Facebook Connect in Silverlight - silverlight

Is there a good way to get Facebook Connect onto a Silverlight page? All I really need is simple authorization/registration. I've looked into the facebook developer toolkit, but the documentation is more or less non-existent for Silverlight, and I didn't really get anywhere with it.
Is there a good tutorial or a working library for adding Facebook Connect into a Silverlight app? Or is the best way to run Silverlight in Windowwless mode with HTML overlayed on top?

Are you looking for something like that? http://apps.facebook.com/chatmotion/
Before developing this small test app i took a look at these samples: http://facebooktoolkit.codeplex.com/releases/view/39727
Make sure to download the newest source code of the Facebook Development Kit for .NET and build it yourself since the release version(January) didn't work for me correctly.
Let me know if you have any problems.

I've decided to use the WebBrowser control that was added in Silverlight 4 to accomplish this.


How to use chromium engine inside google chrome to render my application

I wonder if it is possible to use chromium engine inside google chrome or the google chrome itself to render a web page inside my WPF application instead of using traditional WebView (because it's the IE engine and it's awful -_-) or implementing CEFSharp (because it uses about 200 MB of space only for the chromium engine)
so in this case I need the target pc to has installed google chrome or any other(firefox or ...)
Soooo ... is there any solution?
thanks in advance
I want to create applications based on web UI, - because of being easy and powerful - I know some providing this feature, e.g. CEF Sharp WPF or electron js but they include a full chromium engine with the app. I don't want this.
I want to create my app as light as possible, and my idea is to use chromium engine of a modern browser, that almost everyone has one.
For example, imagine that the user has installed google chrome.
first I locate the installation folder
I use chromium.exe -render path/to/file.html(imaginary) command to render my application UI.
finally bind the UI events to my native code. (e.g. c#(wpf) or any language that you can create desktop apps with it)
One solution is creating web apps by installing a website with the browser. but with that you cannot for example create or read some files in user pc, or any similar operation.
I'm looking for the most light-weight solution...
There is a new Chromium based WebView2 control that you can use to embed modern web content in your WPF application.
Please refer to the docs for more information about the prerequisites and how to use it:
Getting started with WebView2 in WPF
So, let's say that you want your UI to be rendered in a chromium environment(aka a browser)… right?
let's take a look at electron js:
it uses NodeJS as backend.
it uses an embedded browser for frontend.
the language used is JavaScript due to NodeJS.
So, you want to use the client's browser to render your frontend instead of embedding a browser inside it.
well, don't embed it!!
you can create a web application(e.g. opened by typing localhost:<port> in browser1) using NodeJS and handle your IPC(between frontend and backend) using ajax calls or a socket connection.
that way you are doing exactly what an electron app does, except that, electron uses a bundled browser.
now you made your app lighter, also if your client do have NodeJS installed, you don't need to bundle NodeJS!
--- inspired by jupyter notebooks ---
Possible Solutions
use NodeJS as backend.
use python and combine it with Flask or Django as backend. (I think this would be the most lightweight solution)
use PHP as backend. (the best, personal opinion)
use ASP.NET/Blazor as backend. (as mentioned in the comments; but doesn't seem to be a lightweight solution)
or use any language that you can create a web application with that!
make a runApp.bat or runApp.sh to simply run your server and open the browser automatically.

how to build a mobile website using html on ubuntu 12.04

I'm working on a simple mobile website for a hotel.they don't need much dynamic feature.most are simple HTML.So my question are as below.
I find it's hard to debug mobile website on Ubuntu.cause you know ,desktop browser are to big to show a mobile website.each time i need to put it on a server.then using a phone to test the mobile website.is't too annoy.is there a better way to do this?
On windows u have Dreamweaver to change the css style.but on Ubuntu can I find a tool like Dreamweaver?
is any any JavaScript code for animation for a mobile website.
Jquery mobile is a good js lib to create the basic element in webpages.but if I want to do some transition between pictures.how could I do that.
PS:if you want to use php to send a email to a email address how to do that?
In chrome you can emulate a mobile device, the viewport and user agent will adjust to desired device. In your developer tools you have something called Emulation where you can change your device.
To send a email with PHP, check the documentation:
Link to php docs
FWIW, I would reccomend you start with a resposive framework. There are plenty of great options, including Bootstrap , Foundation or Skeleton
From what you describe about your requirements, responsive is going to be a good fit for your client and you'll future-proof your design.
Then with a responsive design, you can test everything in a standard web browser by making the viewport or window wider or smaller.
Good luck!

Screen scraping silverlight browser application info

I'm registered to a site which uses a silverlight application that shows some personal information.
My goal is to be able to read some data from the silverlight application.
Is it possible?
I know that this could be done to a regular web page using curl.
but, what about silverlight application?
Does it store the information to a file or something like that?
You can use White, a tool for automating windows applications, to get information out of a running Silverlight application. White is mainly used to perform functional testing of applications, but it should allow you to extract information from the application as well.
Look here for an example of White and Silverlight: http://www.codeplex.com/wikipage?ProjectName=white

Is there a "Browser Control" to host a website inside Flash/Silverlight?

I'm looking for something similar to the VB6 / .Net Winforms "Browser Control", that let's you show a browser inside your application.
I don't want to just render a page, I want it to be a fully-functional browser, in which people can click links, will run Javascript, etc.
In essence, what I want is an IFrame, only that it runs inside a Flash app, or a Silverlight app.
The ultimate reason for this is that I want to defeat IFrame busters. I'm making a web app that lets you see other sites inside of it, and I'm running into a bunch of sites that have this code:
var t=top.location,w=window.location;if(t!=w) t.replace(w);
(that's from eBay BTW)
which essentially pops the user out of my site and into theirs.
My hope is that by using a "browser control" of some sort, inside a plugin sandbox, "top", will be top for that browser control, and not for my site.
Of course, if you have any other ideas to achieve the same, they'll be more than welcome.
Edit: I've tried the Component One control suggested by Bill, but it didn't work for these purposes, because it's creating an IFrame outside of the SilverLight control, so it executes in the same context as the page hosting Silverlight, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
Northcode SWF Studio allows you to add browser window on the stage in Flash. I personally use SWF Studio as a third party SWF2EXE tool to extend the power of Flash projectors. It's quite stable and powerful. As far as browser control is concerned here is the example you can download and test if it serves your purpose. Check the Browser APT here.
We've not built a component to enable folks to do this but we're open to suggestions here. That being said, easiest solution is an iFrame, but word of caution in that when you overlay an iFrame over the the top of Silverlight we've seen customers experience perf issues as a result (mostly due to alpha transparency of the iframe etc).
This isn't isolated to Silverlight, Flash suffers the same issue as it has to do with browsers and rendering within the given operating system.
Scott Barnes / Rich Platforms Product Manager / Microsoft.
I use the HTML control created by Component One. It has the limitation that the Silverlight object in the page should be set to windowless, but otherwise it works very well.
It's an old post but I'll add my tupence answer. I used the DivElements free control for Silverlight link text and it works quite nicely. It just positions the div accurately so that it looks like it's on top.
As for the other such controls, you've got to set the windowless property of the Silverlight container to true.
It works really well for me and I'm able to seemlessly have Google maps and the Acrobat plugin displayed side by side with my Silverlight application.
PS: because the component just adds a <div> to the page, you can't do stuff like having it load dynamically Javascript file like in the <header> tag.
PPS: when setting the HTML code "by hand", be sure to hook up on the DocumentReady or Loaded event before playing with the HTML DOM.
Hope that helps someone.

Is it possible to start a client-side app from Silverlight?

I have a simple company portal which allows users to start their apps from the browser. The URLs in the hypelinks are passed (using Javascript) to a signed applet to actually start the client-side apps. All clients are XP or Vista and all run IE6 or IE7.
I have recently been looking at Silverlight and am wondering if I could do something similar. Ideally, I'd like to do everything from Silverlight and get rid of the applet.
Is it possible to call client-side apps from Silverlight? Can I sign a Silverlight app to give it extra rights?
You can call javascript from silverlight just as use use javascript with links.
For example to call somefunction with parameter:
HtmlPage.Window.CreateInstance("somefunction", new string[] { "parameter1" });
There's a good video about Html Browser integration here
You should revisit this now that Silverlight 4 is out. You can see how to run an exe from HERE.
