Viewer/Query Analyzer for SQLite databases [closed] - database

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been using SQLite databases for development for a while now and I thought it would be useful to just view the contents of the generated db file. Are there any good tools out there for viewing SQLite db files and/or tools for running queries against them?

Here are a few free tools:
SQLite Manager (Firefox plugin)
SQLite Administrator
SQLite Database Browser
I prefer SQLite Administrator, and occasionally use the Firefox version. There are other commercial options too.

SQLite Database Browser.

SQLite2009 Pro Enterprise Manager
It's free and it has a visual query builder just like professional database management tools.
Its list of features is:
Encryption Method compatible with wxSQLite3 (AES-128 bits) and
SQLite3 ADO.NET Provider (RSA-MS Crypt)
Syntax Highlight
Hex Viewer
Dump database to SQL file format
Unicode Support
Blob/Image viewer
Built-in FTS3 Extension
Built-in LUA Programming Language
Encrypted database support
Export recordset into excel, csv, xml and html format
Import data from MS Access, MS SQL server, MySQL and dBase III
Includes SQLite2010 Pro ODBC Driver
Includes Additional sqlite3 function (compress, decompress, crc32,
md5, lua_exec, etc)
Transactions supported
Visual Query Builder
Includes the user-contributed extension-functions from
Download it from its homepage (just scroll down to Freeware section)

Sqliteman - I was looking for something light and available on Fedora repo.

I was recently introduced to LINQpad . I might not have as many features as some of those above (though I haven't fully explored it yet). But it's pretty sweet, for a simple query interface that works.
Plus you can practice your LINQ with it too!

Here is another database viewer nobody has mentioned: SQLiteStudio


Opensource alternative to MATLAB database toolbox [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Requirement: An open source alternative to MATLAB database tool box.
Background: I have MATLAB provided at workplace but unfortunately it does not have Mathwork's Database toolbox licensed.
Research done: Though I am newbie but I have searched quite a bit on internet and what I found working for me is demo version of DBtool box Dbtool( However, the demo version of DB toolbox works fine only on small databases. But whenever I use it on large databases, I get 'time out error'.
Thanks for your help
I found my answer on
How to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (MSSQL) from Matlab?
However, not every approach works for me. Let me explain a bit further:
The JDBC driver usually work the best. But you must know which JDBC driver to use with your project. For MS SQL, sqljdbc4.jar works just fine. If you connect to MySQL or postgreSQL, make sure you google it for the proper driver. (mysql-connector.jar for mysql and postgresql.jdbc4.jar or postgreSQL)
I have also tried the COM method with success only through ODBC. Finding the correct connection string is really a pain. You also need to install a proper ODBC driver which related to your project. Setting up ODBC connection is actually easy. Once you have DSN set, you just use the connection string like
connectStr = 'DSN=newDSN';
Finally, if you decide to go with database toolbox (maybe not in your case), don't expect too much by using it. That toolbox just a wrapper for the above methods. You can definitely complete your project without using it at all.
Some alternatives to what's already been suggested:
ZozaniDB is a database toolbox providing connectivity to Sqlite and Mysql databases (Other database connections may also be possible if you have the JDBC connector). ZozaniDB is more than a database connection; it provides on-the-fly schema generation and allows you to get/insert data without using SQL. (Disclaimer: I'm the developer of ZozaniDB).
If you are looking for a way to connect to SQLITE, Mksqlite does the job.
There's also a Mysql mex file that you would need to compile first:
If you're working with MySQL you could try these submissions from the Matlab Central File Exchange. Neither require Database Toolbox. If you're not using MySQL, perhaps you could modify them to meet your needs.
Access a MySQL database

sql server client for mac [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for a SQL Server client that will run on Mac OS X. Ideally, I'd like something lightweight that allows me to easily browse the schema, run adhoc queries, highlight SQL syntax, etc.
I really like SQL Yog, so something like that would be perfect, any recommendations?
You may like SQLPro for MSSQL (App Store).
The app has a few neat features such as:
Syntax highlighting.
Tabbed based interface.
Support for executing multiple queries at once.
Quick access to tables, columns and more.
Query primary key detection and the ability to edit/delete/insert rows directory from query results.
Support for MSSQL 2005+ database, including those hosted on Azure.
NTLMv2 supported (but not required).
Netbios hostnames supported.
There is a seven day trial available via the website. If you purchase via our website, use the promo code STACK25 to save 25%.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer.
I would suggest you NAVICAT. It's not free but it's not that expensive either. Other than that, any JDBC based solution would work, although they might not be as lightweight as you may want. SQuirreL SQL is pretty good.
Have you tried Aqua Data Studio? It's not very lightweight but if the database is small it should handle it easily.
DBVisualizer. Been around for a while. Not the cheapest but has a lot of bell/whistles and works very consistently bet/ MAC and Windows.
Supports all commercial/popular DBs.
You may like Valentina Studio, which is FREE for its 80% of features. Some advanced features go as Pro Edition.
The app has a few neat features such as:
Syntax highlighting.
Tabbed based interface.
Support for executing multiple queries at once.
Quick access to tables, columns and more.
Support for MSSQL 2005+ database, including those hosted on Azure.
Have powerful Report Tools
Query Builder
Schema Editor
Diagram Editor, forward and reverse engineering
Data Editor with unique Related Tables feature
SQL Diff
Works in mac, win and Linux also. Natively. C++ app.
etc and etc
Disclaimer: I'm from Paradigma Software.

web front-end for database [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to know if there is some open source web front-end for databases.
I'd like something where queries can be executed from a web browser, only read-only queries are fine. If possible it would be great to be able to select with a gui the columns that are displayed as the result of the query.
As several people asked me, I use Oracle. I'd prefer open source to be able to customize if needed.
For MySQL, phpMyAdmin is the only open source tool I'm aware of. I'm not sure about other types of databases.
I've used one called myLittleAdmin for SQL Server, but it's a closed-source paid product. Probably not going to be much help there.
MySQL has phpMyAdmin, which is quite good.
For Oracle and SQL Server there's Maestro.
It depends on wich database you are going to use, i have used phpMyAdmin before and it is really nice.
phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
We use DBHawk from Datasparc. It has many features such as web based query builder, editor, SQL report builder etc. It is not open source, but Datasparc provides customization based on your needs. We are using it for our support team where we need to access many SQL Server/Oracle databases through a browser.
For a PHP/MySQL standard setup, I've found SQLBuddy to be a great (and free) little utility. It's really simple, has almost no install, and it is friendly to use. phpMyAdmin can be a bit overkill for some people especially if you're just messing around with the database and wanna check if your entries were inserted. Check it out.
Not good for you if you're using Oracle but as well as phpMyAdmin, there is also phpPgAdmin for us folks who use Postgres.

Is there anything as good as TOAD for Postgres (Windows)? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm just looking for a management tool like TOAD for Postgres. Anyone used a good one?
Edit - I work mostly within the data itself and the database already has a mature model/design. I use the edit windows the most (well, in TOAD for Oracle anyway.)
As far as I know, Toad only exists naturally for: Oracle, MS SQL, DB2 and MySQL...
Doesn't TOAD exist for several plattforms?
I'm using pgAdmin III which fills my needs so far.
Not sure if TOAD for specific DB versions is any different than TOAD for Data Modeler, but it appears that TOAD Data Modeler supports PostgreSQL, along with a few others.
If you're looking for something like SQL Server Management Studio, but for Postgres, how about EMS SQL Manager or Lightning Admin?
See the wiki:
TOra has some nice features and is supposed to be a lot like TOAD. Also, it is completely GPL so you can change the code yourself.
BTW: Toad is not OpenSource and is now only trialware (must re-install every 120 days). TOra is OpenSource so you don't have those issues.
I've used Navicat fairly extensively and successfully but only on a Mac. It has a Windows implementation that is, as far as I know, more feature rich than the Mac implementation.
I've had the odd data typing issue with it but, if you are not doing data modelling, that may not be an issue for you
Because you do not need to edit the database design, I suggest SQL Workbench/J. It is Java application. You can use GUI mode (which I prefer to) and console mode (if you like psql-like command console).
I use this app much more than pgAdmin III or pgAdmin 4 because it helps me to ease monitoring the database activity, deploying new version of DB app, etc.
Navicat for PostgreSQL is working really well for me natively.
I set up phppgAdmin for the teams general use and it has been quite valuea

Database functionality with WPF app: SQLite, SQL CE, other? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to extend a WPF application with database functionality. Which database engine would you suggest and why? SQLite, SQL CE, other?
Depending on the applications use, I would recommend using SQL Lite because it doesn't require you to install any other software (SQL CE or Express, etc. usually would require a separate install).
A list of the most important benefits for SQL Lite from the provider link at the bottom of this post:
SQLite is a small C library that
implements a self-contained,
embeddable, zero-configuration SQL
database engine. Features include:
Zero-configuration - no setup or
administration needed.
Implements most of SQL92. (Features
not supported)
A complete database is stored in a
single disk file.
Database files can be freely shared
between machines with different byte
Supports databases up to 2 terabytes
(2^41 bytes) in size.
Small code footprint: less than 30K
lines of C code, less than 250KB
code space (gcc on i486)
Faster than popular client/server
database engines for most common
Simple, easy to use API.
Self-contained: no external
Sources are in the public domain.
Use for any purpose.
Since you're using WPF I can assume you're using at least .NET 3.0. I would then recommend going to .NET 3.5 SP1 (sames size as .NET 3.5 but includes a bunch of performance improvements) which includes LINQ.
When using SQLite, however, you would want to use the following SQLite Provider which should provide LINQ support: An open source ADO.NET provider for the SQLite database engine
I used SQL Compact Edition with my WPF app and I'm happy with my decision. Everything just works (since WPF and SQLCE are both MS they play nicely together), and the installation of the runtime is small enough and smooth enough for my needs. I created and modified the database through visual studio.
Just to throw out a differing opinion, we've been using SQL Compact Edition for the last year and have been generally satisfied with. The configuration is cake and it behaves very similar to a regular MS SQL database. There are things missing, like triggers and stored procedures, but SQL 3.5 CE has virtually everything else we'd need. It's about 2Mb of .dlls to install. It offers database encryption, transactions, and supports VS's typed dataset designer (3.1 had some problems, but CE 3.5 is great!).
SQL CE DLLs can be packaged into your own application and need not require a separate install. But MS provides a default install package, if you dont want to learn about setup ...etc.
More ot it, SQL CE supports private deployment.
SQLite is a really nice product although I miss features from PostgreSQL. There are other, especially non-SQL, databases you may to consider like Berkeley DB.
I would agree that SQLite is the way to go.
Subsonic 2.1 now includes SQLite support as well.
