Expired Beta Release of Silverlight - silverlight

I am getting the following message when trying to create a new Silverlight application in VS2010RC:
This application was created for an expired beta release of Silverlight. Please contact the owner of this application and have them upgrade their application using an official release of Silverlight.
What do I need to do to resolve this issue?

The final releases of both Visual Studio 2010 and Silverlight 4 are available, so I suggest you "upgrade".

Now that Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0 been officially released, the beta and RC versions will start refusing to work and instead posting messages like you are getting.
To avoid the error, you will probably need to install the RTM (Release-to-Manufacturing) versions of the Silverlight 4 SDK and the Silverlight Tools. At worst, you would need to upgrade .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 as well.
The Silverlight 4 Tools page may be the first place to find the latest versions. There is a link to download the Silverlight 4 SDK there, but I'm not sure if that's really the RTM version.
Also, note that often Microsoft expects you to fully uninstall the beta or RC versions of their software before installing the final version.


unable to find a version of silverlight developer runtime installed

In the following environment:
-Windows 7 64bit
-Microsoft Silverlight 5 SDK
I have created a few lightswitch applications in VS2012 but I am running into an error when attempting to create a new one or open an existing lightswitch project. I receive a pop-up that says "unable to find a version of silverlight developer runtime installed".
There is a link on the pop-up which starts a download but after downloading it, I still receive the same error.
I was able to fix the issue by doing the following :
I went into "Uninstall a program" and noticed that I had 4 different Silverlight related items installed.
Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft Silverlight SDK3
Microsoft Silverlight SDK4
Microsoft Silverlight SDK5
I just uninstalled the first item, "Microsoft Silverlight" then reinstalled the appropriate (32 or 64 bit) Microsoft Silverlight SDK5 from the following link: http://www.silverlight.net/downloads .
Don't use the link that is given in VS 2012. Doesn't work.
I have a slight different solution for Visual Studio 2010. After uninstall the current Silverlight Runtime, I got it to work if I download it from Visual Studio suggested url.
The best way I have found to find the most current Silverlight 5 Developer Runtime or End-User Runtime, is to search the downloads for the latest Silverlight bits. All other suggestions seem to take you on a wild goose chase depending on what version of Visual Studio or OS you are using.
Search Microsoft Downloads
Just look for the latest "Security Update for Microsoft Silverlight" entry.
The Silverlight Security Update KB2890788 is what fixed it for me, after trying uninstall and re-install without success.

Problems debugging after installing Silverlight update

I made the mistake of downloading the latest Silverlight runtime so that I could watch a video on Channel 9. Well now Visual Studio 2010 says it cannot debug Silverlight. The message it gives me is this:
Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed. Please install a matching version.
What is it talking about and where to I get this so called "matching version".
I fixed this by uninstalling Silverlight 5 in the control panel and installing the Silverlight 5 Tools.

Installing Silverlight 4 Toolkit without Visual studio 2010 (for build server)

I have just been informed that the Silverlight 4 Toolkit (latest download) requires the prior installation of VS 2010.
We are setting up an automated build server for a very large Silverlight Prism project and would prefer not to do a full install of VS 2010 on an unmanned build machine.
Is VS 2010 actually required for an install of the Silverlight 4 Toolkit?
Why is it required?
Is it possible to work around this (copy specific pieces from another Dev machine?)
Thanks in advance for any information.
The problem with this is that it doesn't install the msbuild tasks. I have found that it is possible to install just the SDK by extracting it from the tools download. For details see here: http://neilsleightholm.blogspot.com/2010/09/building-silverlight-4-applications.html.
Don't install the Toolkit at all. In these large controlled scenarios you would probably want to copy the toolkit dlls to folder owned by your change control system anyway.
Ultimately the toolkit is just a set of dlls. On install it does other things to make using it as a developer convenient in VS and Blend but it has no special requirements at build time.

SL 4 Version Hell? The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version

I've been developing for and running Silverlight 4 for about a week. A week ago I installed the Silverlight 4 design time components to develop and debug silverlight for VS 2010 - I posted some of these apps and they were used by users running SL4. Today, I went to a website that told me to upgrade my SL (I think it was the MS expression site) - so I did that and all the sudden I get this error when running SL 4 apps within VS 2010.
The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version
Installing the latest version of the Silverlight SDK does not correct this. Basically I am stuck and unable to run Silverlight apps from VS2010.
Are versioning problems like this a common theme in SilverLight? The only thing I can think of is that there is a minor version difference between the versions used on the the MS Expression web site and the version (SL4) I installed from MS site a few days ago? However re-installing the latest version of SL4 does not correct this.
Any help?
The developer runtime is a different download than the normal "end user" runtime.
Again quoting from Tim Heur's Blog, you need to look for the link under "getting the updates" that points to the developer runtime. This will allow you to debug etc.

Error targeting .NET framework 3.0

I have an application, which I develop in VS 2008 and I target .NET 3.
Unfortunately when I install on a clean computer with .NET 3, it crashes. And besides the usual TypeInitilisationError, I have no clue why.
Updating the same machine to .NET 3.5SP1 makes it run fine.
Is there something broken in VS2008 that prevents from telling me a more detailed error?
How can I be sure I don't use any of the newest classes of the framework?
It is true that I found myself using DropShadowEffect which belongs to 3SP1. I removed it.
But still...it does not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Have you tried to determine which version of the framework is installed on each computer. If you're using .Net 3.5 SP1 to compile the program it actually includes .Net 3.0 sp2 which has some extra features (MultiSelector class to name one) which are not available in .Net 3.0 sp1 which is the default install with .Net 3.0 download from Microsoft.
You can try here for some software that will help:
Visual Studio won't tell you about any errors for this because everything seems fine with the version of .Net 3.0 that it's using. I ran into this problem using the WPF toolkit as it requires the MultiSelector class which didn't arrive until .Net 3.0 sp2. So, Jonathan, if you can show us the error output from your program on the 'Fresh' .Net 3.0 computer then we could probably tell you what you're using that is in .Net 3.0 sp2 that isn't supported in lower versions.
Also, I usually use VS2005 with programs that I want to run under a lower runtime than .Net 3.5sp1, but this really only applies to .Net 2.0 apps.
If we knew what components from .Net 3.0 that you're using, it would help as well!
Thanks for the answer.
Because of VS2008, on my dev computer i have the latest 3.5SP1.
But in Visual Studio i selected 3 as a target.
And to check i install on a clean computer with 3.0...
So your proposition do tells me which framework is installed, but does not tell me what in my program uses in the newest framework that is not present in 3.0.
Moreover, something must be broken in VS2008 as it should warm me for that...
I feel like this is a problem with VS 2008, but obviously MS feels differently.
VS 2008 comes with .NET 3.5, some .NET 3.0 service pack, and .NET 2.0 SP1. It can only detect whether you are using things that don't belong to a version that is installed on your machine, not whether you are conforming to some service pack. This means that if you target .NET 2.0, but install your software on a machine that does not have .NET 2.0 SP1, if you use anything specific to SP1 your application will fail when it tries to make the call.
The only way to detect this that I have seen is to inspect the changelist of the service packs or to target .NET 3.5. If .NET 3.5 is installed, so are the service packs that come with it. It's not a good solution, but it's the only one I've found.
