Silverlight recursivly bind Treeview to XDocument - silverlight

How can I recursivly bind a Treeview to an XDocument, mapping each XML Element to a Node in the Treeview?
The code below should work from my perspective (and also according to the very few posts I found regarding direct binding), however it does not:
<sdk:TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Elements}" DataContext="{Binding Path=Data}">
<data:HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Elements}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
(Data is a Property of type XElement on the parents' DataContext)
Did I make a mistake somewhere or do I really need to implement an IValueConverter just to get at the child elements of an XElement?

The "Elements" member is not a Property, It's a Method call.
You cannot bind to method calls in Silverlight.
If you're really bent on getting this scenario to work you've got 2 options I can see:
1. Use an IValueConverter to extract the contents of the "Elements" method.
2. Wrap the XDocument in managed classes in a proper hierarchy.
Personally, While option #1 seems the fastest, I believe that in the long run it'll cost you more time to maintain and support then spending an additional 10 minutes building a proper domain model.
-- Justin Angel


Automatic template selection in WPF not working with interface

I have a TreeView bound to a list of Tileset. Tileset contains TileGroup, TileGroup contains both Tile and TileRun instances. Both Tile and TileRun implement ITile, but eventually there will be many more types implementing ITile
I have the following XAML:
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Tilesets}">
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Tileset}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TileGroups}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:TileGroup}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Tiles}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type tiles:ITile}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
Tileset and TileGroup choose the correct DataTemplate but ITile does not, no template is selected, the tree just displays the data type.
However, if I add a DataTemplate for both Tile and TileRun explicitly, everything works great.I don't want to do that though, as there will eventually be many more classes implementing ITile.
I am aware that I could handle this using a DataTemplateSelector, but I'd like a pure XAML solution if possible.
Am I doing something wrong here, or does WPF just not support this type of automatic template selection based on interfaces?
Am I doing something wrong here, or does WPF just not support this type of automatic template selection based on interfaces?
You are not doing something wrong. This kind of data binding support for interfaces is simply not supported. Please refer to Beatriz Costa's (MSFT) answer in the following thread on the MSDN forums for more information about why.
Data templates and interfaces:
"The data binding team discussed adding support for interfaces a while ago but ended up not implementing it because we could not come up with a good design for it. The problem was that interfaces don't have a hierarchy like object types do. Consider the scenario where your data source implements both IMyInterface1 and IMyInterface2 and you have DataTemplates for both of those interfaces in the resources: which DataTemplate do you think we should pick up?
When doing implicit data templating for object types, we first try to find a DataTemplate for the exact type, then for its parent, grandparent and so on. There is very well defined order of types for us to apply. When we talked about adding support for interfaces, we considered using reflection to find out all interfaces and adding them to the end of the list of types. The problem we encountered was defining the order of the interfaces when the type implements multiple interfaces."
So you will either have to define a DataTemplate for both Tile and TileRun explicitly or use a DataTemplateSelector.

Are "{Binding Path=.}" and "{Binding}" really equal

In my WPF project, I have a ListBox that displays items from a List<string> collection. I wanted to make the text of these items editable, so I wrapped each of them in an ItemTemplate with a TextBox (might not be the best way, but I'm new to WPF). I was having trouble simply binding the TextBoxes' Text property to the value of each item. I finally stumbled upon an example using a single dot or period for its Path property ({Binding Path=.}):
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=recipesListbox,Path=SelectedItem.Steps}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=.}"/>
However I don't understand why simply using {Binding} didn't work.
It raised a "Two-way binding requires Path or XPath" exception, as according to Microsoft:
[...] a period (.) path can be used to bind to the current source. For example, Text="{Binding}" is equivalent to Text="{Binding Path=.}"
Could someone shed light on this ambiguous behavior?
EDIT: Moreover, it seems {Binding Path=.} does not necessarily give two-way binding, as modifying the text and moving the focus does not update the underlying source (the same source has also properties displayed and successfully modified on a DataGrid control). I'm definitely missing something here.
The point of the exception presumably is that you cannot two-way bind a binding-source itself, so it tries to prevent you from creating a binding which does not behave the way you would want it to. By using {Binding Path=.} you just trick the error detection.
(Also it's not unheard of that documentation is erroneous or inaccurate, though i do like the MSDN documentation a lot in general as it usually does contain the crucial points one is interested in)
The documentation states that {Binding} is equivalent to {Binding Path=.}. However it is not equivalent to {Binding Path} as you have typed. If you include the Path property, you must assign it to something, be it Path=. or Path=OtherProperty.
These are not the same. If you bind this where ConsoleMessages is an ObservableCollection string with just {Binding} you get a "Two-way binding requires Path or XPath." exception where as {Binding Path=.} works. This is with WPF 4.0...
<ItemsControl x:Name="ConsoleOutput" ItemsSource="{Binding ConsoleMessages, Mode=OneWay}" MaxHeight="400">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=.}" BorderThickness="0" Margin="0" />
My 2p worth...
In short, the difference between the two is analogous with the difference between the traditional pass by value and pass by reference. (FYR - What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?)
However I don't understand why simply using {Binding} didn't work (it raised a "Two-way binding requires Path or XPath" exception)
Lets assume here for now that {Binding} can be used for two way binding. In general {Binding} creates a value based link with datacontext which does not allow updating the datacontext.
Whereas {Binding Path=.} creates reference based link with the memory area referenced by the 'Path' which allows updating the value through reference.(in this case 'dot' the current datacontext).
Hope this helps!

Cross DomainDataSource Combobox SelectedItem Binding

I'm fairly new to Data binding & XAML, so this probably is fairly simple thing but I've been stumped on it for days now (and frustrated with more googling than i can track at this point) and would appreciate any pointers in the right direction. My only preference is to keep it in pure XAML if possible.
In my RIA SL4 project, I have two Entities PackageOS and OS where PackageOS has an association to OS through PackageOS.OS (associating through PackageOS.OSID <-> OS.ID - and [Include] + .Include() setup properly on relevant sections)
This is the template (defined in Page.Resource section along with all other involved DDS) I'm using in DataForm to get OSEntities List to bind into PackageOS Entity (coming from RIA GetOSEntities() using DDS):
<DataTemplate x:Key="POSItemTemplate">
<toolkit:DataField Label="PackageOS.OS">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource packageOSEntityDomainDataSource}, Path=Data.CurrentItem.OS}" />
<toolkit:DataField Label="OS">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Data, Source={StaticResource osEntityDomainDataSource}}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Data.CurrentItem.OS, Source={StaticResource packageOSEntityDomainDataSource}}"/>
The core problem is SelectedItem of ComboBox is not working. All the bindings are reachable from IDE Binding wizard so it's not a problem of me typing incorrect path. I can see packageOSEntityDomainDataSource.Data.CurrentItem to be of type PackageOS.
If i create a manual entry in backend database, the result is shown in PackageOS.OS textblock so I know it is properly being returned but SelectedItem refuses to pick it up (it ends up selecting the first value in dropdown list regardless of OS item in PackageOS).
Many thanks in advance!
Finally figured this out. Leaving my answer in hopes that it saves somebody else the time that I spent on this.
First Lesson
The problem was in the fact that I didn't have a custom Equality implementation for generated entities and default reference equality didn't work as I was using two different instances. Once I implemented IEquatable on my generated entities (through .shared.cs partial classes on server side) everything started working like a charm.
For details please see Silverlight ComboBox Control Population by Manishdalal
Second lesson
Do not use multiple DDS controls if you can help it. Especially once you use a write operation on a DDS, you cannot load/refresh any other DDS that is sharing the DomainContext until changes are committed. The link above shows how to avoid multiple DDS by using list generators when all you want is to pick up list of entities to fill ComboBox up.
My new code looks like this:
<DataTemplate x:Key="POSItemTemplate">
<StackPanel d:DataContext="{Binding Source=packageOSDomainDataSource, Path=Data.CurrentItem}">
<toolkit:DataField Label="OS">
<ComboBox DisplayMemberPath="Name"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=OSList, Source={StaticResource OSListGenerator}}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=OS, Mode=TwoWay}" />
Where OSListGenerator is returning an IEnumerable<OSEntity> through its OSList property after loading it from DomainContext
Third Lesson
In DDS DataTemplate you have to be explicit with TwoWay Binding. This is the new behaviour; something that took me days to figure as most of the tutorials I referred to were using SL3 and I didn't realize that this was a breaking change in DDS DataTemplate behaviour in SL4.

Can you use a CollectionViewSource inside a DataTemplate?

Is it possible to explicitly use a CollectionViewSource inside a data template? Normally we'd put the CollectionViewSource in the resources alongside the template, but our model doesn't allow that because the 'source' of the collectionviewsource is a property of the DataContext at this level in the tree, meaning there needs to be an instance at this level. Putting it out in the root of the resources would mean there was only one instance. We also can't simply use grouping on the outer level as these items don't exist until you're this far down the hierarchy, and not all siblings even have this property. So it makes sense logically that we instantiate the CollectionViewSource within the DataTemplate (in this instance a HierarchicalDataTemplate, but that's irrelevant.)
Specifically, we're trying to allow a specific sorting at this particular node level. Our only other choice is to sort in the ViewModel itself but that becomes a pain since we're using ObservableCollections which don't themselves support sorting. Actually, every article we've seen on the topic all state you should be using a CollectionViewSource precisely for that reason, hence this question.
For example, this works…
<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="CategoryTemplate"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TreeViewSymbolTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Symbols}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" FontWeight="Bold" />
But this doesn’t…
<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="CategoryTemplate"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TreeViewSymbolTemplate}">
<CollectionViewSource Source="{Binding Symbols}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" FontWeight="Bold" />
Seems to me like it would, but it doesn’t. Again, we can't put the CollectionViewSource out at the same level as the data template as there needs to be one instance per template since each has its own set of items (although they will all share sorting criteria.)
Ok... so this isn't exactly what I wanted to do, but the outcome is exactly the same, and nobody even commented, let alone answered, hence my putting this as one.
The original reason for us needing to do this was to have node-specific sorting. While we never did get the CollectionViewSource to work, we did manage to apply sorting directly to the nodes. The trick is to do it either at node creation time, or like we're doing it, when the node expands (we're using binding so we don't manually create the nodes.)
Note that our actual code does track if we've already applied the sort to the node in question so it isn't performed on each 'Expanded' event, but that code is irrelevant to this question so I omitted it for brevity. Still, you should add something similar.
Anyway, here's how you can do per-node sorting...
private void tvSymbols_Expanded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
TreeViewItem node = e.OriginalSource as TreeViewItem;
if(node==null) return;
node.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("SomeField", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
node.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("SomeOtherField", ListSortDirection.Descending));
Of course if anyone still figures out why the original question's code didn't work, lemme know!

Databinding Not Updating When Using {Binding .} or {Binding}

I have an ObservableCollection of addresses that I am binding to a ListBox. Then in the ItemTemplate I am Binding to the current address record using {Binding .}. This results in my addresses displaying using their ToString method which I have setup to format the address. All is good, except if I update properties on an individual address record the list in the UI does not update. Adds/Deletes to the list do update the UI (using the ObservableCollection behavior). If I bind directly to properties on the address the UI does update (using the INotifyPropertyChanged behavior of the Address object).
My question is, is there a way to notify the UI of the change to the object as a whole so that I can still use this syntax or do I need to punt and put a DisplayText property on my address type that calls the ToString method and bind to that? FYI, this is an MVVM architecture so I don't have the luxury of calling Refresh on the ListBox directly.
Thanks for any help/ideas.
<ListBox x:Name="AddressList" ItemsSource="{Binding Addresses}" Background="Transparent" BorderBrush="Transparent"
Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding .}" />
When you bind to the Address object itself, the object itself -- that is, its identity -- doesn't change, even though its properties do. WPF therefore doesn't know to refresh the binding in this case.
So yes, you need to bind to a notifying property (or properties) rather than the whole object. As you say, one way to do this is to create a DisplayText property, and raise the PropertyChanged event for that property whenever something that affects the display text changes. Another is to use multiple TextBlocks in a horizontally oriented StackPanel, each bound to a particular property e.g.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding HouseNumber}" />
<TextBlock Text=", " />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Street}" />
<TextBlock Text=", " />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding City}" />
The advantage of the second approach is that it gives you flexibility in the UI to change how addresses are displayed, e.g. multiple lines, formatting, etc.; the downside is that it gets complicated if you have conditional logic e.g. an optional flat number or second address line.
I tried to reproduce the problem and succeeded.
I activated the step-into-.NET debugging options, and saw that WPF does not listen to INotifyPropertyChanged if the path in the binding is empty.
What worked to get a change to be reflected in the list box is to replace the whole object in the ObservableCollection. This triggers the INotifyCollectionChanged, with the Replace action.
But this may not be acceptable in your case. And it could be seen more like a hack than a solid solution.
I'd seriously consider having a DataTemplate for Address. There you should bind to the exact properties you need (which would create the listener for INotifyPropertyChanged). It is more flexible than ToString() and you may encounter cases where you have a need for ToString() to do something for non-UI stuff, which would create a conflict. And honestly, ToString is not really meant for UI stuff.
