Change a files md5 number using a batch file - batch-file

I'm a really newbie, so sorry if the title isn't grammatically correct :p Anyway...
Can I change a files md5 number using a batch file

It's not clear at all which are your intents but a MD5 is associated with a set of bytes. You cannot change it without changing the bytes and recalculating it. This operation is one-way in the sense that you have your data, you use it to calc the MD5, you keep MD5 around with your file so that you can check the integrity whenever you need it.
This apporach requires the MD5 to be correct a not to be modified..

An MD5 checksum is calculated from the contents of the file. The only way you could change this using a batch file, would be to write a batch file which would modify the file.
If the file is text, you could simply echo some new contents to the end:
echo something >> $filename
If, however, the file is binary, this will lead to corruption.
If your question actually referred to the creation of MD5 checksums, you can obtain FCIV from Microsoft and use this within your batch:


Batch File Calls VB Script & Passes Filename as String Only

I have a batch file that calls a VB Script file. This VB Script comes from MS Office Suite and is located in the Installed Folder. My file calls the VB Script and pipes it to a file using the > symbol. This works if your redirect is a string. I was wondering how to redirect to a file using a variable.
I'm only including a small fraction of the code showing how I want it to work.
This, as written, works. However I want my batch file to use a variable instead of the text in quotes. In fact, my batch file creates the path depending on where the batch file is located.
::Create file and display on screen
Echo Writing Information to File: "OfficeStatus.txt"
Call cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus > OfficeStatus.txt
When written as shown below, it does not work:
::Create file and display on screen
Echo Writing Information to File: "OfficeStatus.txt"
Call cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus > %_sLogFile%
I don't know if the issue is because of the redirect not able to handle a variable or not. An example of what might be in the variable:
Any thoughts would be great.
The variable, by the way, correctly contains the path and filename... so that's not the issue.
it does not work means did not do what I expected and unfortunately does not tell us what it did do.
Did it crash the system? Create an error message (If so, what message)? Create an output file in an unexpected place??
Personally, I'd suspect what you have concealed as username. Without knowing precisely what that text is, we start guessing, which isn't a logical approach. It doesn't have to be the real username, substitute Fred Bloggs for the real name to mask it if necessary.
I believe that username may either be %username% to retrieve the name from the system, or a real literal. The problem with this is that such names often contain spaces, you'd need to "Enclose the full filename in quotes".
See - had you told us _sLogFile=E:\Fred Bloggs\Documents\Status\OfficeStatus.txt it would all have been a lot clearer - presuming that my guess as to the cause of the problem is correct.
Perhaps you should look for files named like E:\Fred which is where the expected output may have ended up.

how to get the type of the file before its compression

For example, if we have the following file: file.txt that after the compression is now (new is the new extension) , how to obtain that .txt extension, that is forgotten?
I need that to decompress the file.
In general, if you lose the file name extension you can't get it back. It's as simple as this.
However, there might be chances depending on the compression format. Some formats do store the original file name (along with other informations) in the compressed file. And the "decompressor" will be able to recreate those properties.
Anyway, it's good practise to name a compressed file with an additional extension, in your case
Oh, and you don't need to know the file name extension to uncompress the compressed file. Just uncompress it and give it a temporary name. As #MarcoBonelli said, file contents and file name extensions have no fixed relation. They are just a convention to handle them conveniently.
For example: You can rename a EXE to DOCX. Windows will show the Word icon but it is still an executable. Windows will not attempt to run it, though.
To know what a file contains can be difficult. The magic number Marco linked to might give you some hint.

Command Line: Parsing Sql text

I need to extract the object name from a sql text file. All of my sql files have as their 1st line "CREATE some type [schema name].[object name]. Sometimes the brackets are there, other times not. In either case, I need to be able to discern the object name affected so I can determine if it actually exists before updating the server with the new changes. I need to do this from a Windows 7 command line batch file. Not powershell, please.
Doing this in a batch file is a bit like working without your hands tied behind your back, but if you insist, I would suggest the following:
Get the first line of the file (you said in the comments that you can already do this).
Split the line on spaces and get the x-th value.
Split the resulting value on the dot.
Strip the backets from the value.
Voila. It won't be easy, it won't be readable, but it will do what you need and it will be a Windows cmd batch file.

List a directory folder to a variable

I felt it was better to ask this separately rather than expect an answer from my comment on my previous post.
I already have variables set for the directory number %jobn% which is unique is there a way I can search for the unknown element to add to another variable, I know via the command line I can run Dir D09854* and I will get a single report with the full name, can this be collected somehow and add to a named variable?
S:\SWDA\HBOS>dir d09854*
Volume in drive S is Images
Volume Serial Number is FE8F-38FE
Directory of S:\SWDA\HBOS
18/02/2013 10:29 <DIR> D09854_Parent Test
I want to add the elements after "_" to a variable %DirDesc% so I can create the full path by combining %jobn%%DirDesc% to get "D09854_Parent Test"
dir d09854* /b will recover the full folder name in one line, without the extra cruft, if that's any use? What are you writing this widget in?
Does it have to be Good Old Fashioned DOS, or can the newer Command extensions be used?
With limited old DOS, I can't think of a way to get that into a SET Variable without piping it to a temporary batch file, having first ECHO'd a set variable= into it, and using >> in the pipe to append to it... and then CALL the temporary batch file to execute the command!

Using a .bat file for integration to client

I was trying to put together a .bat file program that presents readable information. Basically, we have a application called vSphere that reads custom scripts directly from a xml file. So there are xml elements that are passed into the the client. Now, I have a similar situation where we are doing the same thing with vCloud. The difference is that vCloud only reads data from a .bat file instead of a xml file.. If I wanted to do such a thing what would that look like.. Below is my psuedo code as I'm not completely familiar with .bat file syntax. Is this how I can present the information to be read by the vCloud client? The client already knows how to read the .bat file, I just need help with a control structure example of a .bat file to tackle this problem.
xml version:
.bat file version:
#echo off
SET ChangeExample=1341932956
if changeExample==""(
echo changeExample==ChangeExample
Thank you!
this code may work for you
#echo off
set changeExample=1341932956
echo %changeExample%
This will display the value of changeExample 1341932956 on the cmd screen if you run the batch file is this what you wanted...
Your almost there, just a couple of things.
To access a variable after setting it, without any special circumstances, you need to put %'s at each side of it to tell cmd that you want the value contained in it.
By default if is case sensitive, so you must first make sure that your variables are spelt
correctly, also you need a space between the end of the if condition and the bracket.
Provided that this is the correct format for the batch (I don't have a clue what it actually wants to read) then this is the correct syntax
#echo off
SET ChangeExample=1341932956
if %ChangeExample%=="" (
echo changeExample==%ChangeExample%
I presumed you wanted to echo the variable contents rather than the string ChangeExample, if you just want the string remove the %'s.
