Microsoft Chart Controls in WPF4 - wpf

Have Microsoft Chart Controls been integrated into .NET 4 release of WPF? I've found some statements supporting such claims but i cant find those controls :/ How do I use them in WPF4?

This MSDN library page gives an overview over the new features in WPF 4. A Chart control is not part of WPF 4.
There is, however, a preview of the chart controls that probably will be released in an upcoming WPF version or service pack. You can download the preview as part of the WPF toolkit.


WPF Toolkit doesn't get displayed in the toolbox

I installed the wpftoolkit.msi and added a reference to it, but it doesn't get dipslayed in the toolbox, is there anything else that needs to be done? I followed the instructions from the code plex site, I can access some of the controls from code, only a few, I added WPFToolkit as a reference, does any other reference need to be added for the chart controls and so that they can be accessed from the toolbox?
EDIT: I added all dlls in the folder and still cannot access the chart control.
Answer: I provided an answer bellow you neeed to include a different namespace for the charts the default one from the codeplex site doesn't include all controls.
I believe this is the answer if you want to add the charting controls to your toolbox.
If you just add a reference to what the codeplex site says you won't get all controls.
using Microsoft.Windows.Controls doesn't work you need to include the reference name, if you click on properties for the reference name you can copy name, for charting it is: System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit
For the toolbox:
Go to your toolbox, right click create a new tab. In the new tab right click choose items add all the controls from the System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit namespace. You should have all of them in the toolbox.
Here it is
Installation and Usage Instructions
Please note: The WPF Toolkit is dependent on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. You must install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 in order to use any features in the Toolkit.
Instructions for using the WPF Toolkit binaries:
Install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
If you have a previous version of WPF Toolkit installed, uninstall it through the Remove Programs dialog on the Control Panel (look for "WPF Toolkit October 2008" or "WPF Toolkit January 2009" or "WPF Toolkit March 2009" or "WPF Toolkit June 2009")
Download the WPFToolkit_Binaries or WPFToolkit_BinariesAndSource
Run the WPFToolkit.msi to install the WPFToolkit.dll and WPF Toolkit design time binaries to your Program Files folder
Reference the binaries in your project:
Reference WPFToolkit.dll in your project
Add a using statement ("using Microsoft.Windows.Controls;") to the top of .cs files
Add a new xmlns (for example, xmlns:toolkit="") to the top of XAML files
Remember to use the namespace prefix (in the above example, ) in the body of your XAML

Wpf Docking Control with UI Automation compatibility

We have slowly been creating UI Automation tests using Ranorex on our product but have ran into several problems.
We are using Telerik Wpf controls (TabControl, TreeView, Grid and Docking) and so far we've only been able to test the TreeView and Grid using Ranorex. We replaced the TabControl for the standard Wpf TabControl which works with Ranorex. However the Docking control does not work and of course there is no standard out of the box Wpf Docking control for us to use instead.
My question is this: Does anybody know of any Wpf Docking controls that can be tested using an UI Automation tool (preferably Ranorex)?
I found AvalonDock, which at first looked promising, but according to this thread on their site it doesn't support UI Automation :(
Cheers for any comments,
As of now, Telerik has their own product that supports UI automation for WPF - Telerik Test Studio - including RadDocking control.

.Net 2.0 custom controls and WPF

out of curiosity i just want to know those custom control which was developed in .Net 2.0 version that can be reused in WPF application. if yes then what would be the process. usually we add custom control to the toolbox and just drag & drop those onto form and easily manipulate and work with them. so can we follow the same step to include those custom control developed with .net v2.0 onto WPF form or not. please discuss. thanks
You can reuse Windows Forms Controls in a WPF application (and the reverse is also true, you can host WPF controls in a Windows Forms application) .
Here is an official documentation link on this subject: Walkthrough: Hosting a Windows Forms Composite Control in WPF

Microsoft Ribbon for WPF (

I am using the latest WPF Ribbon control downloaded from
In Windows XP, the Ribbon application window’s title bar looks like from Windows 98… or like from console window. How can I improve the appearance of tittle bar.
Answered by a Microsoft Consultant:
The RibbonWindow ships with three templates as of the October 2010 release - Classic, Aero Basic, and Aero with glass. On XP's Luna theme, we fall back to displaying the Classic look for the RibbonWindow. It should be fairly easy to retemplate RibbonWindow to achieve the native XP look - use our RibbonWindow templates in the Ribbon Source and Samples MSI as an example. If we get feedback from several customers that the Luna theme is a top request, we will definitely consider including that for our next release.

Is there a document highlighting WPF and Silverlight controls available in the framework?

I'm looking for something like a pdf or anything else that would show a chart of available controls in SL and/or WPF.
Ideally, the chart should have a drawing of the control, some succinct description and the hierarchy if possible.
Has anyone seen such a thing? Freeware or Payware, can even be from a book I could buy.
The following MSDN link lists the controls within the Silverlight SDK:
You can try the sdk controls live following this link:
The controls within the Silverlight Toolkit can be found here:
Also, there are plenty of third party controls for Silverlight. The following link contains a list to some of them (free or not):
The controls that are shipped with the platform are fairly straightforward, so I'm not sure that would even make sense - i.e. the basic buttons, input box, text block, etc.
As for the controls that are shipped with the Toolkit, which is the richer feature set released out of band in relation to the Silverlight trunk, you can preview everything you asked for here:
What's more, the source code for the preview is included with the tool kit so it's very easy to see how any of those controls were used.
