Implementing callback functions in C - c

I am a newbie to C. I am trying to implement callback function using function pointers.
I am getting an error
:test_callback.c:10: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘void’
when I try to compile the following program:
void (*callback) (void);
void callback_proc ()
printf ("Inside callback function\n");
void register ((void (*callback) (void)))
printf ("Inside registration \n");
callback (); /* Calling an initial callback with function pointer */
int main ()
callback = callback_proc;/* Assigning function to the function pointer */
register (callback);/* Passing the function pointer */
return 0;
What is this error?Can anyone help?

register is a C keyword: Use another name for the function.
You have extra parantheses around the callback parameter. It should be:
void funcName(void (*callback) (void))

I would recommend to use a typedef
typedef void (*callback_t) (void);
callback_t callback;
void callback_proc(void)
printf ("Inside callback function\n");
void reg( callback_t _callback )
printf ("Inside registration \n");
int main ()
callback = callback_proc;
return 0;
EDIT: removed the register issue

You can't use 'register' as a function name as it's a C keyword.

2 problems:
you can't use the name register as it's a keyword (not used often anymore, but it's still there)
change the definition of the function from
void wasRegister((void (*callback) (void)))
void wasRegister(void (*callback) (void))
(get rid of the parens around the parameter's declaration.
Also you might get a warning about callback_proc() not having a matching delaration to the callback variable (depending on how you compile the program - as C or C++), so you might want to change its declaration to:
void callback_proc (void)
to make it explicit that it takes no parameters.

Have a look at type safe callbacks from ccan. Its one thing to expose a typed function pointer for the world to use, its another to ensure sane casting.

typedef void (*callback_func) (void);
static callback_func the_callback = 0;
void process (void)
printf ("Inside process function\n");
void callback_register (callback_func cb)
the_callback = cb;
printf ("Inside registration \n");
void callback(void)
int main (void)
callback_register(process); /* Passing the function pointer */
return 0;
Declaring the_callback static would make more sense if this code was modularized and then you would be forced to call callback_register in order to set it, and callback in order to call it - the_callback would not be accessible outside of the implementation (.c) only the function declarations would be in the header (.h).


Using a switch to map function pointers to strings

I'm working on a network service that based on commands it receives over the network, it has workers perform different jobs. I want to have a log entry for every time a certain worker is tasked with doing some job.
I have a function (say function_caller) which, among other things, calls another function which it receives its pointer as an argument. I'd like to have my logger notify what kind of function function_caller calls.
Originally I wanted the function_caller to receive some enum instead of a function pointer, provide the enum to the logger, and then use a helper function which returns a suitable pointer based on the enum. However, function_caller is already deeply tangled in the codebase I'm working on, and it looks like it would be a lot of work to refactor all the functions that call function_caller to choose the right enum and use a new argument.
So my next idea was having a switch that for every function pointer will have some string representation of, but I've never stumbled upon something like that (and struggled to find anyone even mentioning such an idea on Google), so I have a feeling I might be missing some serious downsides to this option.
The only significant problem I see is that every developer that decides to pass a new kind of function pointer to function_caller will have to somehow know to update the switch, otherwise it will fail.
Am I missing anything else? Or maybe there's some other approach I should consider?
How about something like this? Instead of a switch, store a table of functions and their name strings. The table can even be kept dynamically updated, unlike a switch case. You will not need to walk along the edge of the standard as well!
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void (*callback_t) (void);
void first (void) { printf("%d", 1); };
void second (void) { printf("%d", 2); };
void third (void) { printf("%d", 3); };
typedef struct fntable_t
callback_t fn;
char *name;
} fntable_t;
fntable_t fntable[] =
{ first, "first" },
{ second, "second" },
{ third, "third" }
char* log_str(callback_t c)
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(fntable) / sizeof(fntable_t); i++)
if(fntable[i].fn == c)
return fntable[i].name;
return "unknown";
void function_caller(callback_t c)
int main(void)
return 0;
You could replace function_caller with a wrapper macro of the same name that calls the renamed function function_caller_internal which gets an additional string argument. The wrapper macro can then pass an additional stringified function name.
This works only if function_caller is always called with a function name, not a function pointer variable.
#include <stdio.h>
static void funcA(void)
printf("This is funcA\n");
static void funcB(void)
printf("This is funcB\n");
/* renamed function gets an additional string argument */
static void function_caller_internal(void (*func)(void), const char *name)
printf("calling %s\n", name);
/* wrapper macro stringifies the function name to pass it the additional argument */
#define function_caller(func) function_caller_internal(func, #func)
int main(void)
/* unchanged calls */
return 0;
This prints
calling funcA
This is funcA
calling funcB
This is funcB
If you can change the API of the functions, then consider using __func__ to get the textual name of each function. If you can have a function pointer type along the lines of this:
typedef void func_t (const char** name);
Then you can have each function return its name to the caller.
void foo (const char** name)
/* do foo stuff here */
*name = __func__;
void bar (const char** name)
/* do bar stuff here */
*name = __func__;
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void func_t (const char** name);
void foo (const char** name)
/* do foo stuff here */
*name = __func__;
void bar (const char** name)
/* do bar stuff here */
*name = __func__;
const char* function_caller (func_t* func, const char** name)
return *name;
int main(void)
static func_t*const func [] =
const char* name;
for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof func/sizeof *func; i++)
puts( function_caller(func[i], &name) );
Assuming your codebase has sane variable names and function names, you can add a char * argument to your function caller:
void function_caller(char *name, int fpnt());
and then provide a macro:
#define function_caller_autoname(fpnt) function_caller(#fpnt, fpnt)
(Or, for spaghetti code, you can provide a macro with the same name as the function).
The #fpnt will be expanded by the proceprocessor to a string literal with the function name.
Then when your codebase called:
refactor it to:
# will be expanded to by the processor:
# function_caller("some_function", some_function)
or refactor it manually to provide the name/identificator/description of the function:
function_caller("Some function: ", some_function)
That way you can pass a custom string that describes the function along with the pointer. Also, each developer can pass a custom description string.

Passing function pointer to arg of pthread_create function

I have a function void startScanner(...) taking two function pointer as arguments: userType *vConfig(void) and void * vCallback(void). In this function i would like to create a thread and call vCallback() function in the function thread created. So i decided to pass vCallback as args to pthreadcreate.
The code of startScanner function :
void startScanner(tUsrStatus (*vConfig)(), void* (vCallback)()){
if(pthread_create(&scannerThread, NULL, scannerThreadFunc, vCallback))
printf("Thread creation fails!\n");
The scannerTread function:
static void *scannerThreadFunc(void *arg()){
void *funcptr(void) = arg;
I get the following error:
error: function ‘funcptr’ is initialized like a variable
error: nested function ‘funcptr’ declared but never defined
How can i fix this?
Syntax errors aside (*) , it's impossible in standard C to pass a function pointer in a void *. There's a fundamental difference between pointers to functions and pointers to data, they can't be converted into each other. This is because there might be platforms where function and data pointers would differ even in size, or refer to different address spaces, or whatever.
But of course, there's a simple way to achieve what you want: Put your function pointer inside a struct and pass a pointer to that.
typedef (*callback)(void);
typedef struct threadargs
callback cb;
} threadargs;
void mycallback(void)
// ...
void *threadfunc(void *arg)
threadargs *ta = arg;
// call your callback:
return ta; // or: return 0, or some pthread_exit(), ...
int main(void)
pthread_t thread;
threadargs ta = { mycallback };
pthread_create(&thread, 0, threadfunc, &ta);
// make sure "ta" lives for as long as the thread executes,
// here just wait until it exits:
pthread_join(&thread, 0);
add error checking etc.
(*) as for the concrete error you're getting, a function pointer needs parantheses around the identifier, so instead of
void *funcptr(void) = arg;
you'd have to write
void (*funcptr)(void) = arg;
To facilitate the usage of function pointers, it's common to typedef them, as seen in my example above. Anyways, as explained above, this wouldn't solve your problem here.

how to call function pointer in a struct?

I am working with the xinu embedded operating system in c. I created a new header file and declared a struct:
struct callout {
uint32 time; /* Time of delay in ms */
void *funcaddr; /* Function pointer */
void *argp; /* Function arguments */
uint32 cid; /* Callout id for the specific callout */
char *sample;
In my main, I try to declare a struct object and function the funcaddr to a function.
void test();
process main(void) {
struct callout *coptr;
coptr->sample ="hellowolrd";
coptr->funcaddr = &test;
(coptr->funcaddr)(coptr->argp); //error here
kprintf("coptr %s \n", coptr->sample);
return OK;
void test() {
kprintf("this is the test function \n");
I try to invoke the function pointer through the struct but I am getting an error:
main.c:30:19: error: called object is not a function or function pointer
Please show what is the correct syntax to invoke the function pointer.
You have declared funcaddr as an object pointer. To declare a function pointer it looks like this:
struct callout {
uint32 time;
void (*funcaddr)(); // <-------- function pointer
Then the rest of your code should work.
If you didn't see an error message for the line coptr->funcaddr = &test; then I would recommend adjusting your compiler settings, it's important to have the information available that the compiler can tell you.

Calling the same order of functions in C with one changing function each time. How to implement more elegantly?

I have the following code calling three different functions named func_a, func_b and func_c, which are using the same parameter. Before and after each call I need to call the functions foo and bar in order to reset/print some variables. Both are doing the same thing every time I call them.
So, my question: is there any way to make this part more elegant? In my case it is going up to func_e, so I have five near repeats of this code.
I suppose you can put all the things that are in common into a single function that invokes a function pointer. Then iterate over an array of function pointers, passing them into the single helper function:
void invoke_foo_func_bar (void (*func)(int), int param) {
/* ... */
void (*funcs[])(int) = { func_a, func_b, func_c };
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(funcs)/sizeof(*funcs); ++i) {
invoke_foo_func_bar(funcs[i], param);

How to call a function just before returning in C?

I'm trying to execute something at the end of a function just before it returns to the caller.
To Do so, I would like to override return in a certain context. The behavior should be the same as __cyg_profile_func_exit, but I would like to activate it only for some functions.
I don't know if it's possible using gcc builtins or this kind of thing.
GCC has an attribute for this, which calls a function when an automatic variable goes out of scope, passing it the address of that variable
void cleanup_fn(int *p) {
puts("cleanup called...");
void f(void) {
int p __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_fn)));
puts("in f...");
int main(void) {
puts("calling f...");
puts("out of it...");
return 0;
calling f...
in f...
cleanup called...
out of it...
Nope, not in C per se.
What you could do is write a #define macro RETURN:
#define RETURN(func) if(_DEBUG_) func; return ;
#define RETURNV(func, val) if(_DEBUG_) func; return val ;
(Warning, you probably want to think a little more about guarding special cases than I have.)
Otherwise, you would need to write something that mangled the code behind the scenes, which is what profilers do.
