CakePHP Routing Alias, no prefix - cakephp

I have a dashboard with a series of widgets. Per specification, the widgets need to be buried under a /widgets/ directory.
So I have added the following to my routes.php
Router::connect('/widget/:controller/:action/*', array());
But I seem to be running into trouble on widget/links/ and widget/links/view/1
I am new to CakePHP, but this doesn't seem all that impressive. I have yet to find anything in the Book or by search. So any help is appreciated.
Thanks. the risk of stating the obvious...your route starts with /widget/, but you indicate that you're trying to access it via a plural URI (/widgets/). That's a problem. If that's just a typo, it would help to know what error you're seeing when you "run into trouble".
Yes that was a typo. I corrected it. The error that appears for widget/links/ is: Error: WidgetController could not be found. It appears my index/default route is the main problem.
Given that information, it appears that CakePHP thinks that widget is your controller. Cake processes routes top down and finds the first one that matches. Ensure that you don't have a route above this one that looks something like /:controller/... or any other route above this one that starts with a variable.


templatetags and context['request']

So i'm learning Wagtail and trying to understand how to generate menus. So far i've found the bakerydemo repo helpful. One major point of confusion for me is understanding how to use the templatetags used for menus in the bakery demo. Below is the code for the get_site_root tag (django docs recommend that as of 1.11 that simple_tag will also work and so I changed it to that.)
def get_site_root(context):
# This returns a core.Page. The main menu needs to have
# the site.root_page
#defined else will return an object attribute error ('str' object
#has no attribute 'get_children')
return context['request'].site.root_page
No matter what I do I can't seem to get this to work. Either nothing is returned or I get various errors like the request key isn't in context or others. I looked at the Site middleware then traced that to the site model staticmethod "find_for_request" which in turn should be calling "get_site_for_hostname" in the . Anyways, I would love some guidance on what I am doing wrong or misunderstanding. Also, any help in understading the "wagtailthonic" way of generating menus from page hierarchies would be welcome.
Here is an image of the page and site tables.

Should I create a new controller in cakephp

I'm new in CakePhp but experienced in CodeIgniter. I created a controller in "WelcomeController.php" in controller directory and run the page. I got two errors
1. Error: The view for WelcomeController::index() was not found.
2. Error: Confirm you have created the file: C:\xampp\htdocs\myc\app\View\Welcome\index.ctp.
My question
Why I am getting this error even though I have supplied index() function?
In codeigniter we may not create a directory for a view. I don't want to create a directory "Welcome" in view. I there any provision provided?
In Cakephp you have to create view for function or here it called action. In your case, Create index.ctp on App->View->Welcome folder. This Getting Start
will give you a basic idea.
1) You're getting that error because your missing the view, not the controller function. To fix, do what the error suggested:
Confirm you have created the file: C:\xampp\htdocs\myc\app\View\Welcome\index.ctp.
2) "I don't want to create a directory "Welcome" in view. I there any provision provided?".
Not really... I mean, no if you want that action to have a correspondent view to put the content. Otherwise you can use $this->autoRender = false to not show anything... But that'll mean the url localhost/welcomes/index will be blank.
I recommend you read the basics as Fazal said. I know every framework can give us "quirks" and we end up expecting every other framework to work the same way we are used to, but try to adapt to the cake-way.
Btw, should be "WelcomesController", according to cake conventions
Be sure that you have all the files and directories necessary for the modal, controller and view to link up correctly i.e.: Create the folder called welcome(s) in your views directory with an index.ctp file. This should get rid of that error.
Check out this brilliant blog tutorial: Link

Controller Redirect issue in CakePHP

I have a controller with name users_controller, within the login action I want to redirect to my affiliate_redirect_controller.php, now I the following code in the users controller to redirect
'action'=>'logRedirect' ));
And then I get the following error which I can't seem to resolve
Error: The requested address '/affiliate_redirect/logRedirect' was not found on this server.
I honestly do not know what this could be, quite new to cakePHP and none of the solutions found work for me.
the contents of affiliate_redirect_controller.php looks like this
class AffiliateRedirectController extends AppController
var $name = 'AffiliateRedirect';
function logRedirect(){
I can see there is a mistake in your code its because of naming convention.
'action'=>'logRedirect' ));
Please see the above changes when you are writing your controller name in lowercase like above it should be plural affiliate_redirects and should not be affiliate_redirect
Apart from this you can use directly redirect as like this also.
Please try, it should work.
Do you have a table in your database that corresponds to affiliate redirect controller?
You might want to rethink your logic, and use CakePHP routes to set the URL to what you want. Having a controller named affiliate_redirect_controller doesn't follow CakePHP's naming conventions.
Since I don't know exactly what you're trying to do, I don't know if this will work for you, but maybe consider redirecting to a separate action in UsersController like /users/affiliate_redirect/
Or you can create an AffiliatesController and then redirect to /affiliates/redirect/
Also, if you don't have debug mode set to 2, you should do that. It may help reveal what the actual issue is.
What debug level do you have in app/config/core.php ? Most of the time, when you get the message
Error: The requested address '/controller/action' was not found on this server.
it means you have a debug level set to 0 and increasing it to 1 or 2 allows to get more details about the error.

Reverse Routing Slug-Based URL in CakePHP

(I know there's a couple of other reverse-routing-slugs questions on this site, but I'm not having much luck relating the answers to my particular issue, so I'll ask my more specific question...)
I am building a site whose URLs now need to be slug-based, i.e. what was initially news/item/1 now has to have the URL news/firstnewsitem. And so on for a number of other controllers. I can easily get these addresses to work, and maybe even not stomp on my existing utility actions, with something like:
array('pass'=>array('slug'), 'slug'=>'[^(index|add|edit|view|delete)]')
However, the reverse routing of these new links seems to be a non-starter: Cake is still generating such links as news/item/3. It seems optimistic to hope that a slug-based URL would automagically happen, but is there any array that I can pass in my Html->link parameters that will create the :controller/:slug format I'm looking for? Or do I have to cut my losses and back away from reverse routing at this point?
There's a pretty decent plugin for handling slug-based routing here:
If you used this, you would be able to create links something like this
$html->link("some item", array(
and that would output a link to /items/view/slug-for-your-item

How to use default.ctp in cakephp

I just finished the "15 min Blog Post tutorial" included in the documentation for cakephp. I was asked for another tutorial to change the layout for first tutorial.
However, I am fairly new to MVC programming/Cakephp and I have no real clue how to do so. Well, I know I need "default.ctp" placed in app/views/layouts/ and I presume I need to include
to include my data? . . .
I am really at a loss of what to do. I set up my default.ctp as I mentioned above, but when I go to localhost:9999/posts the layout is still the same. I guess I need to include a stylesheet (and if so, where?)
I guess if someone can point me in the right direction to a beginner's guide to layout styling or how to use it I would greatly appreciate any help.
I would advice you to read the following from the cookbook: Layouts and CSS. Then copy the layout from /cake/libs/view/layouts/ to /app/views/layouts/ and modify it to your needs. After that create you stylesheet (or modify existing one) in /app/webroot/css/ and include it in your layout.
Create in app/View/Layout a file named "my_posts_layout.ctp"
In your PostController set $this->layout = 'my_posts_layout';
This way you should view the content defined on my_posts_layout.ctp.
Lack of stylesheets has no impact here.
How MVC works in CakePHP:
The router dispatches an incoming request to an appropriate Contoller.
The appropriate Controller function executes (no output, just fetching data, setting up variables).
The appropriate view is rendered. In fact, the output of the view is just contained in $content_for_layout.
What you really get back in the browser is in the layout. Therefore you can put your view's output into the layout by echo $content_for_layout in default.ctp. (Of course you can also have different layouts.) In addition, the layout can be enhanced with elements.
I really recomend the CakePHP CookBook, easily found from the CakePHP homepage. Modifying default.ctp should edit your applications layout.
A more specific question (eg. code samples of your default.ctp, expected results etc) might help people provide a better answer than mine.
