WinForms UserControl image resource - winforms

I am developing a user control and want to save an image as a part of that control. I added the image to the control resource, but I can not access the image using code (like Properties.Resources.etc) Any tips?

Found it.
In the Resource Editor one needs to select in the Access Modifiers drop-down list something other than No Code Generation.


is it possible to render a XAML canvas wihtout Silverlight?

Is it possible to create an online photo editor in XAML (editor allows users to add text, other images, clipart) that simply renders in a browser without the need for the user to download a plug in like Silverlight?
No. Closest would be using HTML5's canvas and javascript and/or jquery.

Making a Wizard in Silverlight + Xaml

I have a Silverlight application and I am trying to make each step of a wizard in XAML files, instead of hard-coded C#.
The problem is that I don't understand how I am going to switch between them after click on next button of each screen.
What is the best way to do this? I saw some tutorials on the internet about XAML dynamically loaded but none of them seem to work with me :/
Use a ChildWindow as your parent window. Then create multiple UserControls which will be framed in the content of the parent window. In the code-behind of the parent window, load the user controls into a list and set the visibility to 'Collapsed' for all of them but the first. When the user presses the Next/Prev buttons, pull the appropriate UserControl from the list (keep track of the current index) and make it 'Visible' while making the current control 'Collapsed'.
All of your navigation code will be in the parent window, but the parent window won't be concerned about the content of the wizard steps itself.
Each UserControl can be coded in XAML as a separate control so you still maintain a separation of the control from your wizards navigation logic.
You can then create a class type that will hold all of the options for the various wizard controls. Pass a reference to an object instance to each of the controls for them to update. When you get to the end of the wizard, your option object should maintain the state of all the wizard steps and the parent window can return that to the application.
I would suggest looking into the Silverlight Navigation Framework. It allows you to use "urls" to navigate between "pages" (which are your XAML user controls). It also also users to use the back and forth buttons in the browser, which may or may not be something you want to allow.
There is a VS 2010 template when you choose New Project, Silverlight, "Silverlight Navigation Application" that will help get you started.

How to make a wpf user control containing several user controls

I have created a WPF User control library. It has by default 1 user control in it. I added two more user controls on it. Added next back button to everycontrol. Now I am stuck here. What should I do to navigate from one user control to another? Can I do that in MVVM pattern? if yes then how?
Try downloading Telerik trial pack, they have a demo app (with source) that allows to browse their control. An once you have that demo app you can switch the user control dll in background when an update occurs.

"Please wait" Windows in WPF

I need to create a "please wait" window at the start up of my application, start animation and at the lifetime of app change visibility. I don`t want create explicitly new thread (Maybe ThreadPool or BackgroundWorker).
Any ideas?
WPF has a very nice splash screen class exactly for that:
Here is the quick steps:
Add the image file to the WPF Application project. For more information, see How to: Add Existing Items to a Project.
In Solution Explorer, select the image.
Add the image file to the WPF Application project. For more information, see How to: Add Existing Items to a Project.
In the Properties window, click the drop-down arrow for the Build Action property.
Select SplashScreen from the drop-down list
(source here: WPF SplashScreen implementing)

What is the difference between "User Control" and "Page" in Silverlight?

I am really new to Silverlight. I am working through some of the sample codes I found online.
I notices sometimes a new "Page" is added, and sometimes a new "User Control" is added.What are the differences between those 2?
Btw, when I tried specifying the URL for a hyperlink as "", there is an error saying "" can not be found. Are there anyway of specifying an URL for a website for a HyperlinkButton?
Thanks :)
In SL3 and up; a Page correlates to the Navigation framework whereas a UserControl is a control providing a defined set of functionality using multiple controls which can then be used within a Page.
User Control:
When you build your project , any user control that you created will appear in the toolbox also. You can drag and drop it like any other control (like a button or a grid).User controls are used for enhanced flexibility. You can customize your controls, set as many properties you want , and it really simplifies things without going for creating custom controls.
However, when you come to a Page, you can use it mostly for Navigation . It can contain other controls , but it is mainly intended for Navigation within Frames.
