Mobile Silverlight Applications - silverlight

Have You got any tutorials, books, any good resources to start creating mobile games using silverlight ?
Maybe any good resource on writing 2d games in silverlight for pc?
Ay way do You think that its worth learning it or any other technology would be better and have probably shinier future ?

Look at the Windows 7 Phone SDK if you are interested in Silverlight for mobile.
. If you're doing simple games, then silverlight might be ok, but if you're serious about building games for mobile, look into XNA Studio. It will be the gaming sdk for mobile 7. It also will run on xbox and pc. To get started, watch the videos from MIX


Windows Phone developer developing for Browser

I know this might seem odd for many Silverlight professionals, but alas, thats the case.
I learnt Silverlight just to make app on Windows Phone 7. Hence, for me Silverlight starts and ends with Windows Phone 7.
So, If I have to now design a Silverlight application for a browser, do I have to go back and learn any additional stuff or is the knowledge gained from learning for Windows Phone good enough to dive into creating the browser application.
I do know scope differences like 3.5+ in phone and 4,5 versions of Silverlight in Browser and lack of controls for Windows Phone development.
Also, I come from a development background, not a designing one.
most of what you have learned while developing from windows phone will be applicable to the desktop. There are some differences and you can get a good understanding of those differences here:

Silverlight on iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices

I have a client that wants to have their Silverlight media player work on mobile devices. I know Netflix uses Silverlight and it works on mobile devices. My question is how? I can find articles about Microsoft using html 5 to stream the media but I cant find any examples or documentation on how. Anyone have any places or examples to look? Are there external libraries I need to implement? Once again I have tried searching on Google for some answers but I am not finding anything I can use.
Silverlight as you know it does not work on iPad or other tablets, a version runs on Windows Phone 7 though. If you want to build a cross platform application, HTML 5 is the way to go.

Adobe flex or WPF to write a visually rich desktop application

I'm interested in making a desktop application which I would want to use as a Desktop Manager. This kind-of goes to Desktop Enhancement Category. My requirements are:
Application has to be visually rich, with panels sliding,fading,wiping,rotating and etc.
It should also support flash playback. (swf, flv)
Animations/Transitions should run smoothly.
Lower CPU Usage.
My question is which is a better option to build this application. Microsoft's "WPF" or Adobe Flex(running in Adobe Air to run on desktop). And also respond as why it is better.
Be suspicious of anyone who will give you an answer like "Definately use xyz" to this question. There are pros and cons to both sides.
First, I think you might be confusing what WPF and Air are... WPF is a presentation layer on top of the .Net framework, where Air is a framework by itself. Apples and Oranges. If you want an analog to what Air is for the .Net stack, you probably want to look at Silverlight Out-Of-Browser, which is a much closer comparison to Air.
What is the difference, then, between WPF and Sliverlight OOB? Again, WPF sits on top of a very large .Net framework where Sliverlight OOB is a very light framework (in comparison) like air. It is the difference between a 200 MB download/install and a 12 MB download/install.
So, that being said, I think you should also ask what platforms this needs to run on. Silverlight OOB runs on Mac and Windows where WPF only runs on Windows. Air runs on Mac, Windows and Linux.
The next thing that I see is that you need to do SWF and FLV playback. This will be easier to achieve with Air, since it is native. You CAN do this with Silverlight OOB but you will find yourself rigging something up where you host an HTML control and run the flash movie inside the HTML control. It is a bit more clunky, but it will work.
Other than that, Air and SLOOB are very similar in features. It then comes down to your team and the expertise, IMO. If they are already familiar with the WPF/Silverlight, then a SLOOB app is well suited with minimal ramp-up. If your designers are more familiar with the Adobe suite of tools, then it might be easier to build a shiny app using Air.
In all, the decision between Air and Silverlight/WPF really comes down to preference. That is, once you get past any particular techincal limitations like the flash playback or OS support.
Hope this helps,

What is the development platform for Windows Phone 7

If I want to develop for Windows Phone 7, what should I learn? XNA, Silverlight or other?
Microsoft has not yet announced what the development environment will be. They say they'll get more in-depth at MIX. If I were a betting man, I'd guess you'll get XNA out of the box, followed by some light version of Silverlight.
I'd say it's no longer a guess that it will be Silverlight and XNA just based on the MIX sessions for Windows Phone.
If you want to make applications (or even simple games), choose silverlight. If you want to make 3d games, or games with xbox live integration, choose xna :-)

Which Graphical Subsystem for Touchscreen Kiosk Development

I'm starting a hobby project in which I would like to have a graphical, touchscreen interface for interacting with a kiosk-like device running on top of Windows XP Embedded. For development of a rich UI experience, I was considering using WPF. However, a number of demonstration videos that I have come across have used Silverlight, while I haven't seen a single WPF demonstration.
It was my understanding that Silverlight was targeted towards website developers, while WPF was more targeted towards desktop development.
So this question has two parts. Firstly, what is the recommended graphical subsystem for development of a rich UI experience on a kiosk-like device hosted on the Windows XP embedded platform? Secondly, if it is Silverlight, which version is suggested (1.0 or 2.0) and why?
It seems that WPF works fine on embedded. See here the second comment.
I think that your choice should be dependent on the type of kyosk you want to build. Some kyosks are just an open browser page. And then you have stuff like Microsoft Surface that can be used like an horizontal kyosk :-)
I would recommend also WPF, have done few kiosk apps using it.
also I would recommend as a virtual touch screen keyboard software component. it's done in WPF and very flexible and customizable.
User can define custom theme(skin), layout and language of keyboard. guys are working with customers and hear theirs voice so any suggestions might be accepted.
