Online Database - database

I want to write an application that reads blogpost from the internet and then present in my own way.
The blogposts are stored in databases, so I figured that the only thing I had to do was to query an online database for the posts that I want to show.. But I canĀ“t find a way to opoen a connecion to an online database...
anyone out there with a solution to my problem?

if the blog you are interested in, has an RSS feed, you can connect to this and use xslt to transform this to html and use css to style that


In Business Catalyst, where are the blogs files located?

I want to do a backup of my blogs in business catalyst, but i can only import. There is no export features.
So I want to go on the business catalyst server directly to get the files, but I can't find any of them, even when doing a 'Find all in folder' search.
Where are the blogs files ? I can actually see my blogs on the business catalyst site so they must be somewhere, right ?
Please help!
There is no immediate access to an export of the Blog module in BC. Also the posts are saved server side in a database, so you will not find them in FTP as they are not filed that exist on the site. Both these points means it won't be simple to get them out.
The only thing you can do is put all the posts out into an RSS feed and the download the XML as a backup. Some more of this method is explained on the Adobe forums -

Export content from an ecommerce site without using the Backend

I have a site that I'm looking to transfer to Volusion. Importing tabled content into Volusion's a breeze, it's getting it tabled that's an issue. The old site has no real ability to export, nor do I know how to get at it's database. I'm thinking there must be some sort of script I can write to take the content from the frontend and download it in some sort of list that I can put into a CSV, and put into Volusion.
Any suggestions? I'm hoping to get in the image directory as well and download all them for upload to the new site.
You are going to need at the very least a file with product code, product name, weight and price.
Looking at the URL you provided it doesn't appear that the products their follow any type of orderly structure where you can target the images folder or products based on a known piece of information like a products code. Unless the back-end has some type of product export function you may have no choice but to recreate it from scratch.
I don't know if you solved this yet or not, but I would suggest scraping the data providing you have the information on the old site currently. This can be done easily using vbscript and excel, or if you aren't very savvy at coding you could look at a piece of software called mozenda. There are a whole variety of methods that can be used to scrape data, all of them pretty easy to learn with a bit of research. Basically you write a script that will crawl your dom and extract the data (to xml works best in my experience)
Hope this helps.

Do you have to host your data with MapQuest?

From what I've read so far, it seems like the only way for me to map custom data points from my own dataset is to host that data with MapQuest. Am I correct in that or have I just not read deep enough?
And if it's possible, does anyone have a link to more information about how to go about it? Their API documentation is subpar.
Thanks :)
Disclaimer: I work at MapQuest
While the MapQuest Data Manager makes it easy to store custom data with MapQuest so that you can query it through the Search API, you don't have to store data with us in order to show custom points on a map.
Are you trying to do something along the lines of storing data in MySQL or PostgreSQL and then use something like PHP to query your own database, loop through the results, and then show the results on a MapQuest map using the JavaScript API? Unfortunately I don't have any easy/quick examples that show how to do that, but it is possible.
The forums on the Developer Network are also good place to look to see if others have had issues similar to the one that you are facing.
Also, let me know exactly which MapQuest APIs/tools you are using and I will do my best to provide more information depending on what you need.

Windows Phone 7 - Online Database

i need your help. I was wondering if there are any tutorials or books that would explain to me how to connect to a database through the internet... i want to create a news application that would read directly from the news database... and then if i want to allow users to post comments.
I searched online alot for this and couldnt find any hints or guides. If anyone could help me out in pointing me into the right direction i'd really appreciate it.
Thank you
EDIT: Any way to read arabic rss feeds?
I would recommend using WCF to connect to Database. I have done it before and is pretty straight forward.
Querying a database on Windows Phone 7 using WCF
I think what your looking for is a RSS Reader, your feed could be formatted in all sorts, JSON or XML which would probably be easier and quicker, also News feeds often come in XML format for RSS Readers I myself have done just that
Tutorial #1
Tutorial #2
News Feed
The great thing is, you dont have to do any work after this, if the News Feed belongs to a popular Organisation and is of course open to the public, it will be up to date and always available

Where to get an updated list of video games?

I am currently designing a reviews site for video games similar to gamespot am wondering where and if there is an online database that contains information such as name, publisher, release date etc with an API. I dont really want to have to enter each title manually or let users enter the title manually.
Where do these large sites get information like this? I wouldn't think it would be manually. I know for movies IMDB exists.
How would I go about adding it to my database?
May I point you to web scraping?
Be sure to read the section legal issues and on well-behaved bots.
There's always Amazon and their product advertising API. Some older, but interesting code snippets can be found on this page.
If you know Perl, there is an amzing module called WWW::Mechanize
Pretty much you can write a script to get to any website and grab any data you need.
So for example you can go to, get list like the one below and put them in your database.
