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How to use H2 database's integrated managment frontend?
For operations such as create table, alter table, add column, and so on.
I like SQuirreL SQL Client, and NetBeans is very useful; but more often, I just fire up the built-in and browse port 8082:
$ java -cp /opt/h2/bin/h2.jar -help
Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server.
Usage: java
When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.
Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options
[-web] Start the web server with the H2 Console
[-webAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-webPort ] The port (default: 8082)
[-webSSL] Use encrypted (HTTPS) connections
[-browser] Start a browser and open a page to connect to the web server
[-tcp] Start the TCP server
[-tcpAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-tcpPort ] The port (default: 9092)
[-tcpSSL] Use encrypted (SSL) connections
[-tcpPassword ] The password for shutting down a TCP server
[-tcpShutdown ""] Stop the TCP server; example: tcp://localhost:9094
[-tcpShutdownForce] Do not wait until all connections are closed
[-pg] Start the PG server
[-pgAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-pgPort ] The port (default: 5435)
[-baseDir ] The base directory for H2 databases; for all servers
[-ifExists] Only existing databases may be opened; for all servers
[-trace] Print additional trace information; for all servers
How about the H2 console application?
I use sql-workbench for working with H2 and any other DBMS I have to deal with and it makes me smile :-)
I would like to suggest DBEAVER .it is based on eclipse and supports better data handling
one discuss found here
quote from Thomas Mueller:
There's a shell client built in too which is handy.
java -cp h2*.jar
$ java -cp h2.jar -help
Interactive command line tool to access a database using JDBC.
Usage: java <options>
Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options
[-url "<url>"] The database URL (jdbc:h2:...)
[-user <user>] The user name
[-password <pwd>] The password
[-driver <class>] The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)
[-sql "<statements>"] Execute the SQL statements and exit
[-properties "<dir>"] Load the server properties from this directory
If special characters don't work as expected, you may need to use
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 (Mac OS X) or CP850 (Windows).
See also
I haven't used it, but RazorSQL looks pretty good.
If you are running it as an embedded database in spring I use the following configuration to enable the built in web client when the main app is running:
<!-- Run H2 web server within application that will access the same in-memory database -->
<bean id="h2Server" class="" factory-method="createTcpServer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop" depends-on="h2WebServer">
<constructor-arg value="-tcp,-tcpAllowOthers,-tcpPort,9092"/>
<bean id="h2WebServer" class="" factory-method="createWebServer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
<constructor-arg value="-web,-webAllowOthers,-webPort,8082"/>
I use DbVisualizer a lot for H2-db administration.
There exists a free version:
I would suggest Jetbrain's IDE: DataGrip
I have to install DB2 PHP driver on Centos 8 for make requests to IBMi (AS400) with PHP 7 and nginx, I try to find a guide but unfortunately i can't find anything.
So I ask you, do you have a link or tips for this ?
You will most likely want to use the IBM i Access ODBC driver.
IBM i Access for Linux: Open Database Connectivity
There are a few options depending on how much you want to spend.
ODBC - This is likely going to be your least expensive option. You can get the drivers from the IBM i Access product mentioned by jamesallman. The IBM customer likely already has IBM i Access Client Solutions, and would already be licensed to use the driver. If you don't have the Linux drivers, here is a starting point.
IBM_DB2 / PDO_DB2 - both of these need a DB2 client. The client required by IBM i is provided with the DB2 Connect product. If you don't already have a license for that, it is also available from IBM, but it is in the "If you have to ask, it's too expensive" category.
I get above error while trying to connect oracle 12c. I try using ojdbc6 and ojdbc7 jar files. I found below comment
Bug 14575666
In 12.1, the default value for the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter has been updated to 11. This means that database clients using pre-11g JDBC thin drivers cannot authenticate to 12.1 database servers unless theSQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter is set to the old default of 8.
This will cause a Oracle RAC database creation using DBCA to fail with the ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol error in 12.1 Oracle ASM and Oracle Grid Infrastructure environments.
Workaround: Set SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION=8 in the oracle/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file.
I have one dought to implement above workaround as we have shared database.
If I set SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION=8 in the oracle/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file will it affect other users ?
Will it affect shared applications and its functionality ?
Setting SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION=8 in sqlnet.ora affects all connections to the server. You're allowing user authentication with older versions of the password verifier and it affects all users. You can't allow it for just one user. But this isn't going to break other applications that can already connect successfully. It will allow older applications (that use old drivers) to connect too. The best solution is to upgrade all clients if possible but this setting is the workaround and it was made available for this exact purpose.
I'm not an Unified Communications developer and my head is thumping.
I have three virtual computers (Windows Server 2012 R2) that are joined to the domain. They are pingable among themselves and two Lync clients on VM#2 and VM#3 can talk to each other:
VM#2 Lync 2013 Server
VM#3 Application Server
The UCMA application is supposed to run on VM#3 that is also my development environment (Visual Studio and UMCA 4.0 SDK are installed). But then I can't start the collaboration platform with ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings since I get a ProvisioningFailureException that says that somebody was "unable to find the Sqld database".
I followed "General application activation" step by step. Question 1: Do I have to execute these PowerShell cmdlets on VM#2 or VM#3?
I do not know what database the exception is talking about. Question 2: Is it looking for a local database that should be in sync with the Central Management Store on VM#2?
Question 3: I read about installing Central Management Store replication service by running Bootstrapper.exe /BootstrapLocalMgmt /MinCache. When do I need replication in my system? Is that an optional thing?
Post update:
When I execute the New-CsTrustedApplicationPool and Enable-CsTopology cmdlets on VM#2, Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus will display two entries:
UpToDate : True
ReplicationFqdn : LYNCSERVER.artus.demo
UpToDate : False
ReplicationFqdn : APPSERVER.artus.demo
Question 1.1: UpToDate should be set to True after executing Enable-CsReplica and Invoke-CsManagementStoreReplication cmdlets, shouldn't it? Does the second entry mean a Local Management Store that is located in VM#2?
Question 1.2: Are the following parameters correct?
New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity trustedapps.artus.demo
-Registrar Registrar:LYNCSERVER.artus.demo -Site Site:DemoSite1 -ComputerFqdn APPSERVER.artus.demo;
Question 3.1: On what VM do I have to run Bootstrapper.exe /BootstrapLocalMgmt /MinCache. I think this was automatically done during Lync Server 2013 installation on VM#3 and I can't imagine that on VM#2 Lync Server 2013 core components have to be installed.
Thanks for answering.
Question #1: It Depends on the command. If you are referring to the new-csTrustedApplicationPool, new-csTrustedApplication,enable-cstopology and new-csTrustedApplicationEndpoint commands then they need to be run on vm#2 your Lync 2013 server. Request-CSCertificate needs to be run on vm#3 your application server.
(Response To Update) So I guess APPSERVER.artus.demo is the name of vm #3. You need to run the boot-strapper on it to allow replication to work.
**Question #2:**Yes it's the CMS Db, looking at question 3 it sounds as if you haven't run bootstrapper.
Question #3: Have never deployed a UCMA service without replication although it can be done. Have seen people try to turn off replication on the application pool and it fail. Regardless for a first time install it's not optional.
We are trying to connect to Google Cloud SQL from Eclipse using the Database Development perspective. To do so I'm trying to add a new Database Connection, which I was able to do successfully for a local MySQL instance running on my machine.
The motivation for doing this is that we currently run our JUnit tests against the local instance. However, we are switching to Hibernate and want to make sure that all of our configuration files work with Cloud SQL. As a general guide I've been using:
We're diverging slightly in that we're using hibernate.cfg.xml instead of persistence.xml, but I don't think this will actually have a bearing on the current issue of simply connecting to the database. From another answer as well as some Google documentation I'm aware that I can't use the, because that needs to be run from an AppEngine instance. Instead I'm trying to follow the directions here:
and am using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
I have assigned my Cloud SQL instance an ip address and have added my current ip address to the whitelist, as described here:
My driver is the Connector/J driver I've been using successfully with the local instance, and the url I'm using is:
which I got based on:
After adding the connection and setting the information I click Test Connection, which worked successfully on my local instance. However, this throws the following error:
java.lang.Exception: Connection failed with unspecified error.
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.DriverConnectionBase.internalCreateConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.internal.mysql.connection.JDBCMySQLConnectionFactory.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionFactoryProvider.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionProfile.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui.PingJob.createTestConnection(
Obviously this isn't very helpful.
I've tried fiddling with the url, tried a number of users (none of which require passwords, so I'm leaving the password fields blank), and different versions of the driver for different versions of MySQL. Nothing has worked.
There are perhaps more deep-seated issues with doing it this way, such as how I will easily switch between test and deployment versions of my hibernate.cfg.xml, and I don't have good answers. I was just planning on editing them by hand back to the AppEngineDriver, which means I might run into further configuration issues at that point even if the JUnit tests are passing. Nevertheless, I think getting a connection set up to Cloud SQL that will allow JUnit testing will be a step in the right direction. I'd appreciate any input!
You should use jdbc:mysql://<cloudsql-instance-ip>:3306/<database-name> to connect from an external network. The connection string you are using is to connect from Google App Engine.
Context: The Cloud
We have a java-based web application that we normally host on our own servers. Recently we used Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2) cloud to host an instance.
This "cloud setup" matches our typical "on site" setup: one server for the app server, another server for the database server. (Several app servers point to the same database server)
The problem
In this cloud setup, we receive intermittent "connection reset by peer errors" between the database and the jdbc driver, where at (seemingly) random intervals and at random points in the codebase, the database connection fails.
Here are a few error excerpts for the log
Stack Trace Example 1:
... 75 more
Caused by: The connection is closed.
at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection.getMetaData(
Stack Trace Example 2
Caused by: Connection reset
at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.BaseWrapperManagedConnection.checkTransaction(
Technical Environment
Jboss 4.2.2.GA (Jboss-Web 2.0/ Tomcat 6)
MSSQL 2005 2.0 jdbc driver
Some points
We have never seen this problem in
our own environment (i.e. own data centers) running the application for several years
This led me to conclude "something funny is going on with Amazon network environment". I may be wrong/missing something/etc.
This problem only occurs with our application. We have other java and php applications which have not had this problem. The other java application uses a different jdbc driver (jtds, afaik)
It doesn't seem like a simple connection timeout
-Has anyone seen this before?
-If it's an EC2 "known issue", can we configure our way around the problem (i.e. make sure everything is on its own subnet or virtual private cloud (vpc) ?
-Any jdbc driver settings to get past this problem?
** Update **
I've extended and increased the bounty on this question.
On extra bit of information: the two virtual servers (database and application server) were on different subnets--i.e. one hop between the two servers.
In a non-cloud environment we have "zero hops" bewtewn the two servers.
Our hosting admins said we had no control over the subnets of our EC2 instances. This made me wonder if virtual private cloud would help.
thanks in advance
Not sure if this is related or not. We experienced something similar with an app that we were running in the EC2 environment. Same symptom, that the database connection would intermittently close. We were using MSSQL 1.2 driver. Also, we would see the errors usually after a delay or idle time with the connection. Our assumption (never proven) was that something in the network layer was closing the connection and the client wasn't detecting it, so it became stale.
We were able to work around it because we were using commons connection pools, and had the pool recreate the connection on failure. We eventually moved the application out of EC2 and didn't see the issue again.
Just a word of caution on usind DBCP/connection pool features to mitigate the issue - the more you enable 'testOnBorrow' and other features, the more you can introduce latency or other performance changing affects on the system. I don't know if DBCP still does this or not, but a few years ago it would generate actual test queries to test the connection - full stack, database responses - not just at the network layer. The above link from Brian brings back horrific memories from the early 2000s on surrounding re-try logic for JDBC connection management.
Anyway, it's tough to really root cause this, other than gather evidence and eliminate the 'seemingly random' to a specific set of conditions:
You could try to throw up a Wireshark/PCAP trace, find when it happens, and send the results to both Amazon and Microsoft to see if they can root cause it
You could try the above with certain test harnesses to isolate the problem (JMeter tests to get concurrency up), bounce the network connection, watch for recovery, etc
You could try alternative versions of SQL Server to discount a SQL Server/JDBC driver bug that has since been fixed.
If DNS is used in connection strings, could use IP addresses to validate nslookup issues
I'm not a SQL Server expert, but another route for research could be within the related products domain - e.g. see if anyone experienced similar issues with TFS/Sharepoint (e.g. such as )
I have seen this issue in both the EC2 environment and the Windows Azure environment. I think connection retry logic needs to be a standard part of your design when working in a distributed computing environment.
This article is for SQL Azure - but I think it equally applies to EC2 and all drivers.
I can also confirm that this happens and will spin up a lower priority investigation since it's not production critical.
Our production servers are in our data center. We use developer laptops to run our applications. Neither of these get this issue once we configured c3p0 connection pool timeouts and test period (see article:
However, we do have a development staging server that is in EC2 and it does indeed happen there. If I find something that seems to work, I'll ping back. Also, I'm using mysql. I see that you are using MS SQL Server so it is across database vendors.