How to detect desktop browser vs mobile device using wurfl? - mobile

I am planning to use Wurfl in a web application in order to distinguish between mobile device and desktop browser. The isMobileBrowser(String userAgent) from net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.utils seems the appropriate function to do that.
Nevertheless looking at the source code of the 1.0.1-rc3 I can see that if the user agent string does not contain the "Tablet" word, it always returns false. I was reading this article and I would like to use the fuzzy match that is described there to identify the devices. Could be possible that am I using the wrong function?, if that is the case could you please point me to the right direction?.
Also , do you know where can I find the source code for the 1.0.1-rc4?.

You have to use those capabilities:
if(is_wireless_device=false and device_claims_web_support=true) {
the request is from web browser

if($device->getCapability('is_wireless_device') == 'true')
{ //This is a mobile device }
{ // this is for a browser }
This is what I am using to do my mobile device vs browser detection... Works seamlessly at the moment.

We tweaked the wurfl.xml file for detecting desktop.
<device id="generic_web_browser" user_agent="DO_NOT_MATCH_GENERIC_WEB_BROWSER" fall_back="generic">
<group id="product_info">
<capability name="has_qwerty_keyboard" value="true"/>
<capability name="pointing_method" value="mouse"/>
<capability name="device_os" value="**Desktop**"/> <!--Added desktop OS-->
<capability name="model_name" value=""/>
<capability name="can_skip_aligned_link_row" value="true"/>
<capability name="device_claims_web_support" value="true"/>
<capability name="is_wireless_device" value="false"/>
<capability name="brand_name" value="generic web browser"/>
<capability name="can_assign_phone_number" value="false"/>
<capability name="release_date" value="1994_january"/>
We are using WURFL with Liferay plugin and this is working fine for me

As of the current Wurfl release there is a "is_tablet" parameter.
Wurfl Help Doc


Is it possible to create an integration cartridge for BM in the Saleforce for "Marchant Tools" using controllers, not pipelines?

I must create new cartridge for integration in BM but I don't want use pipelines. Can I use the controllers for this? If yes, please provide information on how to do this.
Yes, you can. You need to create the bm_extensions.xml and add all the actions/entries.
Note: The file mention pipeline but It can actually be a Controller as you can see in the example I linked below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<extensions xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" bmext.xsd">
<menuaction id="paypal_transactions_manager" menupath="orders" position="200" site="true">
<name xml:lang="x-default">PayPal Transactions</name>
<short_description xml:lang="x-default">Manage the PayPal transactions related with this site orders.</short_description>
<description xml:lang="x-default">Manage the PayPal transactions related with this site orders.</description>
<exec pipeline="PaypalAdmin" node="Orders" />
<pipeline name="PaypalAdmin-Orders" />
<pipeline name="PaypalAdmin-OrderTransaction" />
<pipeline name="PaypalAdmin-Action" />
<pipeline name="PaypalAdmin-CreateNewTransaction" />
PayPal Cartridge bm_paypal is a good example to understand how is done:
Ps: Let me know if you cannot access the link.

Fuse ESB/OSGI/Blueprint reading configuration files alphabetically?

I experience something rather strange and I would like to know if other people have experienced the same...
I am currently working on a project using jboss fuse (previously fuse esb) and we are using blueprint for our configuration files.
We use property place holders and have the following files under src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint:
In blueprint.xml we have something like this:
<bean id="myBean" class="com.test.MyClass">
<property name="prop1" value="${my.prop}" />
Then in properties.xml I have this:
<cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="" update-strategy="reload">
<cm:property name="my.prop" value="true" />
And I obviously have a setter for prop1 (which is a String) in MyClass.
But what I see is that when I deploy this, prop1 is set to "${my.prop}" instead of "true", i.e the variable never gets replaced with its defined value!
But now if I call the properties file aaa_properties.xml, it works!!
Is this a bug in the blueprint container?
Did any one else experience the same behaviour?
Thanks for your feedback :)
I found some information about Blueprint Configuration in Fuse ESB
It states:
If you need to place your blueprint configuration files in a non-standard location (that is, somewhere other than OSGI-INF/blueprint/*.xml), you can specify a comma-separated list of alternative locations in the Bundle-Blueprint header in the manifest
For Example:
Bundle-Blueprint: lib/account.xml, security.bp, cnf/*.xml
I suggest, can you please give this a try, and specify your xml files here, naturally in the correct ordering.

Spring Security 3.1 ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider returning partial result exception

I am trying to authenticate users to an Active Directory Instance using spring security, I am getting an Partial Results Exception. I am going around in circles trying to figure this out. Below is my config.
<authentication-manager erase-credentials="true">
<user name="" authorities="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR" password="123admin123" />
<authentication-provider ref="ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider"/>
<bean id="ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider"
<constructor-arg value="" />
<constructor-arg value="ldap://ldapurl:389/" />
<property name="convertSubErrorCodesToExceptions" value="true"/>
Error I am getting
org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 0
I am struggling to find examples and the documentation indicates I am working in the right direction.
This is from the logs 213 - Searching for entry under DN '', base = 'dc=myDomain,dc=com', filter = '(&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName={0}))'
and this is what I would expect that to look like on a successful attempt from some scripts that work
Searching for entry under DN 'OU=Users and Groups,DC=one,DC=two,DC=myDomain,DC=com', base = 'OU=Users and Groups,DC=one,DC=two,DC=myDomain,DC=com', filter = '(&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName={0}))'
Do I need to get the DN populated? How? I have looked through the ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider properties and don't see a way? Also the base is off but is the correct domain for users e.g Has anyone come across a similar problem?
To solve this I used the default LDAP provider which enables user search base to be specified, specifying the user search base and user search filter.
user-search-base="OU=Users and Groups,DC=abc,DC=myDomain,DC=com"
user-search-filter="userPrincipalName={0}" />
A user would then be logging in with but the usersearch base is more specific( I believe AD Spring was falling down due to this.

grails with JDO - how do I work with persistenceManager correctly

I am creating an application with google app engine and grails. I have a Controller set up for my Flex application to call. The Controller calls a service to get a list back and send it back to Flex.
The Flex client is able to get the data back one time. Also If I call the action in the browser I can call the action and get data back as well. The problem that I am finding is that it is not able to call it more than once because the app is using JDO and after the first call I get an error saying that the persistenceManager has been closed.
I have read some posts that show you how to set up a single ton and just get an instance of the persistanceManager when you need it but this does not seem to work either.
This is my first time working with JDO and I could use some advice one getting these services to work on a consistant bases.
Here is the code from the service that is actually querying the datastore.
package com.dlish.fulcrum
import com.dlish.fulcrum.PMF
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
import com.dlish.fulcrum.Show
class VenueBlastService {
static transactional = true
def grailsApplication
def setting
void afterPropertiesSet()
this.setting = grailsApplication.config.setting
def persistenceManager
def getAllShows() {
def query = persistenceManager.newQuery( Show )
def showInstanceList = query.execute()
return showInstanceList
The grails app-engine plugin creates the persistenceManager object in the request scope. By default, services are singletons, which means they are created once instead of per request. Thus, if you give your service a persistenceManager instance variable, the first request will have a valid persistenceManager, but all subsequent calls will have a closed persistenceManager, because your service is still referencing the manager from the first request.
There are two ways to fix this:
1) Change the scope of your service. You can do this by placing the following in your service class:
static scope = "request"
2) pass the persistenceManager from your controller to the service when you call the service method
This is very similar to my Controller's code. Except I don't use the transactional = true, why do you want this you're only doing a read? What version of the app-engine plugin are you using?
Here's my jdoconfig.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<persistence-manager-factory name="transactions-optional">
<property name="javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass"
<property name="javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL" value="appengine"/>
<property name="javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalRead" value="true"/>
<property name="javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalWrite" value="true"/>
<property name="javax.jdo.option.RetainValues" value="true"/>
<property name="datanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns" value="true"/>

What is the best practice for compiling Silverlight and WPF in one project?

I've just completed a Silverlight project and it's time to have a little clean up. I'd like to take my core files and put them into a separate project which I will reference from my main Silverlight app.
Some of these classes are compatible with WPF and I would quite like to be able to have Silverlight / WPF code all in one project. My ideal solution would be a single project that allows multiple configurations. So,
Configuration: Silverlight would generate:
Configuration: WPF would generate:
Is it possible to have the same source in the same file just seperated via defines?
Has anyone done this before?
Edit: I've created a solution per project, like MyCompany.Windows.Controls, which then contains 2 projects, MyCompany.Windows.Controls & MyCompany.Windows.Controls.Silverlight. Alongside those 2 folders I have a "Shared" folder, which contains files used by both projects. It works well so far :)
Update: goes to show that there is almost always an easier way. :-)
The first step is to use conditional compilation to segregate the Silverlight specific code. (I'm assuming that your "default" target with be WPF.)
Secondly, you'll need a build script that will compile the code for each platform, setting the appropriate defines and assembly references.
Take a look at the open-source Caliburn project. It does all this.
Here's an example from Caliburn's ExtensionMethods class.
public static T GetResource<T>(this FrameworkElement element, object key)
DependencyObject currentElement = element;
while (currentElement != null)
var frameworkElement = currentElement as FrameworkElement;
if (frameworkElement != null && frameworkElement.Resources.Contains(key))
return (T)frameworkElement.Resources[key];
currentElement = (LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(currentElement) ??
currentElement = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currentElement);
if (Application.Current.Resources.Contains(key))
return (T)Application.Current.Resources[key];
return default(T);
If you open Caliburn in VS and compile it, it complies against the standard framework. The references are for .NET 3.5 and WPF, not Silverlight. That is also why the pre-processing directives are "!SILVERLIGHT".
In your build script (Caliburn uses NAnt), you'll have a target that sets the defines for each platform, for example, Caliburn's Silverlight target is:
<target name="config-platform-silverlight20">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="silverlight-2.0"/>
<property name="build.platform" value="silverlight-2.0"/>
<property name="current.path.bin" value="${path.bin}/silverlight-2.0/${build.config}"/>
<property name="current.path.test" value="${path.bin}/silverlight-2.0/tests" />
<property name="current.path.lib" value="${path.lib}/Silverlight" />
Then here is the target that invoke the actual Silverlight build:
<target name="platform-silverlight20" depends="config">
<if test="${framework::exists('silverlight-2.0')}">
<echo message="Building Caliburn ${build.version} for Silverlight v2.0."/>
<call target="config-platform-silverlight20"/>
<copy todir="${current.path.bin}">
<fileset basedir="${current.path.lib}">
<include name="*.dll"/>
<include name="*.xml"/>
<call target="core"/>
<call target="messaging"/>
<call target="actions"/>
<call target="commands"/>
<call target="package-platform"/>
<if test="${not(framework::exists('silverlight-2.0'))}">
<echo message="Silverlight v2.0 is not available. Skipping platform."/>
Finally, here is an example of the "core" target that is responsible for producing the Caliburn.Core.dll:
<target name="core" depends="config, ensure-platform-selected">
<mkdir dir="${current.path.bin}"/>
<csc keyfile="${path.src}/Caliburn.snk" noconfig="true" warnaserror="false" target="library" debug="${build.debug}" optimize="${build.optimize}" define="${build.defines}"
<sources basedir="${path.src}">
<include name="${build.asminfo}"/>
<include name="Caliburn.Core/**/*.cs"/>
<references basedir="${current.path.bin}">
<include name="mscorlib.dll"/>
<include name="System.dll"/>
<include name="System.Core.dll"/>
<include name="PresentationCore.dll"/>
<include name="PresentationFramework.dll"/>
<include name="WindowsBase.dll"/>
<include name="System.Windows.dll" />
<warning number="1584"/>
Notice the way it's referencing the necessary assemblies.
You'll probably need to edit your NAnt.exe.config (if you are using NAnt) to match the correct version of the Silverlight framework. For Silverlight RTW, the framework version will be 2.0.31005.0.
I haven't tried it myself (still trying to find the time to play with Silverlight), but couldn't you have one solution with two projects, one targetting Silverlight and the other targetting .NET 3.5, and add the common class files to each project as Links (right-click the project, Add Existing Item..., Add as Link)?
** Update: See Mark's answer below regarding the Project Linker. I've been using this in my multi-targetted composite application with the PRISM 2.0 CAL and it's a beautiful thing. I don't think this existed in PRISM 1.0?
You should check out "patterns & practices: Composite WPF and Silverlight"
It has quick starts with WPF/Silvelight versions of the same app in one solution.
Also a "Project Linker" that updates the source of your WPF app when you change Silverlight code (or vice versa) using linking. It can be overridden when you have version specific code.
The examples are still a little rough around the edges but it may give you an idea of how to go about your project.
