Macros giving problems with dladdr() - c

I have implemented tracing behavior using the -finstrument-functions option of gcc and this (simplified) code:
void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site)
Dl_info di;
if(dladdr(this_fn, &di))
printf("entered %s\n", (di.dli_sname?di_dli_sname:"<unknown>"));
This works great, except for one thing: macros are processed as well, but the function prints the information of the function which contains the macro.
So functions containing macros have their information printed multiple times (which is of course undesired).
Is there anything to detect that a macro is being processed? Or is is possible to turn off instrumenting macros at all?
PS Same problems occur with sizeof()
Edit: To clarify: I am looking for a solution to prevent macros messing with the instrumented functions (which they should not be doing). Not for methods to trace macros, functions and/or other things.

Macros are expanded inline by the preprocessor, therefore there is no way to distinguish between a function called directly from the code and called from a macro.
The only possible way around this would be to have your macros set a global flag, which your tracing function will check.
This is of course less than foolproof, since any calls done by a function called from a macro will also appear the same way.

If you really want to dig into it you can see my response to breakdown c++ code size. C++ templates are really just more formal macros, so this may work for you.
It also may not, since LINE and FILE within a macro correspond to the caller.
from my comment on this:
$ gcc -E foo.c | gcc -x c-cpp-output -c -finstrument-functions - -o foo.o
preprocess piped into gcc expecting preprocessed input on standard input


How can I tell which defines are missing in a C file, not via compilation failure?

I have a C file (for simplicity, assume it includes nothing). This C files requires several definitions of literal numbers to compile properly - and I want to figure out which definitions these are.
Naturally, one can try to compile the file, and at some point we would start to get failures; with some failure recovery, we might get failure notifications about additional defines. But - that's not what I want:
I'm not interested in completing the compilation of the program. Building a syntax tree (or even a simplified syntax tree of some kind) should be enough.
I can assume that, other than missing macros, the program is syntactically correct. Which, for C, should means it's syntactically correct, period.
I can assume that the relevant macros are all in uppercase, i.e. they have the form [A-Z][A-Z_0-9]* ).
What are my alternatives for getting the list of undefined macros?
Motivation: In reality, I'm feeding something into a dynamic compilation library, and I want to check beforehand if all necessary macros have been defined, without knowing a priori which macros the file needs (i.e. it could be different ones for different input files).
The ugly fallback solution:
Obviously, your fallback is to just compile the program. But - do so while minimizing irrelevant messages and irrelevant. This will be compiler-dependent, but with GCC for example, you can:
Avoid any output generation
Suppress warnings
Suppress notes
Be strictly standard-compliant, no GNU extensions
Disable the use of those dumb fancy quotation marks GCC insists on using
... using various command-line switches and when making it take input from the standard input stream rather than a file (only way I've found so far to suppress some of the notes). That looks like:
cat your_program.c \
| LC_CTYPE=C gcc -std=c99 -fsyntax-only -x c -fcompare-debug-second -
and the output could look like:
<stdin>: In function 'mult':
<stdin>:3:18: error: 'MY_CONSTANT' undeclared (first use in this function)
Now, if your program is correct other than the undefined macros (= undeclared identifiers), then you can easily parse the above with a bit of shell scripting:
cat your_program.c \
| LC_CTYPE=C gcc -std=c99 -fsyntax-only -x c -fcompare-debug-second - \
| sed -r '/error: /!d; s/^.*error: '"'//; s/'.*//;" \
| sort -u
This has the further disadvantage of not being fully embeddable into your program, i.e. you can't invoke the partial compilation using some library in some program of yours, then programmatically parse the output. You would need a system()-type call.
Note: If your program can have other errors, the pattern for dropping the line in the sed command will need to be a little more specific.
You could use something around the idea that every identifier-like non-keyword outside a comment in a C file must be declared somewhere. (I think! Is that correct?)
The basic idea is to generate a list of such identifiers and search the program and then the included headers for a declaration of each. While this can be done by hand and ad-hoc it probably makes sense to index all potential header files and to use something like ctags for indexing as well as finding (there is a libctags, as I just learned).
I assume that the solution doesn't have to be perfect — missed cases will simply fail compilation — but that you want to reduce such cases. In that case the parsing of the source code for identifiers does not have to be perfect (it can ignore nested comments etc.) and can probably be done "manually" with acceptable effort.

Cpp : How to understand and/or debug complex macros?

I am trying to learn preprocessor tricks that I found not so easy (Can we have recursive macros?, Is there a way to use C++ preprocessor stringification on variadic macro arguments?, C++ preprocessor __VA_ARGS__ number of arguments, Variadic macro trick, ...). I know the -E option to see the result of the preprocessor whole pass but I would like to know, if options or means exist to see the result step by step. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to follow what happens when a macro calls a macro that calls a macro ... with the mechanism of disabling context, painting blue ... In brief, I wonder if a sort of preprocessor debugger with breakpoints and other tools exists.
(Do not answer that this use of preprocessor directives is dangerous, ugly, horrible, not good practices in C, produces unreadable code ... I am aware of that and it is not the question).
Yes, this tool exists as a feature of Eclipse IDE. I think the default way to access the feature is to hover over a macro you want to see expanded (this will show the full expansion) and then press F2 on your keyboard (a popup appears that allows you to step through each expansion).
When I used this tool to learn more about macros it was very helpful. With just a little practice, you won't need it anymore.
In case anyone is confused about how to use this feature, I found a tutorial on the Eclipse documentation here.
This answer to another question is relevant.
When you do weird preprocessor tricks (which are legitimate) it is useful to ask the compiler to generate the preprocessed form (e.g. with gcc -C -E if using GCC) and look into that preprocessed form.
In practice, for a source file foo.c it makes (sometimes) sense to get its preprocessed form foo.i with gcc -C -E foo.c > foo.i and look into that foo.i.
Sometimes, it even makes sense to get that foo.i without line information. The trick here (removing line information contained in lines starting with #) would be to do:
gcc -C -E foo.c | grep -v '^#' > foo.i
Then you could indent foo.i and compile it, e.g. with gcc -Wall -c foo.i; you'll get error locations in the preprocessed file and you could understand how you got that and go back to your preprocessor macros (or their invocations).
Remember that the C preprocessor is mostly a textual transformation working at the file level. It is not possible to macro-expand a few lines in isolation (because prior lines might have played with #if combined with #define -perhaps in prior #include-d files- or preprocessor options such as -DNDEBUG passed to gcc or g++). On Linux see also feature_test_macros(7)
A known example of expansion which works differently when compiled with or without -DNDEBUG passed to the compiler is assert. The meaning of assert(i++ > 0) (a very wrong thing to code) depends on it and illustrates that macro-expansion cannot be done locally (and you might imagine some prior header having #define NDEBUG 1 even if of course it is poor taste).
Another example (very common actually) where the macro expansion is context dependent is any macro using __LINE__ or __COUNTER__
NB. You don't need Eclipse for all that, just a good enough source code editor (my preference is emacs but that is a matter of taste): for the preprocessing task you can use your compiler.
The only way to see what is wrong with your macro is to add the option which will keep the temporary files when compilation completes. For gcc it is -save-temps option. You can open the .i file and the the expanded macros.
IDE indexers (like Eclipse) will not help too much. They will not expand (as other answer states) the macros until the error occures.

Using standard function name in C

I am compiling one program called nauty. This program uses a canonical function name getline which is also part of the standard GNU C library.
Is it possible to tell GCC at compile time to use this program defined function?
One solution:
Now you have declaration of the function in some application .h file something like:
int getline(...); // the custon getline
Change that to:
int application_getline(...); // the custon getline
#define getline application_getline
I think that should do it. It will also fix the .c file where the function is defined, assuming it includes that .h file.
Also, use grep or "find in files" of editor to make sure that every place where that macro takes effect, it will not cause trouble.
Important: in every file, make sure that .h file included after any standard headers which may use getline symbol. You do not want that macro to take effect in those...
Note: this is an ugly hack. Then again, almost everything involving C pre-processor macros can be considered an ugly hack, by some criteria ;). Then again, getting existing incompatible code bases to co-operate and work together is often a case where a hack is acceptable, especially if long term maintenance is not a concern.
Note2: As per this answer and as pointed out in a comment, this is undefined behavior by C standard. Keep this in mind, if intention is to maintain the software for longer then just getting a working executable binary one time. But I added a better solution.
Note that you may trigger undefined behavior if the GCC header where standard getline is defined is actually used in your code. These are the relevant information sources (emphasis mine):
The libc manual:
1.3.3 Reserved Names
The names of all library types, macros, variables and functions that come from the ISO C standard are reserved unconditionally; your program may not redefine these names. All other library names are reserved if your program explicitly includes the header file that defines or declares them. There are several reasons for these restrictions:
and the C99 draft standard (N1256):
7.1.3 Reserved identifiers
Each header declares or defines all identifiers listed in its associated subclause, and
optionally declares or defines identifiers listed in its associated future library directions subclause and identifiers which are always reserved either for any use or for use as file scope identifiers.
No other identifiers are reserved. If the program declares or defines an identifier in a context in which it is reserved (other than as allowed by 7.1.4), or defines a reserved identifier as a macro name, the behavior is undefined.
If the program removes (with #undef) any macro definition of an identifier in the first
group listed above, the behavior is undefined.
Thus even the macro trick suggested in another post will invoke undefined behavior if you include the header of getline in your code.
Unfortunately, in this case the only safe bet is to manually rename all getline invocations.
C demands unique function names.
but you can use -fno-builtin or -ffreestanding gcc flags.
see description about this flags in gcc man page.
A common approach is to use prefixes which form some sort of namespace. Sometimes you can see macros used for this to make changing the namespace name easier, e.g.
#define MYAPP(f) myapp_##f
Which is then used like
int MYAPP(add)(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
This defines a function myapp_add which you can also invoke like
MYAPP(add)(3, 5);
This standards compliance issue started to bug me, so I did a bit of experimenting. Here's a 2nd answer, which is possibly better then the currently accepted answer of mine.
First, solution:
Just define macro _XOPEN_SOURCE with value 699, by adding this to compiler command line options
How exactly, that depends on applications build system, but one probably working way would be to define CFLAGS environment variable, and see if it takes effect when rebuilding:
Other alternative would be to add #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 699 before includes in every .c file of the application, in case it uses some esoteric build system and you can't get it added to compile options, but doing it from command line is by far preferable.
Then some explanation:
Man page of getline specifies, that getline is defined only under certain standards, such as if _XOPEN_SOURCE>=700. So, by defining a smaller value before including the relevant file, we exclude the library declaration. More information about these feature-test macros is found in GNU libc manual.
I expected there to be some linker issues too, but there weren't, and my investigation resulted this question here. To summarize, linker will prefer symbol from linked object files (at least with gcc), and will only look at dynamic libraries if it has not found symbol otherwise. So, since getline is not ISO C symbol, GNU libc documentation quoted in this answer seems to imply, that after using the _XOPEN_SOURCE trick of this answer, it's ok to use it in an application. Still, beware of other libraries using the POSIX getline and ending up calling application's function (probably with different parameters, resulting in undefined behaviour, probably a crash).
Here is a neat solution to your problem. The trick is LD_PRELOAD.
I have done the similar thing in one of my question post.See the following.
Hack the standard function in library and call the native library function afterwards
You can defined the getline() in the separate file. This will make the design clean too. Now, compile that c file;
$gcc -c -g -fPIC <file.c>.
This will create the file.o. Now, make the shared object of it.
-g for debugging.
-fPIC for position independent code. This will help to save the RAM SIZE. The text segment will be shared, if you specify the -fPIC option.
$gcc -shared file.o
Now, link your main file with this shared object.
gcc -g main.c -o main.out -lfile
while executing, use the LD_PRELOAD, this will use your library instead of the native API.
$LD_PRELOAD=<path to>/ ./main.out
If you like my answer,then please appreciate. I have done the similar kind of stuff, in my previous post Hack the standard function in library and call the native library function afterwards .

Linking libraries built with different preprocessor flags or C standards

Scenario 1:
I want to link an new library (libA) into my program, libA was built using gcc with -std=gnu99 flag, while the current libraries of my program were built without that option (and let's assume gcc uses -std=gnu89 by default).
Scenario 2:
libB was built with some preprocessor flags like "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED" to enable XPG4 features, e.g. msg_control member of struct msghdr. While libC wasn't built without those preprocessor flags, then it's linked against libB.
Is it wrong to link libraries built with different preprocessor flags or C standards ?
My concern is mainly about structure definitions mismatch.
Scenario 1 is completely safe for you. std= option in GCC checks code for compatibility with standard, but has nothing to do with ABI, so you may feel free to combine precompiled code with different std options.
Scenario 2 may be unsafe. I will put here just one simple example, real cases may be much more tricky.
Consider, that you have some function, like:
#ifdef MYDEF
int foo(int x) { ... }
int foo(float x) { ... }
And you compile a.o with -DMYDEF and b.o without, and function bar from a.o calls function foo in b.o. Next you link it together and everything seems to be fine. Then everything fails in runtime and you may have very hard time debugging why are you passing int from one module, while expecting float on callee side.
Some more tricky cases may include conditionally defined structure fields, calling conventions, global variable sizes.
P.S. Assuming all your sources are written in the same language, varying only std options and macro definitions. Combining C and C++ code is really tricky sometimes, agree with Mikhail.
The few times I have encountered structure definition mismatch was when combining C and C++ code, in these cases there was a clear warning that something terrible was happening.
Something like
/usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.3/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `tree' changed from 324 in /tmp/ccvx8fpJ.o to 328 in gpu.o
See that question.

Check whether function is declared with C preprocessor?

Is it possible to tell the C preprocessor to check whether a function (not a macro) is declared? I tried the following, but it doesn't appear to work:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
#if defined(printf)
printf("You support printf!\n");
puts("Either you don't support printf, or this test doesn't work.");
return 0;
No. Preprocessor runs before the C compiler and the C compiler processes function declarations. The preprocessor is only there for text processing.
However, most header files have include guard macros like _STDIO_H_ that you can test for in the preprocessor stage. However, that solution is not portable as the include guard macro names are not standardized.
If you look at tools like autoconf you will see that they go through many tests to determine what a computer has or doesn't have, to compile properly, then they set the correct #DEFINES.
You may want to look at that model, and that tool if you are on some flavor of unix, as what you want to do isn't going to be possible, as others undoubtedly are pointing out.
Strictly speaking no, the preprocessor can't do it on its own. However, you can give it a little help by creating appropriate #defines automatically.
Normally as was mentioned above, you'd use autotools if on a unix type system. However, you can also create the same effect using a makefile. I recently had cause to detect the "posix_fallocate" function being defined in headers, because I was using uClibc which seemed to omit it in earlier versions. This works in gnu make, but you can probably get a similar thing to work in other versions:
NOFALLOC := $(shell echo "\#include <fcntl.h>\nint main() { posix_fallocate(0,0,0);}" | $(CC) -o /dev/null -Werror -xc - >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo 0 || echo 1)
ifeq "$(NOFALLOC)" "1"
The preprocessor is a simple program and knows next to nothing about the underlying language. It cannot tell if a function has been declared. Even if it could, the function may be defined in another library and the symbol is resolved during linking, so the preprocessor could not help in that regard.
Since the preprocessor is not aware of the language C/C++ (it really only does text-replacement) I would guess that this is not possible. Why do you want to do this? Maybe there is another way.
