Writing a C Macro - c

I have to write a macro that get as parameter some variable, and for each two sequential bits with "1" value replace it with 0 bit.
For example: 10110100 will become 10000100.
And, 11110000->00000000
I'm having a troubles writing that macro. I've tried to write a macro that get wach bit and replace it if the next bit is the same (and they both 1), but it works only for 8 bits and it's very not friendly...
P.S. I need a macro because I'm learning C and this is an exercise i found and i couldn't solve it myself. i know i can use function to make it easily... but i want to know how to do it with macros.

#define foo(x,i) (((x) & (3<<i)) == (3<<i)) ? ((x) - (3 << i)) : (x)
#define clear_11(x) foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(x,8),7),6),5),4),3),2),1),0)
This will do the job. However the expansion is quite big and compilation may take a while. So do not try this at work ;)

#define clear_bit_pairs(_x) ((_x)&~(((_x)&((_x)>>1))*3))

#define clear_bit_pairs(_x) ((_x) ^ ((((_x)&((_x)>>1))<<1) | ((_x)&((_x)>>1))) )
This will work, but it does not pair up. If it finds the consecutive '1' it will just erase. for example 11100000 will become 00000000 because the first 111 are consecutive.

#define foo(x) ({ \
typeof(x) _y_ = x; \
for(int _i_ = 0; _i_ < (sizeof(typeof(x)) << 3) + 1; _i_++) { \
if((_y_ >> _i_ & 3) == 3) { \
_y_ &= ~(3 << _i_); \
} \
} \
_y_; \
This probably only works in GCC, since it uses inline statements. I haven't tested it, so it probably doesn't work at all. It is your job to make it work. :-)
The nice thing about this is that it will work with any integral type. It also doesn't rely on any external functions. The downside is that it is not portable. (And I realize that this is sort of cheating.)


Use macro with token-pasting operator

I am facing a problem while making a code more general, I want to replace hardcoded values with macro but I am facing this issue :
Original code :
#define io_dir_in(port, pin) NRF_P##port->PIN_CNF[pin] = (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) + (GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos)
io_dir_in(0, 0);
I added :
#define A_Port 0
#define A_Pin 0
And replaced :
io_dir_in(A_Port, A_Pin);
But I get the error identifer "NRF_PA_Port" is undefined because NRF_P and A_Port are getting concatenated. Anyway to make it work ?
The problem is that "concatenation of tokens" is done before an expansion of tokens. You need to add an extra step of expansion in between.
#define io_dir_in_impl(port, pin) NRF_P##port->PIN_CNF[pin] = (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) + (GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos)
#define io_dir_in(port, pin) io_dir_in_impl(port, pin)
Now before io_dir_in_impl() is expanded all its arguments are expanded. Thus A_Port will be replaced with 0.
With this tweak io_dir_in(A_Port, A_Pin); expands as:

Question about syntax of a C function I found [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does the comma operator , do?
(8 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm looking through this project klib, and in one of the files (kseq.h, 75-77), there is macros this function:
#ifndef kroundup32
#define kroundup32(x) (--(x), (x)|=(x)>>1, (x)|=(x)>>2, (x)|=(x)>>4, (x)|=(x)>>8, (x)|=(x)>>16, ++(x))
How does this function work? Does it return 7 things? I have an idea of the basic operations inside, I just don't get what is the form of its operation or output.
Normally you'd define this as a function and let the compiler figure out the rest, but if you're implementing it as a macro you need to consider the context.
Remember macros get expanded in the source, so they need to be syntactically valid in the context they appear. Within a function call you can't use ;, so , is used instead as a substitute.
Like this function might be called:
int v = 5 + 3 << 2;
if (other_fn(kroundup(v)) { ... }
Where using ; there would obviously break things badly. It needs ,:
if (other_fn((--(v), (v)|=(v)>>1, (v)|=(v)>>2, (v)|=(v)>>4, (v)|=(v)>>8, (v)|=(v)>>16, ++(v))) { ... }
Now the (x) part is a tradition to handle complex expressions:
if (other_fn(kroundup(5 + 3 << 2)) { ... }
Yet it doesn't handle those correctly due to using operators like -- that make no sense on anything but variables:
if (other_fn((--(5 + 3 << 2), (5 + 3 << 2)|=(5 + 3 << 2)>>1, ..., ++(5 + 3 << 2))) { ... }
It should be just x in the macro to catch problems like this.
In all honesty this macro shouldn't exist, the macro is just a terrible idea because it's buggy, it impedes understanding, and you should just let the compiler inline it as a regular function it if it thinks it can, like this:
int kroundup32(x) {
x |= x>>1;
x |= x>>2;
x |= x>>4;
x |= x>>8;
x |= x>>16;
return x;
Where that is way more readable.

Macro for run-once conditioning

I am trying to build a macro that runs a code only once.
Very useful for example if you loop a code and want something inside to happen only once. The easy to use method:
static int checksum;
for( ; ; )
if(checksum == 0) { checksum == 1; // ... }
But it is a bit wasteful and confusing. So I have this macros that use checking bits instead of checking true/false state of a variable:
#define CHECKSUM(d) static d checksum_boolean
#define CHECKSUM_IF(x) if( ~(checksum_boolean >> x) & 1) \
{ \
checksum_boolean |= 1 << x;
#define CHECKSUM_END }1
The 1 at the end is to force the user to put semi-colon at the end. In my compiler this is allowed.
The problem is figuring out how to do this without having the user to specify x (n bit to be checked).
So he can use this:
CHECKSUM(char); // 7 run-once codes can be used
for( ; ; )
// code..
Ideas how can I achieve this?
I guess you're saying you want the macro to somehow automatically track which bit of your bitmask contains the flag for the current test. You could do it like this:
#define CHECKSUM(d) static d checksum_boolean; \
d checksum_mask
#define CHECKSUM_START do { checksum_mask = 1; } while (0)
#define CHECKSUM_IF do { \
if (!(checksum_boolean & checksum_mask)) { \
checksum_boolean |= checksum_mask;
#define CHECKSUM_END \
} \
checksum_mask <<= 1; \
} while (0)
#define CHECKSUM_RESET(i) do { checksum_boolean &= ~((uintmax_t) 1 << (i)); } while (0)
Which you might use like this:
CHECKSUM(char); // 7 run-once codes can be used
for( ; ; )
// code..
// other code..
Note, however, that that has severe limitations:
The CHECKSUM_START macro and all the corresponding CHECKSUM_IF macros must all appear in the same scope
Control must always pass through CHECKSUM_START before any of the CHECKSUM_IF blocks
Control must always reach the CHECKSUM_IF blocks in the same order. It may only skip a CHECKSUM_IF block if it also skips all subsequent ones that use the same checksum bitmask.
Those constraints arise because the preprocessor cannot count.
To put it another way, barring macro redefinitions, a macro without any arguments always expands to exactly the same text. Therefore, if you don't use a macro argument to indicate which flag bit applies in each case then that needs to be tracked at run time.

Can you perform fixed-length bit reversal in #defines / preprocessor directives?

I am writing C code (not c++) for a target with very limited ROM, but I want the code to be easy to customize for other similar targets with #defines. I have #defines used to specify the address and other values of the device, but as a code-saving technique, these values are necessary bitwise reversed. I can enter these by first manually reversing them, but this would be confusing for future use. Can I define some sort of macro that performs a bitwise reversal?
As seen here (Best Algorithm for Bit Reversal ( from MSB->LSB to LSB->MSB) in C), there is no single operation to switch the order in c. Because of this, if you were to create a #define macro to perform the operation, it would actually perform quite a bit of work on each use (as well as significantly increasing the size of your binary if used often). I would recommend manually creating the other ordered constant and just using clear documentation to ensure the information about them is not lost.
I think something like this ought to work:
#define REV2(x) ((((x)&1)<<1) | (((x)>>1)&1))
#define REV4(x) ((REV2(x)<<2) | (REV2((x)>>2)))
#define REV8(x) ((REV4(x)<<4) | (REV4((x)>>4)))
#define REV16(x) ((REV8(x)<<8) | (REV8((x)>>8)))
#define REV32(x) ((REV16(x)<<16) | (REV16((x)>>16)))
It uses only simple operations which are all safe for constant expressions, and it's very likely that the compiler will evaluate these at compile time.
You can ensure that they're evaluated at compile time by using them in a context which requires a constant expression. For example, you could initialize a static variable or declare an enum:
enum {
For the sake of readable code I'd not recommend it, but you could do something like
#define NUMBER 2
#define BIT_0(number_) ((number_ & (1<<0)) >> 0)
#define BIT_1(number_) ((number_ & (1<<1)) >> 1)
#define REVERSE_BITS(number_) ((BIT_1(number_) << 0) + (BIT_0(number_) << 1))
int main() {
printf("%d --> %d", NUMBER, REVERSE_BITS(NUMBER));
There are techniques for this kind of operation (see the Boost Preprocessor library, for example), but most of the time the easiest solution is to use an external preprocessor written in some language in which bit manipulation is easier.
For example, here is a little python script which will replace all instances of #REV(xxxx)# where xxxx is a hexadecimal string with the bit-reversed constant of the same length:
import re
import sys
reg = re.compile("""#REV\(([0-9a-fA-F]+)\)#""")
def revbits(s):
return "0X%x" % int(bin(int(s, base=16))[-1:1:-1].ljust(4*len(s), '0'), base=2)
for l in sys.stdin:
sys.stdout.write(reg.sub(lambda m: revbits(m.group(1)), l))
And here is a version in awk:
awk 'BEGIN{R["0"]="0";R["1"]="8";R["2"]="4";R["3"]="C";
function bitrev(x, i, r) {
r = ""
for (i = length(x); i; --i)
r = r R[substr(x,i,1)]
return r
{while (match($0, /#REV\([[:xdigit:]]+\)#/))
$0 = substr($0, 1, RSTART-1) "0X" bitrev(substr($0, RSTART+5, RLENGTH-7)) substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH)
}1' \
<<<"foo #REV(23)# yy #REV(9)# #REV(DEADBEEF)#"
foo 0X32 yy 0X9 0Xfeebdaed

Calculating parity bit with the preprocessor (parity functional style with call by ref)

Consider I want to generate parities at compile time. The parity calculation is given literal constants and with any decent optimizer it will boil down to a single constant itself. Now look at the following parity calculation with the C preprocessor:
#define PARITY16(u16) (PARITY8((u16)&0xff) ^ PARITY8((u16)>>8))
#define PARITY8(u8) (PARITY4((u8)&0x0f) ^ PARITY4((u8)>>4))
#define PARITY4(u4) (PARITY2((u4)&0x03) ^ PARITY2((u4)>>2))
#define PARITY2(u2) (PARITY1((u2)&0x01) ^ PARITY1((u2)>>1))
#define PARITY1(u1) (u1)
int message[] = { 0x1234, 0x5678, PARITY16(0x1234^0x5678));
This will calculate the parity at compile time, but it will produce an enormous amount of intermediate code, expanding to 16 instances of the expression u16 which itself can be e.g. an arbitrary complex expression. The problem is that the C preprocessor can't evaluate intermediary expressions and in the general case only expands text (you can force it to do integer arithmetic in-situ but only for trivial cases, or with gigabytes of #defines).
I have found that the parity for 3 bits can be generated at once by an arithmetic expression: ([0..7]*3+1)/4. This reduces the 16-bit parity to the following macro:
#define PARITY16(u16) ((4 & ((((u16)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>3)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>6)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>9)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>12)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>15)&1)*3+1))) >> 2))
which expands u16only 6 times. Is there an even cheaper (in terms of number of expansions) way, e.g. a direct formula for a 4,5,etc. bit parity? I couldn't find a solution for a linear expression of the form (x*k+d)/m for acceptable (non-overflowing) values k,d,m for a range > 3 bits. Anyone out there with a more clever shortcut for preprocessor parity calculation?
Is something like this what you are looking for?
The following "PARITY16(u16)" preprocessor macro can be used as a literal constant in structure assignments, and it only evaluates the argument once.
/* parity.c
* test code to test out bit-twiddling cleverness
* 2013-05-12: David Cary started.
// works for all 0...0xFFFF
// and only evalutes u16 one time.
#define PARITYodd33(u33) \
( \
((((((((((((((( \
(u33) \
&0x555555555)*5)>>2) \
&0x111111111)*0x11)>>4) \
&0x101010101)*0x101)>>8) \
&0x100010001)*0x10001)>>16) \
&0x100000001)*0x100000001)>>32) \
#define PARITY16(u16) PARITYodd33(((unsigned long long)u16)*0x20001)
// works for all 0...0xFFFF
// but, alas, generates 16 instances of u16.
#define PARITY_16(u16) (PARITY8((u16)&0xff) ^ PARITY8((u16)>>8))
#define PARITY8(u8) (PARITY4((u8)&0x0f) ^ PARITY4((u8)>>4))
#define PARITY4(u4) (PARITY2((u4)&0x03) ^ PARITY2((u4)>>2))
#define PARITY2(u2) (PARITY1((u2)&0x01) ^ PARITY1((u2)>>1))
#define PARITY1(u1) (u1)
int message1[] = { 0x1234, 0x5678, PARITY16(0x1234^0x5678) };
int message2[] = { 0x1234, 0x5678, PARITY_16(0x1234^0x5678) };
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int errors = 0;
int i=0;
printf(" Testing parity ...\n");
printf(" 0x%x = message with PARITY16\n", message1[2] );
printf(" 0x%x = message with PARITY_16\n", message2[2] );
for(i=0; i<0x10000; i++){
int left = PARITY_16(i);
int right = PARITY16(i);
if( left != right ){
printf(" 0x%x: (%d != %d)\n", i, left, right );
return 0;
printf(" 0x%x errors detected. \n", errors );
} /* vim: set shiftwidth=4 expandtab ignorecase : */
Much like the original code you posted, it pairs up bits and (in effect) calculates the XOR between each pair, then from the results it pairs up the bits again, halving the number of bits each time until only a single parity bit remains.
But is that really what you wanted ?
Many people say they are calculating "the parity" of a message.
But in my experience, most of the time they are really generating
a error-detection code bigger than a single parity bit --
a LRC, or a CRC, or a Hamming code, or etc.
further details
If the current system is compiling in a reasonable amount of time,
and it's giving the correct answers, I would leave it alone.
Refactoring "how the pre-processor generates some constant"
will produce bit-for-bit identically the same runtime executable.
I'd rather have easy-to-read source
even if it takes a full second longer to compile.
Many people use a language easier-to-read than the standard C preprocessor to generate C source code.
See pycrc, the character set extractor, "using Python to generate C", etc.
If the current system is taking way too long to compile,
rather than tweak the C preprocessor,
I would be tempted to put that message, including the parity, in a separate ".h" file
with hard-coded constants (rather than force the C pre-processor to calculate them every time),
and "#include" that ".h" file in the ".c" file for the embedded system.
Then I would make a completely separate program (perhaps in C or Python)
that does the parity calculations and
prints out the contents of that ".h" file as pre-calculated C source code,
something like
print("int message[] = { 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x };\n",
M[0], M[1], parity( M[0]^M[1] ) );
and tweak my MAKEFILE to run that Python (or whatever) program to regenerate that ".h" file
if, and only if, it is necessary.
As mfontanini says, an inline function is much better.
If you insist on a macro, you can define a temporary variable.
With gcc, you can do it and still have the macro which behaves as an expression:
#define PARITY(x) ({int tmp=x; PARITY16(tmp);})
If you want to stick to the standard, you have to make the macro a statement:
#define PARITY(x, target) do { int tmp=x; target=PARITY16(tmp); } while(0).
In both cases, you can have ugly bugs if tmp ends up a name used in the function (even worse - used within the parameter passed to the macro).
