SQL Server job (stored proc) trace - sql-server

I need your suggestion on tracing the issue.
We are running data load jobs at early morning and loading the data from Excel file into SQL Server 2005 db. When job runs on production server, many times it takes 2 to 3 hours to complete the tasks. We could drill down to one job step which is taking 99% of the total time to finish.
While running the job step (stored procs) on staging environment (with the same production database restored) takes 9 to 10 minutes, the same takes hours on production server when it run at early morning as part of job. The production server always stuck up at the very job step.
I would like to run trace on the very job step (around 10 stored procs run for each user in while loop within the job step) and collect the info to figure out the issue.
What are the ways available in SQL Server 2005 to achieve the same? I want to run the trace only for these SPs and not for certain period time period on production server, as trace give lots of information and it becomes very difficult for me (as not being DBA) to analyze that much of trace information and figure out the issue. So I want to collect info about specific SPs only.
Let me know what you suggest.
Appreciate your time and help.

Use SQL Profiler. It allows you to trace plenty of events, including stored procedures, and even apply filters to the trace.
Create a new trace
Select just stored procedures (RPC:Completed)
Check "TextData" for columns to read
Click the "Column Filters" button
Select "TextData" from the left hand nav
Expand the "Like" tree view, and type in your procedure name
Check "Exclude Rows that Do Not Contain Values"
Click "OK", then "Run"

What else is happening on the server at that time is important when it is faster on other servers but not prod. Maybe you are running into the daily backup or maintenance of statistics or indexes jobs?


SQL server Instance hanging randomly

I have a SQL Server agent job running every 5 minutes with SSIS package from SSIS Catalog, that package does:
DELETE all existing data ON OLTP_DB
Extract data from Production DB
DELETE all existing data on OLAP_DB and then
Extract data transformed from OLTP_DB into OLAP_DB ...
That job I mentioned above is hanging randomly for some reason that I don't know,
I just realize using the activity monitor, every time it hangs it shows something like:
and if I try to run any query against that database it does not response just say executing.... and nothing happen until I stop the job.
The average running time for that job is 5 or 6 minutes, but when it hangs it can stay running for days if I donĀ“t stop it. :(
Set delayValidation : True
Improved my queries
No transactions running
No locking or blocking (I guess)
Rebuild and organize index
My settings:
Recovery Mode Simple
SSIS OLE DB Destination
1-Keep Identity (checked)
2-Keep Nulls (checked)
3-Table lock (checked)
4-Check constraints (unchecked)
rows per batch (blank)
Maximum insert commit size(2147483647)
I have another job running a ssis package as well (small) in the same instance but different databases and when the main ETL mentioned above hangs then this small one sometimes, that is why I think the problem is with the instance (I guess).
I'm open to provide more information as need it.
Any assistance or help would be really appreciated!
As Joeren Mostert said, it's showing CXPACKET which means that it's executing some work in parallel. (cxpacket)
It's also showing ASYNC_NETWORK_IO (async_network_io) which means it's also transfering data to the network.
There could be many reasons. Just a few more hints:
- Have you checked if network connection is slow? - What is the size of the data being transfered vs the speed of the network? - Is there an antivirus running that could slow the data transfer?
My guess is that there is lots of data to transfer and that it's taking a long time. I would think either I/O or network but since you have an asyn_network_io that takes most of the cumulative wait time, I would go for network.
As #Jeroen Mostert and #Danielle Paquette-Harvey Said, By doing right click using the activity monitor I could figure out that I had an object that was executing in parallel (for some reason in the past), to fix the problem I remove the parallel structure and put everything to run in one batch.
Now it is working like a charm!!

Finding bottlenecks of ETL and Cube processing

I have an ETL and Cube solutions, which I process one after another in a SQL agent job.
In ETL I run 1 package, that in turn one by one runs all other packages.
Whole processing takes 10 hours.
For ETL:
How can I find out which package takes what amount of time to run within that one parent package, other than opening solution and record times?
For cube:
Here dimensions process fast. What do I measure here in order to find which part takes it so long? Maybe measures? How to track processing times of particular measure?
Maybe SQL Profiler will help? If so, is there a good article which describes which metrics there should I pay attention to?
To gather statistics about SSIS execution times, you can enable logging:
For package deployment model, you'll have to turn on logging in each package, go to SSIS > logging. In the dialogue choose the Pre and Post Execute events. Use a sql logging provide which will log to a system table called dbo.sysssislog. You'll need to join pre and post events on execution id.
For Project deployment model, it's probably already on. This can be configured in SSMS, Integration Services > SSISDB, right click and choose properties. Once you've executed the package, you can see the results in the standard reports. Right click the master package and choose Reports > Standard Reports > All Executions.
Lots more details on SSIS logging here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/integration-services/performance/integration-services-ssis-logging
For SSAS, I always tested this manually. Connect in SSMS, right click on each Measure group and do a process full (this assumes the dimensions have just been freshly processed.) The measures are more likely to be the cause of an issue because of the amount of data.
Once you understand which measure is slow, you can look at tuning the source query, if it has any complexity to it, or partitioning the measure group and doing incremental loading. Full processing could be scheduled periodically.

What's changed on Azure to slow my SQL sproc down to a crawl?

In December 2015 I deployed a small azure web app (webapi, 1 controller, 2 REST end points) along with an Azure SQL db (1 table, 1.7M rows, 3 stored procedures).
I could call my rest endpoints and get data back within a few seconds. Happy days.
Now I make the same call and my app throws a 500 error. Closer examination shows the SQL access timed out.
I can open the db (using Visual Studio data tools) and run the queries and call the stored procedures. For my main sproc execution time is about 50 seconds - way too long for the app to wait.
The data in the table has not changed since deployment, and the app and db have been untouched for the last few months, so how come it ran OK back in December but fails miserably now?
All help greatly appreciated.
The Query Store is available in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database. It is a sort of "flight recorder" which records a history of query executions.
Its purpose is to identify what has gone wrong, when a query execution plan suddenly becomes slow. Unlike DMVs, the Query Store data is persisted in tables, so it isn't lost when SQL Server is restarted, and can be retained for months.
It has four reports in SSMS. This picture shows the Top Resource Consuming Queries. The top left pane shows a bar graph where each bar represents a query, ordered by descending resource usage.
You can select a particular query of interest, then the top right pane shows a timeline with points for each execution. In this example, you can see that the query has got much worse, because the second dot is showing much higher resource usage. (Actually I forced this to happen by deliberately dropping a covering index.)
Then you can click on a particular dot and the graphical execution plan is displayed in the lower pane. So in this example, I can compare the two plans to see what has changed. The graphical execution plan is telling me there is a missing index (this feature in itself is not new), and if I clicked on the previous dot this message wouldn't appear. So that's a pretty good clue as to what's gone wrong!
The Regressed Queries report has the same format, but it shows only queries that have "regressed" or got worse. So it is ideal for troubleshooting.
I know this doesn't resolve your present situation, unless you happened to have Query Store enabled. However it could be very useful for the future and for other people reading this.
See MSDN > Monitoring Performance By Using the Query Store: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-GB/library/dn817826.aspx

SQL Server Agent Job Running Slow

I am executing a stored procedure using SQL Server Agent Job in SQL Server 2005.
This job was running fast until yesterday. Since yesterday this job is taking more than 1 hour instead of 2 mins.
I executed the stored procedure in SSMS, it just took less than 1 minute to execute.
I could not figure out why it is taking more than 1 hour when executed as a SQL Server Agent job?
After some time commenting and assuming that the SP performs with the same input parameters and data well when executed in SSMS, I finnaly think I can give a last tip:
Depending on what actions are performed within the SP (e.g. inserting/updating/deleting a lot of data within a loop or cursor), you should set nocount on at the beginning of your code.
set nocount on
If this is not the case or does not help, please add more information, already mentioned in the comments (e.g. all settings of the Job and each Jobstep, what has been logged, what is in the Jobhistory, check SQLerrorlogs, eventlogs,....).
Also take a look at the "SQL Server Logs" maybe you can gather some info here. Also a look into the Application/System eventlo of the Databaseserver is always a good idea.
To get a basic overview you can use the Activitymonitor in SSMS, by selecting the Databaseserver and selecting "Activity monitor" from contextmenu and search for the sql agent.
My last try would be to try to run a sql trace for the agent. In this case you would start a trace and filter e.g. by the user that the SQLAgent Service runs. There are so many options you can set for traces, so I would recommend to google for it, search on MSDN or ask another question here on stackoverflow.
We have a large proc that runs in 88 seconds in SSMS and 30-45 minutes in SQL Server Agent. I added the dbo. prefix on all the table names and now it runs just as fast as SSMS.
I've noticed that SQL Agent jobs ignore the server's MAXDOP setting and run everything with a MAXDOP of 1. If I run a stored procedure in a query windows, it obeys the server settings and uses 4 processes. If I use SQL Agent, any stored procedure I run uses only one process.
I have a similar issue with a script that calls a number of UDFs that I created. The UDF's themselves normally run subsecond under SSMS. Likewise, running the reports I generate with them is bearable under SSMS (30d data in 8s, 365d data in 22s). I've always done NOCOUNT ON with my SQL Agent jobs as they normally generate text files out for pickin up by other processes or Excel and I do not want the extra data at the end, so it was not a solution for me.
In this case, when we run the exact same script under SQL Agent as a job, my times grow exponentially. My 8s script takes 2m30s and my 22s script takes 2h20m. This is the same whether I run it midday with other user activity and jobs or after hours with no user activity, nor jobs or backups running. Our server is idle and at best I get one of the 8 cores being utilized when run. DB is only about 10GB running on SSD with a cached RAID card and 16 of 32GB RAM is free. Since my SQL runs efficiently in SSMS, I am pretty well of the belief that I am hitting a threading limit of some sort. I have researched and tried adjusting MAXDOP just prior to the scripts in the SQL Agent with no luck.
Since this is an activity I want to schedule, it needs to be automated one way or another. I could let these scripts take the hours they need to run as SQL steps in SQL Agent jobs, but I decided to run from command line instead and I get the same performance I see in SSMS.
sqlcmd -S SQLSRVRHost -i "C:\My Script Loc With Spaces.sql" -v MyVar="VarValue" >"C:\MyOutputFile.txt"
So I created a batch script with the SQL jobs run from sqlcmd. Then I run the batch script from a SQL Agent job, so I still have the same management and control in place. My 4 SQL jobs that collectively took over 3 hours to run complete in 1 min and a few seconds from a single batch script executed by SQL Agent.
I hope this helps...

Sending a summary of SQL Server Agent job failures

SQL Server Agent allows you to create Notifications at the moment a Job succeeds or fails, but I'd like to create a regular notification that sends a summary of the events for those who are one step removed from server maintenance.
Is there a way to setup summary notifications that spell out which jobs failed over the last 24 hours?
There are several system stored procedures that you might be able to use or you could query directly against the system tables. If you have SSRS available then put together a report using those queries and you can have it on-demand or scheduled to be emailed to the necessary people at whatever time is right for you.
Specifically, check out sp_help_jobhistory and sp_help_jobhistory_full in msdb.
I'd be surprised if you couldn't use Google to find a demo of setting this up.
