Creating meaningful add URLs in Cakephp - cakephp

For my site I have a number of Orders each of which contains a number of Quotes. A quote is always tied to an individual order, so in the quotes controller I add a quote with reference to it's order:
function add($orderId) {
// function here
And the calling URL looks a bit like
It occurred to me the URLs would make more sense if they looked a bit more like
As the quote is being added to order 1.
Is this something it's possible to achieve in CakePHP?

Have a look at the documentation for defining routes.
Something like this should do the trick:
array('controller' => 'quotes', 'action' => 'add'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+')
You will be able to access the ID with $this->params['id'] in QuotesController::add().
Also, have a look at the documentation for passing parameters to action.
It is possible to pass the ID in as a parameter of the controller action like so:
array('controller' => 'quotes', 'action' => 'add'),
array('pass' => array('id'), 'id' => '[0-9]+')
You can then access the ID with $id in QuotesController::add($id).


How to redefine the URLs generation without changes at the HtmlHelper#link(...) calls in CakePHP?

I have a CakePHP website with many internal links, that are build with the HtmlHelper:
echo $this->Html->link(
'controller' => 'targetcontroller',
'action' => 'targetaction',
It works fine with the default route:
Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display'));
The generated links look like that: /mycontroller/myaction/$profileId/$languageId.
Now I want to use search engine friendly URLs (with profile names and ISO-639-1 language codes instead of IDs) for a part of the website and added a new Route:
array('controller' => 'mycontroller', 'action' => 'myaction'),
'iso6391' => '[a-zA-Z]+',
'name' => '[0-9a-zA-ZäöüßÄÖÜ\-]+',
And it also works fine and the incomming URIs like /producer/en/TestName.html are interpreted correctly.
But the HtmlHelper is still generating the old URIs like /mycontroller/myaction/1/1.
The docu says:
Reverse routing is a feature in CakePHP that is used to allow you to easily change your URL structure without having to modify all your code. By using routing arrays to define your URLs, you can later configure routes and the generated URLs will automatically update.
Well, the HtmlHelper gets a routing array as input, that means: I'm using the reverse routing.
Why does it not work? How to make the HtmlHelper generate the new URLs (without changing the HtmlHelper#link(...) calls)?
Bit of explanation first
You are technically not using reverse routing. You see, the output link, /mycontroller/myaction/1/1 definitively doesn't match /iso/name.html. Like, in no way. So, the routing skips that rule because it doesn't apply.
Try this
echo $this->Html->link(
'controller' => 'targetcontroller',
'action' => 'targetaction',
'iso6391' => $someStringWithIso,
'name' => $someName
But for that, you have to change your routing a bit, because you are not passing the parameters (check the docs for examples)
array('controller' => 'mycontroller', 'action' => 'myaction'),
'pass' => array('iso6391', 'name'),
'iso6391' => '[a-zA-Z]+',
'name' => '[0-9a-zA-ZäöüßÄÖÜ\-]+',
And you have to mind the first string match /:iso6391/:name.html. Do you want to match this route to every controller and action in your project, or just the one controller and the one view. If it is for all projects, just for precaution, use this
if is just for, say, Controller1 and action "view", use
The detail you need to consider is the extension you use .html, is that really necessary in the url? If it is, add it as a parameter in the Html#link
echo $this->Html->link(
'controller' => 'targetcontroller',
'action' => 'targetaction',
'iso6391' => $someStringWithIso,
'name' => $someName
'ext' => 'html'
and also add parseExtensions to the routing file. Read this. Would be easier if you don't add the extension, but that's up to you.
In the end, you still have to change your calls to Html->link...

CakePhp Routes with Controller wildcard

I'd like reroute all visits to an AffController reroute action. But how?
The route element substring of 'affiliate' will be consistent and substring 'XYZ' will vary.
I would've preferred project requirements that had allowed (or in the controller/action/parameter format, but alas.. tis not the case.
Initially I tried the following unsuccessfully:
Router::connect('/affiliate*', array('controller' => 'aff', 'action' => 'reroute'));
Router::connect('/affiliate**', array('controller' => 'aff', 'action' => 'reroute'));
Router::connect('/:controller*', array('controller' => 'aff', 'action' => 'reroute'), array('controller'=>'(affiliate)');
Once in the controller reroute action I will explode the affiliateXYZ into just 'XYZ' and then proceed with things I know how to do. My issue is routing to the controller with affiliateXYZ as the first routing element and at the same time not messing up current functionality.
I'd used Router::connect('/:affiliate', array('controller' => 'aff', 'action' => 'reroute'),array('pass'=>array('affiliate'))); to get to the info into the controller, until I saw the negative impact on preexisting controllers (I assume because I didn't explicitly list all other controllers, which I don't think I should have to do.).
How to route w/prefix ( more accurately a substring of 'affiliate' )?
I know prefix is the wrong terminology.
Thx, in advance.
You are looking for regular expression matching, with the help of this functionality you can define how specific route elements are matched.
This option is available for the third parameter of Router::connect().
You define it in element => regex format:
'controller' => 'aff',
'action' => 'reroute'
'pass' => array('affilate'),
'affilate' => 'affilate[^/]+'
This would match any URL that starts with affilate, followd by 1 or more characters that are not a /.
See also

want to remove action name from url CakePHP

i am working on a Cakephp 2.x.. i want to remove the action or controller name from url ... for example i am facing a problem is like that
i have a function name index on my Messages controller in which all the mobile numbers are displaying
the url is
now in my controller there is a second function whose name is messages in which i am getting the messages against the mobile number
so now my url becomes after clicking the number is
now i want to remove the action name messages because it looks weired...
want to have a url like this
When connecting routes using Route elements you may want to have routed elements be passed arguments instead. By using the 3rd argument of Router::connect() you can define which route elements should also be made available as passed arguments:
// SomeController.php
public function messages($phoneNumber = null) {
// some code here...
// routes.php
'/messages/:id', // E.g. /messages/number
array('controller' => 'messages', 'action' => 'messages'),
// order matters since this will simply map ":id"
'id' => '[0-9]+'
and you can also refer link above given by me, hope it will work for you.
let me know if i can help you more.
REST Routing
The example in the question looks similar to REST routing, a built in feature which would map:
GET /recipes/123 RecipesController::view(123)
To enable rest routing just use Router::mapResources('controllername');
Individual route
If you want only to write a route for the one case in the question
it's necessary to use a star route:
'controller' => 'messages',
'action' => 'messages'
echo Router::url(array(
'controller' => 'messages',
'action' => 'messages',
// /messages/823214
This has drawbacks because it's not possible with this kind of route to validate what comes after /messages/. To avoid that requires using route parameters.
'controller' => 'messages',
'action' => 'messages'
'id' => '\d+',
echo Router::url(array(
'controller' => 'messages',
'action' => 'messages',
'id' => 823214 // <- different usage
// /messages/823214
in config/routes.php
['controller' => 'CONTROLLER-NAME','action'=>'ACTIOn-NAME'])->setPass(['id'])->setPatterns(['id' => '[0-9]+']
You can use Cake-PHP's Routing Features. Check out this page.

Routing with named parameters

I have a URL that contains named parameters, which I want to map to a more user friendly URL.
Take, for example, the following URL:
I want to map this to a more friendly URL, like:
I have tried setting it up in the Router, but it doesn't work.
Code samples from the Router:
array('controller' => 'videos', 'action' => 'index'),
array('sort' => 'published', 'direction' => 'desc'
Which doesn't work. And the following also doesn't work:
array('controller' => 'videos', 'action' => 'index', 'sort' => 'published', 'direction' => 'desc'));
Any ideas?
Use get args
The easiest way to have routes work is to avoid named arguments all together. With pagination thats easy to achieve using appropriate config:
class FoosController extends AppController {
public $components = array(
'Paginator' => array(
'paramType' => 'querystring'
In this way when you load /videos/recent you should find it includes urls of the form:
Instead of (due to route mismatching)
But if you really want to use named args
You'll need to update your route definition - there's no page in the route config:
'controller' => 'videos',
'action' => 'index',
'sort' => 'published',
'direction' => 'desc'
As such, if there is a page named parameter (which there will be for all urls generated by the paginator helper), the route won't match. You should be able to fix that by adding page to the route definition:
'controller' => 'videos',
'action' => 'index',
'sort' => 'published',
'direction' => 'desc',
'page' => 1
Though even if it works, you may find it to be fragile.
lets see on [Router::connect documentation](Routes are a way of connecting request urls to objects in your application)
Routes are a way of connecting request urls to objects in your application
So, it's map urls to objects and not url to url.
You have 2 options:
use Router::redirect
Something like that:
Router::redirect( '/videos/recent/*', '/videos/index/sort:published/direction:desc');
but seems that's not that you want exactly
use Router::connect
use normal Router::connect which will connect url to some action which make appropriate scope. Something like that:
'controller' => 'videos',
'action' => 'recent'
and in VideosController
public function recent() {
$this->request->named['sort'] = 'published';
$this->request->named['direction'] = 'desc';
it works and I saw such usage, but not sure, that is will satisfy you too.
as for me, I like normal named cakephp parameters. If such scope (published and desc) is your default state, just code default state in index action. For over cases i think it's normal to use ordinary named parameters.

CakePHP Routing - [home]/slug as URL

I'm trying to get to grips with Cake's routing, but I'm having no luck finding a solution to my particular problem.
I want to map to, where slug is the URL friendly name of a record for a particular venue.
I also want to then map to
After reading the CakePHP documentation on Routing, a few times over, I'm none the wiser. I understand how I would create these routes for each individual venue, but I'm not sure how to get Cake to generate the routes on the fly.
You want to be careful mapping something to the first path after the domain name. This means that you would be breaking the controller/action/param/param paradigm. You can do this, but it may mean that you need to define every url for your site in your routes file rather than using Cake's routing magic.
An alternative may be to use /v/ for venues and /e/ for events to keep your url short but break up the url for the normal paradigm.
If you still want to do what you requested here, you could do something like the following. It limits the slug to letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.
'controller' => 'venues',
'action' => 'view'
'slug' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+'
'controller' => 'events',
'action' => 'index'
'slug' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+'
In your controller, you would then access the slug with the following (using the first route as an example).
function view(){
//Do something with your code here.
First off, you're not connecting to, you're connecting /slug to a controller action. Like this:
array('controller' => 'venues', 'action' => 'view'),
array('pass' => array('slug'));
To generate the appropriate link, you'd do the same in reverse:
array('controller' => 'venues', 'action' => 'view', 'slug' => 'bar'))
That should result in the link /bar.
The problem with routing a /:slug URL is that it's a catch-all route. You need to carefully define all other routes you may want to use before this one.
