WPF contentcontrol loses functionlity after assign null to content - wpf

I wrote app with multiple views. Viewmodels are assigned to "smartcontentcontrol" which is derived from contentcontrol and overrides contentproperty metadata to handle changed event for that dependency property. I put some effects on that callback for visuals (renderbitmap and so on).
Now i have extended my viewmodel so, that uppon assigning object to smartcontentcotrol content property my viewmodel gets reference to smartcontentcontrol object. I implemented this for my viewmodel to be able to close himself.
So - in xaml I have
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewmodel:MainViewModel}">
<SmartContentControl Content="{Binding MainView}"/>
in C# I assign some viewmodel class to that property
MainView = new MainViewModel();
at this moment everything goes fine and View appears with right datatemplate. Not only that but my smartcontentcontrol triggers as well - I get cool sliding/fading animation - just what i expected - for example - latter in code calling this
MainView = null;
slides away "old" view with emptines. So far so good! :)
now the tricky part which i can not figure out -
As soon as I directly assign to
smartcontentcontrol.content = null
Everything breaks down and assigning to MainView no longer changes view or calls onchanged event. It seems like data binding is gone.
WHY is that so? How do I workaround this problem?


Custom DependencyProperty not updating external view model

I have a UserControl that has a DataGrid in it filled with members. The DataGrid.ItemsSource is bound to an ObservableCollection on the model. The DataGrid.SelectedItem is bound to the SelectedMember field on the model. The SelectedMember._set calls NotifyPropertyChanged and the event calls SetValue() for the exposed DependencyProperty.
This UserControl is on a page. That page has a viewmodel too. I'm trying to bind the UserControl.CurrentMember to the viewmodel.SelectedMember but it's not changing. I can bind the CurrentMember.MemberName to a textbox and the box fills with the member name so it looks like the UserControl is exposing the DependencyProperty correctly. But if I bind to the model it doesn't update.
I can't find any cross bindings. The bind to the TextBox works fine. The field on the page model is new so there's nothing bound to it.
What could be the problem? Does the field on the page model need to be a DependencyProperty? The compiler would give me an error if that were the case.
I'll try and get a code sample but it's so ingrained I can't just post a couple of lines of code.
Tom P.
After combing the code and trying to replicate the problem in a new project I found the problem.
In the UserControl I set the DataContext to the Model. But the UserControl.DataContext gets overwritten when I put it on the page. What i needed to do was name the MainGrid and set the DataContext of the MainGrid to the UserControlModel. MainGrid, being private to the UserControl, won't get overwritten. Now it works wonderfully.

DataBinding Text Property of UserControl to ObservableCollection does not update

I have created a UserControl, which is to display a converted string value based on the contents of a bound ObservableCollection. Everything works when the application loads; my IValueConverter is called and produces the correct string result, which is displayed correctly in my UserControl. However if the ObservableCollection contents change, my control is not updated.
Also, before I created this control, I had the same behaviour, but binding the Content property of a regular Button control, and this also worked correctly and updated as expected.
Any ideas what I am missing to get the same thing with my UserControl?
The control property looks like;
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Text", typeof(string), typeof(MyUserControl));
public string Text
get { return GetValue(TextProperty) as string; }
set { SetValue(TextProperty, value);
The relevant section in the UserControl XAML (which displays the converted string value) is;
<TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Controls:MyUserControl}}, Path=Text}" />
And the control is created in a separate Window like so;
Text="{Binding Path=ObservableCollectionInstance, Converter={StaticResource MyValueConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" />
I would use ElementName instead of RelativeSource in your binding, since you have named your user control. Also, you are trying to bind a collection to a <Textbox>. a <Textbox> is designed to display a single item. this is probably why its not working. ObservableCollection fires CollectionChanged events, not PropertyChanged. Even if it did respond, you are still going to have problems because ObservableCollection does not notify when an item contained in it has property changes--only when items are added/removed etc (think, the collection itself changes). If this is the behavior you want, you are going to have to write some code.
after your comments, it sounds to me like even though you set it to OneWay binding mode, its acting like OneTime binding mode.
I would try this to help you debug it:
add this xmlns:
and then, in your binding add this:
here is an article on debugging bindings.
the other thing you could do is set breakpoints in your converter. see if its actually updating when you add/remove things to your collection. I would be willing to bet that its bc the ObservableCollection is NOT firing PropertyChanged events and that the initial update occurs because its not based on an update event.
ObservableCollection notifies only in case if items get added or removed. It is used to observe a collection. They are more suited for content controls. Read about it here. You are talking about observing a property, which needs INotifyPropertyChanged. Posting more code might help, like how are you changing the value of the collection.
Thanks for the tips guys.
I managed to work out a solution; I can handle the CollectionChanged event on the ObservableCollection and then explicitly update the target with something like;
BindingExpression exp = myControl.GetBindingExpression(MyUserControl.TextProperty);
if (null != exp) exp.UpdateTarget();
As noted, most likely, binding on the Text property is only listening to PropertyChanged events, not NotifyCollectionChanged events, but this solution does the trick.

Why won't my WPF bound Visibility property update?

I have a textblock in my XAML where the Visibility is bound to a property in my viewmodel. When the window first loads, the value from the viewmodel determines the visibility correctly (I tried manually overriding the backing store variable value and it works great, hiding the control as I need). However, when I change the property value the visibility doesn't change.
Here's the XAML for the control:
<TextBlock Text="Click the button" Style="{StaticResource Message}" Visibility="{Binding NoResultsMessageVisibility}" />
The "NoResultsMessageVisibility" property that I bind to is this:
public Visibility NoResultsMessageVisibility
get { return _noResultsMessageVisibility; }
_noResultsMessageVisibility = value;
NotifyPropertyChange raises a PropertyChanged event for the provided name using standard INotifyPropertyChanged.
Can anyone spot my mistake?
In response to the comments / answer so far.
The program is super simple so there's no parallelism / multithreading used.
The DataContext is set only once when the window loads, using:
new MainWindow { DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel() }.ShowDialog();
The binding does seem to work when first loaded. I've noticed as well that a textbox I have bound to a property isn't updating when I change the property. However, the property is definitely updating when I change the textbox as the value is used as the basis for a command that's bound to a button. As the text changes, the button is enabled and disabled correctly and when I click it the value from the property is correct. Again, if I set a value against the backing store variable, this shows in the textbox when the window first loads.
Don't see anything wrong with this, is it possible that the DataContext gets changed, so the binding breaks? (You only specify the path, so it's relative to the current DataContext)
Solved it. I'm a dozy dork :)
I have copied some code from another class and for some reason I'd added the PropertyChanged event to my viewmodel's interface, rather than implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on the interface. D'Oh!

Nested Data Context with Unity

I took a course on VB.Net + WPF at university last year. For the final project, I decided to give MVVM a go (we hadn't discussed it at all in the course, I had just researched it and thought it would be a useful exercise). It was a good experience however I'm rather sure I might have made some poor choices when it came to design.
I've since graduated and my job has nothing to do with WPF or Windows development however I'm developing a small application in my own time and thought it would be fun to use C# and WPF (C# is a language I very much like to work with and I enjoyed working with WPF so it's a pretty logical choice).
Anyway, I'm using this as an opportunity to learn more about MVVM and try and implement it in a better way than I did previously. I've done a bit more reading and am finding it a lot easier to graph than I had when trying to implement it alongside learning WPF.
I've used In The Box MVVM Training as a guide and will be using Unity for dependency injection at this.
Now, in the sample app developed in the guide, there is a single view model (MainWindowViewModel). The MainWindow is pretty much a container with 3 or 4 UserControls which all share the DataContext of the MainWindow.
In my app, I'd like to have a tab-based interface. As such, the MainWindow will be primary concerned with displaying a list of buttons to switch the current view (i.e. move from the 'add' view to the 'list view'). Each view will be a self-contained UserControl which will implement it's own DataContext.
The same code in the app is as follows:
MainWindow window = container.Resolve<MainWindow>();
window.DataContext = container.Resolve<MainWindowViewModel>();
That's fine for setting data context of the MainWindow, however how will I handle assigning each user context it's own ViewModel as a DataContext?
EDIT: To be more specific, when I say tab-based interface, I don't mean it in the sense of tabs in a text editor or web browser. Rather, each 'tab' is a different screen of the application - there is only a single active screen at a time.
Also, while Slauma's post was somewhat helpful, it didn't really explain how I'd go about injecting dependencies to those tabs. If the NewStatementView, for example, was required to output it's data, how would I inject an instance of a class that implements the 'IStatementWriter' interface?
EDIT: To simplify my question, I'm basically trying to figure out how to inject a dependency to a class without passing every dependency through the constructor. As a contrived example:
Class A has Class B.
Class B takes as a constructor paramater needs an implementation of Interface I1.
Class B uses Class C.
Class C takes as a constructor paramater needs an implementation of Interface I2.
How would I handle this scenario using DI (and Unity)? What I don't want to do is:
public class A(I1 i1, I2 i2) { .... }
I could register everything using Unity (i.e. create I2, then C, then I1 and B, and then finally insert these into A) but then I would have to instantiate everything when I want to use A even if I might not even need an instance of B (and what if I had a whole bunch of other classes in the same situation as B?).
MVVM has lots of benefits, but in my experience wiring up the view models and the views is one of the biggest complexities.
There are two main ways to do this:
Wire the view models to the views.
In this scenario, the XAML for the MainWindow contains the child controls. In your case, some of these views would probably be hidden (because you are only showing one screen at a time).
The view models get wired to the views, usually in one of two ways:
In the code behind, after the InitializeComponents() call or in a this.Loaded event handler, let this.DataContext = container.Resolve<MyViewModelType>();
Note that in this case the container needs to be globally available. This is typical in applications that use Unity. You asked how children would resolve interfaces like IStatementWriter. If the container is global, the child view models could simply call container.Resolve<IStatementWriter>();
Another way to wire the view models into the views is to create an instance of the view model in XAML like this:
<UserControl ...>
This method is not compatible with Unity. There are a few MVVM frameworks that allow you to resolve types in XAML (I believe Caliburn does). These frameworks accomplish this through markup extensions.
Wire the view up to the view model.
This is usually my preferred method, although it makes the XAML tree more complicated. This method works very well when you need to perform navigation in the main view model.
Create the child view model objects in the main view model.
public class MainViewModel
public MyViewModelType Model1 { get; private set; }
public ViewModelType2 Model2 { get; private set; }
public ViewModelType3 Model3 { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
// This allows us to use Unity to resolve the view models!
// We can use a global container or pass it into the constructor of the main view model
// The dependencies for the child view models could then be resolved in their
// constructors if you don't want to make the container global.
Model1 = container.Resolve<MyViewModelType>();
Model2 = container.Resolve<ViewModelType2>();
Model3 = container.Resolve<ViewModelType3>();
CurrentViewModel = Model1;
// You will need to fire property changed notifications here!
public object CurrentViewModel { get; set; }
In the main view, create one or more content controls and set the content(s) to the view models that you want to display.
<Window ...>
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelType}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ViewModelType2}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ViewModelType3}">
Notice that we tie the child views to the view models through data templates on the ContentControl. These data templates could have been defined at the Window level or even the Application level, but I like to put them in context so that it's easier to see how the views are getting tied to the view models. If we only had one type of view model for each ContentControl, we could have used the ContentTemplate property instead of using resources.
EDIT: In this method, the view models can be resolved using dependency injection, but the views are resolved through WPF's resource resolution mechanism. This is how it works:
When the content for a ContentPresenter (an underlying component in the ContentControl) is set to an object that is NOT a visual (not derived from the Visual class), WPF looks for a data template to display the object. First it uses any explicit data templates set on the host control (like the ContentTemplate property on the ContentControl). Next it searches up the logical tree, examining the resources of each item in the tree for a DataTemplate with the resource key {x:Type local:OBJECT_TYPE}, where OBJECT_TYPE is the data type of the content. Note that in this case, it finds the data templates that we defined locally. When a style, control template, or data template is defined with a target type but not a named key, the type becomes the key. The Window and Application are in the logical tree, so resources/templates defined here would also be found and resolved if they were not located in the resources of the host control.
One final comment. If a data template is not found, WPF calls ToString() on the content object and uses the result as the visual content. If ToString() is not overridden in some meaningful way, the result is a TextBlock containing the content type.
When you update the CurrentViewModel property on the MainViewModel, the content and view in the main view will change automatically as long as you fire the property changed notification on the main view model.
Let me know if I missed something or you need more info.
For a Tab-based interface this classical article about MVVM pattern in WPF might be very useful. (It also offers a downloadable sample application.)
The basic idea to connect each tab with a UserControl is as follows (only a rough sketch, details are in the article):
The MainWindow View has a ContentControl ...
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=Workspaces}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource WorkspacesTemplate}" />
... which binds to a collection of "Workspaces" in the MainWindowViewModel:
public ObservableCollection<WorkspaceViewModel> Workspaces { get; private set; }
This WorkspaceViewModel serves as a base class for all ViewModels you want to display as a tab.
The WorkspacesTemplate is a DataTemplate which binds a TabControl to the collection of WorkspaceViewModels:
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
<TabControl IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
ItemsSource="{Binding}" />
And for every specific Tab you have a UserControl with a ViewModel which derives from WorkspaceViewModel ...
public class MySpecialViewModel : WorkspaceViewModel
... and which is related to the UserControl by a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:MySpecialViewModel}" >
<v:MySpecialUserControl />
Now, if you want to open a tab you would have a Command in the MainWindowViewModel which creates the ViewModel belonging to that tab and add it to the Workspaces collection of the MainWindowViewModel:
void CreateMySpecialViewModel()
MySpecialViewModel workspace = new MySpecialViewModel();
The rest is done by the WPF binding engine. The TabControl recognizes automatically that this special workspace item in the collection is of type MySpecialViewModel and selects the right View/UserControl through the DataTemplate we have defined to connect ViewModel and View and displays it in a new Tab.
At the point where you resolve your Views deriving from UserControl, use property injection to resolve a new ViewModel for each one and set the DataContext property of the view to it.

Binding failures when adding another property

I have a main view that binds to subviews like this (the backing property is of type object):
<ContentControl Content="{Binding WalletsView}"/>
Now, I've added another property to the corresponding viewmodel, namely
public SmartObservableCollection<Selectable<Type>> PriceGrabbers {get; private set;}
where SmartObservableCollection is derived from ObservableCollection to make multithreaded updates easier.
Now I get a lot of binding errors (in fact, all bindings in the sub viewmodels run through the debug window) like this (interestingly, if I remove the PriceGrabbers property again, all errors disappear):
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'OverviewHidden' property not found on 'object' ''MainWindowViewModel' (HashCode=30986197)'. BindingExpression:Path=OverviewHidden; DataItem='MainWindowViewModel' (HashCode=30986197); target element is 'ColumnDefinition' (HashCode=22768693); target property is 'NoTarget' (type 'Object')
So the binding engine apperently tries to find any and all bindings on the main viewmodel.
The bindings work perfectly fine. While this is okay, I'd rather have errors go away. Did anybody of you already encounter this problem, and if yes, how did you solve it?
The problem isn't with WPF but with my usage of MEF as composition container. The property modifies the import order of classes and the ViewModel coresponding to MainWIndow is assigned to all Views first, after which the correct one is assigned. When the data context is refreshed, all bindings are renewed, thus the application works.
edit and now I found the complete reason for it.
SmartObservableCollection takes an Action<Action>> parameter to execute on CollectionChanged events, this is needed due to most of my collections getting updated in a multithreaded manner, but the events have to be executed in the GUI thread, otherwise you will get an exception.
For this, my Views expose Dispatcher.Invoke() and Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() as methods, which I then supply to the collection.
At startup, the DataContexts are assigned in the base class ViewModel by the following lines:
view.DataContext = this;
Who has an idea already?
The reason for this hickup was the simple fact I supplied the Dispatcher.Invoke() method instead of Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() to the collection. By doing this (and the fact it was used in the MainWindowViewModel), it got executed before any DataContexts got assigned to other ViewModels.
Now, the next step occurs - the WPF engine tries to bind to the data in the sub views. As DataContext is null, the binding engine walks up the visual tree until it finds a set DataContext, in this case the first set DataContext is in MainWindowView, and it is MainWindowViewModel. Now, after the collection finished, all other actions get called and the DataContexts are assigned appropiately, thus reexecuting the binding engine which finds a non-null DataContext on the sub views and binds correctly.
