on serverfault.com)

You should keep in mind that Wireshark does dissection multiple times. First time it dissects packets in strict order when you load file. Then it calls dissectors when you scroll packet_tree_view or select a packet to build it's tree.
You can check if a dissector is called fot ther first time:
if (PINFO_IS_VISITED(pinfo)) { ... };
Your dissector should behave differently for the first and for the next dissections.
At first dissection you have to store some information for each packet (in a hash table for example) as it's sequence number and if it is out of order. You will need it to build packet tree properly when you are called second time.

I don't konw if you can peek into previous or following frames, but when Wireshark is loading a tcpdump it will call your dissector on each of the frames in order. So I could add a static local variable which is an array or hash table and simply store your values in there. Then your dissector can check that array for previous and following frames and do its analysis.
You should look at that pinfo vairable, that's one of the function arguments for information about the frame number, IP information etc.


c: reordering TCP packets based on SEQ field

I processed a number of pcap files, extracted individual packets and arranged them in a per-flow data structure (flow table) as a list of packets. Now, since packets may arrive out-of-order, I need to re-order them accordingly. My main criteria is sequence number field from then TCP header; I guess this is the only way to re-order TCP packets?
When extracting packets from pcap files I already read SEQ value and stored in my per-packet structure, as well as next (expected) sequence value, as pkt->seq + TCP_segment_size.
Now, what would be the right approach to do this? I could sort the list of packets in a flow per SEQ value, but it will be very slow.
Also: do I need to obtain the ISN (initial sequence number) before start re-ordering? (basically the 1st packet with SYN bit set will have ISN in seq field of TCP header) The problem is that such packet may be missing (example: started capturing after handshake completed.)
How is re-ordering normally done?

Can a linux socket return data less than the underlying packet? [duplicate]

When will a TCP packet be fragmented at the application layer? When a TCP packet is sent from an application, will the recipient at the application layer ever receive the packet in two or more packets? If so, what conditions cause the packet to be divided. It seems like a packet won't be fragmented until it reaches the Ethernet (at the network layer) limit of 1500 bytes. But, that fragmentation will be transparent to the recipient at the application layer since the network layer will reassemble the fragments before sending the packet up to the next layer, right?
It will be split when it hits a network device with a lower MTU than the packet's size. Most ethernet devices are 1500, but it can often be smaller, like 1492 if that ethernet is going over PPPoE (DSL) because of the extra routing information, even lower if a second layer is added like Windows Internet Connection Sharing. And dialup is normally 576!
In general though you should remember that TCP is not a packet protocol. It uses packets at the lowest level to transmit over IP, but as far as the interface for any TCP stack is concerned, it is a stream protocol and has no requirement to provide you with a 1:1 relationship to the physical packets sent or received (for example most stacks will hold messages until a certain period of time has expired, or there are enough messages to maximize the size of the IP packet for the given MTU)
As an example if you sent two "packets" (call your send function twice), the receiving program might only receive 1 "packet" (the receiving TCP stack might combine them together). If you are implimenting a message type protocol over TCP, you should include a header at the beginning of each message (or some other header/footer mechansim) so that the receiving side can split the TCP stream back into individual messages, either when a message is received in two parts, or when several messages are received as a chunk.
Fragmentation should be transparent to a TCP application. Keep in mind that TCP is a stream protocol: you get a stream of data, not packets! If you are building your application based on the idea of complete data packets then you will have problems unless you add an abstraction layer to assemble whole packets from the stream and then pass the packets up to the application.
The question makes an assumption that is not true -- TCP does not deliver packets to its endpoints, rather, it sends a stream of bytes (octets). If an application writes two strings into TCP, it may be delivered as one string on the other end; likewise, one string may be delivered as two (or more) strings on the other end.
RFC 793, Section 1.5:
"The TCP is able to transfer a
continuous stream of octets in each
direction between its users by
packaging some number of octets into
segments for transmission through the
internet system."
The key words being continuous stream of octets (bytes).
RFC 793, Section 2.8:
"There is no necessary relationship
between push functions and segment
boundaries. The data in any particular
segment may be the result of a single
SEND call, in whole or part, or of
multiple SEND calls."
The entirety of section 2.8 is relevant.
At the application layer there are any number of reasons why the whole 1500 bytes may not show up one read. Various factors in the internal operating system and TCP stack may cause the application to get some bytes in one read call, and some in the next. Yes, the TCP stack has to re-assemble the packet before sending it up, but that doesn't mean your app is going to get it all in one shot (it is LIKELY will get it in one read, but it's not GUARANTEED to get it in one read).
TCP tries to guarantee in-order delivery of bytes, with error checking, automatic re-sends, etc happening behind your back. Think of it as a pipe at the app layer and don't get too bogged down in how the stack actually sends it over the network.
This page is a good source of information about some of the issues that others have brought up, namely the need for data encapsulation on an application protocol by application protocol basis Not quite authoritative in the sense you describe but it has examples and is sourced to some pretty big names in network programming.
If a packet exceeds the maximum MTU of a network device it will be broken up into multiple packets. (Note most equipment is set to 1500 bytes, but this is not a necessity.)
The reconstruction of the packet should be entirely transparent to the applications.
Different network segments can have different MTU values. In that case fragmentation can occur. For more information see TCP Maximum segment size
This (de)fragmentation happens in the TCP layer. In the application layer there are no more packets. TCP presents a contiguous data stream to the application.
A the "application layer" a TCP packet (well, segment really; TCP at its own layer doesn't know from packets) is never fragmented, since it doesn't exist. The application layer is where you see the data as a stream of bytes, delivered reliably and in order.
If you're thinking about it otherwise, you're probably approaching something in the wrong way. However, this is not to say that there might not be a layer above this, say, a sequence of messages delivered over this reliable, in-order bytestream.
Correct - the most informative way to see this is using Wireshark, an invaluable tool. Take the time to figure it out - has saved me several times, and gives a good reality check
If a 3000 byte packet enters an Ethernet network with a default MTU size of 1500 (for ethernet), it will be fragmented into two packets of each 1500 bytes in length. That is the only time I can think of.
Wireshark is your best bet for checking this. I have been using it for a while and am totally impressed

Sending variable sized packets over the network using TCP/IP

I want to send variable sized packets between 2 linux OSes over an internal network. The packet is variable sized and its length and CRC are indicated in the header which is also sent along with the packet. Something roughly like-
struct hdr {
uint32 crc;
uint32 dataSize;
void *data;
I'm using CRC at the application layer to overcome the inherent limitation of TCP checksums
The problem I have is, there is a chance that the dataSize field itself is corrupted, in which case, I dont know where the next packet starts? Cos at the reciver, when I read the socket buffer, I read n such packets next to one another. So dataSize is the only way I can get to the next packet correctly.
Some ideas I have is to-
Restart the connection if a CRC mismatch occurs.
Aggregate X such packets into one big packet of fixed size and discard the big packet if any CRC error is detected. The big packet is to make sure we lose <= sizeof of one packet in case of errors
Any other ideas for these variable sized packets?
Since TCP is stream based, data length is the generally used way to extract one full message for processing at the application. If you believe that the length byte itself is wrong for some reason, there is not much we can do except discard the packet,"flush" the connection and expect that the sender and receiver would re-sync. But the best is to disconnect the line unless, there is a protocol at the application layer to get to re-sync the connection.
Another method other than length bytes would be to use markers. Start-of-Message and End-of-Message. Application when encountering Start-of-Message should start collecting data until End-of-Message byte is received and then further process the message. This requires that the message escapes the markers appropriately.
I think that you are dealing with second order error possibilities, when major risk is somewhere else.
When we used serial line transmissions, errors were frequent (one or two every several kBytes). We used good old Kermit with a CRC and a packet size of about 100 bytes and that was enough: I encountered many times a failed transfer because the line went off, but never a correct transfer with a bad file.
With current networks, unless you have very very poor lines, the hardware level is not that bad, and anyway the level 2 data link layer already has a checksum to control that each packet was not modified between 2 nodes. HDLC is commonly used at that level and it uses normaly a CRC16 or CRC32 checksum which is a very correct checksum.
So the checksum as TCP level is not meant to detect random errors in the byte stream, but simply as a last defense line for unexpected errors, for exemple if a router gets mad because of an electrical shock and sends full garbage. I do not have any statistical data on it, but I am pretty sure that the number of errors reaching the TCP level is already very very low. Said differently, do not worry about that: unless you are dealing with highly sensitive data - and in that case I would prefere to have two different channels, former for data, latter for a global checksum - TCP/IP is enough.
That being said, adding a control at the application level as an ultime defense is perfectly acceptable. It will only process the errors that could have been undetected at data link and TCP level, or more probably errors in the peer application (who wrote it and how was it tested?). So the probability to get an error is low enough to use a very rough recovery procedure:
close the connection
open a new one
restart after last packet correctly exchanged (if it makes sense) or simply continue sending new packets if you can
But the risk is much higher to get a physical disconnection, or a power outage anywhere in the network, not speaking in a flaw in application level implementations...
And do not forget to fully specify the byte order and the size of the crc and datasize...

WinPcap: Discarded WiFi Packet

Consider the WinPcap tutorial for sending a single packet. To start running it, it is relatively straightforward:
copy and paste the code into your IDE for C (in my case code::blocks)
add #define HAVE_REMOTE to the 1st line
set the build options (link libraries and directories)
set the proper mac addresses
fill the array with the data you want to send
compile and execute (as administrator)
It works nice and is well documented. If you run the other tutorial for capturing packets, you will see that the packet is transmitted properly.
However, if you set the 13th array element to 0~5, the packet will not be transmitted properly. For example, before sending down the packet, add the following line of code:
This way, the packet that was previously being transmitted, no longer will be transmitted (without any error message). Which doesn't make any sense. According to the documentation, this array element is already part of the payload (ie: no longer mac address, length or header), and could be any integer from 0 to 255.
Why this 13th array element is causing the packets to no longer be transmitted?
packet[12] and packet[13] contain the used EtherType, for example, for IP this is 0x0800.
See here and here for a list of EtherType numbers.
Which doesn't make any sense. According to the documentation, this
array element is already part of the payload (ie: no longer mac
address, length or header), and could be any integer from 0 to 255.
It doesn't seem like that:
pcap_sendpacket() takes as arguments a buffer containing the data to
send, the length of the buffer and the adapter that will send it.
Notice that the buffer is sent to the net as is, without any
manipulation. This means that the application has to create the
correct protocol headers in order to send something meaningful.
So you need to assemble the full packet yourself, including IP-header, TCP-header, checksums etc.

Identifying Frame boundaries in RTP stream

I have few doubts regarding frame boundaries in RTP packets.
First, If the marker bit is set, does it say that a new frame has begun(this is what I understand from RFC 3551)?
Second, According to what I read a frame starts with I-frame followed by P, B frames. Now, which field indicates this? And is the I frame has the marker bit set?
Third, If I need to find the start and end of a frame, would the check for marker bit suffice?
The RTP entry on the Wireshark Wiki provides a lot of information, including (edit) sample captures. You could exlore it, and it might answer some of your questions. If you're going to write code to work with RTP, Wireshark is useful for monitoring/debugging.
Edit For your first question about Marker bit, this FAQ might help. Also, finding the frames (I, P, B) depends on the payload. There's another question here that has an answer showing how I, P, B are found for MPEG. The h263-over-rtp.pcap has examples with I and P frames for H.263.
This in an old question but I think it is a good one.
As you mention I,P and B frames, in 2012 you are likely referring to H.264 over RTP.
According to [rfc6184]1 , the marker bit is set on the last packet of a frame , so indeed the marker bit can be used as an indicator of the end of 1 frame and the next packet in sequence will be the start of the next frame.
According to this rfc, all packets of a frame also have the same RTPTIME so changes in RTPTIME is another indicator of the ending of the previous frame and start of a new frame.
Things get more tricky when you lose packets. For example, let's say you lose packets 5 and 6 and that these were the last packet of frame 1 and the first packet of frame 2. You know to discard frame 1 because you never got a packet with a marker bit for that frame, but how can you know if frame 2 is whole or not. Maybe the 2 lost packets were both part of frame 1 or maybe the second packet was part of frame 2?
rfc6184 defines the start bit that is present in the first packet of a fragmented NAL unit. If the NAL unit is not fragmented then by definition, we got the whole NAL unit if we got the packet. This means that we can know if we got a full NAL unit. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee we have the full frame since a frame could contain multiple NAL units (e.g. multiple slices) and we may have lost the first one. I don't have a solution for this problem but maybe somone will provide one sometime in the next 10 years.
