multi thread in c question - c

Does mutex guarantee to execute thread in order of arriving?
that is, if, thread 2 and thread 3 arrive is waiting while thread 1 is in critical section
what exactly happen after thread 1 exit critical section if thread 2 arrive at mutex lock before thread 3, thread 2 will be allowed to enter critical section before thread 3 ?
or race condition will be occurred?
if its not guaranteed, how can i solve this? (maybe queue?)

That sort of behaviour would have to be an implementation detail of your threading library (which you didn't mention). I would guess most threading libraries don't make any such a guarantee, though. Unless the waiting threads had different priorities, of course.

Generally threading libraries do not make any such guarantees, because most OS's don't make any such guarantee. The thread wrapper can't (usually) do any better than the native OS thread management operations.

It's up to the operating system. In Windows, there is no guaranteed order that any given thread will be awoken and granted the mutex.

The question you have asked is classical case of "bounded waiting", and there is known way of solving this via [Bakery Algorithm].1
The basic idea here is that you maintain two counts, first is current serving number and other is global count (analogy to a bakery with a running number). Whenever a new thread enters (i.e. waits on a mutex) then increase the global count and give out ticket to the thread. This thread then waits on the ticket number, till the current serving number is equal to ticket number.
This way we can maintain the order such that thread which comes first, gets hold of mutex first.
I am not sure if the standard libraries implement mutex this way internally, but it wouldn't be that difficult to implement Bakery algorithm for your need.


Usage of mutex and binary semaphore

So from my understanding, mutex and binary semaphore are very similar but I just want to know what are some specific application or circumstances that using mutex is better than binary semaphore or viceversa
One big difference between a mutex and a binary semaphore is that a thread must not unlock a mutex locked by another thread (the thread locking the mutex is the unique ownership): a mutex is only meant to be used for critical sections. Wait conditions should be used in this case. A semaphore could be used to do that though it is a bit unusual. There are some other points about priority inversion and safety you can find here.
Generally speaking—since you did not mention any particular library or programming language—mutex and binary semaphore are very close to the same thing.
Binary semaphore is a specialization of the more general counting semaphore, which was invented way back in the early 1960s. It is a surprisingly versatile thing (see The Little Book of Semaphores, and back in the day, it was imagined that semaphore would be the lowest-level API, that would be built-in to many different operating systems to provide the bedrock upon which other, portable synchronization methods and algorithms could be built.
In my personal opinion, if you use something called "mutex" or "lock," then you should use it for one thing only: Use it to prevent threads from interfering with each other when they access shared variables. Whenever you think you want to use a mutex to let one thread send some kind of a signal to some other thread, then that's when you should reach for "semaphore." Even though they both do practically the same thing, using the one with the right name will help other people who read your code to understand what you are doing.

does semaphore preserve wait order [duplicate]

I have created a program in C that creates 2 buffers. The buffer indices hold single characters, 'A' or 'b' etc... In order to learn more about multithreading, I created a set of semaphores based on the producer/consumer problem to produce characters and consume characters from the buffers. I have 3 producer threads for each buffer and 10 consumer threads. The consumers take one item from each buffer, then report it (freeing the memory of the consumed item also). Now, from what I've read, sem_wait() is supposed to signal the "longest waiting thread" when it comes out of a blocking state (I read this in a book and in an online POSIX library).
Now, is this actually true?
The application I have made should have both consumers and producers waiting at the same sem_wait() gate, but the producers get into the critical section more than double the time of any consumer. The consumers do have an extra semaphore to wait for, but that shouldn't make that huge of a difference. I can't seem to figure out why it's happening, so I'm hoping someone else does. If I sleep(1) on the producer threads, the consumers get in just fine and the buffers hover around 0 I would think would happen otherwise.
Also, should thread creation order play any role in how I structure the program for fairness?
IE, produce one of each type in a round robin fashion until everyone is created and running.
Are there any methods anyone can describe to me to institute a more fair system of thread access? I've read that creating a FIFO queue system might be one solution, where the longest waiting thread has the highest priority (which is what I thought sem_wait() would do anyways).
Just wondering what methods are out there for both rudimentary and higher level threading.
The POSIX standard actually says that "the highest priority thread that has been waiting the longest shall be unblocked" only when the SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR scheduling policy applies to the blocked thread.
If you're not using one of those two realtime scheduling policies, then the semaphore does not have to be "fair".

POSIX threads and fairness (semaphores)

I have created a program in C that creates 2 buffers. The buffer indices hold single characters, 'A' or 'b' etc... In order to learn more about multithreading, I created a set of semaphores based on the producer/consumer problem to produce characters and consume characters from the buffers. I have 3 producer threads for each buffer and 10 consumer threads. The consumers take one item from each buffer, then report it (freeing the memory of the consumed item also). Now, from what I've read, sem_wait() is supposed to signal the "longest waiting thread" when it comes out of a blocking state (I read this in a book and in an online POSIX library).
Now, is this actually true?
The application I have made should have both consumers and producers waiting at the same sem_wait() gate, but the producers get into the critical section more than double the time of any consumer. The consumers do have an extra semaphore to wait for, but that shouldn't make that huge of a difference. I can't seem to figure out why it's happening, so I'm hoping someone else does. If I sleep(1) on the producer threads, the consumers get in just fine and the buffers hover around 0 I would think would happen otherwise.
Also, should thread creation order play any role in how I structure the program for fairness?
IE, produce one of each type in a round robin fashion until everyone is created and running.
Are there any methods anyone can describe to me to institute a more fair system of thread access? I've read that creating a FIFO queue system might be one solution, where the longest waiting thread has the highest priority (which is what I thought sem_wait() would do anyways).
Just wondering what methods are out there for both rudimentary and higher level threading.
The POSIX standard actually says that "the highest priority thread that has been waiting the longest shall be unblocked" only when the SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR scheduling policy applies to the blocked thread.
If you're not using one of those two realtime scheduling policies, then the semaphore does not have to be "fair".

What is the `pthread_mutex_lock()` wake order with multiple threads waiting?

Suppose I have multiple threads blocking on a call to pthread_mutex_lock(). When the mutex becomes available, does the first thread that called pthread_mutex_lock() get the lock? That is, are calls to pthread_mutex_lock() in FIFO order? If not, what, if any, order are they in? Thanks!
When the mutex becomes available, does the first thread that called pthread_mutex_lock() get the lock?
No. One of the waiting threads gets a lock, but which one gets it is not determined.
FIFO order?
FIFO mutex is rather a pattern already. See Implementing a FIFO mutex in pthreads
"If there are threads blocked on the mutex object referenced by mutex when pthread_mutex_unlock() is called, resulting in the mutex becoming available, the scheduling policy shall determine which thread shall acquire the mutex."
Aside from that, the answer to your question isn't specified by the POSIX standard. It may be random, or it may be in FIFO or LIFO or any other order, according to the choices made by the implementation.
FIFO ordering is about the least efficient mutex wake order possible. Only a truly awful implementation would use it. The thread that ran the most recently may be able to run again without a context switch and the more recently a thread ran, more of its data and code will be hot in the cache. Reasonable implementations try to give the mutex to the thread that held it the most recently most of the time.
Consider two threads that do this:
Acquire a mutex.
Adjust some data.
Release the mutex.
Go to step 1.
Now imagine two threads running this code on a single core CPU. It should be clear that FIFO mutex behavior would result in one "adjust some data" per context switch -- the worst possible outcome.
Of course, reasonable implementations generally do give some nod to fairness. We don't want one thread to make no forward progress. But that hardly justifies a FIFO implementation!

Semaphore queues

I'm extending the functionality of a semaphore. I ran into a roadblock when I realized I don't know the implementation of an actual semaphore and to make sure my code ran correctly, I needed to know this.
I know a semaphore works by blocking threads that are waiting on it when they call sem_wait() and another thread currently has it locked. The thread is then blocked and then put into a wait list for that semaphore.
My question relates to what happens on a sem_post(). Is the next thread pulled off the waiting list, set as the locking thread, and allowed to be unblocked? Or is the scheme for posting completely different?
The next thread to unblock on it's sem_wait() will be whatever thread the OS decides is the next one to context switch into. Nobody makes any guarantee of ordering; it depends on your OS's scheduling strategy. It might be the thread that has been off the CPU for the longest, or the one that has been assigned the highest "priority", or the one that has historically had certain resource-usage statistics, or whatever.
Most likely, your current thread (the one that called sem_post()) will continue running for a while, until it either starts waiting for user input, blocks on another semaphore, or runs out of its os-allotted time slice. Then, the OS will switch in some totally unrelated process to run for a fraction of a second (probably Firefox or something), then go off and handle some network traffic, get itself a cup of tea, and, finally, when it gets around to it, pick whichever of your other threads it feels like, based on something like whether it feels based on past history that the particular thread is more CPU or I/O-bound.
In many OSes, priority is given to I/O-bound processes that haven't been around for very long. The theory is that new processes might be short-lived (if it's been around for five hours already, odds are it won't be finishing up in the next 1ms) so we might as well get them over with. I/O-bound processes are likely to continue to be I/O-bound, which means that chances are they are going to switch off the CPU shortly while waiting for other resources. Basically, the OS wants to find the process that it's going to be able to be done with ASAP, so it can get back to sipping its tea and running your malware.
Semaphores have two operations:
P() To acquire the semaphore (you seem to call this sem_wait)
V() To release the semaphore (you seem to call this sem_post)
Semaphores also have an integer associated to them, which is the number of concurrent threads allowed to pass P() without blocking. Other calls to P() will block until V() is called to free up spots.
That is the classic definition of a semaphore.
Edit: Semaphores do not make any guarantee of order. They don't have to actually use a queue or other FIFO structure. When only one thread is allowed at a time, when it calls V(), another (possibly random) thread will then return from its P() call and continue.
According to the IEEE standards, the behavior of POSIX semaphores:
If the semaphore value resulting from this operation is positive, then no threads were blocked waiting for the semaphore to become unlocked; the semaphore value is simply incremented.
If the value of the semaphore resulting from this operation is zero, then one of the threads blocked waiting for the semaphore shall be allowed to return successfully from its call to sem_wait(). If the Process Scheduling option is supported, the thread to be unblocked shall be chosen in a manner appropriate to the scheduling policies and parameters in effect for the blocked threads. In the case of the schedulers SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR, the highest priority waiting thread shall be unblocked, and if there is more than one highest priority thread blocked waiting for the semaphore, then the highest priority thread that has been waiting the longest shall be unblocked. If the Process Scheduling option is not defined, the choice of a thread to unblock is unspecified.
If the Process Sporadic Server option is supported, and the scheduling policy is SCHED_SPORADIC, the semantics are as per SCHED_FIFO above."
