How to call RESTful web service using TIBCO GI? - tibco-gi

I have created login page using Tibco GI and want to integrate this page with Restful web service for authentications.
can any one know how to integrate restful web service with tibco GI?

Tibco cannot, you need to develop a java class that do it for you and use it inside Tibco.


Microservices with App Engine and API Gateway

I have several microservices hosted using GAE Stadard. Currently the UI communicates directly with each service. I'd like to setup an API gateway so the traffic will be routed to the correct service based on path. E.g. any requests starts with /products will go to service A, while /orders will go to service B.
Is it something can be done using Google Cloud, without having to develop a new routing service?
Thanks in advance
There is a New Feature in Beta for App Engine that allow you to setup and deploy an API gateway for your services, which is exactly what you want to do.
You can check details and a tasklist of how to set it up in this Documentation.

Connecting project in Monaca Mobile restful api backend with mysql database

Connecting project in Monaca Mobile restful api backend with mysql database
I have a backend developed with php and mysql with various restful apis consultation, inclusion, exclusion ready. I need to connect the mobile project in Monaca this backend by apis from our server.
I'm trying different codes using angular, but nothing has certain data. If I can not make this connection will give up working with monaca.
Thank you!
Could not find a working rest example. This example connects to remote server and pulls data from a remote server. Changing URL should take care of the rest.

API REST to be used for an angular application and a mobile application

I'm building a REST APIs in Symfony2. The idea is to use these apis from a angular web app and a mobile app. Authentication is required to use the APIs.
I thought in the following possibilites:
Separate Symfony and angular in diferent projects:
The URLs under /api would use OAuth2 to authenticate user (FOSOAuthServerBundle). Both web and mobile app would need to use an access token.
Include angular inside Symfony: In the web app the users are authenticated using a symfony form, and therefore no need to protect the urls under /api with OAuth2. But how would authenticate users from the mobile app?
Please, any help is good!
In short, what I need is that the APIs can be used from two clients: web app and mobile app
I'm currently studying and suffering from the same problem and so far the best option I've seen is to keep the projects separate. If you include angularJS in your Symphony project, you will end up using resources that Symphony provides that you won't be able to replicate in the mobile structure. By detaching the server with the client completely, your Web App built only with Angular will be more similar to your mobile app, mimicking the stand-alone application mode.
Personally, I chose JWT Auth since it doesn't require 12 tables in your database, but using OAuth2 would have similar result.
Is always better to choose some solution that is already tested for many people and is used by them. So, I think is better you to use the OAuth technique, so you can consume your api from mobile, web and every other technology.
If you will join the API and WEBApp is up to you. because REST use no session and every call is a new call that you need to check and block or respond. I have an app that has an Codeigniter API and an AngularJS APP in the same project, but thoose does not share any exclusive thing as sessions.
I built e-commerce with FOSRestBundle, HWIOOauthBundle and FOSUserBundle
From server side, generate accesstoken and authenticate via api/login/ api/login_check/
write your security.yml routing access
From client side, call your api. It should render 200 or 403 HTTP_Code.

Does Google App Engine Support JAVA Proxy API's?

I have a question surrounding the REST service. I have an application written in C# , i want to put this application onto the cloud. I have a small problem, My Application has a built in C# API. I want to interact with my application and Google app engine. I want to develop a JAVA PROXY on top of GAE so that it can interact with my application using REST protocol and performs CRUD operations on Cloud and returns back data to my application.
Is it possible to do this ? to what i know is that SANDBOX feature doesn't allow us to directly interact with the App Engine.
Any suggestion on this.........
Thanks Heaps
You don't need Java Proxy API in order to make http requests to another server (I guess you did not have java's Proxy class in mind?).
Yes, AppEngine can make HTTP/REST requests to other servers via URL Fetch java API.

Twitter Web service in Silverlight

I want to use twitter web service in my silverlight application but don't know where I can find skd and web service reference for the twitter ?
When using twitter API with silverlight or any .net client app, you cannot just add a service reference to the project. You have to hand code and make direct calls to each feature you require. You should go through the their API wiki here and a tutorial here.
If you want things done fast, use a library like tweetsharp.
